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The Hypocrisy of Guild Summits


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this is cute. he has to be ineffective in a Huttball match by *********** around and being good for two stuns and a predation and still the score was 4-4 at the end.

I think it proves it really. You're "Everywhere" but where you probably should be. Useless mara, useless Sorc, and it makes me think what make you relevant to join up with DWBI?


At the end of the day, you couldn't listen to the one thing I asked you to do: you couldn't keep me out of your head. now you and your salty bunch of "PVPers" resort to kill squads to prove a moot point.


Thank you!

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this is cute. he has to be ineffective in a Huttball match by *********** around and being good for two stuns and a predation and still the score was 4-4 at the end.

I think it proves it really. You're "Everywhere" but where you probably should be. Useless mara, useless Sorc, and it makes me think what make you relevant to join up with DWBI?


At the end of the day, you couldn't listen to the one thing I asked you to do: you couldn't keep me out of your head. now you and your salty bunch of "PVPers" resort to kill squads to prove a moot point.


Thank you!


Plays around, still beats the ELITE Freya. Kudos.

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Hold the **** up. I don't queue dodge in ranked. If you're claiming that I do, I want to see the proof. If you don't have proof, sit the **** down. Unless you think me queue dodging dead eagles in regs is something worth calling me out over on the forums. Yes I have queue dodged them in regs because I didn't want to endure the uphill battle of going against some gay premade with only pugs on my team. But I have NEVER queue dodged ranked on BC. PERIOD. Don't accuse me of queue dodging unless you can *********** back it up with proof, buddy.
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This Packs Packet vs dead eagles fight is cute and all, good ol' BC drama is always fun (tbh I missed it). But you guys actually make me wonder, is this all about regs, or is there ranked stuff going on?


I guess regs because all they do is refuse to queue ranked? :confused:

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This Packs Packet vs dead eagles fight is cute and all, good ol' BC drama is always fun (tbh I missed it). But you guys actually make me wonder, is this all about regs, or is there ranked stuff going on?


We queue ranked twice a week. One night we Q a team. The other night we get 12-16 people in an ops group and solo Q to mix up teams.


We have never refused to Q besides literally missing a tank or healer online. If we have the people online (who are interested in doing ranked - not every Eagle is), we are happy to Q anytime. Just send us a whisper to gauge interest.

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We queue ranked twice a week. One night we Q a team. The other night we get 12-16 people in an ops group and solo Q to mix up teams.


Care to specify a date and time?

You've conveniently never been able to queue whenever we want you to. Just wondering when we should ask. :)

Edited by lmSlash
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Care to specify a date and time?

You've conveniently never been able to queue whenever we want you to. Just wondering when we should ask. :)


Never?... hmm interesting. You must have a bad memory. Because last week we played you in ranked 4 times and went 2-2 against each other.


The most common nights are likely Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. We run 16 man ops on Weds Fri and Sat, so those nights won't work.


Note: this is not a guarantee we will have everyone on each time, so don't run straight to the forums and whine if we happen to not queue some of these nights.

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What do the last few posts have to do with the server community or anything even remotely close to it? Nothing. Not that I care about it any more than you do (because no one cares about it).


This is Begeren Colony. This server THRIVES off drama, therefor doing the simple pea brain **** it can be determined that no drama on Begeren Colony (otherwise known as Burger King) that the server will die. Accept it and move on

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Im waiting for deagles to realize they are trash. They got beat by a ilum gank squad cause they accidentally q'd for ranked. The only time they have ever won in ranked is against a derp team that hadn't played ranked in a year, and then they have the audacity to claim they "Are the best guild". They don't do anything other than pvp, and even then they get farmed out of the ranked que and go back to regs, which even then they still get beat by pug groups. They have their little keyboard warriors typing their defenses, but in reality they know it won't change that they have only won like 2 out of the 10 games they have ever played in ranked, and those two wins where against a **** team. Don't get me wrong, some of their players are actually decent, but the majority of them are really just butthurt about the fact they can't move up from the regstar position like exiles. GGWP
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