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"Blade Dance" Name On Par With "Jedi Wizard" Before Launch - Please Consider Changing


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Changing the name of Master Strike to "Blade Dance" is almost as bad as naming the Sage class Jedi Wizard.


"Blade Dance" is a term that should be familiar to you from the Fantasy genre, if you played in it or read books from it.

It is often used in Fantasy-inspired games for all kinds of Elves (more often for Daerkj Elves, though). The Blade Dancer is someione with the ABSOLUTE highest proficiency in doing combat with a blade !


For Blade Dancers, there is sometimes even used the term "wall of blades". This is the image of blades used to quickly that they create an virtual "wall" through which nothing can pass through - except dead.

If you see an example of this "blade wall", the just look at General Grievous using all 4 blades in ROTS when battling Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Besides, use the term "Morris Dance" int Youtube, please.


Blade Dance sounds like something out of a Dungeons and Dragons sourcebook. Time to add the planet Faerun.


I agree. Grievous and the MagnaGuards are the only Star Wars examples using it.


Wait...so what was wrong with "jedi wizard"?


"Wizard" = Fantasy

Star Wars = Science Fiction

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Got to give it mad dash is also up there for stupid names.


Lets strike fear into our enemies with a mad dash at their lines!


Clearly whoever they have left in the office coming up with these names hates their job (possibly because they are not very good at it) and wants to see how many stupid things they can get in before they are let go. No doubt they will be sitting around in weeks to come laughing with their mates how they pulled one over on the the producers of Kotfe, pointing out the stupid names they managed to get in cause those poor sobs producing the game don't know whats going on.




Master Going-To-Leave-My-Backside-Vulnerable-In-This-Slow-***-Animation. But I'm fine if they change it to something else. I think people just don't want to lose the "Master" part.





Suggestion, if dumb-me-down rules forbid the use of "strike" from now on:


Master Thrust.


Trust your Jedi Masters!

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"Blade Dance" is a term that should be familiar to you from the Fantasy genre, if you played in it or read books from it.

It is often used in Fantasy-inspired games for all kinds of Elves (more often for Daerkj Elves, though). The Blade Dancer is someione with the ABSOLUTE highest proficiency in doing combat with a blade !


For Blade Dancers, there is sometimes even used the term "wall of blades". This is the image of blades used to quickly that they create an virtual "wall" through which nothing can pass through - except dead.

If you see an example of this "blade wall", the just look at General Grievous using all 4 blades in ROTS when battling Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Besides, use the term "Morris Dance" int Youtube, please.




I agree. Grievous and the MagnaGuards are the only Star Wars examples using it.




"Wizard" = Fantasy

Star Wars = Science Fiction


Science Fiction can be fantasy tho.

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Sounds like an excuse to dismiss all complaints and concerns, valid or not, based long-winded hyperbole and a strawman of unusual size.


"My house is on fire!"


"Stop complaining, at least you're warm and don't need to turn the lights on."


If that's the way you perceive my words, I cannot stop you :)

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I quite like it. I'm just going to go off how Warhammer Online defines it:


A system of combination attacks, Blade Dancing allows the Swordmaster to chain together different attacks and abilities in order to unleash powerful finishing attacks with their greatswords.


Seems pretty similar to what Master Strike does, yeah?

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I do not think it is as bad as Jedi wizard was. It is actually fairly accurate and vary fitting to how jedi fight imo. A lightsaber has a blade and the flowing attacks you do when using Master strike right now is actually vary close to what I would call a blade dance.
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The reason for the change is illogical. Changing the name away from Master Strike is what's going to cause confusion, not keeping it.


For starters, it's gone as Master Strike since launch without any complaints.


Secondly, Soresu form lists the abilities that gain reduced focus from it... and Master Strike is clearly not listed.


Thirdly, if someone isn't bright enough to realize why a move that's not on a list of effected moves is not effected... then they probably didn't even realize that Soresu form even had a focus reducing aspect to it in the first place.


Fourthly, the reasoning behind changing the name doesn't make sense. Soresu reduces focus of all the listed "Strike" abilities. But Master Strike costs 0 focus. Reducing from 0 is still 0. So even if you included Master Strike as one of the effected abilities, as redundant as it might seem, there would still be no one complaining.


And finally, changing the name is going to create a much larger roar of upset and confusion... as exemplified by the backlash seen in game and on the forums.

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And finally, changing the name is going to create a much larger roar of upset and confusion... as exemplified by the backlash seen in game and on the forums.


Oh really?


I haven't heard or seen anyone in game even mention it. And of course someone will complain about it on the forum here...that's standard procedure.

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"Blade Dance" is a term that should be familiar to you from the Fantasy genre, if you played in it or read books from it.

It is often used in Fantasy-inspired games for all kinds of Elves (more often for Daerkj Elves, though). The Blade Dancer is someione with the ABSOLUTE highest proficiency in doing combat with a blade !


For Blade Dancers, there is sometimes even used the term "wall of blades". This is the image of blades used to quickly that they create an virtual "wall" through which nothing can pass through - except dead.

If you see an example of this "blade wall", the just look at General Grievous using all 4 blades in ROTS when battling Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Besides, use the term "Morris Dance" int Youtube, please.




I agree. Grievous and the MagnaGuards are the only Star Wars examples using it.




"Wizard" = Fantasy

Star Wars = Science Fiction


scifi=sub genre of fantasy

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"Wizard" = Fantasy

Star Wars = Science Fiction


Actually, Star Wars is space opera with fantasy mixed in - the last thing it is is hard sci-fi. I think it's far more accurate to categorize it as science fantasy.


So everyone who is actually in a tizzy over how non-sci-fi/silly this new name is might want to acknowledge that there is a fantasy element to Star Wars. Seriously, you can't explain away the Force or Force ghosts (and certainly not that whole Revan thing) with science. :p


Personally, I think it's rather hyperbolic of the OP to claim that Blade Dance is on par with Jedi Wizard. I thought Jedi Wizard was meh/silly, but honestly, Blade Dance doesn't seem that bad in comparison. Given the nature of jedi/sith combat and how I think of it, it at least seems somewhat apropos to me, but to each their own.

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Wasn't Blade Dance the name of the ability that Shadows should have had and was removed in beta ? (equivalent to NPC spinning strikes)


taken from another thread

"Perform a Blade Dance, dealing moderate damage to all targets within melee range. Your parry and deflect chances are increased by 60% while channeling this ability. Requires a double-bladed lightsaber."


I still want that ability on the Shadow.

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I vote for "Swordy Thing". Only because "Randomly turn your back on your opponent while stabbing them several times very very slowly" wouldn't fit on the tooltip very well.




"Perform a Blade Dance, dealing moderate damage to all targets within melee range. Your parry and deflect chances are increased by 60% while channeling this ability. Requires a double-bladed lightsaber."


How about giving *that* to Guardians/Juggernauts, with a slight change, of course, to fit their different weapon, thus giving the following tooltip:


"Perform a Blade Dance, dealing moderate damage to all targets within melee range. Your parry and deflect chances are increased by 60% while channeling this ability. Requires a double-bladed lightsaber. You cannot use a double-bladed lightsaber. Ha."

Edited by RowanThursday
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