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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Disappointed with LiveStream


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The stream was a laugh riot, watching a developer as presitgous as Bioware backed by a publisher as big as EA fail to be able to even stream for an hour (something cleavage baring camgirls on Twitch manage to do with no real support) was hilarious and saddening all at once.


The repetition of 'Choices that matter' and the guy furiously spamming the space bar to skip back to the part they had reached in the story were particular highlights, although the crappy game performance before the stream locked up tight did provide a certain level of authenticity to the experience :D


All the while they managed to speak without saying anything (largely) of value.


The part where the head dev fellow referenced Shamwow and obliquely encouraged us to associate the stream and their product with something as cheap and nasty shopping channel garbage was astounding too (though in fairness infomercials clearly have higher production standards than EA/BW)


I despair, honestly I do.


100% agree with u . it was Awful

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Amateur stream brought to you by a bunch of amateur developers. Maybe if Bioware actually streamed more often, they would know what they are doing.


With just over 2 months until the big launch, the only information I took away is that the game is becoming like Netflix but a game, where you pay £9 a month for a short cut scene driven drivel story with short bursts of action where you traditionally wanna feel 'heroic' and fight the 3 mob before running off into the sunset playing stale content whilst you twiddle your thumbs waiting for the next 'instalment' @£9 a month.

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And when a specific companion makes NO SENSE in a particular combat role?


Skadge the healer? Mako the tank? Really?


So you can't have a character who looks like Mako be a jugg, sin or PT tank?


Does 50 wraths riding rancors on fleet make sense to you?


If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit!

Edited by Bakakiba
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The "cover art" for KotFE should be Lando, with his quote "This deal's getting worse all the time..."


ROFL, +1



you pay £9 a month for a short cut scene driven drivel story with short bursts of action ... whilst you twiddle your thumbs waiting for the next 'instalment' @£9 a month.


BW, the info existing subscribers need is this:


What in KotFE warrants our continuing subscription?


If you MARKETING GENIUSES don't have a ready-scripted, official company line on this, then YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE DOING.

Edited by Kurkina
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I was hoping they will allow us to use all our companions at once, so you dont need to LFG, just made your squad with your companion, I have a freaking Havoc Squad and can only use one member at a time.... :mad: (a whole lot of sarcasm intended in this post) ;):rolleyes::D
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I just looked up two words in the dictionary. I think their meaning is very important right now.



lat. immerse

A person complaining about something that is totally optional to them, which they can choose to ignore at will. Usually they can be found in certain areas, called "forums", where they attack a concept that offers the choice of participation to themselves and others. While they could easily ignore certain options given to them, as it is to their own discretion to choose one of three options, they prefer to call out how the immersion is breaking and rather see a decision being reworked and taken away for everyone else because they lack the will to accept that their participation is voluntarily and they are not restricted to choosing an option they don't like.



lat. marka

A life form inhabiting the internet. Those "marka" have usually a very marginal understanding of Marketing (which refers to the act of selling a product not yet released or already available to humans, usually called a crowd.). It is adviced to approach this person with care since they can be very hostile all around marketing season. You can usually identify this person by their typical call, which is: "My opinion matters most!" and "Marketing is so bad, it is ridiculous.". Despite that, it's existence is proof that Marketing has worked. Leading scientists are still trying to decipher the meaning of a being calling the reason for it's existence "bad".

Edited by Alssaran
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I was hoping they will allow us to use all our companions at once, so you dont need to LFG, just made your squad with your companion, I have a freaking Havoc Squad and can only use one member at a time.... :mad: (a whole lot of sarcasm intended in this post) ;):rolleyes::D

Quoted for truth, as your sarcasm is totally lost on the devs and pretty much the majority in this thread and probably the game. :rod_frown_p:

This is exactly what everybody wants.

Edited by Master_ivar
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A lot of people apparently don't understand what the meaning of "we want to avoid spoilers at all costs" actually means. They can give generalizations, which is what they've done, but they can't give specifics because (and this should be obvious at this point) a lot of what people want to know is deeply woven into the stories they will be releasing. If they were to divulge the answers people continue ask questions about then the story doesn't have the same impact they want it to.


The live stream was very good. There are people who are looking for different things out of these streams. Me personally, I was looking at how "adult like" or "child like" the dialogue may be, and a little more about the companion interactions within KOTFE. Both of my main questions were answered. The dialogue had some grit to it, and not something that seemingly would make me feel like I'm playing a game meant for a 5 year old in some saturday morning cartoon vein. The companions were pretty much confirmed to have significance inside the story in what reactions they may have. And, if they have the capability to leave my crew over my actions, this level of detail is a nice on to see. And, my part 2b question was in terms of how will the choices matter idea carry through, or at least what a glimpse of it may look like, and it looks very akin to how choices were made matter in Mass Effect which is also something I approve of.


TlDr version is that some of you just want this video game to burn, or EA to burn, or Bioware to burn. No matter what comes out some of you will just hate it strictly because you feel like you need to hate something and this is your outlet to vent whatever hate you feel must enter this world.

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Amateur stream brought to you by a bunch of amateur developers. Maybe if Bioware actually streamed more often, they would know what they are doing.


With just over 2 months until the big launch, the only information I took away is that the game is becoming like Netflix but a game, where you pay £9 a month for a short cut scene driven drivel story with short bursts of action where you traditionally wanna feel 'heroic' and fight the 3 mob before running off into the sunset playing stale content whilst you twiddle your thumbs waiting for the next 'instalment' @£9 a month.


What he said. I thought I was the only person that noticed how the missions were just... too easy. More like an excuse to go from point A to B.

I was expecting some challenge...

Edited by Tadagyt
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I don't know. What I wanted to hear was "Yes all LI's will be ignored in these chapters" or "No, not all will be." This would not spoil anything and only confirm rumors. As well as knowing "Yes, Theron will be here too!" or "No, Theron won't be here for KotFE."


Easy enough stuff to tell us without spoiling anything.

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What he said. I thought I was the only person that noticed how the missions were just... too easy. More like an excuse to go from point A to B.

I was expecting some challenge...


They said that the combat in this stream was too easy, but they were doing it to show the content. You're not going to be one shotting enemies like that in live. There's a reason they kept referring to him "cheating" through the level! Did you all forget to listen? I apologize for being annoyed by this, but come on. It was so apparent that from what they said, and how the level went, that this difficulty was strictly a "let's show this off" type thing, and not anything remotely close to how the difficulty will be tuned when this drops.

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What he said. I thought I was the only person that noticed how the missions were just... too easy. More like an excuse to go from point A to B.

I was expecting some challenge...

They specifically said they were playing on a dev shard where the combat portions had been 'dumbed down' so they could get between the cinematic set-pieces quicker - so that the press, and during this stream the viewers, wouldn't have to sit and watch them fight through a bunch of mobs for a long time. (And that was before the second run where he used the cheat commands to one-shot everyone.)

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A lot of people apparently don't understand what the meaning of "we want to avoid spoilers at all costs" actually means. They can give generalizations, which is what they've done, but they can't give specifics because (and this should be obvious at this point) a lot of what people want to know is deeply woven into the stories they will be releasing. If they were to divulge the answers people continue ask questions about then the story doesn't have the same impact they want it to.


Crafting, stat changes, system reworks? None of that is deeply woven into the story, so please tell me why they can't answer those questions.

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Crafting, stat changes, system reworks? None of that is deeply woven into the story, so please tell me why they can't answer those questions.


I believe some of those things are going to be addressed this week in fact as mentioned in the live stream.

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Crafting, stat changes, system reworks? None of that is deeply woven into the story, so please tell me why they can't answer those questions.


Didn't they say that this live stream was about showing what some of the gameplay would look like, and a shorter discussion regarding the companions? Crafting they specifically said will be answered soon in a gold post, and stat changes? Really? Is that your biggest worry? Everything you're asking about with those I would bet my bank account will be revealed sooner rather than later. And sooner as in in the upcoming weeks.


You need patience. If, by say mid September to late September none of what you are asking about has even been brought up any more by Bioware even in passing then sure you'll have plenty of right to raise an eyebrow. But, right now I think you really really need to just step back and stop acting like we need 100 percent of the info right now. If it bothers you THAT much that you can't have 100 percent of the info from bioware then you have the alternate sources to dive into that will give you the information you need now that you can't wait for.

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I don't know. What I wanted to hear was "Yes all LI's will be ignored in these chapters" or "No, not all will be." This would not spoil anything and only confirm rumors. As well as knowing "Yes, Theron will be here too!" or "No, Theron won't be here for KotFE."


Easy enough stuff to tell us without spoiling anything.


what if they want theron presence to be a secrete or is a major part of the story? is answering yes he is not a spoiler?

what would you consider spoilers then?


example: no, hes not in here...why? lets say he's killed in first part of act 1. Do you think that would be a pretty big spoiler if you just say "sorry theron is no longer a part of the game" one would naturally assume he's dead


example2: yes, hes part of the story...gets killed in first part of act 1....YOU LIED!!!

in either case less is better.

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Amateur stream brought to you by a bunch of amateur developers. Maybe if Bioware actually streamed more often, they would know what they are doing.


With just over 2 months until the big launch, the only information I took away is that the game is becoming like Netflix but a game, where you pay £9 a month for a short cut scene driven drivel story with short bursts of action where you traditionally wanna feel 'heroic' and fight the 3 mob before running off into the sunset playing stale content whilst you twiddle your thumbs waiting for the next 'instalment' @£9 a month.


you could always stop playing this game.

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what if they want theron presence to be a secrete or is a major part of the story? is answering yes he is not a spoiler?

what would you consider spoilers then?


example: no, hes not in here...why? lets say he's killed in first part of act 1. Do you think that would be a pretty big spoiler if you just say "sorry theron is no longer a part of the game" one would naturally assume he's dead


example2: yes, hes part of the story...gets killed in first part of act 1....YOU LIED!!!

in either case less is better.


There's Theron, still doesn't answer the questions of the other LIs

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First it wasn't meant to give a ton of info, what info that was given was very much wanted.


I do believe the reveal thing at the end had to do with the voice you hear talking to the Knight. It sounded like a curtain Lord to me.


Oh and you might want to rethink your calculation on how much time is left until release. Early access is October 19th and full release is October 27th, you made this thread on August 26th, I'd say that is more than a month not less than.

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