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Prob has been said but Build your own Droids Feature would be really cool. farming items and such to create differnt body parts. Being able to somehow remove parts from defeated droid mobs etc etc..Fully customizable .Possibilities are endless with this feature.
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I was going to make my own thread, but I'll post this here instead. This is a personal rundown on my experience with the game up to lvl 35, frustrations and why i'll not be paying in the future.


I picked up this game as an impulse buy to fill time before Diablo 3 came out and while my GF was overseas. I wasnt going to, because all the trailers made it look like trash. After logging in and playing for 10 mins i realized i was wrong, it actually looked and felt a lot better than any promotional material made it. Great!

One hour in and i was hooked. I promptly bought the game for 2 more friends to play. So now we're all keen on the game and loving the story. What a novelty. Fully voice-acted personal class story that i was keen to see out. Leveling was fast and fluid, questing areas linked together fairly well and there was an emphasis on quality of quests over quantity.


Jump ahead 2 weeks. I will not be spending anymore money on this game and I can assure you that once the 30days are up, my friends will forget about this. A list of why it has become apparent this game will not be for me;


1) Ability delay. I have never encounter such a vital component of any game being so utterly broken. This is a bullet in the brainbox of any wannabe lasting MMO.


2) PvP is embarrassing. This is 80% the ability delay issue rolled over into disjointed, laggy and spastic PvP combat. 1on1 World pvp seems to be fairly smooth and bearable but once it's warzone time, it all falls down.


3) An empty world. This is no MMO, this is a couple dozen people playing out their own single player games on lifeless worlds.


4) Time vs Reward. 4man and some 2 man heroics are now ignored while leveling. Same as the flashpoints. Forgot asking for a group, no one responds. For all the potential headaches a 4man represents x time needed, it becomes obvious that solo questing is a much more efficient method of leveling.


5) Questing drag once you pass Tatooine. That flowing and quick leveling i mentioned in my intro disappears. I get sent on huge quest chains, sometime with 5+ steps of running back and forth and back and forth for what? Less XP than what i would get for doing 2 space missions. Can only be described as asinine and is the norm once you hit Alderann then Taris.


6) Sharding. Sharding, instancing, whatever you want to call it. You know what i mean, it's been *****ed about enough.


7) Motivation. Now that I'm aware that a) time vs Xp is borked, b) PvP is utter rubbish and c) I've been taught not to group with people, why would i continue playing?


All these points have come to the fore in the last few days. Where at first in the low levels it was all candy, reality has set in. I don't really want to log in anymore and I don't know why I would continue leveling. There's no endgame for me and leveling has turned into a grinding chore when you only get a couple quests at a time with HUGE runs in between for little reward. The end of my Act 1 quest enraged me when, after nearly 45 mins of travel back and forth with about 8 steps, i was rewarded with 9k xp. WHAT the **** is THAT!


Unfortunately the shine has worn off very early and my friends are far less patient than I am. I feel that this is going to be a continuing trend and I can only say that it's very lucky the majority of reviewers wrote their reviews based on early experiences.

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PvP Pod racing!! Think Mario Kart but with bigger guns and less banana peels. I definitely agree with a horse-race betting feature for competitive pod racing.


Open-world space combat! Just take the code from “X-Wing Alliance”, change the space ships, and include it in the game. That’d be epic.




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One very important thing you will have to accomplish is the fact that you MUST SEPARATE PvP from PvE!!!


Nerfing PvE because of PvP is NOT an Option! Several class changes because of PvP SHOULD HAVE NOT an impact on PvE and vice versa! Keep that in mind and you will be the first to solve this problem. You are smart fellas... you are experienced programmers. Make it count lads! Make it count!!


Separate these 2 elements from each other and we all will have our ballance. The game MUST BE ballanced on group vs group and not 1 vs 1 when it comes to PvP Stuff.


This is my oppinion. Think about it, because if you keep nerfing things because of the PvPers whining.. we will have the same chaos as we used to have it in XoX. We don't want that, and certainly you don't want that either.




neh. dont, bioware.

. . if you read the fine print that other players have been saying.. its that 'theres not enough focus on the social aspect'




.. . and what is pvp?.. player vs player. and removing that when theres not enough social things right now is like removing one of the large sticks that are holding up the marbles.








Edited by ekosdarid
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I had a suggestion, may be a very far away one though!


Since this is going to be STAR WARS, how about putting some Hutts on Nar Shadda (and Tatooine) for the purpose of "lending people money". It could go like a mission thing, you go there, talk to them (interact) and ask for a certain amount of money. They will (based your "worth" of equipment as collateral) give you an interest rate and a due date. If you don't pay by that due date, then they will send a bounty hunter after you! The PVP implications are very complex (like the same Hutt gives "non asking for money people" the mission to hunt down the person who owes them and get the money. For the start, it could be an NPC that appears in your ship and you have to fight him/her.


If you win, you get another due date, but next time the NPC will be higher in level and skills.


THis system can also trigger events like "taking your ship as payment" and initiating a new chain of missions to get it back!


Well, that is just an idea and I thought this was the place to express it.


So far, all the bugs and problems aside, I like the game and I am going to support it and give the developer team a fighting chance to make it better. :D

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What this game needs is a Remote Control for your ship!

Now when you travel from planet to planet, what you really do is click a lot of doors. Why the hell can't we minimize that to 1 Loading screen instead of 10. This is really and I mean REALLY annoying.


Also I've noticed custom guild ranks are not yet on compilation. We want to have our own ranks in our guild.

Edited by complexxLT
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Great post, but seems to miss what I find to be one of the most important things.


Add a option for Target's Target. I have no idea why this wasent in the game from the start, as it says at the Guild Bank part, the Dev team should be fired for this..


At the same time, probly mentioned a million times, but havent read through the replies: Stop releasing content that works on NORMAL but is bugged like crazy on Hardmode/Nightmare.


I can mention a few:


EV Hardmode/Nightmare


First boss: His rocket can deal double dmg as a bug. The bug is being fixed for 16 man, but not for 8 - no idea why. We even tried to shield + intervene a person, he still died from it. Simple thing to fix.


Second boss: He spawns his platform, but never spawns the rocks to jump there.


Third boss: The boss itself is bugging alot, sometimes u cant click anything after completing the first 2 rows. Sometimes you cant click anything after 3, and heck, sometimes the wheels stop spinning when you click them.


I mean, come on. I think every raider hates to wipe, but when its wiping for progress its okay. Wiping due to bugs just destroys the entire raiding experience. I have no idea if the dev didnt test out Hardmode/Nightmare flashpoints before release, but the overall raiding experience have been horrible. No idea why they already release new content, when their current content got more bugs than a free to play game would have.

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NO TO ANYTHING CROSS SERVER IMO and to dongeon finder which make you stand in a spot and wait for the queue, making it look like a grind/farm instance fest. Get real.


That is one of the thing that kill a SERVER COMMUNITY.






It's funnier when you see the same people in your WZs and have a grudge against when you were doing World-pvp or similar situation where you interact with people of YOUR SERVER.






Damn...when do people will understand that it did MORE DAMAGE TO WoW THAN EXPECTED!






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Speaking of raids loot distribution on normal is horrible. I've got assigned gloves which I already had equipped on me and my guildie would have taken them. And my guildie got assigned a helm token which he did not need and could not pass to me.


So add the ability to trade loot between members of a raid for a few hours! WoW has it, Rift has it, why wouldn't swtor have it? Unless you love tickets with "plz give this loot to my mate it was assigned incorrectly".

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NO TO ANYTHING CROSS SERVER IMO and to dongeon finder which make you stand in a spot and wait for the queue, making it look like a grind/farm instance fest. Get real.


Sorry but Dungeon que only made it so ya could do other stuff besides stand on the fleet spamming LFG.....


Keep it...

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Speaking of raids loot distribution on normal is horrible. I've got assigned gloves which I already had equipped on me and my guildie would have taken them. And my guildie got assigned a helm token which he did not need and could not pass to me.


So add the ability to trade loot between members of a raid for a few hours! WoW has it, Rift has it, why wouldn't swtor have it? Unless you love tickets with "plz give this loot to my mate it was assigned incorrectly".


This as well.

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My only suggestion would be to make /ignore account wide.


If I put somone on /ignore, I dont want to hear from that toon or any other toon that belongs to that account on my server or any other server.


But thats just me I guess.

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Posted these in General; however, a moderator named Azhlain or something decided to block replies...so here they are again:




1. Level 10 and LVL 50's in the same warzone is unbalanced. LVL's 10-30 for sure are missing key skills and abilities which are very important/useful in PVP. The more lower levels you have, the less your team can use those tactics. Need to have a 10-30 and 31-50 PVP tier or something similar.


2. Valor... what is it for? I know at lvl 60 you can open another loot item....yaaaay! But up to then it serves no purpose other than bragging rights? Valor is not what makes one great...


3. Warzones... the settings was perfect for some great PVP but there are only 3 instanced warzones and of those only 2 will you encounter the republic. As for the outdoor warzone areas, the Sith and Republic are simply getting together via /say and grinding out daily's and weekly's in minutes. Needs some attention or PVP will just be about exploits.


4. Hutt Ball: Need to fix "goal line camping" by stealth players. Not entirely fair as there is a chance you get stuck in a group with no stealth (or more likely no one competent to use it). In any case, it is somewhat unbalanceing... other sports have rules for similar.. hutt ball needs one two (ie. small constant DOT for enemy players on the goal area to pull them out of invis).


5. 3 Turrets: Can't remember what this warzone is called. Simple upgrade would be to give the center turret higher damage output on the capital ship making it a more attractive target for capture and a reason to stack your entire team defending it. Have East and West combined damage equal that of the center turret. Changes the strategy to focus on the two outer or the single inner turret making for more high paced action and a faster match.


6. Grouping: It's becoming difficult to win matches as pre-mades are ruling all. Either completely disallow them (no group queueing) or give the other side bonuses if they have less players joining from a group queue. Alternatively, put premades up against premades only.


7. Space Combat PVP... where is it? Isn't this Star Wars? That's like making a western and forgetting the horses.... And let's make some group friendly turrets... I know my friends would love to hop on a turret and fire while I deftly dodge asteroids and republic fighters...


8. PVP Proving Ground - You seriously need to consider the creation of a proving ground where new PVPers can practice, play and earn some warzone tokens without risking the time and efforts of more seasoned PVPers. This might incorporate the fairly useless (currently) Valor rankings requiring anyone under Valor 5 (for example) to queue to a different instance than the 6-60. The warzone matches would be the same. Once they reach rank 6 (for example) then all their future warzone queues will put them in the 'mainstream' group. Give them proving ground tokens that they can then exchange 1-1 for warzone tokens once they are Valor 6+.



1. Costs to repair equipment is staggering. Should adjust this down by 10%-20%. I have to play to pay to play some more. It's a vicious repair cycle that is worse at lvl 50.


2. Unbreakable Gear - Please give some thought to being able to incorporate some unbreakable items in the game for end game. Perhaps a Mod or Enhancement which may do nothing but make that piece of gear unbreakable or simply have rare unbreakable gear appear in game from quests, raid mobs or other end game activities.



1. The crashes to desktop are getting a little crazy from what I hear. It isn't so much the frequency, but the lack of attention these major bugs are getting. All things being equal (updated drivers, exceed min. req.) there needs to be a concerted effort at fixing these 'game enders'


2. Can't tell you how many times I (and others) was close to finishing a daily or some kind and the game either locks up or crashed, only to have you start all over again. Need to find some mechanic of keeping you active in a crash scenario so there is a chance to get back and continue (ie. warzones or personal instances etc).



1. Normally these fools don't bother me. We can just about expect them to show up in every MMO in some form or fashion. Please don't leave your Security Chests unattended. It's very disheartening to see a Level 14 Bounty Hunter standing unacosted in a level 49 area repeatedly looting a security chest that drops 4000-6000 credits when it spawns. I worked hard to get where I was in game without running an exploit.. Drop a higher level spawn at those locations and they'll go away pretty quickly. I could care less if a lvl 50 wants to stand there and loot the chest all day.. but a level 14... seriously?


2. Put the credit farmers out of business. Adjust how credits are used in the game and sell the credits yourself. It's another revenue stream for bioware and the real credits (commendations etc) would still be earned in game but for those not wanting to grind cash to pay for repairs so they can adventure, damage their gear and grind cash again -- can simply buy it legitimately from BioWare. The crafted economy should be largely unaffected as high end gear (Rakkata or Batlemaster for example) is still better than anything craftable so those unable to get the above will still buy crafted occasionally.



1. Not exactly sure what Bioware was thinking when they put speeders in the game. Personally, I'm content to ride my lvl 1 speeder forever at lvl 50. The cost for the skills is astronomical for the % increase in speed. In a 100M stretch, a LVL 3 speeder barely beats me. I urge you to do the following: A) LVL 2 Speeders are 110% for the same current cost 210,000 credits and LVL 3 Speeders are also 110% but give them a speed boost skills as well sending them rocketing at 150% for several seconds.


2. Please give us the option when travelling to head straight to the surface (assuming we've been to that planet before) without stopping at the space port. What a wast of time and if you're running a slower maching (not everyone has a PCI-E SSD drive) it's unnecessary extra loading time.



1. In space... no one can hear you scream. I'm thinking this was the philosophy behind the space combat component of the game. An endless solo grind with very limited rewards. If memory serves me, I believe I've only ever received 2 items for my ship as loot from space combat. The rest are poor quality merchant items or slightly better crafted items. In any case, space combat needs some work.



1. Think the 40's need a raid. Not entirely sure why most new MMO's are keeping raiding as the personal domain of the elite LVL 50 (or whatever level passes for end game) only. Dangle that raiding character in from of the level 40's (the level range I think most people start to feel the 'grind' of level and need a nice distraction...) and let them experience a raid before hitting the end-game material.


2. Space combat raids? Interesting...



1. Not sure why some crafting trades can trade (non-BoP or Bound) their end-game (lvl 400) items and others can't. Not entirely fair.


2. Not entirely sure why crafters like artificers can't make that 'special' purple item like the synthweavers or armortechs can with an 'augmentable' item.


3. Crafting gear... wouldn't it be nice to loot a piece of gear that would reduce the time needed to craft or gather?


4. Crafting Expertise gear and item modifications. Could fill a gap in the whole pvp balancing thing.... if I want expertise then I might have to wear that set of green or blue armor when I pvp.... certainly would help the lower levels become more effective and there would be less grumbling from seasoned PVPers.



1. Please fix the chest loot bug. Really frustrating finally killing the big bad boss only to see the chest is bugged and won't open. I've seen no word from Bioware that they're even looking into this bug.


2. NPC Dialogue - Please give us the option to move through the dialogue for missions we've completed already automatically. It will make them more tolerable for grinding out cash, xp or items. Allow the group leader to toggle this on/off if all players have completed the mission before. In terms of light side/dark side choices - provide the players an all or nothing option at the beginning to choose etiher light side or dark side choices (ie. "You are going to skip this quest dialogue when the scenes appear - Please choose to follow the path of the 1) Light Side, 2) Dark Side).




...End of Rant. Please try and keep your comments constructive. My intention is to offer suggestions (right, wrong or otherwise) on what I feel would be improvements to the game after having played since the Beta. Feel free to add your suggestions.


This may be the wrong forum for the 'suggestion box' but I feel it's the right forum to reach out to the most players regarding improvements that will affect Bioware's customer retention rate in a VERY competitive MMO market.

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Anyone else having problems managing with credits while wiping in raids? Imo repairs are extremely too expensive we often have to stop progress because few of our raiders just become bankrupt. I understand that deaths and wipes should be penalized, but you should not be forced to grind whole time while not raiding to support 3 raid evenings of raids.


Make repairs more affordable.

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Something about crafting.


I really like the idea of reverse engineering and gaining better versions of equipment.

In fact I like it so much that I suggest to change the way you acquire new recipes when leveling crafting.

I am talking only about recipes acquired from crafting trainer.

Instead of just going and learning them from you trainer, why not make a system of item trees where you discover new recipes while leveling up your crafting.

You would start from some base items which would fork into more items and so on and so on.


You would climb the crafting tree by making different items to acquire different type of higher tier recipes while crafting and not just make most cheap item in every skill segment to get to max skill.

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Copy and pasted. Sorry about issues already listed.





Minor imbalances between factions and classes:

These aren't game-breaking, but they're certainly there.


-Server population between Reps and Imps are imbalanced (which isn't that big of an issue by itself), but there is an issue with zone instances not being balanced or having strange numbers which causes leveling in some areas to be a pain.


-Mirror classes using dual wield vs single wield - causes different stat totals, different ability mechanics (chance to proc with 2 weapons vs 1), and a scaling difference.

-Mirror classes having different activation times on mirror abilities

-Mirror classes working smoother than their counterpart (dirty kick stopping scoundrel movement on use vs the operative's mirror ability)




Game play responsiveness, smoothness:

This is, IMO, the most important thing that should be changed.


-There are delays on certain abilities that should not have one (Force Wave) – whether it’s damage or a CC, instant abilities and cast abilities should happen immediately or immediately after the cast is finished.

This is different from the known issue of certain ability's animation interrupting or preventing other abilities from happening, and different from abilities like Full Auto and Mortar Volley taking a long time to do damage. I'm talking about things like Explosive Surge (instant AoE damage) taking ~.5 seconds to activate even without lag because my character has to show himself activating an explosion. Simply put: ability animations (almost every one coming from a trooper) should be severely sped up. If abilities like Force Wave is meant to have a long delay, there should be a non-interruptable channel bar associated with it, which at the end of the ability goes off instantly (think WoW warrior's Slam, or hunter's Steady Shot - both castable while moving).


For those who have played WoW: imagine if there were animation delays on every ability, especially melee attacks. Sure you'd get the same amount of attacks over time because of the global cooldown, but it would feel slow and unresponsive and most of all - not fun.

I hate bringing up WoW, but most abilities in WoW were done right.




Other miscellaneous issues:

-Quest rewards: my companion uses blaster pistols, and her main stat is aim. I keep getting blaster pistol quest rewards with cunning on them instead.

-Speeder mount cast is interrupted if I move right after its cast finishes.

-Monster AI - being able to abuse the NPC AI by running around to Line of Sight mobs. Because they have a targeting delay, I was able to 2man 4man heroic quests.

-Tab target unreliability – it frequently targets enemies behind me, or simply not in front of me. Problems with cycling between targets as well.

-Frequent resets of the camera zoom, and then other times it would take a long time to revert to my set zoom (zooming in due to an obstruction behind me).

-"On use" relic bindings disappearing sometimes



Quality of life changes:

-Being able to move windows around like the inventory

-Having more ability bars and being able to customize placement and size

-The option to be able to turn the camera with left click while moving and not have it revert to the frontal view after letting it go

-Mods (addons aka custom UIs and such) and macros

-Target of target option

-Mouse over healing option

-Being able to bind ctrl, alt, or shift as a self target modifier (as well as a modifier for other things)

-Combat logs

-AoE circles actually reflecting the AoE range

-Dual spec option




Personal opinions (not nearly as important):

-I main a Vanguard. Why is Stockstrike one of my most powerful abilities? I can understand if it were a stun or knockback, but as damage? I mean, why is hitting them with the stock of my rifle more damaging than my shots? Couldn’t it have been something cool like “close range blaster overload” with a better name?


-Jumping is fun. Not being able to jump because it reduces movement speed is not fun.


-Trooper’s Storm ability and Harpoon - slow slow slow. Being off the GCD would be nice, but not necessary. Harpoon makes the target land where I cast it, but since targets take some time to come over, I can be moving and they'll be out of range when they land...


-Pulse cannon, my frontal AoE has a hard time hitting multiple melee enemies (only 2 usually - 3 if there are ranged enemies).


-Auto-facing should be removed to make players have to control their facing when using abilities.


-This is a pro. I definitely like the voice acting, quests/quest choices, and story lines in this game.




Bioware, can we get a list of issues that you are aware of and is being worked on?

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i´d like to point out what i think is missing from the game :p and hope BW listens to suggestions.


Space ship:


  • Naming my ship, seriously .. Riggs gets to name his pistols, i should at least be able to name my ship.
  • mailbox in my ship, i should the very least be able to pick up letters in my ship, i would rig it so that you cant pickup items at your spaceship mailbox but letters and credits are fine.
  • Customizable colors the very least, hell even ability to upload textures i want shown on my ship(as logos) would be cool(f****** hello kitty warships !!).
  • mods for the ships, now as this is my ship i want to put in a "crafting station" that could possibly give +5 to armormech/armstech and so on, put in said mailbox, hell a coffee machine(be creative lot of potential here).
  • more ships, it´s fantastic that everyone gets a "starter" ship, but add space ship merchant, so that we can "buy" a another type/new ship.(simply put in more ships :p)




  • Guild colors and logos, and the ability to put your ship(and possibly armor) in those colors/logos.
  • expand the guild window, so that i can see what their "crew skills" are.




right now i´m having a torrid time picking gear for my followers, why cause every time i want to compare their gear, i get linked to my own gear. fix this please, if i hover over heavy armor and i can only wear light, but my companion can wear heavy please link over to his gear.


Crew skills:


i would love to have different crew skills to each person, and quite possibly have 2 to each person with the max of 4 crew skills in total. or make folk choose one gathering, one mission, one crafting then have one extra that can be anything you want.

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i laughed.


If you are not special then your posts will end up dieing like the rest.

Its called bringing the newer posts to the front.


This seems overly constructive.

(Yes the above statement is overloaded with sarcasm)


Also I can be constructive like the rest of them but it is highly irritating to continue to hear people Q.Q'ing about nerfing things here and in game.


It's been said before but the ability to trade useless planet commidations for cash should be in game. What do I need Tython commidations for?


If you dont want to have them traded for cash at least allow us to put it into the guild bank when that comes out for the lower level players to take.



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