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Nerf Gunships, No seriously, Nerf Them you make game boring.


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Above is me in a stock strike fighter, although me and a teammate was trolling each other by taking each others kills :D





Score after an entire team of scrubships, oh i meant gunships.




Scoreboard of an entire enemy team of cartel gunships fully upgraded, i was still shredding them to less than 5% Hull in a strike fighter, before they run off or one of there butt bodies shot me.



You see the difference in score when gunships are involved? Gunships make the gameplay dumb, and are a reason why people dont play this more than 1 or 2 times, i've tried getting more people to play GSF only to have them say, im not playing this any more, because the entire enemy team is sitting in fully upgraded gunships 1 shooting them or camping the spawn.



OH BTW if you disagree with me or stack evasions... U BAD


P.S Buff Photon Torpedos with 15k KM range.

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No im not bragging because i've had games far better than these, but you must understand gunship stackers make the game tedious and boring 've had games where the republic is nothing but gunships, and player from europe lagging at the same time in the gunships, killing me a second after i've just killed them lag.







Above is me in a stock strike fighter, although me and a teammate was trolling each other by taking each others kills :D





Score after an entire team of scrubships, oh i meant gunships.




Scoreboard of an entire enemy team of cartel gunships fully upgraded, i was still shredding them to less than 5% Hull in a strike fighter, before they run off or one of there butt bodies shot me.



You see the difference in score when gunships are involved? Gunships make the gameplay dumb, and are a reason why people dont play this more than 1 or 2 times, i've tried getting more people to play GSF only to have them say, im not playing this any more, because the entire enemy team is sitting in fully upgraded gunships 1 shooting them or camping the spawn.



OH BTW if you disagree with me or stack evasions... U BAD


P.S Buff Photon Torpedos with 15k KM range.

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Above is me in a stock strike fighter, although me and a teammate was trolling each other by taking each others kills :D





Score after an entire team of scrubships, oh i meant gunships.




Scoreboard of an entire enemy team of cartel gunships fully upgraded, i was still shredding them to less than 5% Hull in a strike fighter, before they run off or one of there butt bodies shot me.



You see the difference in score when gunships are involved? Gunships make the gameplay dumb, and are a reason why people dont play this more than 1 or 2 times, i've tried getting more people to play GSF only to have them say, im not playing this any more, because the entire enemy team is sitting in fully upgraded gunships 1 shooting them or camping the spawn.



OH BTW if you disagree with me or stack evasions... U BAD


P.S Buff Photon Torpedos with 15k KM range.


Posting screenshots of three games doesn't proof anything. They're not a big enough sample size, they don't show the matches in detail and they're manually chosen which makes them biased. Also, we can only see the score of your team. We also don't see any proof of enemy gunships in these games. Also I think you placed your screenshots in the wrong order because clearly the first game doesn't show a strike.


Judging by the numbers these were three games with a lot of new players.


In the game where you're the scout your team looks like mostly consisting of players with some experience but they're still in the learning phase or else the game wouldn't have timed out. Also your opponents team probably didn't have a good pilot in and probably consisted of below average players. Also you write about carrying them but when looking at the score I'm sure they'd won anyway.


In the screenshot with the strike it looks like 2 above average pilots + 3 with some experience + 3 almost new pilots were facing an enemy team with mostly below average skill.


In the last game, where you're a dead bomber you had a team of 7 inexperienced players assigned to you and your team probably would have lost anyway.



You're mentioning "shredding gunships to 5% hull in a strike" which is probably a reason why you have a problem with gunships. You need to use a scout against them. Strikes are food for gunships.


What's the game with an enemy team consisting "entirely of fully upgraded cartel gunships"? First: You can't see if a ship is fully upgraded. Second cartel or not is irrelevant for strenght. I assume it's not the game where you're in a scout, or else you wouldn't complain. But it can't be one of the other games as the Condor isn't a cartel ship and the Pike isn't even a gunship.


I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve here, except showing that you're exagerating extremely when trying to make your point. Exaggerating doesn't help proving your point and it sure doesn't improve your reputation. Also you strengthen the point "players have problems with gunships because they don't know how to deal with them" when you write about attacking gunships with your strike.




However, I understand the point that you don't like the influence on the game. There are games where the speed GSF can have gets slowed down extremely by stacking gunships or bombers, resulting in a trench-war situation. I also understand that new players don't have fun getting blown away by gunships.

However, these two points don't necessarily have much to do with one another. New players would get blown away by anything although without gunships they probably would see what's hit them. And most trench-like situations develop in games where there are no good scout pilots present to dissolve an enemy gunship nest while it's busy fighting other gunships.

If those situations are combined you have one team sitting in the trenches, while the other team is running through no mans land and gets shot down. However this is not a result of imbalanced ships but of imbalanced teams.

Edited by Danalon
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P.S Buff Photon Torpedos with 15k KM range.


Just to clear up the issue--and this is a minor nitpick--but photon torpedoes can have a 15km blast radius, making it difficult for warships to fire them at close engagement ranges.


The effective firing range of a photon torpedo can be around 300,000km, exhibited during an incident involving the USS Phoenix and the Enterprise-D (Nebula and Galaxy-class vessels, respectively) along the Cardassian border in 2367 (TNG S04E12, "The Wounded").

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Just to clear up the issue--and this is a minor nitpick--but photon torpedoes can have a 15km blast radius, making it difficult for warships to fire them at close engagement ranges.


The effective firing range of a photon torpedo can be around 300,000km, exhibited during an incident involving the USS Phoenix and the Enterprise-D (Nebula and Galaxy-class vessels, respectively) along the Cardassian border in 2367 (TNG S04E12, "The Wounded").


LMFAO!!! :o

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Just to clear up the issue--and this is a minor nitpick--but photon torpedoes can have a 15km blast radius, making it difficult for warships to fire them at close engagement ranges.


The effective firing range of a photon torpedo can be around 300,000km, exhibited during an incident involving the USS Phoenix and the Enterprise-D (Nebula and Galaxy-class vessels, respectively) along the Cardassian border in 2367 (TNG S04E12, "The Wounded").


Glad I am not the only one that thought this :D. Also glad I wasnt the one to say it.

Edited by tunewalker
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This is why I don't play GSF as much as I could, things like this happen to often, the enemy literally sat back and just sniped us and even in my scout once I got all the way around the outside of them they just blew me to pieces in seconds.




I'm sorry to break your illusions to pieces but your whole team sucked. Just looking at the average accuracy of your team, you guys wouldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Their team barely had two decent pilots. Not even good. And yours was so bad we can't even consider your screenshot as valid data. Any pilot I care to remember on this forum would wipe the floor with you in any STOCK ship.

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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I'm sorry to break your illusions to pieces but your whole team sucked. Just looking at the average accuracy of your team, you guys wouldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Their team barely had two decent pilots. Not even good. And yours was so bad we can't even consider your screenshot as valid data. Any pilot I care to remember on this forum would wipe the floor with you in any STOCK ship.


The way it happened was the team would head towards them and they'd get blown out of the sky before they even got within range and when they did the enemy of course had all their cooldowns ready to avoid. Only way I got any shots or damage on the enemy is because I went wide around the field to try come up behind them I jumped on one but of course he legged it and the rest of the team owned me quickly. Also I was pretty much in a stock ship, I just returned to the game and changed servers.


As to "any pilot that's worth remembering on this forum" it's not about that, it's about enjoying the game and it's cleanly not working when battles like the one I mentioned happen when ever anyone sets foot in the arena and when they do they face the guys who live off killing noobs with their vastly superior ships.

Edited by LordRaeth
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The way it happened was the team would head towards them and they'd get blown out of the sky before they even got within range and when they did the enemy of course had all their cooldowns ready to avoid. Only way I got any shots or damage on the enemy is because I went wide around the field to try come up behind them I jumped on one but of course he legged it and the rest of the team owned me quickly. Also I was pretty much in a stock ship, I just returned to the game and changed servers.


As to "any pilot that's worth remembering on this forum" it's not about that, it's about enjoying the game and it's cleanly not working when battles like the one I mentioned happen when ever anyone sets foot in the arena and when they do they face the guys who live off killing noobs with their vastly superior ships.


You know what? Fair enough. While circling around, or running straight at the enemy is not the way to deal with this situation, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to overcome this sort of situation when you do not have appropriate tools or teammates to assist you. If your entire team knew how to co-ordinate well, then you may have been able to control the match a little better than you did, but having competent, willing teammates is difficult to come by when solo-queing these days. I only wish the population was able to handle the separation of the que into solo que and group que, then situations of competent co-ordination VS. Incompetent bumbling would be avoided.


This is not the fault of the gunship, however it may seem from these types of experiences. I propose we put this debate to rest once and for all by having those accused of being "gunship noobs" (despon, verain, myself, etc.) fly in a (preferably recorded) NO GUNSHIP night, against challengers who can use whatever ship they like. Hopefully that will put to rest th notion that it is inherently the fault of OP gunships for imbalanced matches, rather than an undivserified GSF population.

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I propose we put this debate to rest once and for all by having those accused of being "gunship noobs" (despon, verain, myself, etc.) fly in a (preferably recorded) NO GUNSHIP night, against challengers who can use whatever ship they like. Hopefully that will put to rest th notion that it is inherently the fault of OP gunships for imbalanced matches, rather than an undivserified GSF population.

So, I'm not saying I won't do that, because I'll fly whatever ship, but it won't settle any debates about anything.


Here is what will happen:


1. Teams of inexperienced pilots will still be soundly crushed because they are inexperienced and it doesn't matter what they're flying, or what is flown against them. Pilots who have flown thousands of matches will dismantle casual players or new players because it is experience that matters far more.


2. Teams of anyone who knows what they are doing will probably fly a whole heap of bombers in a dom match vs. the No Gunship All Stars, which would lead to predictable results, or maybe to some kind of Bombergeddon from both sides where there are so many mines it drives framerates into the single digits.


3. It doesn't matter how much evidence you lay out, how many videos there are, how many screenshots, anecdotes, well reasoned arguments, thesis papers, encyclopedias, textbooks or holy scrolls that point out the obvious (that ship classes aren't out of balance aside from strikes being underpowered), you will still get NERF GUNSHIPS!!! NERF GUNSHIPS!!! THEY"RE TAKIN OUR JOBS!!! NERF GUNSHIPS!!!!!


Logic and proof have no place in this debate, because it is not a debate, or a discussion, or even a discourse. It is a bunch of people who are not equipped to understand the larger issues of why they are having a hard time in the game coming to the forum to vent.


Also, I still wish Sartt was available for hire to come to various social events, parties, and special occasions to yell NERF GUNSHIPS!



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I think bombers and gunships defeat the point of starfighter. When I think of the movies you don't see stationary ships or mine dropping ships you see heavy assault ships (Y-Wing), small nimble scout ships (A-Wing / TIE Fighter) and medium fighter (X-wing) ships going at each other in a blaze of criss-crossing mayhem. The only relatively stationary stuff you see are the large cruisers and the death star. I think all ships in GSF should be mobile 100% of the time and they should be the ones shooting not passively doing like bombers mostly do.
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I think bombers and gunships defeat the point of starfighter. When I think of the movies you don't see stationary ships or mine dropping ships you see heavy assault ships (Y-Wing), small nimble scout ships (A-Wing / TIE Fighter) and medium fighter (X-wing) ships going at each other in a blaze of criss-crossing mayhem. The only relatively stationary stuff you see are the large cruisers and the death star. I think all ships in GSF should be mobile 100% of the time and they should be the ones shooting not passively doing like bombers mostly do.


Seismic mines are used in Episode II while Obi-Wan chases the Slave I.


What you're pointing out here are general differences between movies and games.


Movie derives from "moving picture" and movies need to look (and sound) good to attract viewers. Huge ships in a standoff, small fighters chasing each other. That's what looks good. Talking about stationary stuff, you see the big things, but what's with all the turrets on the death star? Are they on screen long enough? Imagine an entire battle viewed from the perspective of the gunner of a turret (if they have gunners). No one would want to watch that.


Games on the other hand need to have some variety in what players can do. They need roles which counter or support each other so a meta gameplay can develop. Sure you could make a game with only T2 Scouts and all having the Stasiepedia build. The game would be incredibly fast paced but it would devolve into a deathmatch, no matter if it's a DOM or TDM map that's played.

Edited by Danalon
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I take your point about Slave 1 and Obi. I do however think that was a single one on one battle and the use of seismic charges in a full on multi ship battle would be more of a risk to your allies than it would to the enemy if friendly fire was an issue, which is not here whilst is in every other similar game I can think of. I also appreciate the idea of a greater degree of difference in ships, I just think they went with the easy and subsequently the weakest option in implementing it. Edited by LordRaeth
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Gunships are the most frustrating things in GSF. I barely play this mode because of how disheartening were the teams full of gunships. When they are additionally defended by a bomber, the hive is impenetrable. Edited by PavSalco
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Gunships are the most frustrating things in GSF. I barely play this mode because of how disheartening were the teams full of gunships. When they are additionally defended by a bomber, the hive is impenetrable.

I sympathize with your frustration, and it is indeed difficult to break a gunship / bomber formation, but it is hardly impenetrable if you choose the right counter and have pilots capable of pulling it off. The latter requirement is really the root of most of your frustration, because if you were flying on a team full of skilled, experienced pilots, the enemy would not so easily set up and maintain the bomberball. You would have several gunships on your team using ion railgun to clear out the bomber's junk and weaken the enemy gunships, and evasive scouts to go in and mop up the damaged enemies.


The number one source of frustration-fuel in GSF is being put into matches where your team is playing against a team that is far more experienced. If nobody on the experienced team flew gunships, and instead flew evasion scouts, your frustrations would be just as powerful and your ability to hit or kill them just as small.


My suggestion is to find some more experienced pilots to group with. Ask in your server's GSF channel (usually just /cjoin GSF), and you'll find veterans who are happy to help you. Alternately, watch the scoreboards after matches and learn who your faction's better players are. Send one of them a message, asking to group or for advice.



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