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12x xp isn't enough


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I am levelling a Agent right now and I am not behind, at the moment about 2 levels ahead of the planet I am on (level 44 at the moment). I got 0 PvP levels and I do not play FPs either with that character only story. Edited by Icestar
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You are doing something wrong then.


Are you using the XP boosts you get (free) from your class missions?


I have played both the agent and the inquisitors classes under 12XP and had no such issues. In fact.. on my inquisitor, I ended up with one class mission that went gray on me before I ran it.


What Andryah said, especially the accented parts.


I just finished another inquisitor, she finished chapter 3 at level 53. And that was skipping all bonus quests from DK on and stealthing past everything i could.


Use xp boosts, get in a guild, and unlock legacy exploration xp and you will end up with class quests going grey.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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They never said the XP boosts stack but never said they didn't either. They do stack. I've tested it. I finished a mission, looked at the XP gain before I accepted, the closed the mission which made it pending, turned on an xp boost and then clicked in it to open the window to accept the reward and the XP was higher.


If your in a guild the 10% xp boost from that stacks as well. So you can get the 12xp plus 35% more if your in a guild and use the XP boost.


Doing that may fully allow you to skip all side missions and be over leveled for story missions. But I still would make sure you have either enough credits or .ods to make sure your gear is fully up to date.


The one bad thing by doing nothing but side missions is you don't earn a lot of year to keep up unless you do side missions or buy them from the GTN.

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The one bad thing by doing nothing but side missions is you don't earn a lot of year to keep up unless you do side missions or buy them from the GTN.


You don't need gear. You get 12 basic coms per mission. Well over plenty to keep you & your companion geared every 8-10 levels.

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You don't need gear. You get 12 basic coms per mission. Well over plenty to keep you & your companion geared every 8-10 levels.


What I meant was the doing just story missions only you don't get much modable gear unless you buy it off the GTN or Cartel Market.Yes once you have a full Mod set then you earn plenty of mods from the missions, but for those who don't have that, makes it harder.

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What I meant was the doing just story missions only you don't get much modable gear unless you buy it off the GTN or Cartel Market.Yes once you have a full Mod set then you earn plenty of mods from the missions, but for those who don't have that, makes it harder.


every class can get moddable gear on the fleet from the level 7 equipment vendor. there is a class-exclusive set for each class.

Edited by Mewmaster
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What I meant was the doing just story missions only you don't get much modable gear unless you buy it off the GTN or Cartel Market.Yes once you have a full Mod set then you earn plenty of mods from the missions, but for those who don't have that, makes it harder.


Doesn't all subs get the pilot suits in the mail?

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I get the feeling she is playing on a character that was started before the 12XP boost - depending how far she got back then, it could have an impact on things. On a fresh character, there should be no problem at all, doing class quests normally. But the higher level the character was before getting 12xXP, the less benefit one gets from the XP boost, simply from the fact that there's fewer quests with boosted XP.


Regardless (or "irregardless", for those so inclined :jawa_tongue: ), 12xXP boost is quite fine. Even with a higher level character (before the story XP boost started), i managed fine, by doing a few side quests (the horror! side quests... :jawa_eek: ) to supplement my XP, and XP boosts as well. I haven't died, my fingers or eyes didn't bleed, and i haven't developed a case of leprosy, or anything else like that.

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I get the feeling she is playing on a character that was started before the 12XP boost - depending how far she got back then, it could have an impact on things. On a fresh character, there should be no problem at all, doing class quests normally. But the higher level the character was before getting 12xXP, the less benefit one gets from the XP boost, simply from the fact that there's fewer quests with boosted XP.


Regardless (or "irregardless", for those so inclined :jawa_tongue: ), 12xXP boost is quite fine. Even with a higher level character (before the story XP boost started), i managed fine, by doing a few side quests (the horror! side quests... :jawa_eek: ) to supplement my XP, and XP boosts as well. I haven't died, my fingers or eyes didn't bleed, and i haven't developed a case of leprosy, or anything else like that.


Nah only the Consular story does that :)

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Doesn't all subs get the pilot suits in the mail?


not just subs, i think anyone who was active during the galactic star fighter release has it, i was premium at the time. I think anyone who made an account AFTER that does not get it. Could be wrong though.

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Geeze. Never thought I'd see this complaint. I used one of those level boosters on my trooper and was worried about having my quests go grey because of that extra boost. And I played through with my agent and had no issues at all; I was always at least a couple levels over or even with what the quest needed. Under leveling was never an issue for me. But yeah, I guess use the XP boosts if you really need them. You honestly shouldn't though.
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Geeze. Never thought I'd see this complaint..


LOL where as I KNEW we would see this comment


Go back to the old threads when 12x xp first appeared and you will see many of us saying that this was coming.


There is literally no way to pacify the OP types.

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I have no idea where this complaint comes from. I have leveled several toons with 12x XP and have not fell behind on any of them in fact I have been over leveled for most of them. I also don't continuously use the XP boosts because I always forget about them.


Even stealthing through the content doesn't put me behind. My last toon was a Shadow and I stealthed through anything I could only stopping to kill things when they popped me out of stealth or if I needed to for the quest. I was level 50 easily on Corellia and hit just shy of level 57 when I turned in my last three quests (before loosing the pre level 55 boost) on Makeb about 3/4 though the Makeb story. I will admit that on this character I stopped at the end of each planet and opened up the entire map and collected every datacron to break up the monotony, so that was a small boost in XP, but not an astronomical amount. I also did Illum, but even without Illum I would have easily hit 55 on Makeb.


I just don't get the people who say it's not enough XP.

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I leveled up four characters from level 1 semi-recently and by the time they finished Corellia, they were all 55. A fifth character was, hmm, 18 or so before I took a lengthy hiatus (started my trooper way before 12x exp), and she also hit 55 by the end of Corellia. A sixth character I leveled was in her 30s and ended up at 55; I had started her before 12x exp as well (BELATED EDIT: I said 52 earlier - got my sorc confused with my 52 gunslinger who I'd leveled up way before 12 exp :p ).


Two of those level 1 characters were my Imp IA and BH. I'm pretty thorough, so I did all the story quests and world quests on all my characters. I should probably qualify that by stating that I skipped heroic quests (did ALL of them on my main and felt no urge to go through that kind of pain again ) and the bonus series stuff for the most part (like the heroic quests, I kind of didn't want to them repeatedly after having done them on my main). I also popped those complimentary exp boosts on them.


I think that if you do all the story quests and the majority of the world quests like I did, you probably will hit 55 on any character. If you're literally sticking ONLY to doing story quests, perhaps there is some sort of disparity - can't say I really noticed any major differences when I was leveling. *shrug*

Edited by Atreiya
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The person who did this post is mentally upsetting *************** as 12xp Is Defently Perfect for over-leveling, I stealth all mobs on a few classes ive done it on all 8 classes, and each time i hit level 60 on *********** makeb so like level 50 on hoth/belsavis

its enough

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I avoided as many of the creatures as possible and only did class quests for leveling and I still hit 50 on every character I have brought up this way. 12x exp is built perfectly for you to get from 1-50 seamlessly with only story quests.


My agent stealthed through every quest storyand avoided every creature possible. By the end of his entire quest line, he was still level 48.

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I'll be less combative than most of the comments you've received so far. (MMO players aren't always known for their charming demeanor or even temper.)


I think it works fine on some classes, but on others, if you do only your class missions, you fall vastly behind the leveling curve. I think it's because some classes complete quests less often than others.


I have found this can happen if you *only* do the class quests *and* you don't over-level a bit at the beginning. For example, as my Operative Agent, I left Hutta at 16 and was 17 by doing the Black Talon when I got to Dromund Kaas. Balmorra and Nar Shadda were a breeze for me for the most part. I did the bonus series on Balmorra (mostly no XP by that point) and did not do it on Nar Shadda (would have gotten no XP anyway).


By the time I got to Quesh I was about 40 with many mobs being around the 34 - 37 range. When I got to Hoth I was 42. That's where I am as I write this.


I haven't done *all* side quests on all planets, but I did a fair share of them. I usually do the "main sideline quest" for each planet. Usually the non-class-story one introduced to you when you first get to the planet. What I've noticed is that I was about 6 levels ahead of quests for the early planets (and through most of Chapter 1) and, as I've gone on, I've found that I'm about consistently 4 levels ahead (in Chapter 2 so far).


That curve seems about right to me, to be honest. I haven't been using any XP boosts because, honestly, I didn't even think they would apply with the 12XP. (Shows what I know, I guess.) I am part of a guild that has a 10% extra XP bonus.


I think sometimes what happens is that if that curve I just mentioned is accurate, you go through this phase where you are basically stomping everything without too much issue. But as the curve "levels out", you start having to work a bit more, even though you are still over-leveled. And for some people that might seem like it's harder when, in fact, it's really just reasserting the challenge a bit. Not sure if you feel that's the case for you, but all of this is my observation for what it's worth.

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Can't say I've had this problem. Commendations can run pretty thin, especially if you don't do your daily flashpoints, but not experience.


It's interesting -- in the positive sense -- how so many of us have different experiences. That said, I'm not sure what you mean by "pretty thin." For example, I have what I consider lots of commendations and I don't do daily flashpoints at all. I currently have 379 commendations and, quite frankly, can't find enough good stuff to bother spending them on. So they just keep accumulating. About the best thing I've found for them is to find armor I like for myself and companions and then use them on mods.

Edited by JeffNyman
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It's interesting -- in the positive sense -- how so many of us have different experiences. That said, I'm not sure what you mean by "pretty thin." For example, I have what I consider lots of commendations and I don't do daily flashpoints at all. I currently have 379 commendations and, quite frankly, can't find enough good stuff to bother spending them on. So they just keep accumulating. About the best thing I've found for them is to find armor I like for myself and companions and then use them on mods.


Are you talking about during leveling, or during end game?


It takes 50 commendations to re-mod your gear. Another 50 to mod your companion's gear. Not to mention the additional commendations needed to get some of the gear in the first place. Even if you skip a tier of mods, that's still a minimum of 100 commendations every seven or eight levels.


Class quests alone don't give you nearly enough to keep you and even a single companion geared.

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Are you talking about during leveling, or during end game?


It takes 50 commendations to re-mod your gear. Another 50 to mod your companion's gear. Not to mention the additional commendations needed to get some of the gear in the first place. Even if you skip a tier of mods, that's still a minimum of 100 commendations every seven or eight levels.


Class quests alone don't give you nearly enough to keep you and even a single companion geared.




I just leveled vangard from 1-56 and only used blue coms gear (and some drops of course) and still have over 100 coms available


I reuped my gear every 8 levels

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