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Any plans on fixing/improving GSF ? (rant, whine and complains)


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Hi folks!

Are there any plans to fix/improve GFS?

I recently came back to play through all class stories and since there was this GSF I gave it a try.

Well... so far impressions are very very bad - fights are very imbalanced. I am playing GSF about week now and in all that time I remember only 2 even, good fights in all other fights either we were steam rolled by enemy pre-mades (I noticed at least 3 teams by names) or our team steamrolled enemy which was more rare.

In current state... I probably will collect ships (since I am subscriber its not difficult as I get enough fleet points even despite been terribad at GSF) and then will leave this failure forever since it current state GSF is complete .... errmmm... something not good. :)

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The imbalance comes from very few people queuing at the same time. The skill gap is extremely huge and just one or two good pilots can shape a whole match. With only 1-3 games open at the same time on most servers, the matchmaking system simply hasn't enough players to make well balanced battles happen.


On the other hand, most ground PvP batles are also very one-sided. So maybe it's just the nature of PvP that a team can dominate another, even if one is just slightly better than the other.

However, in GSF it's possible for a single good pilot to decide a match on his own - in ground PvP that's very rare to see.

Imho this is where GSF has it's charm. It's possible for good pilots to have a big impact with their performance. When I got to the point of being good enough to win a game on my own, against a team thatotherwise would outmatch the rest of my team, GSF made a lot more fun than any other PvP I ever played.


I recommend reading the guides on this forum and join the GSF chat channel on your server, you can find other pilots there. If you tell us, on what server you are, maybe we can find you someone to fly with

Edited by Danalon
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Thank you for advice but from what you wrote and from things that were not written it look quite clear that GSF is already dead horse and Bioware has not announced any plans to try revive it. :( Which is sad as it probably was only thing that could kept attention to swtor for longer period (if it would be done properly).

oh well... never mind, good luck and have fun :)

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And there you have it. Instead on someone wanting to improve. They want the game placed into a state to where they do not have to. /boggle


I understood PeterisGls's post differently. He asked for fixing/improving, and I agree that the Tutorial, the Introduction and Matchmaking need improving while the bugs need fixing. He complained about both getting steamrolled and steamrolling the other team, and never said that he did not want to improve.


Danalon basically said that he enjoys one-sided matches (in the other team's favor) because one of him is worth 8 of them and he can single-handedly turn a team of losers into winners, and that is fun for him. I agree that this would be fun for me, too, but this doesn't help PeterisGls who may not be that good yet. More realistic for him is to get into an evenly-matched match where he can contribute his part. Close matches are a lot of fun for everybody.


PeterisGls, GSF does have a bit of a learning curve. Please take a look at Stasie's Guide at the top, Sriia's tips for new players, and videos such as provided in Drakolich's Twitch and Youtube links. Since you mention doing the class stories, you should be able to fly for both Republic and Empire, and just choosing when to queue where will improve your chances of more even matches. If you can check out other servers, that might help too.

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I understood his initial post as "tried GSF, don't like it because matches are imbalanced, will play anyway to collect ships". So I tried to explain why matches are unbalanced and how this still can be fun from my point of view. As he plays anyway to collect ships I gave advice to read guides (I should have linked one) and join the GSF chat to make the time he has to stay to reach his goal more enjoyable. I mentioned the GSF chat because being able to ask for help and look for others to fly with clearly improves the experience.


Also, to clearly answer the question if there are any fixes or improvements planned for GSF:

The devs asked us about what we would like to see to improve Strikes, so probably there are buffs for Strikes coming in the future. Most of the other things don't need much improvement because they work well. The only fix GSF really needs at the moment is the unquip-bug.



When mentioning "winning a game on my own", I'm not necessarily thinking of 1v8 situations (I also don't think I'm good enough for that). What I was trying to say is, I like matches where I have severe impact on the outcome - matches that would have been clearly lost without my presence are the best. However, when a game turns from defeat to victory, then sometimes it just becomes a close victory (scoring 30ish kills in a 50-48 DM for example), sometiems it becomes a clear victory (winning a DOM game with 1000-700 because of me defending a satellite against half the enemy team for what felt like an eternity) and sometimes it even turns into a farm for us (I once joined a Denon with 3 red satellites, managed to capture all of them, turning it into a green 3cap). Moreoften there are interesting matches where it stands 2v5 or 3v7 (or something similar) and me and the other good pilots on my team manage to keep the other team down despite being outnumbered. Sometimes even lost games can be fun - and if it's just for showing the other team that they only won because they were matched against a team of mostly new pilots.

Edited by Danalon
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Okeeyyy.. since my message was so unclear :) I will put it short and simple: "GFS is completely broken due fights been very imbalanced. Does Bioware announced any plans to fix it. If they dont then I am collecting some ships and leaving this mess" :)


If one player can beat up entire team then game is totally @#$%^ up. Yes that happens often. Just 2 matches ago on deathmatch one player scored 33 kills (out of 50 total), kicked around whole enemy team and did more that rest of his team combined.


Replay as far as I can see is: "Situation is perfectly fine. L2P".


btw I read guides and they are not helping much. Best guides about GFS imho is in dulfy as they have numbers not just general phrases of wisdom.


So I am sticking to my original plan. Have 6 ships in hangar. Will add 1 or 2 more and out.

Good luck and have fun :)


(Besides queues on GSF are sooo long that it not even worth to spent time on waiting)

Edited by PeterisGls
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If one player can beat up entire team then game is totally @#$%^ up.


It's not that rare to happen in shooters. If it were ground PvP, then yes, something would be broken, but it isn't.

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Replay as far as I can see is: "Situation is perfectly fine. L2P".


Nobody on the forums have said the situation is fine lol. Cross server, tutorial, reworked match making system, these are all issues that everyone has requested forever.


If you're talking about ship class balance, that's an entirely different issue. Most regular fliers are happy with it, most new pilots aren't, which is why a better tutorial and cross server/match making system will allow them to fly without dropping them in the deep end of the pool right off the bat.


GSF is a great game if you are willing to put in the time and effort to power through the first 40-50 disaster games and learn how the it all works.

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A little adjustment to the "contributing" rules. I was in a deathmatch and at least two of the Imp's better players spent a lot of time chasing my comet breaker around an asteroid and when I finally shook them and managed to get a shot off that hit one of the other players I got a notice that I was contributing again.


One of them crashed into an asteroid trying to kill me and those players chasing me didn't get any kills for a bit, which probably helped my team win, even if only just a little bit. I think I contributed, even if I'm horrible with gunships.


Maybe it should be adjusted to "aren't in 15000m of an enemy for x amount of time" or something?

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A little adjustment to the "contributing" rules. I was in a deathmatch and at least two of the Imp's better players spent a lot of time chasing my comet breaker around an asteroid and when I finally shook them and managed to get a shot off that hit one of the other players I got a notice that I was contributing again.


One of them crashed into an asteroid trying to kill me and those players chasing me didn't get any kills for a bit, which probably helped my team win, even if only just a little bit. I think I contributed, even if I'm horrible with gunships.


Maybe it should be adjusted to "aren't in 15000m of an enemy for x amount of time" or something?


It's been discussed before and I believe it was even requested to be changed to not dealing/taking damage to/from enemy players, but you probably know by now how much dev time GSF gets. Until then if you're good at kiting and surviving you might not get much requisition. On the bright side... those who are god like at kiting in general don't need any more requisition because they already mastered the ship.


Also if 2 imps were chasing and couldn't kill you in a type 2 gunship to the point where you got a non-contributor message, those were some bad pilots. Type 2 gunship is one of the most farmable ships in GSF (aka free kill). Considering you're saying you're bad with gunships... those pilots were probably even worse.

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Okeeyyy.. since my message was so unclear :) I will put it short and simple: "GFS is completely broken due fights been very imbalanced. Does Bioware announced any plans to fix it. If they dont then I am collecting some ships and leaving this mess" :)


If one player can beat up entire team then game is totally @#$%^ up. Yes that happens often. Just 2 matches ago on deathmatch one player scored 33 kills (out of 50 total), kicked around whole enemy team and did more that rest of his team combined.


Replay as far as I can see is: "Situation is perfectly fine. L2P".


btw I read guides and they are not helping much. Best guides about GFS imho is in dulfy as they have numbers not just general phrases of wisdom.


So I am sticking to my original plan. Have 6 ships in hangar. Will add 1 or 2 more and out.

Good luck and have fun :)


(Besides queues on GSF are sooo long that it not even worth to spent time on waiting)


If you want help getting better - post your server and your character name. I'm sure one of the better players will be happy to contact you and give you some tips.


GSF is a skill based game. There is no easy 'auto-target then press a button to immediately execute a skill that will hit a target with 100% certainty'. If someone scored 33 kills in TDM and did better than the rest of the team combined, that player was an ace with a lot of experience (likely in a mastered ship) and the enemy team was a bunch of inexperienced pilots (and it's very likely that everyone else in that match aside from that player were inexperienced).


The guides on Dulfy are bad and I'm sure a lot of aces would appreciate if Dulfy deleted them if incapable of updating to remain relevant, at the very least some of them are based on information from GSF beta-testing. They are outdated and focus on the wrong things. In other words - garbage. Those general words of wisdom that you don't like in other guides are the most important things. There is a difference between words 'look' and 'see'. You look at the guides posted on these forums, but you can't see what those people are giving you in those guides. You can be given a mastered ship, but if you have not mastered those 'words of wisdom' it will not matter as you will be demolished by aces just as quickly as if you were in a stock ship. GSF is a SKILL based game, NOT GEAR/UPGRADES game. Skill is developed little by little through practice. It doesn't matter how many ships you will have if you have no experience with them; it doesn't matter if someone will tell you what are the best components/upgrades to pick for some specific ships to get the best build ever; it doesn't matter if someone will even explain why these components/upgrades are the best.


If you want to get better - practice. Put at least 20 hours playing a specific ship with one specific load out and you will notice that you will get better at it. Ask for help and advice from people who do better than you. Did you even try to talk to the pilot who scored those 33 kills? Did you ask how they did it? What ship they used? What components? How much practice they've had with that ship/build?


In closure: post your server and character name and ask for help... there are plenty of skilled pilots who play on many servers and can group with you and help you to improve.

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It's been discussed before and I believe it was even requested to be changed to not dealing/taking damage to/from enemy players, but you probably know by now how much dev time GSF gets. Until then if you're good at kiting and surviving you might not get much requisition. On the bright side... those who are god like at kiting in general don't need any more requisition because they already mastered the ship.


Also if 2 imps were chasing and couldn't kill you in a type 2 gunship to the point where you got a non-contributor message, those were some bad pilots. Type 2 gunship is one of the most farmable ships in GSF (aka free kill). Considering you're saying you're bad with gunships... those pilots were probably even worse.


Well, one of them DID kill me earlier in the match, but I was caught out in the open. Managed to get to that asteroid mining facility and there were multiple bombers on my side and I started heading towards the friendly mines and drones deployed around there in a blind panic. :D

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Oh, I almost forgot. They announced a feature "better than cross server" some time ago. Does anyone know what happened to that?

I think that was casually mentioned by a dev in an unofficial capacity, at a cantina event or something. They certainly have never officially announced it, or there would be rejoicing in the virtual streets. There's no way that any sane developer would commit to publicly announcing a feature that big unless it was done and ready. I certainly hope to see cross-sever or something 'better' but it'd be a real shock if it happened anytime soon, especially when their focus is on story expansions. It'd be great if they proved me wrong, though.



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Oh, I almost forgot. They announced a feature "better than cross server" some time ago. Does anyone know what happened to that?


This was mentioned in a vague statement a long time ago. It was renewed in another vague statement August 7. From Dulfy: "Cross server? Not ignoring the issue, something awesome in the works"

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Nerf Gunships.

Comedy gold. Are you available to show up and yell 'Nerf gunships!' at parties or weddings? Could you somehow photobomb Twitch streams with a 'Nerf gunships.' sign? You could be GSF's version of Leeroy Jenkins, in your own way. You have elevated this to performance art.



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Okeeyyy.. since my message was so unclear :) I will put it short and simple: "GFS is completely broken due fights been very imbalanced. Does Bioware announced any plans to fix it. If they dont then I am collecting some ships and leaving this mess" :)


If one player can beat up entire team then game is totally @#$%^ up. Yes that happens often. Just 2 matches ago on deathmatch one player scored 33 kills (out of 50 total), kicked around whole enemy team and did more that rest of his team combined.


Replay as far as I can see is: "Situation is perfectly fine. L2P".


btw I read guides and they are not helping much. Best guides about GFS imho is in dulfy as they have numbers not just general phrases of wisdom.


So I am sticking to my original plan. Have 6 ships in hangar. Will add 1 or 2 more and out.

Good luck and have fun :)


(Besides queues on GSF are sooo long that it not even worth to spent time on waiting)


The ships all level up. Think of it as level 30s vs level 10s as far as ships go.

I'll bet your ship has little upgrades, the guys who roll in premades often have maxed out ships.

Experienced players in top level ships vs rookies in stock ships.


Think of it as PvP only our level bracket is 1-30.


You haven't hit the median until your ships are upgraded to at least 50%, so were they?

If not, you should play until you hit halfway to full and re evaluate your experience.

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You haven't hit the median until your ships are upgraded to at least 50%, so were they?


Ships that are 50% upgraded (as in spent 75k-80k req) have reached almost their full fighting power. If done correctly they have all important upgrades by then. I don't think median fits here.

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If one player can beat up entire team then game is totally @#$%^ up. Yes that happens often. Just 2 matches ago on deathmatch one player scored 33 kills (out of 50 total), kicked around whole enemy team and did more that rest of his team combined.


I assume from the way you say this that the one player with 33 kills was also on the team that won 50:5 or something. Everyone agrees that 50:5 or 5:50 matches are bad. However, one player getting 33 kills in a close match or even losing is not such a bad thing and these matches happen. It proves there is almost endless room to advance in skill. This provides unpredictability and replayability. If everybody gets 6 or 7 kills in every Death Match, I would tire of the game in no time at all.


To avoid too many 50:5 or 5:50 matches, the best way is to get newer players to improve more quickly and less painfully. We've already established that Bioware should improve the tutorial and introduction to GSF, and we keep pointing out the guides and videos to the newer players.

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Oh, just remembered something:


Little green arrows showing where friendly units are (like the red arrows on the edge of the circle in the HUD) since I find myself lost multiple times and sometimes it's hard to get back to the rest of my team in deathmatches. I see them on the little map, but sometimes I can't orient myself and find them.

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Oh, just remembered something:


Little green arrows showing where friendly units are (like the red arrows on the edge of the circle in the HUD) since I find myself lost multiple times and sometimes it's hard to get back to the rest of my team in deathmatches. I see them on the little map, but sometimes I can't orient myself and find them.


If you're really struggling to re orient yourself you can just hold the "V" key and it will automatically level you out. That way you can then use the map to find your allies.

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