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Really simple; Tactics PVP stuff.


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Looking for a PvP stat guide/rotational priority thing. I'm a former top 50 world player in WoW, looking to get into this game's PVP scene.


Any advice is welcome!


I play Tactics.


If you are as good as you claim I think you can work out the base rotation from reading the skill tree as for the finer points all you really need to know is that:

Cell Burst is the majority of your burst, in order to maximize burst you typically want to apply assault plastic 2 GCDs ahead of Cell burst so that the assault plastic detonates at the same time as the Cell Burst goes off.


Note that since assault plastic is a time delay ability it is extremely telegraphed, a fact that experienced players will take advantage of. Most of the skill in playing tactics is in overcoming that limitation, however that is something that needs to be learned by experience.



As for gear, you'll want mostly surge enhancements. Crit vs Power in a controversial topic, but I refer running 3 crit mods and the rest are power.

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Hey man, I play AP PT so I'm assuming that gearing will be the same for you:

I'll use some PT terms so if anyone can convert to vanguard that would be cool.

First off your going to want to replace most of your stock mods / enchants on your basic reaver set.

There are a few ways to reach the desired stats but this is what worked for me:

Replace any other Mods with <Advanced Agile Mod 33x>

Next Replace any Other Enchants with < Advanced Adept Enchantment 33x>


That will give you a baseline to work with for Augmenting. :


Your goals are to get close to 93 % accuracy and 75% surge rating (Crit multiplier).

Next you'll go for 1450-1500 power.

Then finally fill out the rest with main stat Augs.


* oh side note. You need Focused Retribution / Serindipitous Assualt Relics and 2x combat Tech MK-X Package Implants


The 93% accuracy is so your rail shot will never miss when fully class buffed in PVp.

The 75% surge is for bigger burst in your auto-crits.

Power starts to hit Diminishig returns past 1500 so mainstay takes over after that point.


My current stats :

92.8% accuracy with 4 acc Augs

74.87 Crit multiplier with 0 surge Augs

1486 power with 4 power <overkill> Augs

2914 aim with 6 aim <reflex> Augs


Hope that helps out anyone looking to gear for PVp!

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Hey man, I play AP PT so I'm assuming that gearing will be the same for you:

I'll use some PT terms so if anyone can convert to vanguard that would be cool.

First off your going to want to replace most of your stock mods / enchants on your basic reaver set.

There are a few ways to reach the desired stats but this is what worked for me:

Replace any other Mods with <Advanced Agile Mod 33x>

Next Replace any Other Enchants with < Advanced Adept Enchantment 33x>


That will give you a baseline to work with for Augmenting. :


Your goals are to get close to 93 % accuracy and 75% surge rating (Crit multiplier).

Next you'll go for 1450-1500 power.

Then finally fill out the rest with main stat Augs.


* oh side note. You need Focused Retribution / Serindipitous Assualt Relics and 2x combat Tech MK-X Package Implants


The 93% accuracy is so your rail shot will never miss when fully class buffed in PVp.

The 75% surge is for bigger burst in your auto-crits.

Power starts to hit Diminishig returns past 1500 so mainstay takes over after that point.


My current stats :

92.8% accuracy with 4 acc Augs

74.87 Crit multiplier with 0 surge Augs

1486 power with 4 power <overkill> Augs

2914 aim with 6 aim <reflex> Augs


Hope that helps out anyone looking to gear for PVp!


Im glad i read this post, because i didnt know power has DR! Thank you so much!

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Im glad i read this post, because i didnt know power has DR! Thank you so much!


Its a complicated system where the point returns of power get less effective with each point, but not because of DR but rather because its a set 0.23/point. at 1500 power, you get less benefit (proportionally) per point than at 0 power


Also you need more than 93% accuracy for 100% on HiB in PvP.


95% is required for default defense

98% is required for AP/Tactics and (I think) IO/Assault

100% is required for Sorcs/Sages and Sins/Shadows

>100% is required for Tanks + People with defensive cooldowns.

Edited by TACeMossie
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Its a complicated system where the point returns of power get less effective with each point, but not because of DR but rather because its a set 0.23/point. at 1500 power, you get less benefit (proportionally) per point than at 0 power


Also you need more than 93% accuracy for 100% on HiB in PvP.


95% is required for default defense

98% is required for AP/Tactics and (I think) IO/Assault

100% is required for Sorcs/Sages and Sins/Shadows

>100% is required for Tanks + People with defensive cooldowns.


Hey Thanks for clearing that up!

I Just got my build from in game testing / talking to other rated PT's.

For example, id add an accuracy aug, play 10 games, if id miss anything, add another over main stat, test again, ect. Ended up that at 92.8% Im landing basicly all my attacks in arena (ignoring dcd's of course - youll never hit on roll or force bubble).

Would be awesome to know the real formulas and systems behind the build.

Edited by Harming
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Its a complicated system where the point returns of power get less effective with each point, but not because of DR but rather because its a set 0.23/point. at 1500 power, you get less benefit (proportionally) per point than at 0 power.


Could you elaborate on this? So the amount you get is exactly the same, regardless you high you get. So why do you get less benefit from it? If it's in proportion to Mainstat, shouldn't you get more benefit from it proportionally the higher you get since Mainstat has DR?

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Could you elaborate on this? So the amount you get is exactly the same, regardless you high you get. So why do you get less benefit from it? If it's in proportion to Mainstat, shouldn't you get more benefit from it proportionally the higher you get since Mainstat has DR?


If your bonus damage was 0, and you were level 60 (yeah I know this is impossible), then a power augment (+52 power) would be worth 3.94% extra DPS on a tech attack. Meanwhile, if your bonus damage is 1500, that same power augment is now only worth 0.83% extra DPS.


The graph can be achieved with any graphing program by putting in:


y = (331.058 + x)/(318.5 + x)


With y being the DPS increase from a single power augment, and x being the bonus damage (tech) at the current level. A ranged attack is a lot more difficult to calculate proportionally though, because of the weapon coefficient having a different value than the tech coefficient

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A lot of classes have cooldowns that raises their defense by 50-100%. In that case, their defense is so high that the difference between 90% acc or 100% acc is negligible. A giant chunk of missed attacks in pvp are not because you acc is not high enough to combat the baseline 5-10% defense, its because the enemy has a cooldown up that increases their defense by a giant amount and you will probably miss even with 100% acc.
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Everything Kwerty said is right. Basically the flat accuracy without bonuses is 90% for melee/ ranged and 100% for tech/ force. However the basic defense chance is 5% so when a player with 100% tech accuracy uses a tech attack against another player with the 5% defense chance the probability of the tech attack successfully hitting is 95%. So in order to have tech attacks hit 100% of the time with the defense chance factored in is to have 105% tech accuracy and 95% ranged accuracy. If you didn't know the tech/force accuracy is 10% more than melee/ranged accuracy and any bonuses to accuracy affect both equally.


It sounds like Harming was testing it out live and with 93% accuracy/ 103% tech accuracy, tech attacks would have a 98% probability of hitting when you factor in defense chance. So it's not as good as 100% but in actual play he might not have noticed the 2 out of 100 he potentially missed.


95% melee/ranged and 105% tech/force accuracy is probably your best bet overall. Some classes/ builds may have more than 5% defense chance hence the rest of what Kwerty was saying.

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Everything Kwerty said is right. Basically the flat accuracy without bonuses is 90% for melee/ ranged and 100% for tech/ force. However the basic defense chance is 5% so when a player with 100% tech accuracy uses a tech attack against another player with the 5% defense chance the probability of the tech attack successfully hitting is 95%. So in order to have tech attacks hit 100% of the time with the defense chance factored in is to have 105% tech accuracy and 95% ranged accuracy. If you didn't know the tech/force accuracy is 10% more than melee/ranged accuracy and any bonuses to accuracy affect both equally..

The flat 5% player defense is only M/R defense and does not affect F/T




If you are taking 95% accuracy or more on a Vanguard for PvP you are wasting stat.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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I want to slap you. The last thing this forum needs is more PvP VGs thinking they need accuracy.


Yeah I should have definately worded it better


Everything Kwerty said is right. Basically the flat accuracy without bonuses is 90% for melee/ ranged and 100% for tech/ force. However the basic defense chance is 5% so when a player with 100% tech accuracy uses a tech attack against another player with the 5% defense chance the probability of the tech attack successfully hitting is 95%. So in order to have tech attacks hit 100% of the time with the defense chance factored in is to have 105% tech accuracy and 95% ranged accuracy. If you didn't know the tech/force accuracy is 10% more than melee/ranged accuracy and any bonuses to accuracy affect both equally.


It sounds like Harming was testing it out live and with 93% accuracy/ 103% tech accuracy, tech attacks would have a 98% probability of hitting when you factor in defense chance. So it's not as good as 100% but in actual play he might not have noticed the 2 out of 100 he potentially missed.


95% melee/ranged and 105% tech/force accuracy is probably your best bet overall. Some classes/ builds may have more than 5% defense chance hence the rest of what Kwerty was saying.


Also only High Impact Bolt/Rail Shot and Rapid Shots/Hammer shots can miss. So ~90% of this post isn't true. The last sentence is though

Edited by TACeMossie
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Huh so in general tech/ force effects are not effected by defense? Like not specifically talking about this class, I thought that you wanted 105% tech/ force accuracy to overcome the baseline 5% defense chance on a tech/force heavy attack class like a sorc.


I thought that a decent amount of dmg from tactics/AP were tech based, I have a ST and never actually specced this but that's what I thought.


Edit: didn't see Crinn's post, then on a sorc for example you wouldn't take any extra accuracy at all or am I missing something?


Edit: Lol yet again. I understand now, but I guess for a mostly white damage class with a baseline of 91% wouldn't you really have to get accuracy up there?

Edited by GeneralTiphis
Misread previous post
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Look on your stats: Every class have just a 2% def against force or tech attack. As a sin and sorc i have it, but not 5%, it´s just 10% against melee and range, which is just your impact bolt, even the shockstrike is tech.


Uh, every class has 0% resistance, I have no idea hwere you are getting that 2% from.

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Edit: didn't see Crinn's post, then on a sorc for example you wouldn't take any extra accuracy at all or am I missing something?

You would take zero accuracy on a sorc because there is no base resistance to force attacks. Now there are some potent DcDs that affect Force attacks such as shroud and Sniper's diversion, however the amount of resistance given by those abilities is so high that no reasonable amount of accuracy would affect them in a practical manner.


Edit: Lol yet again. I understand now, but I guess for a mostly white damage class with a baseline of 91% wouldn't you really have to get accuracy up there?


No because you can't get enough accuracy. Nearly all misses in PvP are the product of defensive cooldowns. Since DcDs give extremely large amounts of defense, it's impossible to get enough accuracy to meaningfully affect one's hit rate.


When I ran my logs with my meta parser almost all non-basic M/R attacks came out around 87% hitrate (+- 2%) and this was true regardless of how much accuracy was being used.

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No because you can't get enough accuracy. Nearly all misses in PvP are the product of defensive cooldowns. Since DcDs give extremely large amounts of defense, it's impossible to get enough accuracy to meaningfully affect one's hit rate.


When I ran my logs with my meta parser almost all non-basic M/R attacks came out around 87% hitrate (+- 2%) and this was true regardless of how much accuracy was being used.


Finally a simple enough answer I always wondered about accuracy on PT/VG too.

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