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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Improvements to the F2P model and to the game


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or better yet stop asking for free stuff and pay the damn sub and everything you want is acheived


Pretty simple


F2P needs more restrictions,

not less


And I can post this because I pay my sub that costs me pennies a day




This!!! So this!!!



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OK so Pref/F2P get more restrictions, great. Subs can continue to play the game knowing they're getting the fullest...but wait... the pref and f2p won't be able to do anything.. well they don't like that, they're gonna stop playing. Eventually the game will dip back into what it was back before the F2P model because Bioware had failed to gain subs. So gg WP and also, the 20cc thing was a top of the head price, it could easily be anything, however the inability to read my posts before seems present. Edited by PJChattyman
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OK so Pref/F2P get more restrictions, great. Subs can continue to play the game knowing they're getting the fullest...but wait... the pref and f2p won't be able to do anything.

They can sub. That's the point.


well they don't like that, they're gonna stop playing

Fine, they're not doing anything for the game if they're not gonna sub.

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They can sub. That's the point.



Fine, they're not doing anything for the game if they're not gonna sub.


Right so we're going in circles..


What if people don't have the disposable income to sub?


I disagree, Preferred players are doing stuff for the game, they purchase CC. I do it myself when the sub runs out.

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What if people don't have the disposable income to sub?

If they have a computer capable of playing the game and a high speed internet connection capable of playing the game, they have the ability to subscribe. It's simply a matter of priorities. Skip 3 Starbucks drinks a month (or something equally frivolous) and the sub fee is paid.


And even in the highly unlikely case that someone has the computer and the connection but can't scrape up $15 a month, playing this game is not a fundamental right.


I disagree, Preferred players are doing stuff for the game, they purchase CC. I do it myself when the sub runs out.

If a Preferred player is regularly purchasing CC, then they are doing themselves a disservice by not subscribing. But I don't buy into the myth that Preferred players are a significant source of CC sales.

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or better yet stop asking for free stuff and pay the damn sub and everything you want is acheived


Pretty simple


F2P needs more restrictions,

not less


And I can post this because I pay my sub that costs me pennies a day


No one would ever consider hiring you for such things as you give bad advice due your lack of understanding of such situations.


I can post this because I pay for a Sub as well and unlike you? I'm right.


You know you can post during a 7-day trial, right?


@OP: if the F2P model is disgusting, move on to a game with a less disgusting one. F2P is supposed to provide incentives to subscribe, not a viable alternative to subscribing.


Yes, incentives to sub NOT quit.


The more you know.

Edited by Sardorim
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OK so Pref/F2P get more restrictions, great. Subs can continue to play the game knowing they're getting the fullest...but wait... the pref and f2p won't be able to do anything.. well they don't like that, they're gonna stop playing. Eventually the game will dip back into what it was back before the F2P model because Bioware had failed to gain subs. So gg WP and also, the 20cc thing was a top of the head price, it could easily be anything, however the inability to read my posts before seems present.


News flash kid, they read your posts,

You theory/assumption is FALSE


You keep repeating this false and incorrect argument over and over and over like if you say the same thing enough times it becomes truth


F2P/Pref DID NOT save this game


80% of the cartel purchases are done by SUBSCRIBERS

The upcoming expansion is designed SPECIFICALLY to increase subs while offering NOTHING to F2P/Pref


What part of these FACTS do you just not understand????




Really do not understand why you think your personal guess/theory is correct and EA's statement to their investors is incorrect and false.


This is NOT designed to be a completely F2P product

There is lots of F2P products out there you can play while never once financially supporting the game or company (if thats your thing, personally I find players like that to be leeches and not worth the time or effort. Just selfish little kids who want everything free)


PS: So who wants to bet this genius replies with how F2P and Pref saved the game before. Which will be all the more special when you realize he just whined no one was reading his full posts.

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PS: So who wants to bet this genius replies with how F2P and Pref saved the game before. Which will be all the more special when you realize he just whined no one was reading his full posts.


Of course he will. Because he, and every other f2p player that throws the usual tantrum is convinced in their minds that just by the simple act of logging into the game, they kept EA from shutting down the servers, even though they have "contributed" nothing other then bandwidth useage and the occasional non npc character another player might pass in game...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I'll agree with you that the Free or Preferred states could use sweetening, but I'll largely disagree with your suggestions.


The credit cap does need boosting - Especially if enemies in KotFE are going to drop as much or more than they do on Ziost, or if slicer nodes remain in the expansion. The GTN I feel will be taking a big leap in its pricing if that's the case. Now for a lot of people apparently, that's their number one reason for subbing, so a full removal of it is out of the question but a blanket increase with the expansion would be nice, as well as a purchasable further expansion.


The 12x Experience Boost is definitely I feel the kind of thing that should remain subscriber only (Though it ends in six or seven weeks anyway). It was released to draw back old subscribers, and it worked.


Warzone/Space Missions/Operations have the weekly passes available, and they are fairly reasonably priced, so I don't see that needing a change.


Sub time with ingame currency... I'd like to see it as it would give people something to spend money on other than the GTN, and therefore take it out of circulation, but at the same time, I'd like to see its use limited... Perhaps to only being able to buy/activate one weeks (or even 3 days) sub per month. Enough for a taster.


Personally, I'd like to see the experience penalty for Free/Pref accounts either halved or scrapped altogether. My last subscription ran out whilst my... Sith Warrior I think it was had just finished Balmorra, and was at that point 4 levels above content. After the sub died, I did almost every side mission available, except for the bonus missions, did every Flashpoint once, and a couple of Kuat runs, and still ended Corellia at high level 48 or just 49, and doing Ilum, Makeb (Plus one weekly), the prelude, Rishi and Yavin was still not quite enough to get him to hit 60. Oh sure, if I'd done either Oricon or CZ-198 (or indeed used most/all my free exp boosts) it would have been enough, but even without those two areas, that's a big ol' slog.


Crew Skills is another point that Pref's could use a small boost. As it stands, they can only use three minions to send on crew skills (Fair enough), and their chance of learning a schematic is half that of sub's (Again, fair), but for actual crafting, they cannot queue up multiple items at all, as opposed to subs who can queue five at a time. This makes crafting take (for me at least) far, far more effort than its worth, and generally its not worth much anyway (though that is of course changing somehow in KotFE). Allowing pref's to queue three items will make it time consuming, but worthwhile once more.


Finally, (At least for now off the top of my head), allow Free/Pref's to collect the armour rewards from the Prelude Missions, Rishi and the Yavin weekly. Not being able to collect those was... Gutting. It actually put me off playing altogether for a few days.



On the other side of the coin, I'd like more perks for subscribers. Give people reasons to sub beyond the credit cap removal. The current 12x Exp boost is nice for those that want it (I've used it on two characters, and am levelling three more without it (Though one of those may use it for a few missions)), but as I mentioned above, its ending soon. The delivery of the expansion sort of fits this, but you'll get the same benefit if you continuously sub, as if you sub for a single month when the whole lot is out, so its not much of an incentive to stay subbed.


A small further boost to sprint perhaps, Not a lot, a further 20% say, possibly unlocked at higher levels. A boost to the weekly reputation limits as well would be nice, to match the boost sub's get from each rep item. Maybe a (toggleable) 5% damage/healing boost - Just enough to be nice without being overpowering... A few other little things... Not any one thing that'd be worth subbing for, but as a combination - In addition to the current benefits may just make it worth sticking around for.

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Take a lesson from GW2: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/play-for-free-today/


If anyone can play Guild Wars 2 for free now, does that mean we’re switching business models to free-to-play? Are we going to be one of those games that aggressively monetizes free players through microtransactions? Absolutely not. Guild Wars 2 remains the same game it always has been. We’re making the core game experience free because we’re confident that anyone who loves Guild Wars 2 will buy Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns.


Bioware simply doesn't believe that people will love their game and spend money on it eventually. That's why Bioware still imposes so many stupid restrictions. They are afraid that their MMO which can't handle 16+ ppl on the screen without fps drops won't get enough love. Bioware forces this love.

Edited by PavSalco
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I disagree, Preferred players are doing stuff for the game, they purchase CC. I do it myself when the sub runs out.


Then this is your problem right here. If you can afford Cartel Coins, you can afford a subscription. I'd almost be willing to bet you go to your local store and buy the 2,400 Cartel Coin card, or maybe you buy them through the website or Amazon, doesn't matter. Those are $20, which is $5 MORE than a subscription, so you're spending your money on Cartel Coins over a subscription and not getting all the benefits you want. Now, yeah, if you buy them through the website, there are $5 and $10 packs, but ultimately they're not really worth it IMO, so I assume you get the 2,400 count. So, IMO, if you buy Cartel Coins each month, you have no right to complain about the F2P or Preffered status restrictions, as you're CHOOSING to spend your money on Cartel Coins overs the subscription.


Also, though your original post was suggestions on how to improve the F2P model, your later replies make you seem like someone just whining and complaining that you don't get what people who pay a monthly fee get.

Edited by StarkillerVB
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Take a lesson from GW2: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/play-for-free-today/




Bioware simply doesn't believe that people will love their game and spend money on it eventually. That's why Bioware still imposes so many stupid restrictions. They are afraid that their MMO which can't handle 16+ ppl on the screen without fps drops won't get enough love. Bioware forces this love.


Really? After going through the official list https://help.guildwars2.com/entries/95982157 , that is very restrictive, not unlike here, some things are a little worse, some a little better, but far from lesson giving in my opinion.

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Really? After going through the official list https://help.guildwars2.com/entries/95982157 , that is very restrictive, not unlike here, some things are a little worse, some a little better, but far from lesson giving in my opinion.


Having not played Guild Wars, I don't understand some of that list, but some of those restrictions do appear to be very petty, and the only way it seems you can remove them is buying the expansion - Even buying the base game won't do you any good now for much of it.

Edited by Gonalius
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Really? After going through the official list https://help.guildwars2.com/entries/95982157 , that is very restrictive, not unlike here, some things are a little worse, some a little better, but far from lesson giving in my opinion.


Those are chat restrictions that are necessary because of gold sellers. The only restriction that can be annoying gameplay wise is no access to Guild Banks and no exchange between gold and gems.


Those restrictions appear to be very soft and player-friendly. In SWTOR f2p newcomers are punished at every corner. You have a limited number of pvp matches to play, limited loot from flashpoints, your character design features are locked, your hide head slot and unify color are also taken away, quickbars are limited to two, you have no access to your own cargo hold... the amount of restriction is sick. Restricting quickbars, pvp matches and dungeon loot is very harmful. Bioware simply punish the player for playing their own game. No wonder that SWTOR has terrible PR. The point of f2p is to give players the opportunity to try game but also to make a good impression, so even if they don't spend a lot or nothing at all, they will share positive opinions and reviews with others.

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Those are chat restrictions that are necessary because of gold sellers. The only restriction that can be annoying gameplay wise is no access to Guild Banks and no exchange between gold and gems.


Those restrictions appear to be very soft and player-friendly. In SWTOR f2p newcomers are punished at every corner. You have a limited number of pvp matches to play, limited loot from flashpoints, your character design features are locked, your hide head slot and unify color are also taken away, quickbars are limited to two, you have no access to your own cargo hold... the amount of restriction is sick. Restricting quickbars, pvp matches and dungeon loot is very harmful. Bioware simply punish the player for playing their own game. No wonder that SWTOR has terrible PR. The point of f2p is to give players the opportunity to try game but also to make a good impression, so even if they don't spend a lot or nothing at all, they will share positive opinions and reviews with others.


personally could care less about f2p restrictions. they get full access to everything <50 thats all 8 stories plus all raids, all flashpoints. If they want anything more spend $5 upto preferred or live with what they get. I would put it to end of capital world like it used to be. or end of chapter 1 and make them pay for the rest of the chapters.


limit to only a few stories, no speeders. point is to get them to subscribe and spend money, their opinions are worth about as much as they spend....NOTHING.

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You're missing the point. People with a low income (minimum wage) may not be able to afford a $15 sub each month because they have to pay bills etc out of it. My letter merely gives the F2P/Pref community the oppurtunity to spend the money they do make on making their experience more enjoyble


If people cant afford $0.50 a day for their entertainment then I would suggest they spend less time sitting on their couch playing games and more time up-skilling to improve their life.


Stop being tight. Pay for what you want.

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*Credit Cap Extensions: Cartel unlocks that increase a player's credit cap by a certain amount: 100k, 500k, 1 million. The prices could be small so it allows the Pref/f2p to enjoy the game and unlock it through the 20cc rewards.


So with a small one-time cost you want to pretty much eliminate credit restrictions.


Hey, make them affordable for purely F2P players with their little cartel coin rewards and they will be a snap to someone that actually subbed for a month or three and got the 500-600 coin rewards, right?


Yeah, I'll spend 100 coins to get a credit cap of 1 billion.


Now, having done so, why should I continue to sub for an unlimited credit cap?


I've recently made a new RP character called "Harstow" and I really think he's unique. However I want to do endgame content with him too, and I don't have the willpower (excuse the pun) to burn through sidequests, smashing my spacebar to skip cutscenes. I just want to do the main story and get to level 60 in a few days, but as a pref/f2p I cannot.


Fortunately for you there is a solution.


You can subscribe and get that 12X bonus for a little while longer. Certainly enough time to power level one character, and I imagine maybe two or three depending upon how much time you spend playing.



See, pretty much all of your arguments come down to one thing... That you dislike the F2P restrictions.


And that's actually what is supposed to be happening. You are supposed to find them confining. They are supposed to feel like restrictions.


And you can subscribe and all of those restrictions go away. Every one.


You want to spend maybe $15 worth of cartel coins and buy unlocks that make your experience the same as a subscriber.

So how does that make any sense for Bioware?


You want (effectively) unlimited access to everything. You want all the benefits of subscribing for the life of the game for a cost that doesn't approach subscribing for a year.


How about this instead?


You want what a sub offers then sub.

You want to play for free then play for free.

You would rather not play? That's an option, too.

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