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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Suggestion Compilation Thread - Regularly updated!


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- UI Scaling -- This should have shipped at least been if not in the 1.1 patch!!!!!!

- Cross Server everything + queuing / server transfers as worst case.

- Let us fly our ships - be it gships or personal. let us EXPLORE the universe.

-Combat log that will lead to DPS and threat meters. Wanna be a pro game??we need more data captain!!!

- Enough with the running, Seriously!!!

Edited by Ngaplz
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we didnt request u did this, and it wasnt int he original post, u had a good idea at the start and uve turned our suggestions into your soapbox


I am sorry but I am moving on to other posts that are labled my suggestion, or hey what about this, or anything other then this is what the community tasked me to say and now i am going post pages on what i personally want


So why not you start one? OP obviously started with good intentions on this thread but must of had a rage day in pvp and decided to add all that in to please his spitefulness and the few others in the community... From when you read my post yesterday to now most of the suggestions are the same including the pvp aspects of it.


Maybe name it the official SUGGESTION thread NOT COMPLAINT thread :rolleyes:


Alot of good posts on this, I do hope Bioware has taken it upon themselves to have a glance at it.

( In all honesty this is alot of work for just a forum goer.. really should be an employee at Bioware tallying it all up, just sayin.)

Edited by Slandered
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how we start off with something simple.....like making hoods go over helmets. bring hoods and helmets back together again.




there are fortunatley one or two masks you can wear under the hoods, but one is a social item and what would be good to have are a set of them, sort of like revans full face helmet. just make a hood up/hood down option for hoods, and for twileks,





and update some of the things to what we keep requesting plz? : ) instead of just ''expansions'' of missions that should be the last thing to be updated atm






some suggestions for whole areas themselves. theres not enough scare in this game, unlike the last kotor games which featured areas and situations that bordered on silent hill.

make areas that are drenched in dark. super enclosed jungles, underground caves with horrendous scenery...and deep underwater explore/space fight areas so dark, with monsters so huge at the usual regular and elite levels, that its mind boggling. some cautios ''clinkity clink'' music at a few areas of nar shadaa when you enter them doesnt really but it at all.



and no one give me that ''oh but the kids-'' theres aleady frolicking dancers in the cantinas and a red light district a few locked doors away from grand theft auto. some scary places, some deeply fearful areas would draw more people to the game financially as well. overall along without the mass player and pvp space battles, the game is way too calm. cant even participate in the attack on the jedi temple at the beggining. :/



transportation systems kind of like a mass people subway. the one-person-without-even-your-ai-allowed-to-ride thing? too loney. there is just, not enough, social requirments around. like mass and group space battles.



all i have to say atm, except for what wrote before this post.

Edited by ekosdarid
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So why not you start one? OP obviously started with good intentions on this thread but must of had a rage day in pvp and decided to add all that in to please his spitefulness and the few others in the community... From when you read my post yesterday to now most of the suggestions are the same including the pvp aspects of it.


Maybe name it the official SUGGESTION thread NOT COMPLAINT thread :rolleyes:


Alot of good posts on this, I do hope Bioware has taken it upon themselves to have a glance at it.

( In all honesty this is alot of work for just a forum goer.. really should be an employee at Bioware tallying it all up, just sayin.)




cool. it should stay as a suggestion thread(however much the feedback on these suggestions from bioware needs to be included) but lets not copy any ragers themselves and become them. shutting down this thread would be a gigantic step backward to nowhere-creating even more ragers(havent seen many at all on here tho thank god or trolls) and worse, because we(yes we, players) for games like this need this suggestion forum

Edited by ekosdarid
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SHARED STORAGE- with the craft restrictions, the number of crafts that use common resources, it would be a huge boon to be able to pool resources into a central vault/bank that each toon/alt can draw from.


Four crafts use Salvaging and Underworld Trading, etc I spend 20% of my game time mailing resources, crafted items, etc back and forth among my characters. Often that's what drives me to do something else- it's just so aggravating.



MOD that keeps up with all toons and companions gear. I started an excel spreadsheet to try to keep up with who has what and who needs what... but again- it's housekeeping that would be better spent gaming.


What I'm suggesting is if I scroll over an ear piece... a pop up will show me not only the comparison with my current toon/companions... but possible all toons of that faction on that world.


Little things that would substantially improve my enjoyment of the game.

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Well then, since you guys directed me to this thread.


Here's my ultimate suggestion: Do something gameplay related that WoW hasn't done. Something unique and/or revolutionary.


I'll come back in a month to see who's voice matters more. The community or the bean counters at marketing.

Edited by VioletZero
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Well then, since you guys directed me to this thread.


Here's my ultimate suggestion: Do something gameplay related that WoW hasn't done. Something unique and/or revolutionary.


I'll come back in a month to see who's voice matters more. The community or the bean counters at marketing.


Rawr! :eek:

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PVP - Warzones


I would like to FIRST see all the world pvp suggestions happen


THEN make all warzones cross faction AND cross server.




I don't get the point of forcing warzones to be faction bases. It servers no purpose other than to satisfy RP's which tell me all the time they don't care about pvp anyways. It would alleviate the queue times as well since balancing factions will never be an issue. And classes are suppose to be equivalent on both sides right?


I'd also like to 2nd the notion to queue for warzones as an operation, more warzones and bracketed pvp. A rated and non-rated level 50 bracket would be really cool too and give beginners a place to learn/gear up before getting slaughtered by seasoned veterans looking for wins.

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i would like to see the crafting schematics for armstech and indeed all crafting professions redone


i currently have 2 purple schematics for the lvl 50 "sonic shrieker" (a cunning based and therefor smuggler pistol) that have shield chance on them...what possible good is that? In what parallel universe does this do anything but reinforce the general notion that the crafting community has which is "crafting is useless because once you hit 50 you can get a weapon that far exceeds anything we can make within your first couple days of top tier pve/pvp"




1) redo the RE schems so that the RE bonus stats are actually applicable to the class that the weapon is designed for IE: cunning based pistols RE bonus stats are good for smugglers...and so on


2) increase the drop amount from crafting missions that are drastically below your skill level... not by an insane amount but a bit of a bump would be nice


3) nerf purple bio stims a tad and remove the "requires biochem" prerequisite, same goes for cybertech....how are these people supposed to make any money ingame when they cant even sell their top shelf stuff?


4) make the "sort by" option for schematic windows stick after closing and reopening it....seriously who browses thier schems by skill lvl anyways?


5) add schems as rare investigation loot drops that are at least at par stat wise with middle of the road pve/pvp armor...seriously you know how hard it is to sell anything at lvl50 because of the valor exploiting and the fact that 90% of people that hit 50 are decked out in gear within a week that far surpasses anything we can make? people are even outfitting their companions in pvp gear now so we dont even have that avenue anymore


seriously bioware get it together



PS: oh and is it too much to ask that consulars get a normal set of *********** pants? enough with the skirts already


also headgear that doesnt either look like someone stapled a feather duster to golf cap or upholstered a tissue box

Edited by Esroen_Ivvika
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I want Pazzak or something else to do at end-game, or when I don't feel like questing. Space battles go in this direction, but still.


I want Pazzak. Multi-player Pazzak. It would also give players some other nifty things to collect.

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1) Mixed faction Huttball: i.e. a mix of imps and reps on the SAME TEAM


2) More Huttball arena's (my friends and I all love it!)




The reason for #1 is that it will provide warzones that will be immune to a factional PvP imbalance which is inevitable. By imbalance I simply mean that one team will start winning far more than half of the warzone rounds, and that this will cause more and more people to go join that faction making things even worse. This has been observed in many MMO's in the past.


I agree with mixed Huttball, but I believe this:


Huttball should be a side game. Not a Warzone. Just make it a side form of PvP so that people who want to play it can, and the people who feel like it isn't real PvP don't have to play it. Then the teams can be truly randomized. Hell, maybe even give us Hutt Points or something for some specific special non-combat goodies.

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My companions try to damage, heal, and tank on every pull. It would be nice if companions had more options then just fight or follow. Specifically, if i have a healing companion i don't want them auto-firing a mob while i die from no heals. He does a third of my dps and I don't see a need for him to fire his blaster at all. I have all his attacks turned off, and he just auto-attacks half of our pulls. If i unequip his weapon he walks up and punches the mobs with his fists. It is really nice how they updated the companion abilities to not reset in the last patch. i don't see an option for auto-attack and yet my companion (doc) keeps doing it.
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You know what we need....and I am not sure if anyone has said this yet or not, but how about we bring hoods back together again with helmets? Why should hoods not go with helmets? It looks so much better....helmets with hoods.


Has anyone said this yet? I wonder.

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Let the game save your keybindings automatically, or at least give us the option of being able to save and load keybinding profiles.


Sort of annoying that when you make an alt, you need to sit and keybind everything you're used to again. Should be done with a simple script really.

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