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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So why no playable Voss again?


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That's just an unrealistic request or expectation.


Just to add. If I said "I want all sentient races to be added to the game next week" that would be unreasonable and unrealistic. I'm not asking for that. Add a playable race each expansion. That in my mind would be reasonable and realistic.



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Just to add. If I said "I want all sentient races to be added to the game next week" that would be unreasonable and unrealistic. I'm not asking for that. Add a playable race each expansion. That in my mind would be reasonable and realistic.




These people will not stop nay-saying you no matter how much sense you make or how many people post here proving the popularity of ideas like new races and classes. If you notice people generally post once in support while those who oppose attack these threads repeatedly til they become to weighted down with bs empty arguments ('but, a dev said 2 years ago...' etc.)


The recent addition of Togruta with their head issues proves the list of prerequisites for new races is a grey area at best and the majority of arguments against new races are moot. Anyone who thinks romancing a Togruta or Twielik or Cathar is 'normal' but somehow romancing a Wookie, or Nautolan, etc. would not be is practicing false equivalency in truly ignorant fashion.


Keep up the good fight, there's many more less vocal supporters of these ideas than the people who like to stroke their egos by claiming their opposition is somehow 'right' to others ideas on these forums.

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These people will not stop nay-saying you no matter how much sense you make.


And the "I dont care how broken it will be, give it to me anyway!!!!!!!!!" crowd ignore the fact they would have part if not all of their heads cut off in cut scenes because said wanted race is taller then player races in fixed angle cut scenes :p

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And the "I dont care how broken it will be, give it to me anyway!!!!!!!!!" crowd ignore the fact they would have part if not all of their heads cut off in cut scenes because said wanted race is taller then player races in fixed angle cut scenes :p


case in point for my above post


Also, you obviously know very little about animating 3d models because it's fairly easy in most programs to tie the camera directly to a characters head so the scene is OK despite the size of characters used in a cinematic but that's beside the point because you aren't a dev and neither am I.

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There are no playable Voss because they have been adding new races that are compatible with their basic criteria (Speak Basic, Species can use the Force, Romance compatible) based on request popularity. Voss are not at the top of the list. I think Nautolans were behind Togruta, but don't hold me to that.
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And the "I dont care how broken it will be, give it to me anyway!!!!!!!!!" crowd ignore the fact they would have part if not all of their heads cut off in cut scenes because said wanted race is taller then player races in fixed angle cut scenes :p


Next time I'm on Voss (probably never) I'll check them out, but I'm surprised that they're so much taller than PC's that normal body types wouldn't be just fine.


Ok, so I lied and decided to test this out now instead of never. Here's my tall Warrior and the tall Pierce next to some Voss: http://i.imgur.com/DWFEc2i.jpg


They're pretty much the same height as Pierce; maaaaaybe they're a hair taller but it's not significant in my humble opinion.

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Ok, so I lied and decided to test this out now instead of never. Here's my tall Warrior and the tall Pierce next to some Voss: http://i.imgur.com/DWFEc2i.jpg


They're pretty much the same height as Pierce; maaaaaybe they're a hair taller but it's not significant in my humble opinion.


People using the height argument for why Voss can't be playable are ignoring the discrepancy between the shortest and tallest of the different player body types to begin with, the only argument against Voss being playable that has any validity would be the one or two lines of dialog that would have to be added to the beginning of the Voss missions to explain why they are treating someone of their own species as an outsider.

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And the "I dont care how broken it will be, give it to me anyway!!!!!!!!!" crowd ignore the fact they would have part if not all of their heads cut off in cut scenes because said wanted race is taller then player races in fixed angle cut scenes :p


Very well, I am a reasonable person. Not in any "give it to me now or I will hold my breath till I turn blue" crowd if such a crowd even exists, which I very much doubt. But I don't buy the arguments of:

You cant have it cause they are taller/fatter/leaner etc in cut scenes

You cant have it cause its not strict canon and that race would never ever do what a player would have them do (cause that's just pure BS)

You cant have them cause I don't like them

You cant have them cause of well reasons and cause I said so

and so on.


A playable race, per expansion is not in the least unreasonable. I happen to prefer the Voss, Wookies would be nice too. The point is it can be done. The next race to be added is purely a matter of personal preference and opinion.

Give us more races. On a regular basis. Please.

Thanks and Cheers!

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I think players might be missing the point as to the real reason why there are no playable Voss as yet. That being that the Voss have all the personality, emotional range and sex appeal of a piece of plywood. ;)


Ummmm and that is your opinion. The real reason? Doubtful. Your take on it? More near the mark.

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Ok, so I lied and decided to test this out now instead of never. Here's my tall Warrior and the tall Pierce next to some Voss: http://i.imgur.com/DWFEc2i.jpg


They're pretty much the same height as Pierce; maaaaaybe they're a hair taller but it's not significant in my humble opinion.


Pierce is BT3, which is the tallest BT in the game. The Voss Commando is built like BT2, yet is still taller than BT3.


Given I have no horse in this race at all (I don't care if we get them or not)... I don't really think height will be a problem, provided that commando is an example of the tallest type of Voss (ie: no BT3 Voss, because that would just be ridiculously tall, given how much taller BT3 males are compared to BT2.)


Regardless, even if height would be a problem I don't see that stopping Bioware if they really wanted to put Voss in. *cough*Qunari in DAI*cough* ;)

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The only way I could see them adding Voss into the game would be as a 60+ character. The Voss planet and class stories are tied directly to Voss culture as they resist change until they have no other choice (end of Voss Planet story), live in a cast system (Agent story on Voss), and rely heavily on their traditions to determine how they act in every moment of every day (all stories) while following The Three with a religious fervor (Agent story, every mention of the Three). The Voss are also only recently (within a few decades, tops) space faring (Agent story this is mentioned blatantly, may have been mentioned in other classes), so any interstellar colonies out there are so new that the first generation settlers are still children.



Further more, Voss can only be trained as Jedi after the Order has no choice but to accept them (Jedi classes story, Pub Voss story point and option.)



So a 1-60 Voss would not fit the lore set by BioWare's story settings. From 60+, five years had passed since Ziost (ish), so assuming a year for each expansion post-50, between five and seven and a half years at least has passed since the Voss events happened.


Yes, I am screaming "No because Lore!" BioWare has already said (recently about Macrobinoc/Seeker Rroid quests) that they will not be adding or changing things from pre-SoR stuff (not counting throwaway dialogue lines like being Cathar or a Legacy specie that might be added at a later time), so reworking the entire Voss planet and classes stories is right out.

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I'd have to say that the debate on Voss height is rather immaterial, given that they would simply use the existing Player Character body types, NPCs-be-damned, just like the Togruta get their Montrals/lekku chopped off despite existing NPCs.



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The interest some players have in the Voss baffles me. The story on that planet reads to me like a sarcastic take on how misplaced both factions' priorities are.


Both miss the forest for the trees on that planet. There's a race of native technical geniuses quietly building a space program out of scraps in a cave there, and no one thinks to recruit them. Meanwhile, the governments in Coruscant and Dromund Kaas are tripping over themselves, trying to get their meat hooks into a people whose culture is founded on the twin pillars of hysterical xenophobia and despairing fatalism, because they happen to have a few Force-sensitives.

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Both miss the forest for the trees on that planet. There's a race of native technical geniuses quietly building a space program out of scraps in a cave there, and no one thinks to recruit them. Meanwhile, the governments in Coruscant and Dromund Kaas are tripping over themselves, trying to get their meat hooks into a people whose culture is founded on the twin pillars of hysterical xenophobia and despairing fatalism, because they happen to have a few Force-sensitives.


I imagine they'd be tough to control, but you're right that a Gormak army would kick rear.

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I completely and utterly agree with you... but don't you think you could edit your original post to be a little more polite about the content BioWare has created? After all, you attract more flies with honey.



Also, my logic on a Voss playable race is extremely simple.

-Voss are neutral, and have been known to side with the Empire and Republic. It really varies per person on the planet.

-The Voss have a Force-using caste that is respected and honored. We've seen they're capable of visions, healing, and telekinetics. If anything, that's a Sage.

-The Voss have managed to put the Gormak, who vastly outnumber them, into a stalemate due to their disciplined and skilled Commandos. Need I say more as to why this could work as a tech-based class?

-Not all Voss are noble. We've seen (somewhere?) some Underworld-based Voss. That takes care of Smuggler and Bounty Hunter.


-If you chose to marry the Voss woman as a male Imperial Agent, she will write you a letter claiming she has been exiled to the Alien Market in Voss-Ka. She is now to be considered an Outsider.

So, the story does permit Voss "Outsiders."


During the Smuggler story line, if you're found guilty of your crimes, then you will receive a completely optional (heh heh heh) "penalty" mission to deliver packages to Voss settlers on Coruscant, Alderaan, and Balmorra.


So Voss can live anywhere in the Galaxy they want!


All Hail The Three!

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Visited Voss yesterday. You cant see it in cutscenes but voss male are twice taller then usual characters and female like 1.5 taller :) So be done with that already. Your ugly voss not gonna happen :p Edited by Rouakh
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Also, you obviously know very little about animating 3d models because it's fairly easy in most programs to tie the camera directly to a characters head so the scene is OK despite the size of characters used in a cinematic but that's beside the point because you aren't a dev and neither am I.


And if the game worked that way then you would be right.

But it DOESN'T.

All camera angles in cutscenes are fixed.

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Does anyone have a link to a site that shows images of each race a long with their name altogether so you can just go through them all at the same time? I tried going through wookiepedia clicking on each race but it's such a headache. I just want to see which races I think could work for swtor.
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I'd have to say that the debate on Voss height is rather immaterial, given that they would simply use the existing Player Character body types, NPCs-be-damned, just like the Togruta get their Montrals/lekku chopped off despite existing NPCs.


You're making too much sense these people came here for an argument!


And if the game worked that way then you would be right.

But it DOESN'T.

All camera angles in cutscenes are fixed.


Interesting you think so but it seems to work dynamically with the vastly different body types we do have options for and besides that you don't seem to understand what suggestions are you, lemme just quote myself here so you can maybe understand better what a suggestion is and how game forums in general work->


Do you understand this is a post suggesting a change? I could care less what the engines restrictions are I don't develop games I play them and I'm fairly certain you aren't a dev on swtor either. It's biowares problem to deal with weather they can implement said suggestions or not and let us know, not yours.


Anyone asking for something to be changed already knows the current restrictions or they wouldn't be asking for the change to begin with. This is the suggestion forum for suggested changes and additions. These incessant 'but this is how it is now' responses to people asking for change are truly a sign that our societies reading comprehension and critical thinking levels have become dangerously low.
Edited by Monumenta
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