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The Suggestion Compilation Thread - Regularly updated!


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when this list was started, u listed the ideas and put the number of people that wanted each on that list and that was a very good idea


gave everybody an easy to see - what is wanted and what should be a priority on ideas


but now it is just a pvp wishlist it isnt working as intended or as you originally started it and most fo the really good ideas ive seen havent even been included


please go back to tallying numbers beside each listed idea and stop spending pages on what look to be your opinions or I am moving on to other posts

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At the request of our gaming community I have been asked to provide feedback to Bioware discussing improvements to the game that they feel are most critical.


we didnt request u did this, and it wasnt int he original post, u had a good idea at the start and uve turned our suggestions into your soapbox


I am sorry but I am moving on to other posts that are labled my suggestion, or hey what about this, or anything other then this is what the community tasked me to say and now i am going post pages on what i personally want

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The first posts shows last update on the 10th January, and last activity of the OP on 13th according to his bio. So clearly the thread isn't actually updated anymore, and yes it's quite biased towards his own selections. Here's hoping that Bioware actually reads these replies though, specially since the forum mods still direct many suggestion threads here.


Really liked your suggestion list as well btw. Completely forgot the texture problems, your own/companions hood up/down and character customization post-creation (mine's way too skinny, looked ok at start with robe but now with pants and the standard being body type 2 it's bit annoying).


Continued companion storylines (post 10k, not just adding new companions) and the ability to transport party members to location would rock as well.

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Averran, community representative, suggested this was better posted here.


I'm unsubscribing, but I'll be leaving suggestions on how to make the game better that would prevent future players from leaving and perhaps that would also encourage players who have left to return.


My reasons for unsubscribing:


1. EA's stance on SOPA which have since been changed according to them...if so, good for them.


2. Bioware's stance on encouraging exploiting. We have had people making millions upon millions of credits from an error in coding within a matter of moments. It destroyed the economy and the issue was swept under the rug. Sure, they "fixed" it, but the damage was done. Now people are maxed in valor in a short time frame due to another issue in Ilum. Bioware won't speak out about it. I've been working towards gaining my valor, and now while I was at work I found out that hundreds of people just maxed out in valor within a short amount of time. Rollback? Nope. I'm sure Bioware will "fix" it, but again the damage will be done and we have NO official word from them that they will fix the damage. It's complete uncertainty with no feedback from Bioware. Suggestion? Don't encourage exploiting. Man up and take accountability for the mistake and rollback the servers.


3. Crafting. The system is so amazingly flawed it's incredible. Hardly any thought was put into it. I was Armstech, probably THE most useless crafting profession out of them all. There should be nothing you can buy from a vendor that is better than the best crafters can make. Purple mods need to be removed from vendors entirely. Also, fixing #4 below would also help fix this #3.


4. The gear system. Orange items...what a horrific thought this was. Why? First of all, they were intended to be designed in a way that you could look how you wanted to look. That's fine. However, it should have been added where you have appearance slots that match the kind of gear your real gear is (ie you can equip a heavy armor appearance head piece if your real head piece is heavy). The current system just means gear is pretty much non-existent. It's all about mods. Your only upgrades are mod #'s. How uninspirational and unimaginative is that? Yay upgrade! I can upgrade my Armoring 25 to Armoring 26! Months down the line. Yay, I'm upgrading Armoring 34 to Armoring 35! Boring. On top of that, when items are dropping, people are rolling need on "complete" pieces they don't need just so they can strip out a single mod that IS an upgrade for them. With only 4 classes per side, that's a big issue. You have DPS rolling on "healer" gear so they can strip out that "Endurance" mod and put it in their gear and then trashing the other mods. Solution? Have REAL gear with REAL inherit stats that you can ADD mods to to enhance them. Don't have mods MAKE the item. That's just ridiculous in design.


5. This is just my own personal beef and isn't why I'm unsubscribing, but I really hate forced dailys. It's nothing but "chores" you have to do, and if you miss those chores for the day, you're behind. Solution? have the dailys be possible to complete throughout the week. Missed doing the dailys today? You can make up for it tomorrow by doing it twice. In other words, I would prefer ALL dailys be converted to weeklys. It gives you a chance to take a breather and not be forced to do chores EVERY day in the MMO.

Edited by RpTheHotrod
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I agree with some of the suggestions of prior posters on here.


I agree with the following:


1. Fix the lagging problems.


2. Fix all the bug problems that cause game crashing and lock-ups.


I believe fixing the bugs are more important at this time than adding new content.


Now, for fun stuff I'd like to see implemented at some time in the future (not really in any specific order other than as I think of them):


1. Casino on Nar Shaddaa. It would be very fun and will add to immersion and MMO experience (might actually make this game multiplayer instead of single player with multiplayer points when people want to finish a tough heroic or flashpoint). Plus, it just fits the storylines for Nar Shaddaa.


2. Fast travel points in the ship or in the ship hangar to cut down on all the unnecessary running through the hangar.


3. Email available on ship. If a character can get transmissions for space battles on ship, they should be able to check their email from orbit.


4. Better Space controls and space PVP. I also think the ability to eventually change the outside/inside appearance of our ships by customization would be very nice.


5. An "option" that allows you to keep your ship on planet even though you are in the ship yourself. Why should I have to leave the planet entirely everytime I go into my ship? That makes no sense.


6. The ability to change character appearance (barber shop, etc.) or to change basic color designs of gear/clothing.


7. Ability to change the appearance of one's companion being more available than it is currently. I understand the desire to make people pay for customizing the companions, but those customizations should be available at more vendors then. I shouldn't have to travel all over the universe to find a customization for one companion.


8. Guild banks, calendars, and other guild tools would be VERY helpful and appreciated.


9. PLEASE put different maps and different textures into the game. I hated that Castle Organa looked a lot like the senate on Coruscant. Heck, Castle Panteer was decorated the same way as Castle Organa. On Tatooine, all of the little warehouse huts were mapped the exact same way with the exact same room layouts! It doesn't have to be that way. It looks generic and that's just sad. :(


10. The ability to completely skip out of a conversation/interaction BEFORE it begins so that you don't have to wait for the load screen and everything else. I think this should be available ALSO for class quests. If you don't want to use your holoterminal on the ship, why not just be allowed to skip that entirely and have the new quests pop up?


On that note...why do I have a holocom that I can use on the planet, but I have to run back to my ship at the end of my class quest storyline (regardless of any other quests I may be doing) just to use the holoterminal? Why can't I use my personal holocommunicator instead? Or why doesn't the Jedi Council just email me and skip the unnecessary jibber jabber and running back-and-forth to the ship? Especially since I have to leave the planet every single time I get in my ship (with all the unnecessary load screens).


11. Can we PLEASE be allowed to shut C2 voice OFF entirely? If C3PO can be shut off, I'm sure C2 can.


That's all I can think of right now, but I want to note that I DO enjoy this game a lot.

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My only suggestion right now.


Focus at a minimum 60% of your force towards fixing the incredibly absurd amount of bugs.


1. There isn't a boss in EV that doesn't have a bug attached to it.


2. There isn't a HM flashpoint i can recall that i fully cleared without it having a bad bug on it.


3. Graphical Errors galore (none that I am having honestly)


4. Oh and i have had an Item replacement ticket that has been elevated to the replacement people for more than a week. Just saying, hire more etc.


new dungeon content should not be getting released when the sorry state of the game clearly shows a need in other directions.

Edited by Sylverfall
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2 suggestions


ALT-RightClick on inventory items equips them to current companion.


When the GTN window is open prevent companions from interrupting with mission handins. Make them wait till the GTN window closes. The GTN interface is cumbersome to navigate. Often I get the search just right and the window closes for a hand-in and i have to start over.


GTN search criteria should be retained for a short time and auto populate when i re-open the interface.. see above..

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haven't read the entire thread, but from reading the compilation mentioning stuff i didn't see.


- Wardrobe - Started out as a mod on WoW that eventually became part of the default interface after about 3 years. This would make it easier to swap from pvp gear to pve gear.


- Ability cooldown counter - With the recent change to how abilities on cooldown look on the quick bar it can be harder to determine if an ability is off cooldown or just about to come off cooldown. Particularly problematic for abilities that have a longer cooldown time since it allows them to have just a sliver of grey while not even being available.


- Keybind option for group markers - Mentioned elsewhere on the forums, but being able to keybind these things would make them much more user friendly. Some may argue it's not a large time investment to mark, but that is not a good reason to not make it better. In world of warcraft I found myself redoing raid markers mid-combat as new enemies arrive or situations change. Trying to redo group markers in swtor by clicking on the portrait and selecting it mid-combat is not an ideal situation.


- Nameplate priority - I play with nameplates on all the time for enemies so I can make quick decisions on target changing to help focus down the weakest target. Right now nameplates are prioritized based on distance. This become a problem if your current target is slightly further behind other targets or even dead enemies. The names of dead enemies and the health bar completely cover any information the nameplate health bar can tell me about my current target or other targets. I think some of the solutions to this are to have the nameplates push each other around a little to reduce overlap or a different priority system may help. Current target should be top priority and the names of dead targets should never overlap living targets.


- Mission markers on the quick travel map - Would make it easier to quick travel to a point that has quest turn ins. When i was leveling my character i would find myself sometimes having to swap back and forth between the normal map and quicktravel map to be sure I was traveling to the right location. Don't want to click the wrong location with a 30 minute cooldown ability (which did happen once or twice).


- Target of target frame - Helps tanks to quickly determine who the enemy is focusing on. Difficult to do if the group for any reason has to stack because then the enemy is always facing the same way.

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Hmmm, I totally agree with most of the above too. I understand that hearing all the rant in the thread you closed do to your screw up isnt something ya want to hear, but get over it and fix the problem before you lose your gamers. I love this game, best MMO Ive ever played, love the storyline, everything...

My wishes/hopes:

- Roll back the valor, i play imperial on one of the biggest guilds on Kellers Void, all I can ask is please ROLLBACK, I would hate to see the game ruined over some kind of mislead pride your devs have.

- Im a merc healer, love it, having a combat rez would be very nice, more importantly, I really enjoy healing my guildies during pvp on illum, but I get literally nothing for it in terms of valor. I keep them alive while they kill and I get nothing, how about a little assist valor, its making pvp miserable, because im getting nothing for it and as soon as they see Im a healer, I get the majority of focus.

- Pod racing on Tatooine. Do it where ppl can buy upgrades, please make it hard to get the good stuff though!!! You cold do a system where anyone could actually bet on your character, like making a name for himself much like Nascar these days. It would be great, the odds systems, everything..

- Once again, Please ROLLBACK and dont ruin a good start to a great game.

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PVP: Galaxy Wide PVP Missions!


Daily missions in the same place gets excessively old. This would spread the pvp throught the galaxy. Not 1 planet. Ilum gets boring after a while. To keep it fair, you wont get credit if you kill someone 5 or more levels below you. This keeps high levels away from camping low levels for the mission.


ps. I camp low levels on tattooine so their 50 friends come out. I've started some awesome high level, large scale fights all over the galaxy. Been a lot of fun. would be nice to be able to do this and not have to head to ilum to get credit for pvp.

Edited by -Sidac-
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PVP: Rollback the server please. Ilum exploit wase anougth...I work hard to get my pvp lvl 59.


The patch 1.1 Yeah this give a pvp fun but the exploit that is verry bad !


Rollback or ban the user exploit!


You betther keep a reel player who not exploit or try to exploit the game, show the exemple because if this player have use exploit this time he will try to fin other one for abuse


You bether keep good player then cheater!

Edited by zigoune
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Well, here it is...one of the few things that really annoy me in this game. The JUMP!

I think it deserves a little more attention. Especially for the Jedis and Sith, its so ridicule how they jump, i mean, they have all those powers and still jump like a kid...come on! A Jedi can jump very high and with style, not that simple little jump that they do. (I'm not talking about the attack skills here, just to clarify!).

The other characters don't have this kind of power so i think it's ok the way it is now.


I'm sure that could be created a new skill or something, which you would be able to improve with time, that would allow you to jump even higher and reach places otherwise impossible to reach and be rewarded for it, with storage boxes or a challenge, anything. Ok maybe that was a little too much.

I know It's not really necessary for the game but it would make it a hell of a lot better and stylish if they make the Jedis and Sith jump like a real Jedi and Sith!


Just hitting the SPACE button should make they Jump like a real Jedi/Sith. It's so simple and the right thing for the character you are playing with.

They should make like in Jedi Academy's Jump system. More or less.


In Summary, make the Jedis and Siths with a more effective and stylish jump system that would differ them from the other characters that don't have this kind of power. I think this would be pretty awesome.

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2 suggestions


ALT-RightClick on inventory items equips them to current companion.


When the GTN window is open prevent companions from interrupting with mission handins. Make them wait till the GTN window closes. The GTN interface is cumbersome to navigate. Often I get the search just right and the window closes for a hand-in and i have to start over.


GTN search criteria should be retained for a short time and auto populate when i re-open the interface.. see above..


Oh.. one more


An ability called "Shut the hell up". Allows me to toss my shipbot out an airlock. He returns 24 hours later to his normal post. This would have no actual effect but would make me feel better

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1. customizable ships, completly down to the last detail option. coloring/reorganizing and adding things to the inside like picture frames with pics from ingameor pics yo upload from desktop, hissing steam add on/off for effec








2. planets that are(so far as i know) arent in the game yet. ziost, mustafar, underwater citys







3. masks + hoods at the same time item/option







4. more adult features. card people 18 and over to do this, idc. the carding is done when you have a major problem with your account, why not this.







5. family units, creating wife/father/sons/daughter ai sort of thing, like the sims that travel with you aboard your ship/interact with you and you with them if you want







6. cantina social activities





7. more playable species. wookie/ yodas race /bith /ewok /sand people/hutt?/the other form of twileks with those very long frontal horns/ dessan's shark-like race from outcast/greedos speciies/ yu zong vong? they have to be around far away at this point but still around/trandoshan/ mon cal/ that odd jedi master aliens race who gets shot down by clones in episode 3/droid playable species







8. option to build war droids/droid servants if this isnt already around








9. mass field battles/and ship pvp and group-solo mass ship battles just as battlefront had. theres just not enough of this, the game is way too calm








10. when you summon your vehicle, your ally either climbing onto yours or forming their own just like you to ride with you








11. more diverse weapons from the storyline that WERE IN OLD REPUBLIC AS ALL THE BOOKS HAVE SAID- lightwhips and lightwhips in a hand each,. things that have only been briefly shown in star wars-related things like tri sabers, quad sabers and floating sabers(useing the force)







12. much more point to playing after level 50 than just 'beating it'








13. differemt kinds of pilotable ships such as customizable one man craft you can launch from your main ship that runs on auito(alongside the piloting skills and voic of your allys.

droid one maned-craft, and remote piloted craft your allys manuever from within the main ship like a radio controlled sort of deal







14. pants attached to robes. kallig has one of these, another can be seen on the cover of the sith lords






15. notice board on your ship you can scribble anything down on text wise for reminders/ funny pointless things..or, better yet,one of those unusable machines being a data-storage deivce in the ship where you write the things down and you can open them later






16. customizations for the ship such as ally and other player gunner seats they can take part with you in your ship battles,






17. ALL the seats an sofas in your ship sittable. because as it is, they arent right now.






18. being able to pick up/ put down anything small thing like glasses, plates/etc.






19. places only your ally can go, which, when you send them into, you control them while your main player and the others stay behind






20. feedback from bioware on all these suggestions as we want to hear from you bioware. what is being considered/what might be considered/what will never be- so we can know if asking this stuff is ok or if itl go nowhere.. because time shouldnt be wasted.






21. a much different ship engine-add on system than just throwing it into some stupid slot in you inventory. . really? an entire ship engine of that size fits in the abyss located somwhere in your stomach?






22. attacks on your vessel like pirates, boarding derelict ghost ships in true over the top routine where everyones in space suits at the boarding tunnel and its all very scary, outfitting your vessel so it has an underwater mode to fight/travel in the seas of star wars

(which would be epic because they are so dangerous)







23. not for jar jar.. but the gungan playable race








24. god awful loading times sped up a little







25. updates that are implemented as ppl play and not everything being completly halted for hours- and at the wrong hours. people are still playing until 3:00 in the monring. 4:00-5:00 when everyone mostly leaves to sleep would be a much more intelligent time to do this if nothing else








26. being able to greatly increse or diminish the bodily portions of your character/allys in addition to the option you have at the beggining. that alone just doesnt cut it all the way(adult features)







27. THE BLACK COLORED DARK ACOLYTE ROBE+ MASK CLOTHING SET FROM THE GAME AND COVER OF THE SITH LORDS. HOW IS IT THAT SUDDENLY IT DOESNT EXIST IN OLD REPUBLIC BECAUSE IT DEFINITLY ISNT AROUND TO CHOOSE. its a smaller robe and would also look way better on a sorcerer than any of the robes we have now. make it neutral. something! i havent seen ANY, of the 'acolytes' (hence the term) wearing this or having the option to. doesnt have to be a

noob outfit either! and make it modable too plz


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In terms of a space combat related PVP gamemode, i think they should just rip Battlefront 2's space combat RIGHT out and plonk it into a PVP match.


Start off on faction ship (Either Republic or Empire obviously) and get in a ship and start dogfighting in OFF RAILS combat.

1. Head toward enemy ship and land in docking bay, jumping out and heading to the ship's defences (Shields etc)

2. After depleting enemy shields you work with your team to sabotage the hyperspace engine.

3. After the objective above has been completed you can place charges on the main engine and blow the ship sky high.


Bare in mind that this kind of gamemode would need around 30-40 player PVP game.

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-In game Audio selection to select which audio device to use independent of windows. Would be nice to be able to set TOR to headphones and still be able to use a TV hooked to the computer with audio.


-Macros. Would be great to be able to write macros.


Thank you for a great game!

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The biggest thing on my mind right now, for my own sanity, is a UI setting for "Color Blindness". My wife is slightly red color blind and has the hardest time with party icons and the map system.


Please, for my own sanity, put some sort of high contrast option for the UI!


Guild Ships would be nice too.

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