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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Are you a quitter? Make FP lockout timers 24 hours.


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Brings me to an amendment of the proposal, reduce the lockout depending on the time you've participated in the group content.

Still not fair as sometimes you just know the group won't work. No way a green-geared fellow will tank Blood Hunt HM or heal it - no matter what his/her skills are :tran_eek:

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This is a prefect example of the true poison of GF. Forcing what you want on the other players and wanting harsh punishment to ensure they do what you want.


Obviously you're the one who's forcing their will by demanding everyone skip the cutscenes. Most people will skip them out of their own free will once they've seen them a couple of times, and if not, the amount of negative energy you generate by quitting is not justified by your annoyance.


24 hours is way too much, but a lockout from GF that lasts as long as the group you left behind needs to get a replacement would be justified. Plus a message every time you try to queue explaining why there's a lockout.


Still not fair as sometimes you just know the group won't work. No way a green-geared fellow will tank Blood Hunt HM or heal it - no matter what his/her skills are :tran_eek:


Talk about it and ask them to kick you

Edited by nimmerstil
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Talk about it and ask them to kick you


That is a posibility but what can I say not to start a flaming war? "I don't think our tank is geared enough to handle the flashpoint" might as well start a drama coming from the said tank and I just don't have the patience I used to have for in-game argments. It was always easier to quit but now I just avoid group finder altogether :)

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24 hours is way too much, but a lockout from GF that lasts as long as the group you left behind needs to get a replacement would be justified. Plus a message every time you try to queue explaining why there's a lockout.


There's an idea. Quitter gets locked out for as long as it takes the remainder of the group to get a replacement, or until the group disbands, or until 15 minutes has passed - whichever happens last. If the group doesn't requeue within 15 minutes, lockout lifts.

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Obviously you're the one who's forcing their will by demanding everyone skip the cutscenes. Most people will skip them out of their own free will once they've seen them a couple of times, and if not, the amount of negative energy you generate by quitting is not justified by your annoyance.


24 hours is way too much, but a lockout from GF that lasts as long as the group you left behind needs to get a replacement would be justified. Plus a message every time you try to queue explaining why there's a lockout.




Talk about it and ask them to kick you


How am I forcing anyone to do anything? I never spam space bar, never try to vote to kick someone that wants to watch cut scenes. Never ****** and complain about how another player gears/play the game. I simply leave the group when I am not joying myself because this is a video game. Me leaving the group does not force my will on anyone because I am no longer there. You and the OP are the ones trying to force your will on other players by creating a punishment so harsh that people have to deal with your BS. As been said many times in this thread on both sides, don't like what you get in GF than make your own group. Clearly you and the OP are the problem of the group, if this happens enough to you guys that people leave enough that you have to come to the forums and want to punish other players.


Negative energy? *** are you talking about?


Clearly the problem is with you and OP. 90% of the runs I do go flawlessly. 10% something about the group annoys me but the group finish the FP. Less than 0.5% I leave a group. In the past month there has been 1 group that I left. After 5-10 tries of 1st boss in BH we all decided it wasn't going to happen and left. No one left after 1 try; we all realized that its not going to happen.


Talk about it and ask them to kick you

You clear just want to force your will on to other players. I have to ask your permission to leave the group or be punished?

Edited by Warrgames
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That is a posibility but what can I say not to start a flaming war? "I don't think our tank is geared enough to handle the flashpoint" might as well start a drama coming from the said tank and I just don't have the patience I used to have for in-game argments. It was always easier to quit but now I just avoid group finder altogether :)


Tank "*** do you mean my gear isnt good enough? you elitest *****"


You "m8, your in green stuff from voss. like seriosuly. you belt is a white item. and you have like one piece in left side. and its the wrong stat.


Tank "whatever man, your just a bully"


next thing you know.


"Tank has voted to kick you, reason: they is being meany to my pleb gear"


the other two decide to v2k, because, well. some people just subject themselves to dumb so they don't have to deal with conflict.







BW pls remove the lockout for leaving group. k thx.

Edited by CaraExas
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That is a posibility but what can I say not to start a flaming war? "I don't think our tank is geared enough to handle the flashpoint" might as well start a drama coming from the said tank and I just don't have the patience I used to have for in-game argments. It was always easier to quit but now I just avoid group finder altogether :)


Sometimes it's easier to just put your hands up and walk back away from a bad situation. Especially so when it comes to online gamers. Remove yourself is most times the best option.

Edited by Quraswren
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one way to fix this would be to put blood hunt hm in a tier by itself like they eventually did with lost island. although they did that too late and people just stopped running it. bh has no business in the same group with tython, korriban or manaan. i almost would say rishi is the same but that fail is mostly due to mechanics. ive been with some groups that i didnt think would finish and we blew through it while other well geared groups failed at it. while im at it i would like to see the name of the flash point pop up before i accept so i can then decide if i want to accept or not based on which one im getting. that way im the only one getting booted to the bottom of the list instead of the group forming then 1 person drops because its bh then another and before you know it the group has fallen apart and the last to leave is stuck having to re-q and placed at the bottom of the list. or if im the last one standing have the option to find replacements instead of being forced to leave the instance thus getting booted to the bottom of the list and having to wait another hour for it to pop again like it is now. as far as me dropping, ill mostly drop if its bh and the health of someone shows they may be in 186 or weak 192 gear or if i dont feel i have the gear to pull it off. i have stayed and completed bh hm before and it was a very well run group but those groups are rare.
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I will support if everyone has to pass a test to show they are geared/skilled enough to complete the content for the roll they are trying to fill. And that everyone agrees to spacebar.


I will drop a group in a sec if people can't do their roll or people want to watch the cutscenes. You want to get carried or watch the cutscene that is fine with me. I don't want to carry you or watch the cutscene; so I will just leave.



I'm sorry but your idea is bad. Only thing that going to happen is people afking till you kick them.


Exactly, i hate this ****, cutscenes? Do IT SOLO! lol


I dont mind if they dont know the mechanics, but LISTEN WHEN I TELL YOU WHAT TO DO! When i say stand with your back to the terminal so you dont get knocked off the edge and die DO IT!

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Seriously, if you're the kind of person who queues for a GF flashpoint, hardmode or otherwise, clicks 'ready', fully aware you are joining PUGs, and then quits before anything happens, you are wasting everybody's time. Everyone that just queued, and waited, sometimes for up to an hour or even more, to get into that flashpoint that you just flippantly bailed on. If you want a perfect group, or a specific flashpoint, then GF is not for you, so don't join it. Make some friends, find a guild, then you can pick and choose whatever. But there is a special place in the spice mines of Kessel reserved for you if you're quitting GF groups.




As a side note, I would totally support 24 hour lockout timers for people who quit GF flashpoints. They might think twice about clicking that 'ready' button in future.


I find nowadays very badly geared pugs joining the GF for 60HMs. Then tank or healer bails instantly once group is formed. It is mostly dps so if group survived the first 5 secs I just initiate a vote kick. It would be really helpful I think if we could see the HP in the GF when it pops which should prevent a lot of this happening to an extent (aka somone wont click ready cause they dont like the HP values etc) not perfect but at least something.

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I find nowadays very badly geared pugs joining the GF for 60HMs. Then tank or healer bails instantly once group is formed. It is mostly dps so if group survived the first 5 secs I just initiate a vote kick. It would be really helpful I think if we could see the HP in the GF when it pops which should prevent a lot of this happening to an extent (aka somone wont click ready cause they dont like the HP values etc) not perfect but at least something.


I would support adding a gear check to Group finder before I would support a 24 hour CD.

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One thing is locking the groupfinder behind gear (which I'm not sure is a good idea) but at least a warning/notice would be nice (or just Bolster players to minimum rating 180?).

Unless you go pick up the HM FP weekly and actually read it, it's not really clear which gear rating Bioware expects you to have for said content, I think they could do a better job at explaining things like that.

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How am I forcing anyone to do anything? I never spam space bar, never try to vote to kick someone that wants to watch cut scenes.

It was implied when you wrote: "You shouldn't force a group to sit through cut scenes when the rest of them don't want too."

I don't want to {...} watch the cutscene; so I will just leave.


I simply leave the group when I am not joying myself ...

Right, you're not forcing people to spacebar through the cutscenes they'd like to see, you just quit. An extra 20 seconds is such a bore that you're no longer enjoying yourself so you make sure the experience not-enjoyable for everyone else.


You and the OP are the ones trying to force your will on other players by creating a punishment so harsh that people have to deal with your BS.


I actually stated (in the same post you quote) that I felt 24 hours is to long: "24 hours is way too much, but a lockout from GF that lasts as long as the group you left behind needs to get a replacement would be justified."


Just as I can defend your right to your freedom of expression to publish cartoons without making them myself, I can defend the his wish to watch the cutscenes without doing so myself. But, I will watch them when I haven't seen them yet, no matter what you desire.


As been said many times in this thread on both sides, don't like what you get in GF than make your own group.

Goes for you just as much, you go make your own group. You know you can actually influence GF by putting the undergeared cutscene-huggers in your ignore list.


Clearly you and the OP are the problem of the group, if this happens enough to you guys that people leave enough that you have to come to the forums and want to punish other players.


You demonstrate why a lockout for quitters would be acceptable. Thank you.

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Right, you're not forcing people to spacebar through the cutscenes they'd like to see, you just quit.

First you complain about Warrgames quitting a FP because he doesn't want to watch the cutscenes.

Goes for you just as much, you go make your own group.

Then you go tell him he should make his own group which he can only do by quitting the group.


Logic fail


Edit: I'd rather have someone who wasn't having fun, quit my group rather than stick around and be miserable.

Edited by Khevar
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First you complain about Warrgames quitting a FP because he doesn't want to watch the cutscenes.


Then you go tell him he should make his own group which he can only do by quitting the group.


Logic fail


No, he should make his own group, one that matches his standards, rather then joining a PuG through GF. If his expectations for a PuG are so far from what he gets from it, GF is not a good tool for him.


Edit: I'd rather have someone who wasn't having fun, quit my group rather than stick around and be miserable.
Good point, I understand the sentiment. I think it would still be justified they can't queue for the GF, or are kept at the lowest priority, until the group they abandoned has found a replacement.
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