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Predict what happens to the key companions, npc's in KotFE


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Looking forward of reading about your theories of what happens to people like Jace Malcolm, Satele, Scourge, Vitiate etc.


I really hope they won't kill Satele. They did a horrible job by killing Malgus imo, he could've been the leading villian for a long time. Besides, who else would lead the jedi if she was dead? I also hope Scourge won't return as a companion anymore. Lore-wise he was one of the most powerful sith's to walk around the galaxy at the time and ..



him staying with JK after presumebly killing the emperor at the end of act III makes no sense.



Anyway, discuss.

Edited by raunotonts
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Jedi should be all "We did it Scourge." right before giving him a lightsaber to the belly, "You know, we just couldn't let you live."



As a dark side jedi... Please follow me into this dark alley. :D


And no i'm not a fan of lord scourge... I just want to romance him and hug him. Totally not biased.

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Purely unrealistic guesswork/wish fulfilment speculation.



Seen in cinematic.


Kira Carsen - On the run, possibly working for the remnant of the SIS as an assassin, possibly a freelance rebel.

Doc - Probably when we first meet him, he'll appear to have defected, following the main chance- and may even have betrayed us and got us frozen. It'll later turn out to be a ruse, and he's actually undercover, but then later turn out that he's being a double agent and really *has* betrayed the Republic and Empire to the Zakuul.

Rusk - Dunked in warm milk and fed to a giant baby.

Scourge - A prisoner somewhere, being tortured to attempt to discover and replicate the secret of his immortality. Hopefully shirtless in his eventual rescue scene.


Qyzen Fess - Likely gone rather dark and Mandalorian, or possibly dead.

Tharan Cedrax -Rebel alliance mad scientist/doctor.

Zenith - Cheerfully working with the Zakuul to bring down Republic and Empire both, in exchange for a free Balmorra.

Felix Iresso -

Dead as a doorknocker.


Nadia Grell - Jedi Knight with a Padawan of her own, leading a fierce band of (possibly Sixth Line) Grey Jedi in a guerilla war against the Zakuul Empire.


Corso Riggs - Dumb, ugly, and dead.

Bowdaar - Part of the same group as Kira.

Risha - On Dubrillion, leading her people in a doomed attempt to resist invasion, and in a very close friendship with Akaavi Spar.

Akaavi- See above.

Guss Tuno - Most likely the mole.


Khem Val - Dead or imprisoned somewhere, uncontrollable until his master returns and releases him.

Andronikos Revel - Gone in as a kind of independent privateer against Zakuul ships.

Ashara Zavros - The mole, betrayed you and the Empire to the Zakuul as she saw their 'force as an instrument of justice' and 'between the light and dark' espoused viewpoint as being a better future than the Jedi or the Sith.

Talos Drellik - Likely dead.

Xalek - Now a Sith Lord and, with most of the Dark Council dead, eyeing up a Dark Council seat in whatever's left of the exiled Sith Empire, *not* pleased to find his old Master back, blocking his way up the ladder.


Kaliyo Djannis - Probably the mole. Status: Alive for a few seconds after my agent sees her again, then fatally shot in the throat, because she's had it coming since the Wheezer.

Vector - Retreated to the Hives, hopefully able to be called in with a cavalry of Killiks.

Doctor Lokin - Also quite possibly the mole. May, indeed, have been working for the Zakuul all along.

Raina Temple- Probably died in battle defending the Ascendancy.

Scorpio - Last seen running off into a Fade to Black with HK-51.

Edited by RowanThursday
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I'm just gonna do Scourge - they should kill him off. His silence in SOR was very noticeable and immersion-breaking, would be even bigger in KOTFE. If for whatever reason they're not able to continue this character, then remove him from the equation instead of giving the silent treatement. Other characters are not affected by it t such degree as Scourge. He's too connected to the main Emperor/Revan plot to drag him along without doing anything any longer Edited by Pietrastor
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Some of these are serious, some are not. Also I'm grouping some companions together to make it easier.


Kira, Ashara - Either with the Jedi helping them recuperate, or fighting in resistance movements.

Nadia - Trying to keep Sarkhai out of the view of the Eternal Empire (think of the Raloi in ME3 destroying their space telescopes to escape the Reapers' view).

LS Jaesa - Trying to help the Sith recuperate on DK or Korriban; possibly working as an Overseer.

DS Jaesa - Carving a bloody path of destruction through Eternal troops to avenge her master's capture; I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up being captured herself.

Vector - Likely with the killiks.

Xalek - Undoubtedly a Lord by this point; probably same thing as DS Jaesa.


Risha - Likely cut a deal with the Eternal Empire so that Dubrillion is part of their territory, but has minimal oversight.

Guss - Conning someone out of their money and making Jedi jokes in the process.

Gault - Same as Guss, minus the Jedi jokes.

Temple - With the Chiss, who are probably out the Eternal Empire's view. Key word: probably.

Lokin, Kaliyo, & Scorpio - (Probably) Sold you out.

Doc - A bartender, adult film director or star (that mustache), or an alcoholic.

Malavai - Undoubtedly planning strategies with what's left of the Imperial Brass.

Vette - I like to think she reunited with Risha and they're BFFs.

Mako, Akaavi, & Torian - I figure Akaavi and Torian meet, and Mako probably tags along.

Tharan - Him & Holiday are probably doing some sciencey thing.

Zenith - (Almost) Certainly sold you out.


Aric - Some last stand scene out of an action movie.

Tanno - Same as Aric, just with more explosions. Alternatively, he could've cut a deal with the Eternal Empire.

Elara - Still with the Republic Army.

Yuun - Probably wandering around in some shamanistic... thing.

Pierce - Back in Imperial Black Ops most likely. Him and his team probably face new missions all the time.

Skadge - Hopefully drifting in space after being thrown out an airlock.

Blizz - Looking for more stuff to scavenge, or he could be with Mako, Akaavi, & Torian.

Iresso - With the Republic Army, of course.

Qyzen - Wandering the galaxy, earning lots of points by killing Eternal troops.

Rusk - Finding a character for himself.

Treek - Finding a mute button.


Broonmark, Khem, & Bowdaar - See DS Jaesa

Scourge - Laughing maniacally at the Jedi Knight's capture, or killed by the Sith Warrior. Ideally the latter.


HK-51 - Defending you to the death.

C2-N2 - Went down with the ship.

2V-R8 - Giving you a foot massage and hot tea (or whatever you fancy) upon your return to the ship.

M1-4X - Giving a great & hilarious speech that sounds right out of Cold War propaganda films.

T7 - Finding a use other than crafting.


Jedi should be all "We did it Scourge." right before giving him a lightsaber to the belly, "You know, we just couldn't let you live."


Tell him "The Lannisters send their regards" while you're at it. :p

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Some speculation from me:

Satele - at the jedi temple on tython

Marr - Killed by the emperror


We see that he was captured together with the main character and he was not freed with the main character. it would also show how dangerous the emperror is.


Gault - somewhere with hylo visz.

Blizz - back with his old scavenging crew.

Torian - fights against the eternal empire with his old clan.

Kaliyo - works for a hutt, maybe if you spared him she could work for Fa'athra.

Skadge - leads the Black Sun and the black sun works withe eternal empire, so that you have a reason to kill him.

Guss Tuno - works together with Master Sumalee.

Risha - queen on her homeworld

Beryl Thorne - takes over the smuggler's criminal organization

Khem Val, Zash - possessed by a third entity.

Ashara - she fully falls to the darkside, but doesn't become entirely psycho as DS Jaesa and tries to protect the remnants of the powerbase of the inquisitor.

Moff Pyron - killed with most of the inquisitor's ships.

T7 -

sacrifices himself to let the mc escape from his prison.


Edited by hanebuch
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The Jedi Knight crew (except for Kira and Scourge) are locked up by the Eternal Empire for trying to free the Hero of Tython from carbonite.


Kira and Scourge are working undercover within the Eternal Empire, hoping to eventually free the Hero of Tython.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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I'm just gonna do Scourge - they should kill him off. His silence in SOR was very noticeable and immersion-breaking, would be even bigger in KOTFE. If for whatever reason they're not able to continue this character, then remove him from the equation instead of giving the silent treatement. Other characters are not affected by it t such degree as Scourge. He's too connected to the main Emperor/Revan plot to drag him along without doing anything any longer

Very well said. Lord Scourge is one of my all-time favourite companions, but after what BW did (or rather, what they did not do) to him in SoR he's as good as dead to me. :(

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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Quinn and Pierce running a male BDSM brothel on Nar Shaddaa. Quinn is the sub in their relationship.


Ashara: Tries to become Jaesa's apprentice. Tries to convince both of them that Jaesa is somehow working to reform the galaxy. Dies of a lightsaber to the throat 3 seconds into her "I'm still a jedi" rants


Revel: Stalks girls at local high school. Convinces himself that he's in a relationship with them and sends them creepy stalker E-mails.


2V-R8: After HK-51 is irreversibly damaged, 2V-R8 downloads HK's skill set and combines the skill set with it's primary memory. Currently known as "The Annihilator", it is credited with the extermination of over 3 planetary populations. It is said to be seeking to avenge itself upon a particular sith due to a long period of toilet scrubbing duty.

Edited by Thepyrethatburns
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Aric: Leading his own spec ops squad (either Havoc or the Dead eyes) in a resistance effort.

Elara: A corpsman with a republic army battalion on what remnant of the Republic's front lines remain

M1-4x: probably scrap metal and his power core stolen for testing by the Eternal Empire

Yunn: off finding things.

Tanno: Blowing **** up, running scams and drinking beer


Corso: Running a smuggling operation with Bowdaar financed by Risha who is on Dubrillion trying to keep the Eternal Empire at bay with money and diplomacy as well as subterfuge.

Bowdaar: See above

Risha: See Above

Akaavi: Fighting with a new clan of Mandalorians

Guss: Dead due to one too many stuff ups


Qyzen: Racking up a huge Jaggernath count from killing Zakuul knights

Tharan: happily married to Holiday and doing science.

Iresso: fighting for the Republic Army

Nadia: A Jedi Knight herself, trying to rally an army just as the Consular did

Zenith: a reluctant member of Aric's spec-ops squad, working with the republic as it is the least evil option for Balmorra.


Kira: A Jedi Knight, fighting to find and save the Hero of Tython

Doc: Arrested for making ilegal **** holos

Rusk: In the middle of the biggest firefight he can find

Scourge: Probably working with the Sith once more


Kaliyo: Running some scam for credits and blowing stuff up and killing people

Vector: readying the Killiks for war

Lokin: hiding out on Taris, trying to find some biological weapon to use against Valkorian's armies

SCORPIO: Fighting with HK-51, killing all the meatbags

Tample: Back with the Chiss military, probably promoted.


Mako: Working with Blizz and Torian.

Torian: see above

Blizz: see above

Skadge: Dead, dead as can be

Gault: Making money and being hunted


Vette: reunited with Risha or back with her old Twi'lek Crew


Jaesa: Fighting for the Empire, with her own apprentice and spreading her ideals (LS or DS) through the Empire's remaining Sith.

Pierce: Running black ops like the Boss he is

Broonmark: Still insane.



Killing everything in sight until his master returns/ Manipulating the Empire's remains to her own ends (if Zash)


Revel: living the pirate life based out of Rishi, working with Jakarro and DeeFour

Xalek: A Sith Lord, running a resistance movement of his Acolytes

Talos: either dead or finding Relics on Yavin IV to help what remains of the Empire

Ashara: either back with the Jedi, Dead or trying to influence young Sith into her point of view


This is my thoughts on this, though I'm probably wrong on a lot of these counts.

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