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The Suggestion Compilation Thread - Regularly updated!


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Can't bother to read everything but here we go straight off the top of my head:


- Item customization/dye, a common feature in most MMOs, can't believe we only got orange gear (useless at lvl 50, tired of the gold cyber-samurai look)

- Ranked ladders (competitive PvP)

- Guild level/ship/gear (make guilds fun)

- Ability lag fix (don't got no problem but apparently many have)

- Combat log (and with it the damage meters will come)

- Battlegrounds (WZ are for kids)

- Ingame events (dynamic and static ones, summon a world boss, have it attack a harbor/spaceport etc, fun)

- Macros

- Decent open world PvP (not the current crappy one)

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My thread was quickly closed by a mod, so I'll repost it in its entirety here and hope its not lost in the general clamor.


Here are the things needed to be fixed within the next 15-30 days, in rough order of priority:


1. PVP character location and facing sync.


Most noticeable when stunning, knocking down, or otherwise incapacitating an opponent near melee range, when the opposing player appears to be directly in front of me and in reality is somewhere else. This causes melee attacks or positional required attacks to miss or give "required condition not met" (or whatever it is) messages constantly. When they break out of the stun or it wears off, they warp to a location nearby but not within range. It is impossible to guess where the opposing player actually is, so they are effectively immune to the desired attack while in this state. Please improve sync between server and client so immobilized players can be attacked. Ranged attackers likely do not notice this as much, because their target is somewhere in front of them, and exact positioning is not as important.


2. Camera distance.


It is really annoying to have to continually mousewheel back to keep the camera at max range. There's a setting for max range, but every time I walk under a ledge or bridge or there's a structure in the way, it zooms in and then never returns to max range. Please make the max range "sticky" so that when the obstacle is no longer in the way, the camera will zoom back to the max range set in preferences.


3. Chat tabs.


Every time I zone the chat tab I have selected is unselected and I'm thrown back into the default tab. Maybe it's the first tab? It would be nice if the tab I selected would persist through zone changes.


4. Collapsed currency categories


It is annoying to have to collapse the currency categories on inventory every time I re-open it. If I collapse Flashpoint and Planet commendations (for instance) so that I can see the PvP commendations, I would like this behavior to persist past the current inventory session. I don't even care if this doesn't stick past a login session, or even a zone, just every time I open the bags.


5. Lack of willpower shields.


My main is an Artificer and an Assassin, and there are virtually no Shield recipes that have willpower and defensive stats. I believe this is an oversight and an itemization issue. It is annoying to have to buy someone's world drops on the GTN instead of being able to craft my own. The Focus recipes are fine, by comparison. Why no Assassin shields?


6. Huttball.


Another same-side pvp warzone, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.


7. Stacking in the cargo hold.


Please put in logic so that when I toss items into my cargo hold they stack with the same item. I feel like I'm playing the memory game trying to drag each stack of the same piece of crafting material onto another.


8. Ridiculously long orbital station runs.


When I get to a planet and I have to run through a hangar, take an elevator, then run through the station, then run to a shuttle, then take that down to the planet, just so I can FINALLY get to where I'm going, it seems like additional running for no reason. Let me quick transport as soon as I exit my ship, please.


I know this post isn't "ZOMG NERF <SOME CLASS>" so it probably won't get replies and summarily bumped, and it will be ignored. Suffice to say I'm not the only one who has noticed these issues and it would be wise to pay attention.


Thanks for reading, whoever has done so.

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UI / Addon Customization


LFG System - Whether it be server - server or only within your own server. Something that will match make you other then spamming chat so you can do other quests while waiting.


More details on Crew Skills (How do I know if I reverse engineer this that I have a chance of getting something else) Or remove the recipes gained from reverse engineer and allow them to be monster drops.


Improve Crew Skills - 99.9% of the items are better then Crew skills. Thats true even when you reach 50 for the first day. The resources needed to craft the gear require better gear to even get the raw material.


PVP framerates / stability. I play a Guardian and I only use instant abilities, however they are far from instant. Half the time they wont even work. People are skipping all over the warzones. My ping always says <30ms, however it feels like >600ms

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Add a heads up display option.

I play a Jedi Shadow which as you know is very proc heavy (every attack has X% to grant Y effect which reduces the cost of next Z skill). The problem with this style of play is that I spend all of my time staring at my action bars with only occasional glances up at the field of play to avoid standing in bad.


Between staring at my action bar constantly and occasional glances upward I get virtually no time to enjoy the great animations & environment as a whole. This greatly detracts from my immersion in the star wars universe. I am sure the teams that spent countless hours on those animations & environment would like us to enjoy them.


I was able to solve this in that one other game by using an addon called "IceHud." I had 6 semi transparent bars surrounding my character (3 on each side). Three of the bars told me my health, my resource (mana), and my target's health. The other three bars told me the presence of and time remaining on my various procs. Below each of these bars were semi-transparent icons that showed any negative effects I had on me. The area above the bar would show a semi-transparent bar & icon when my target would cast something. I could configure additional bars to show cooldowns if I wanted.


By having a heads up display I was able to manage my procs, stay out of the bad, and enjoy the so-so animations of that one other game. I would love to be able to manage my procs, stay out of the bad, and enjoy the great animations in this game.


Can you please work on a heads up display that puts the information I need around my character rather than everything at the bottom of my screen? This would be great as a built in option -OR- as a feature supported by an addon framework.

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Adding to this, make it so that the quest marker for npcs differentiate between a normal quest and a heroic quest.

/signed for this one. As a solo adventurer, it gets on my nerves to go through a whole quest dialogue with an NPC only to see [Heroic 2/4] after I'm done.

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From a suggestion thread I created just after launch:


1) Target of target, both as a default display on the UI and as an option for abilities (macro, toggle, or defualt behavior ie heals friendly target or target of hostile target, dps hostile or target of friendly). My preferred behavior would be the latter, where dps abilities aimed at a friendly target automatically target the friendly's target, and heals at hostile targets automatically target the hostile's target.


2) Targeting reticules that match the area of effect for the ability, both for player abilities and npc abilities.


3) Details on Legacy. You hint at Character Creation Options, which makes me not want to roll another character until I know more, but I really want to roll a couple of alts...


4) For abilities that charge up before firing, like Full Auto, make the cooldown engage once damage starts, allowing a grace period to cancel the cast if you hit the wrong key or mob is on the verge of death and you want to save it.


5) Ability to turn off companion headgear.


6) Space combat shouldn't clear your chat log. It's one thing to pause guild conversations, but it sucks to lose the complete chain of the discussion.


7) C2-N2 should not say "Welcome home, Master..." when you are departing your ship.


8) Ability to unlock UI components and move them around, rescale, etc. I'd rather have 4 bars at the bottom than 2 on the sides.


9) Some sort of Proc-watch functionality. Right now procs and buffs show up as tiny icons above your name. An aura or effect that lets you know that NOW is the time to fire that buffed high-impact bolt would be very useful. See Power Auras for example.


10) The ability to see other group member's power bars, although I assume this is currently just a bug.


11) A vendor that allows some recustomization, ie a barber shop.


12) The ability to disassemble C2-N2's voice control unit and make it into a shimmersilk purse, which can then be gifted to the lovely Sgt. Dorne.


13) Legacy name uniqueness. Currently both your first name and Legacy name must be unique. This presents a couple of suggestions:

13a) First, a way to know if a Legacy name is taken. New characters rolling in 6 months from now should have a tool to help them pick a server based on the availability of Legacy names they might want.

13b) Second, only one of these names needs to be unique, and I'd suggest the Legacy name. The existence of John Smith does not present the existence of a John Cooper. Chat logs could display both names, or First Name (Legacy). This would aid in tracking of alts and increase naming freedom. It might require picking a Legacy name earlier than 30 though. I realize that any such change would be much further down the road as it might require database architecture changes.


14) Import preferences to new characters, like keybindings and such. Or make them universal.


15) Weapon appearance preview. Moddable gear that allows you to choose your aesthetics while inserting stats is great, but so far it only works on attire. We can't see weapon models unless we actually equip them, an expensive prospect.


16) Zoom in the gear preview window.


17) Gear preview window should hide the helm slot, if that option is selected in preferences.


18) Custom chat channels appear to reset when you change servers. With only 8 slots per server, and 16 ACs, my Imperial and Republic characters must be on different servers. It is quite painful to have to rebuild custom chat tabs every time I decide to play a different faction.


19) Implement a /roll (/roll 100) feature.


20) Review the Trooper story and correct the inappropriate rank behaviors. Ensigns shouldn't be saluting Sergeants, Lieutenants shouldn't be called "Sir" and saluted by Captains. There is a codex entry on rank structure, make the Trooper story (you know, the heavily militaristic one many service people may be drawn to play...) conform to it.


21) A performance meter that tracks fight statistics. Damage avoided/mitigated/healed, hit/crit/miss % by ability, damage % by ability, dps, activity (% time in a fight casting or within the GCD), etc. Preferably non-spammable so people dont "link meters" in chat constantly.


22) Non-light social gear.


23) More variety to modded armor. The number of modded armors that are nearly indistinguishable from the Esseles set for my trooper is quite high. Wanting a new look doesn't mean "move the single brush stroke of paint from my chest to my arm" it means "give me something completely new."


24) Craftable gear that exceeds the daily commendation gear. Why RE everything until you have purples if you can honestly farm the commendations faster than you can craft the number of blues that takes?


25) Higher resolution textures.


26) Faster speed on higher level mounts


27) Smaller spaceports. What purpose does the 5 minute run from the hangar serve?


28) Mounts in spaceports.


29) Especially for my trooper, start doing damage as soon as casting starts. Most of my trooper abilities are halfway through the castbar before the first tick of damage hits.


30) Refund window on vendors. Short time limit (ie 1 hour) to return something for full price (credits or commendations).


31) In-game guild tools such as calendars, guild mass-mailing, polling, bank.


32) The UI shouldn't go transparent when on a Taxi. I can't steer or act in any way, let me at least read my codex or map.


33) A way to track boss loot lists, and create wishlists. Perhaps add a bosses loot list to the codex after the first time you kill him, so you know if you should come back.


34) Some specs lack interrupts. Vanguards get riot strike, my commando gets...to heal through that massive damage ability that elite just unloaded. Stuns and knockbacks that lack a lockout aren't the same. Every AC should have a proper interrupt.


35) Same-sex romance options. It's 2012, same-sex couples can marry, they can serve in the military openly, why aren't there any in a universe of trillions of sentients? Since we are supposed to pretend that our companions are different from everyone else who shares our class, it shouldn't matter that Sgt. Dorne is straight for player A and a lesbian for player B, they are different Dorne's.


36) Neutral rewards. Currently if you are Neutral you can't use any relics. There are some interesting choices in some of these stories for players who make up their own ruleset for conduct besides following what the LS/DS indicator says, but the mechanics try and force you to go nearly pure LS or pure DS.

Edited by RuQu
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First: I love SWTOR. In my opinion, the detail, lore and game play are amazingly fun. Having said that, I want to compile a list of little things that could take some of the small annoyances away.


1. Camera look behind binding key.


I am stunned at how much of an annoyance not having this is. In other games, I can bind a key to flip the camera to look directly behind me. This is very useful in combat or even socially when you are running with a group and want to visually see where your partner is.


2. Open up fast travel in Hangars


Having to run all the way out of the instance in Coruscant and Taris is a major grind. I assume that this is some sort of tech limitation but I hope that someone could figure out a way to get us to the main areas more quickly once we exit our ships.


3. More guild functionality.


I am sure that this will come but I sure would like to see Guilds become more important in the game than they are right now. Guild Perks, Guild Cargo Holds and a more robust guild interface would help motivate people to join guilds.


4. Ship custumization.


The ships are awesome and I really enjoy space combat but it would be nice to have some quests lines that would allow us to customize the interior of our ships.



Would love for others to add on to this thread and have the Devs comment on the viability of some of these wants.


That said, if you choose to post on here railing on how bad the game is and that you are ready to cancel if.... Save your energy. Put that in your own thread someplace else.



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Add a heads up display option.

I play a Jedi Shadow which as you know is very proc heavy (every attack has X% to grant Y effect which reduces the cost of next Z skill). The problem with this style of play is that I spend all of my time staring at my action bars with only occasional glances up at the field of play to avoid standing in bad.


Between staring at my action bar constantly and occasional glances upward I get virtually no time to enjoy the great animations & environment as a whole. This greatly detracts from my immersion in the star wars universe. I am sure the teams that spent countless hours on those animations & environment would like us to enjoy them.


I was able to solve this in that one other game by using an addon called "IceHud." I had 6 semi transparent bars surrounding my character (3 on each side). Three of the bars told me my health, my resource (mana), and my target's health. The other three bars told me the presence of and time remaining on my various procs. Below each of these bars were semi-transparent icons that showed any negative effects I had on me. The area above the bar would show a semi-transparent bar & icon when my target would cast something. I could configure additional bars to show cooldowns if I wanted.


By having a heads up display I was able to manage my procs, stay out of the bad, and enjoy the so-so animations of that one other game. I would love to be able to manage my procs, stay out of the bad, and enjoy the great animations in this game.


Can you please work on a heads up display that puts the information I need around my character rather than everything at the bottom of my screen? This would be great as a built in option -OR- as a feature supported by an addon framework.


Signed. I'm tired of staring at the bottom of my screen for entire fights.

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20) Review the Trooper story and correct the inappropriate rank behaviors. Ensigns shouldn't be saluting Sergeants, Lieutenants shouldn't be called "Sir" and saluted by Captains. There is a codex entry on rank structure, make the Trooper story (you know, the heavily militaristic one many service people may be drawn to play...) conform to it.



Being that I am in the military this drives me nuts yes please fix it

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Why do staff moderators close threads at all? I was reading an interesting one and then BAM - "thread is closed". Granted, the thread was about why the game is getting boring for some, but to suddenly close down the thread seems a bit like Big Brother.
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More variety in color crystal, off-shades of red, blue and green for one. Perhaps craftable via a crit/proc on a blue or epic quality recipe? Or via adding a fourth ingredient into the recipe?


Also, make end-game crafting via and comparable to early end-game content. Perhaps via a quest storyline, or a mastery system?

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Dear Game Designers and Community,


I appreciate all the effort that so many people have taken to take about game issues and the things that can be done to make SWTOR even better and long-surviving. I was especially impressed with Xcore's post on ability delays, and all the people who helped him.


I know I'm a bit too type A, but in a perhaps over-documented fashion, I made a list of areas of improvement or outright fixes that I have still noticed in the game after my first 100 hours of gameplay. I have played literally 20 different MMORPGs and have beta-tested stuff for almost 20 years, so I write it, I hope, with some practice and perspective. Here goes:


1) Ability delays

I will not say more about this other than to say Xcore has beaten it to death. This is the biggest issue and I only wonder if a fix is even possible or if the game engine is too solidified


2) Tooltips and better information for players

I was fine figuring out what to do but I think the in-game help situation is very weak. There were too many instances where I didn't understand a game dynamic or didn't have enough tooltips on abilities to know what interactions existed or what I should do. Here are two of my favorite examples:


a) If you are a Jedi Templar, there are talent tree points that boost burn abilities, but there are some burn abilities that do not actually say they cause burn damage in the tooltip

b) It is not clear when a companion has a specialization boost for a profession, or a chance to crit, how much that ability magnifies your opportunity. For example, the Sith Inquisitor's first companion has +15 to a crafting ability. Does this mean 15% faster? who knows?


The tooltips need to be rethought from a perspective of knowing all stats and their impacts in a clear and manageable fashion


3) Abilities do not all show up on toolbars

Sometimes abilities do not automatically start or pop unto your bar. Examples:


a) My sith inquisitor pet taunt was not on the bar

b) My sith inquisitor pet stances were not on his bar

c) My warp button to go back to the ship (emergency ship transport in six seconds) was not on the bar - this is a really big one that helps with going back to train


4) While I do not value achievements as much as other players, having more robust codex entries for feats in PvP and PvE would make many players happy and not take that much time to document


5) Walking speeds should be a bit faster, or the buff for faster walking should come a bit earlier in the game.

The early zone walks can be agonizingly long


6) The BGs are too "obstacle heavy".

If you want to keep the current ones, that is fine, but there are too many fires, blocks and holes that obstruct people from "just fighting" when they want to


7) You are missing a LFG tool for PvP and PvE


8) The companions can often disappear without any clear reason and without the summon companion button coming up in the lower-left hand corner of the screen


9) PvP zones stick everybody together in one area.

You should bind them by increments of 10 levels for zoning


10) Raid content is too limited and easy


11) AI is weak, especially in instanced zones.

Strafing, killing and CCing is way too easy


12) Background distortion in the animations are rampant

Especially in scenes with trees or bushes, they seem to be shaking in the background there can often be a color smear all across the screen


13) Conversation animations are not fluid

Scenes often stall or progress with a hiccup from one scene of a conversation to another


14) Endgame awards are reached too easily and with too little time

I have seen a range of grindy to non-grindy games and it is simply too easy to get full-gearing. I know the point of SWTOR is to experience different classes, and that is fun, but I think you are too far on one end of the spectrum. I can only emphasize again that having more title-oriented rewards or things like that, especially in PvP, would help with this problem


15) The choice of character types in the create a character screen are shockingly limited.

I get 25 choices for what color my character's eyes will be, but only five basic species? And only four body types? Come on Bioware. I actually like that you make the class bonuses relatively insignificant, but this is Star Wars. The bar has been set higher by recent MMORPGs and there should be many more options on the race front, or at least sub-race character design to start. If you want a good example, check out City of Heroes. You can customize everything down to the character's butt size and color.


16a. Rewards for social points, companion points and PvP reputation max out way too low and have *yawn* outcomes.

Ooh - I get a lame badge for social points? My companion gives me a few quests and tells me a story if I max out TEN THOUSAND points of loyalty with him? I can max out PvP reputation in a month? These basic systems are good, but what they yield when you work on them is too little, too fast.

16b. Gear maxing happens too fast

Think about *gasp* Warcraft and how there is arena or rated BGs and people can work on ratings or rankings for months. Think about raiding and how maxing out all bosses and gear can take months. There needs to be more to keep people coming back.


17. If you are going to have so many world quests that need a group, you need area LFG or auto-queuing beyond chatting it up


18. Gear differentiation is limited and graphics are often dull and suffer from sameness

Too many pieces of gear for too many toons have too limited ranges of illustration. It is like the Burning Crusade expansion of Warcraft after their initial graphic greatness in Vanilla


19. There is not an armory equivalent system, built up, where one can look at other people's toons, specs and performance in-game


20. Guild rewards, incentives and a "purpose for being" are not epic enough


21. Illum does not function as intended and there are too many economic distortions


22. There are not really world events or significant calendar-based events that shake-up what happens


23. Space combat is dull and repetitive and should be eliminated.

It is a good effort but nobody finds it redeeming and you should contemplate eliminating it entirely and focusing your effort on the rest of the game as there is much to do


24. The commendations systems, except PvP and end-game raiding, should either be revamped or eliminated

There are not nearly enough rewards from vendors. People in other MMORPGs love getting many vanity things, on top of tangible rewards, for their gametime.


25. SWTOR feels very reward-heavy on gear and story and way too reward-light on other fun things like world exploration and cosmetic bonuses

Sure, there are holocrons and other things, but where is the fun list of things to do outside besides instanced fights and quests? Not enough to do.


26. There needs to be a better toggle in-game for mouse sensitivity


27. The camera adjustments and widescreen positioning can sometimes operate awkwardly

In group fights it can often be harder than one might think to get a group vantage or everything that is happening without significant manipulation.


28. World latency can be too high and animations can be jerky sometimes

I am running on a brand new top-of-the-line Alienware desktop, with a 100mbps cable modem connection and I still get high latency in some zones with high population, as well as this sometimes happening in PvP. I remember reading about WoW having these problems in places like Wintergrasp, but supposedly with better programming this was supposed to be something fixable.


29. The number of bar slots and buttons are too rigid and should have a customizable interface like the bartender addon in Warcraft

You should be able to build this stuff in easily


30. You should have counters for cooldowns on abilities like the cooldown count addon in Warcraft


31. The auction interface can be improved significantly for listing efficiency and ease


32. There should be city guards who can flag the location of a vendor or trainer for you on the map if you are lost

This will really help novice players, but I'm sure anybody who occasionally gets lost


33. The normalization mechanic in BGs is a bad idea and leads to a sense of pointlessness in grinding gear

Grouping people by levels is a better idea and more reasonable


34. While I get the point of being clever, the vagueness of getting or losing points with your companion can be more confusing than it is worth

There should just be a highlighter on conversation choices that tells you the potential plus or minus to points with your companion, like there is with the light or dark side


I appreciate everybody's attention and reading. I do not come from a hostile position. I love this game and want to help make it better so it will last a long time. I want to make it expressly clear that despite these comments, I LOVE the game and appreciate the effort Bioware put into making it. Additionally, I know working out kinks can take a long time. However, I wanted to do my part to help improve the game.


You invited me for beta testing and consider this my slightly delayed beta test because I was away from vacation and could not submit my comments or play then. Again, this is based on 100 hours of gameplay starting 7 days ago.


Thanks so much!

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When finishing group quests and Flashpoints, the game gives you a chance to make those people friends. SImilar to the LFG comment box, you should be able to leave a comment on exactly who this particular friend is. Only you would be able to see it.


Companions should have an option NOT to interrupt you at GTN or Vendors or Preferences screen.


Ships SHOULD have the Modifications table back (if they ever did). When I have to update all my companions modifications, a central screen would be nice. I know I can pull up each individualy, but being able to just select the weapon or armor, update it, then go to the next would be a time saver.


Since spaceports have no run zones, a faster sprinting speed at a higher level would be nice.


If your companion is on a Mission, you should be abele to call the next availible companion without waiting for that first one to come back. (In rpg context, perhaps you are sending one to gett he other, but thats what communicatiors are for.)

Edited by IttyBetty
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20) Review the Trooper story and correct the inappropriate rank behaviors. Ensigns shouldn't be saluting Sergeants, Lieutenants shouldn't be called "Sir" and saluted by Captains. There is a codex entry on rank structure, make the Trooper story (you know, the heavily militaristic one many service people may be drawn to play...) conform to it.



Being that I am in the military this drives me nuts yes please fix it


I got a reply to my ticket about the third major mistake of this type that said they would review the Trooper story, so hopefully they will fix this. I figure this class has drawn a lot of us in the military, it makes no sense they wouldn't have had someone with military experience proofread it.

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I do agree movement speed is painfully slow i know why it was implemented to be so slow to make us feel like the game is longer but it still suck people dont have the patience they should for it


i don't agree with the warzones having less obstacles i enjoy the firepits and acid pools if anything make the new warzones more of a maze with more obstacles cause when more people hit 50 it's going to make it more challenging.


Don't give in to the weak, dont make the game easy make it harder!

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Feedback on Current LFG Tool


It's a complete hassle to use in it's current state, I can't even resize the window to see the entire LFG message... I have to type in leet speak so people can see what flashpoint I am looking for and what spec I am...




Here are my idea's.


Polish the current system into a more "sociable" and "interactive" LFG tool that doesn't have a static, cold, clunky feel to it.


The less hassle the LFG tool is to use, the more it will be utilized by the community. Make it more user friendly with enough bells and whistles on the UI to keep everyone happy.


Planet restriction on the LFG Tool needs to be considered for removal.


Allow us to resize the window.


Let us check a box to show others what class/spec we are I.E. Dmg, Healz, Support.


Have the window auto refresh.



Edited by ColdLogic
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Mailbox inside our ships would certainly be nice.


I think it would be cool if they could add a Master and Apprentice deal with live players (Mentor for non force classes), the players have to be the same class, the apprentice must be lower than the master. Then they both get certain benefits, like bonus exp for the apprentice, though I don't know what the master could get (Social points perhaps? I don't know :/).


Also, PvP type Swoop racing as one of the future PvP queues, as well as a minigame where you race against NPCs or beat the NPC best time like in Kotor (Could give a unique speeder perhaps for beating a super difficult time? That'd be pretty cool). It'd not only be a great addition, that'd really give some love to the Kotor fans who play TOR.

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Here are my things:


No Combat Logs, or at least make them only Personal.


Windows that DON'T auto close when a Companion comes back with their result, such as when browsing the Market.


Companion windows that DON'T popup when you are in the middle of combat, do it the same as Space combat.


Mailbox on board your ship.


Target's Target!


Tick box in the preferences to shut the robot up!

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Im sorry, but this post is much more PVP oriented than the rest. Should be named also as this because its not reflecting everyones opinion. SO, please stop pretending that this is all opinions with phrases as:


This is our number one complaint in the game at this time


The thinks listed under PVE are partialy also PVP (Training dummies, Combat log).



Don't missunderstand me, the details given on PVP are great, really, but just take the PVE section out because it is a joce. Best will be to also rename the post to reflect that it is PVP oriented.

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