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Please help mercs


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It's not as simple as that. They activate shroud and you cannot shake them off nor stun them for 12 seconds and it also gives 50% of ranged defense. So they have 12 second window to burst down one of your mercs while mercs deal 50% damage. If they don't activate shroud outright they still have force speed to close distance back in not time. Also if they manage to get in undetected which is simple - just wait till all 4 mercs blow their scans out, then one of the mercs will potentially miss 4 8-10 hits without any defense and probably die within 2 seconds.

So I don't know... I wouldn't bet all my life savings on mercs there.


if a sin pops BOTH deflection (w/utility) and shroud at the same time, then as a merc, your counter is to create space and pop dcds (chaff flares, HO, maybe shield). what chaff picks up depends on what spec you're running, but you can completely nullify recklessness stacks by popping flares in arsenal. and if the sin is smart enough to realize what you've done so he holds off on his force attacks, that's great for you, because you've just outlasted his shroud. now you can punt, net, tracer, priming, and hsm. if he's deception, he's going to lolslash you at some point in there, but that's not a huge deal. it's just a wth? annoyance that might cost you 1 gcd.


if the sin rolls deflection and shroud, that's fine. just unload and rail during shroud and net, punt, tracer, hsm, priming during deflection. I think I would prefer he try to roll his immunities.


honestly, sins are not a death sentence for merc in 1v1. of course a really good sin is, but he still has to do everything right. it's much more difficult to deal with a concealment op because you don't have any ranged roots and between roll and evasion, he can nullify anything you do to him ostensibly whenever he wants. sins only have dcds that run their course and then are on cd.


the problem with sins is it's rarely 1v1, and the only effective grp tool mercs have is one lousy punt w/o a hinder effect, and it can be shrouded or answered with a root breaking force speed.

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I've yet to try this, but that was my take on it as well. Four commandos / mercs should be able to clean house. Between 4 mezzs, 4 enets, 4 knockbacks, 4 offheals, plus 4 stuns, and better than average DPS it should be game over as long as they stick to each other like glue.


The problem is finding 3 other well geared commandos / mercs on your server willing to attempt this too.


Dibs. I'll do heals or dps :p

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It's not as simple as that. They activate shroud and you cannot shake them off nor stun them for 12 seconds and it also gives 50% of ranged defense. So they have 12 second window to burst down one of your mercs while mercs deal 50% damage. If they don't activate shroud outright they still have force speed to close distance back in not time. Also if they manage to get in undetected which is simple - just wait till all 4 mercs blow their scans out, then one of the mercs will potentially miss 4 8-10 hits without any defense and probably die within 2 seconds.

So I don't know... I wouldn't bet all my life savings on mercs there.


The catch there is not to even bother with the stealth detect at all. It does no damage, has too long of a cool down, and its range simply sucks.


Instead all four need to use their AOE and build a parameter around themselves. Whether we are talking merc or mando they have AOE that does light damage, has a range equal to that of the stealth detection, and has no CD to be bothered with. Or better yet, use both and build even more of a buffer zone around them.


As for as the rest, you still have 4 knockbacks to keep the melee out of range. And you still have to deal with 4 enets. And lets face reality here. The mercs have that level of damage reduction built into their design and yet by themselves they are sill burned down in under 10 seconds. The same would be the case in this situation with the opposing team. Damage reduction or not, if 3 of the 4 focus on a single target they are dead and likely before the first merc / mando drop.


The merc / mando are like the phalanx. By themselves they are extremely vulnerable. But in a group unbelievably strong.

Edited by ForceWelder
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I don't care what u guys say. My merc arsenal always has a 4:1 kill death ratio in pvp while I pursue objectives. And half the time I never have a healer. U guys are just weak sauce. Take the 12xp buff off and learn to play ur job.


if you're only getting 4:1, then you're a sub par player. that will prolly piss you off. but my point is any spec can perform well in REGS. ppl whining about mercs in regs have no -- Fing -- clue what's going on with their class. regs are a total crapshoot. and it's very easy to hide on the back line in regs.

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if you're only getting 4:1, then you're a sub par player. that will prolly piss you off. but my point is any spec can perform well in REGS. ppl whining about mercs in regs have no -- Fing -- clue what's going on with their class. regs are a total crapshoot. and it's very easy to hide on the back line in regs.

I totally agree, regs isn't the problem (but it was in the past). It is ranked that doesn't work.

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the really funny part is all the "ratio" discussions. *** does that have to do with anything? seriously? I've had 30 or 40-0 rounds, was i good or was the other side stupid? both?


If youre having all these matches where you have this insane ratios then one of 3 things is happening;

#1 The the other team is idiots

#2 they are completely not worried about you and you are being left to freecast

#3 they are focused on someone else and you reaped the benefit.


i've had silly matches like that, ive also had matches where i was in the red and took over 2 mil in damage, heck ive done over one mil and taken more than ive given at about an even kill/death ratio due to constant pressure.


noone is going ham like that under pressure, well maybe some of the FOTMS but in general no... so bragging about ratio is kinda like saying noone was paying attention to me, what does that tell you?

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The real issue here, as I've stated over and over again, is the difference between regs and arenas.


They are two completely different worlds and require completely different attention and balance. Since they are not separate, the imbalance will exist.


I believe that the majority of people are talking about them in arena, not regs. I think its pretty common knowledge that they do just fine in regs.

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The real issue here, as I've stated over and over again, is the difference between regs and arenas.


They are two completely different worlds and require completely different attention and balance. Since they are not separate, the imbalance will exist.


I believe that the majority of people are talking about them in arena, not regs. I think its pretty common knowledge that they do just fine in regs.


arenas are part of regs.


the problem is, first and foremost, the fact that solo ranked doesn't force trinity matches, and balance is predicated on trinity.


of secondary importance is the inverse of the previous statement: mercs have very poor self-sufficiency (survivability based solely on his own abilities set).


a distant third is that all merc specs are reliant on casting or long setup. this, and only this, could be considered purely an arena issue as 8's provide them with a lot of opportunities to make space.

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It's implied that arena means (ranked) arena.


are you the same guy who couldn't figure out "too much effort" was referring to BW and not the individual player (for whom it would be no effort at all) to separate queues or install x-server queues?

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