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Not Enough Female Companions.


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the agent gets to bed Kaliyo earlier in his story than anyone else



I think her and Kira Carsen are the earliest who black out (Kira has more blackouts than Kaliyo LOL) the rest you black out at chap 3.



And Doc is a sleezeball

Edited by Azareya
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My Inquisitor would welcome a new female companion...preferably one leaning towards the dark side. So I can put that other lil annoying female on crafting duty. :D

My SI (OK, she's not a boy SI) doesn't use her healer companion at all.


It takes until nearly the end of Hoth, FFS to even get an in-story healer, so I'm used to playing DPS sin with Khem or Andronikos, so... And the stupid ((censored)) dropped out of my group when it mattered the most, in that stupid cave where the Hoth ghost isn't.



And yes, Ashara is annoying. 'Sfunny, lots of people hate on Kaliyo, and I can see *why*, but I actually like working with her, so much so that I rolled up a male Rattataki (?sp) agent to see how the romance would go. Ashara, on the other hand, annoyed me immediately.


There's such potential for a powerful turning-to-the-Dark-Side story, but it's wasted because it immediately becomes more of a sort of veering-vaguely-sort-of-towards-the-Light-Grey-Side thing. Bah.


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  • 6 months later...
I honestly think Bioware really dropped the ball when it comes to the companions. I mean 1.) Too many males, and if your playing a female character your lucky to get more then one to romance. 2.) Not enough female companions you honestly only get one (unless your sith warrior or imperial agent they get 2). Which honestly it sucks because you meet so many females that would make great companions. 3.) I understand not everyone should be romanced but damn Bioware did you have to do us like that, one choice is all you get (for male or female) there's no fun in that, I mean its a game. Wheres the choices to make it more believable that you are a unknown protagonist (be it republic side or empire side) that rolls through the galaxy face-wrecking missions and along the way you getting companions. But remember you are rolling around THE GALAXY!!!!!! at what point did it hit you creators/writers to think that one person is can be romanced and that would be ok? ITS NOT OK!!!!! There should be at least 2 to 3 companions you can romance. Why? Because its more fun and enjoyable and fun when it comes to the conversations/flirts. Lastly 4.) why are most of the companions that are romanceable are manly human sure there's a few that are alien ( 4 total for females and 2 for males). Once again where did the creators/writers think that was a good idea too? I mean whats wrong with having one male of every race to try to romance as well as one female of every race to try to romance (really mad that the one Cathar that is romanceable is male). Oh and if Bioware ever decides to step there game up and give us more companions to romance (which I doubt) give us the option to change them (no not there clothes customization that whole other topic) I mean if they are jedi and we are playing sith/empire let us corrupt them to the dark side, and yes the same goes for if your jedi/republic let us term them to the light. Overall when it comes to companions Bioware.......STEP IT UP!!!!!!!
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Well every female companion I believe is romanceable where as half the males are random unromanceable spiecies/ creatures. Blizz, Khem Val, Bowdar, Xalek, Broonmark, Skadge, Yunn, Tano Vik etc.



Overall I think it balances out, most of the unlikeable characters or ones you don't care for/ not supposed to care for are male where as all the female companions are generally likeable and more normal. So yeah the scales are balanced IMO.

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This is the way I'd break it down by class to balance gender distribution & romanceability (only counting humans & essentially near humans.) :


The Consular has 3 males vs. 1 female. Even on the romance.

Change Tharan to female and Holiday to male. Leave the one night stand, but don't add a full romance. Zenith becomes romanceable.


The Knight has 3 males vs. 1 female. Even on the romance.

Change Rusk to a non-romanceable female Chagrian.

Scourge becomes romanceable.


Smuggler has 1 male vs. 2 females. 1 male romance vs. 2 female.


Trooper has 2 males vs. 1 female. Even on the romance.

Change Vik to a non-romaceable Weequay female.

Inquisitor has 2 male vs. 1 female. Even on romance.


Warrior has 2 males vs. 2 females. 1 male romance vs. 2 female.

Make Pierce a full romance.


Agent has 2 males vs. 2 females. 1 male romance vs. 2 female.


Bounty hunter has 2 males vs. 1 female. Even on the romance.


So the original total is 17 males vs. 11 females. 8 romanceable males vs. 11 romanceable females. The new total would be an even 14/14 on gender and 11/11 on romances.


If people still think there aren't enough females, of the 8 remaining non-droids half can be changed. I'd suggest Broonmark, Blizz, & Yuun. For the 4th, either Qyzen or Bowdaar would be interesting.

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Nice necro, but nowadays, after KoFE, there is no crew on your ship any more, and there's lots of females you can (eventually) recruit. If you really wanted to you could recruit only the females. You don't have to recruit everyone. :)

You can't avoid recruiting Koth and Theron, although a little improvised demolition will de-recruit Mister Baggypants. You are, of course, stuck with Shoulder Boy.

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Personally I think there are enough females lol. What's really needed is a desirable, romanceable force user male...preferably someone who is at least an equal to the player character...like a Sith council member for a Sith council member, or Wrath :D
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Personally I think there are enough females lol. What's really needed is a desirable, romanceable force user male...preferably someone who is at least an equal to the player character...like a Sith council member for a Sith council member, or Wrath :D


Yeah I guess that's true personally I found that Scourge was way more interesting and obviously more powerful than the 4 Jedi girls...

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Personally I think there are enough females lol. What's really needed is a desirable, romanceable force user male...preferably someone who is at least an equal to the player character...like a Sith council member for a Sith council member, or Wrath :D


Why does being a force user make them more romancable? :D

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Why does being a force user make them more romancable? :D


We don't have a force user to romance, we just get non-force users. The guys get Nadia, Kira, Jaesa, and Ashara...who do the girls get? No one...The guys get plenty of each sort...non force user and force user.


I don't understand why the ladies don't get a male force user. It would be nice to have a little variety....


List is a bit off balance:


Girls (Non Force User choices) Quinn, Andronikos,Vector, Torian...Doc, Iresso, Corso and Aric. /Theron

Girls (Force users) No one. There is only Scourge and we can't romance him.


Guys (Non Force User choices) Vette, Kaliyo, Temple, Mako...Akaavi...Risha and Elara

Guys (Force using choices) Jaesa, Ashara, Kira, Nadia and Lana.

Edited by Lunafox
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Accents, turning off womens brains for centuries... :D


Not just women. ;) I met my fiance online 7 years ago and all he wanted for me was to talk. It didn't matter what I said, he didn't care if my pronunciation was off at times as long as I simply kept talking. And he still gets a kick out of it these days. :rolleyes:

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