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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

August Livestream Wrap-up


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In early beta it was possible to kill off a certain companion in an appropriate point in the story. This was changed because it left players who chose to kill the companion without a vital companion role. Now that any companion can fill any combat role, will that change be reversed?
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I agree to be honest. If some companions do not actually rejoin our team within the STORY, then the gameplay option is just bizarre. They should've just blocked those who don't trully return to our squad.


It seems that you will have to make an actual CHOICE to have those summonable.

I know, choices are so terrible...

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Will we lose the 12x experience boost when KotFE hits?

Because I think it would be a mistake to remove it. I think a lot of people will want to experience the original stories taking place before KotFE and many of them probably don't want to spend weeks grinding in order for that character to keep up with the leveling curve.


Yes, but they are redoing the vanilla content (no info on HOW so far) to make it doable in much shorter time span (something like original KOTOR was, instead of what it does normally).

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3. Will any and all changes to the companion system also be applied to the 1-60 leveling experience?(multiple roles in combat, or whatever changes you introduce to crafting)




I realize it could be spoilery to reveal which new companions may be romanceable or which existing companions could be romanceable when they're recruited by a character of a different class than they were assigned to in the original 1-60 experience.


However, will we have any additional companion quest romance arcs, SGRA or OGRA, available from levels 1-60 if the companion changes are being applied to all levels? I ask because if new companion quest romance arcs are added 1-60, it could change many people's plans for the next two months until the launch.

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It seems that you will have to make an actual CHOICE to have those summonable.

I know, choices are so terrible...

That's one option. Others are interpreting it differently, speculating that KOTFE is a completly separate "bubble" where Lana/HK-55 are available but if you step outside KOTFE areas the game acts as if nothing happened and old companions are avialable. To sum up, lots of confusion and no one is sure of anything. Entire system seems to be a mess that disregards story progression just for the sake of people not complaining their waifus are gone. Even tho they had no second thoughts about removing most companiosn in Mass Effect or Dragon Age sequels and didn't need any "fake" summon option


This expansion in particular is suppoused to focus on story/immersion etc. Yet they're doing this gamey "old not-actually-present summon" for some companions. Seems so weird

Edited by Pietrastor
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In the past you can still summon them, I killed Revan, yet I can still free him, how the heck does that happen?


Because every planet, quest, flashpoint and operation is a frozen moment in time, and when you go back to experience them again your character is essentially a time traveller :) I think of this every time I do "Forged Alliances" and see the Jedi Temple or Sith Academy in ruins one moment, then travel back to the starting worlds right after and everything is pretty and restored ;). So now our ships will probably be the same, where they exist in a time when we had all our companions. At least that's what I'm guessing from what I've read here.

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Rather than dropping in and answering random questions, which is great - why not make a PROPER thread with a Q&A? Otherwise people will have to trail through a ton of pages and some information may get missed. Seriously?!


As opposed to this thread, which is a proper thread with a Q&A...


Seriously, it was stated in the opening post that they'd try to answer what questions they could from this thread. They mentioned it on the stream too, that they'd be answering questions for the rest of the week in this thread. Not to mention the fact you can click the "Next" link next to the BW logo on their posts and it'll take you to the next BW post. Or you could look at the dev tracker. If you're missing their posts, you're not looking for them.

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Rather than dropping in and answering random questions, which is great - why not make a PROPER thread with a Q&A? Otherwise people will have to trail through a ton of pages and some information may get missed. Seriously?!


There's also DevTracker which helps since in this thread, the current pattern is to quote the question/s being answered.

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That's one option. Others are interpreting it differently, speculating that KOTFE is a completly separate "bubble" where Lana/HK-55 are available but if you step outside KOTFE areas the game acts as if nothing happened and old companions are avialable. To sum up, lots of confusion and no one is sure of anything. Entire system seems to be a mess that disregards story progression just for the sake of people not complaining their waifus are gone. Even tho they had no second thoughts about removing most companiosn in Mass Effect or Dragon Age sequels and didn't need any "fake" summon option


This expansion in particular is suppoused to focus on story/immersion etc. Yet they're doing this gamey "old not-actually-present summon" for some companions. Seems so weird


Really? I thought it made sense that what they were saying was "You want Lana in this mission for the story to make sense, but if you really have to use Kira, she won't say anything, but you can." or "You know those missions that require you to use a specific companion? Like Khem in the end of Chapter 1 mission? Yeah, we have missions like that, but after that you can just whip out any companion you want for everything that isn't a storyline mission."

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There's also DevTracker which helps since in this thread, the current pattern is to quote the question/s being answered.


And another cool feature where you can click the "next" link on top of the Dev post to go directly to the next dev post, which is what I did to catch up on what all had been answered rather quickly.

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That's one option. Others are interpreting it differently, speculating that KOTFE is a completly separate "bubble" where Lana/HK-55 are available but if you step outside KOTFE areas the game acts as if nothing happened and old companions are avialable. To sum up, lots of confusion and no one is sure of anything. Entire system seems to be a mess that disregards story progression just for the sake of people not complaining their waifus are gone. Even tho they had no second thoughts about removing most companiosn in Mass Effect or Dragon Age sequels and didn't need any "fake" summon option


This expansion in particular is suppoused to focus on story/immersion etc. Yet they're doing this gamey "old not-actually-present summon" for some companions. Seems so weird


Hey, I don't agree with it either, I am more than willing to wait until my waifu gets reintroduced in the story (and I hope she will, not too fond of Lana)


But some people are obviously incapable of that, screaming bloody murder about how this game is a fail because they are removing old companions. And now a completely different group screams bloody murder they are allowing you to grab another skin for running around the world.


I fully expect these "non canon" companions will be disabled inside story phases, but you will be free to traipse around with Kira when you do dailies, if it pleases you, for some weird reason.


Also, Mass Effect is a single player game, where this is sort of fine...

Edited by Aries_cz
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Will we still have the affection system, witt gains/losses from cutscenes, and will we still be able to use companion gifts to make the comps happy?


You can clearly see there still is affection system in the stream. Although they gave it a new look, and apparently took clues from Inquisition ,where all your companions get affected by your decisions, not just the ones present.

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