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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Makeb [Staged] Weekly Being Removed in 4.0


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All players who complete Making the Connection and/or Well Connected achievements before they are removed will be receiving a Makeb Gazebo decoration in the mail around the time Game Update 4.0 launches.


If I have Making the Connection and Well Connected achievements will I get more decorations than if I have only one of these? Please make it clear!

Edited by Apophis_
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Staged Weekly is one of my favorite quest. What quest you complete had an effect on what quest you can do next; I wish more weeklies were like this one.



Please for the love of Makeb don't have [sTAGE 2] The Dissonance Wave or [sTAGE 1] Operation: Overwatch. Those two are painfully long.



I hate a bad feeling that these two are going to be part of it.


While I enjoyed the concept of the Makeb weekly, in practice it was so annoying that I stopped bothering long ago.


Compare it to the CZ-198 weekly, not even close for a similar reward. Makeb just isn't worth your time running, other than for something different to do once in awhile. I did take the time to finish the achievements, so as long as it isn't bugged, I should get the deco. Shame all that work comes off my achievement total, but meh, that isn't the end of the world.

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While I enjoyed the concept of the Makeb weekly, in practice it was so annoying that I stopped bothering long ago.


Compare it to the CZ-198 weekly, not even close for a similar reward. Makeb just isn't worth your time running, other than for something different to do once in awhile. I did take the time to finish the achievements, so as long as it isn't bugged, I should get the deco. Shame all that work comes off my achievement total, but meh, that isn't the end of the world.


So your issue with it wasn't necessarily the design but the rewards versus the effort.


The design of the weekly is excellent and I wish they were all like that. As far as rewards go, being one of the longer weeklies should have led to an increase in rewards, I'll buy that but I can understand why it wasn't as well.

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Hey Eric.


How about removing <That's just wrong> (Tatooine), that can't be completed if you haven't been playing since the achievements? Or maybe at least enable completing with someone, who has that jawa in the group.


How about <KIll It With Fire>?

Edited by xDanekx
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Hey Eric.


How about removing <That's just wrong> (Tatooine), that can't be completed if you haven't been playing since the achievements? Or maybe at least enable completing with someone, who has that jawa in the group.


How about <KIll It With Fire>?


Kill it with Fire does work, it's just a pain to get since whatever it is has to die to burning damage, not just be on fire. My assault spec commando advanced it fine as long as one of the burning dots was the final damage tick that led to death.


And this thread isn't about fixing or removing achievements, they are removing the staged weekly.

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So your issue with it wasn't necessarily the design but the rewards versus the effort.


The design of the weekly is excellent and I wish they were all like that. As far as rewards go, being one of the longer weeklies should have led to an increase in rewards, I'll buy that but I can understand why it wasn't as well.


The design is nice on paper, but it didn't really work out very well in practice. Part of that is the design of Makeb in general, being separate locations not reachable by land, part of it is the inability to get all the quests at one go.


Yes, there are dailies, but they aren't worth doing. The travel time to get to them, for what they pay, makes them not worth doing either.


Oricon and Yavin are just about perfect in design for a daily area. Frankly Rishi could be done that way and it would be nice as well, shame that it wasn't (yea, yea, there are a few small dailies there, but no weekly and no quick teleport there either)


Black Hole was nice, but that area has been done to death. Sec X is nice, but most people avoid it because the +4 heroic is not soloable. Everything else in every daily area can be done solo, except the +4 in Sec X, which is a shame.

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Kill it with Fire does work, it's just a pain to get since whatever it is has to die to burning damage, not just be on fire. My assault spec commando advanced it fine as long as one of the burning dots was the final damage tick that led to death.


And this thread isn't about fixing or removing achievements, they are removing the staged weekly.


Yes, but that is so obscure as to be insane.


Sure, whatever I guess... it isn't alone, but that is nuts... Just require it to be on fire when it dies and be done with it.

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Yes, but that is so obscure as to be insane.


Sure, whatever I guess... it isn't alone, but that is nuts... Just require it to be on fire when it dies and be done with it.


It works as it was programmed, that means it's not broken. I'll admit it's ridiculous that requiring the death blow to be from burning damage is pretty obscure when the achievement just mentions being on fire. But to say it's a broken achievement would be categorically wrong since it can be achieved (in the most pain in the *** way ever, waiting for dots to kill something).

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What is being removed is the Makeb [staged] Weekly Missions. In there place, we are putting new Weekly Missions which will contain largely the same content they do now, except presented in a way that is more consistent with the other Planetary Weekly Missions.


Did someone not get the memo about your return to storytelling?


Instead of removing the only weekly that actually tells a story, and makes sense story-wise to be done more than once, you should change the others to be more like it rather than just another quest you get from a terminal. Makeb weekly was always the highlight of my daily runs, and it was fun to see how it played differently depending on the quests you did. Choices that mattered...

Edited by Mubrak
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Eric, can you confirm the "or" part of "All players who complete Making the Connection and/or Well Connected achievements"? We only have to do it on one faction to receive the reward?



I agree that I really enjoyed the concept of the staged weekly. I did not enjoy doing it on Makeb :p Some of the missions were painfully long (mostly because of the eleventy mobs you had to kill every time you turned around), but mixing up the order to affect the populace was a really cool idea. Maybe bring it back in a revised form sometime?

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Some quick changes, and clarifications.


What is being removed is the Makeb [staged] Weekly Missions. In there place, we are putting new Weekly Missions which will contain largely the same content they do now, except presented in a way that is more consistent with the other Planetary Weekly Missions.


I have also updates the thread title to more accurately reflect. Sorry for the confusion!





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It works as it was programmed, that means it's not broken. I'll admit it's ridiculous that requiring the death blow to be from burning damage is pretty obscure when the achievement just mentions being on fire. But to say it's a broken achievement would be categorically wrong since it can be achieved (in the most pain in the *** way ever, waiting for dots to kill something).


In fairness to me, I didn't say it was broken, I said it was insane... :)

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Kill it with Fire does work, it's just a pain to get since whatever it is has to die to burning damage, not just be on fire. My assault spec commando advanced it fine as long as one of the burning dots was the final damage tick that led to death.

After reading this, I immediately respecced my Vanguard to Plasmatech and went to Makeb. There I killed the neutral standard Makrin, neutral elite Makrin, hostile standard Makrin and hostile elite Makrin, with the final hit always being either Incendiary Round or the DoT from Incendiary Round (I tried both on each type of the mob). My progress with "Kill it with Fire" is still 0/100.


Would you kindly

a) Post/link a picture showing your progress on the Achievement

b) State where exactly did you kill the mobs, what kind of mobs they were, and what kind of attack/DoT you used to kill them

c) Confirm that you aren't confusing the Achievement with "Kindling for the Fire" (Defeat 250 Makrin on Makeb)


Thank you

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Thanks for all the help.


It turns out that a character has to complete the Makeb storyline in order to have access to the staged missions. I only have 2 Imps and 4 Pubs out of 20 that have actually done the whole thing but since they are Legacy achievements I should be able to get these done before they're gone. It turns out I had about 50% done already and didn't even know it.


However, trying to figure out what actually needs to be done and in the correct order following Dulfy is pure insanity.


But, at least Makeb will be pretty busy for the next few weeks with people around to help out.

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