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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Yub Nub


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So it seems to me that there comes a time when Bioware needs to step up it's game. The new Battlefront 3 game will have Ewoks. SWToR remains archaic and quite honestly heightist. Before you say "not another thread about Ewok's, omg", just read a little further.


Aside from the fact that Bioware hates non-basic speaking sub-human wretched ankle biters, it's possible to add both the Jawa to Imperial side, and Ewok to Republic. And here's how (they have writers and stuff, don't they?):


First, let's get out of the box. The box is: create character, get companions, rule the universe.


To get out of the box, we must abandon the notion that we must have companions, and can't be companions ourselves. But what does that mean exactly? Well, it means that your created Ewok/Jawa is the companion in the storyline. When you enter into storymode and start conversations, you will see your "leader", speaking basic, doing all the things you would normally do. Your conversation choices will be background just as they are with your current companion. Do you provide comic relief by pressing a big red flashing button in the background? do you agree with your leader? Do you loathe your leader? Whatever the case might be, theres choices for it instead of normal dialog choices.


This notion breaks the barrier of speaking basic.


Create two storylines, one for imp, one for republic. Writers, go nuts.


Your leader would be a shadow/assassin tank/dps options.


There are plenty of variations of "looks" for both treek and blizz, find a way to make that translate into gear. Or don't change anything when equipping gear, and just use those variations as customizations when creating the character. Create more in cash shop for purchase. Money moneeeey.... MONAY!


Animations already exist.


The next big hurdle would be classes. And here is where I would pull away from blizz. With treek, we have something that can't be done, tank and healer. There is no third option, you are a companion after all. Both sides would get this combo of choices, either be a tank, or be a healer, the gear is quite different so balance should be fairly easy. We have abilities and names already from treek for Republic, but a little extra work would be required for Imperials. Probably not that much more really. Replace grenade animation with chucking a small speeder engine, goes boom. Maybe big boom.


Crafting is simple, you can't.


So there you have it. Completely plausible way to make Ewok and Jawa playable. Now the real reason this won't happen is because Bioware hates anything short. Sad, but true. Dragon Age? Dwarves are magicless sky fearing runts. Mass Effect? Apparently the vastness of space and alien species never made it possible to have a short race. KOTOR? lol not a chance. Kingdoms of Amalur? Not Bioware but screw them for not adding playable gnomes that are in the first few minutes of the game!


Bioware did sometimes tip their hat, back when they were young. Like with Neverwinter Nights. But alas, they have become a hate filled beast that ravages the hopes and dreams of those with limited height. We have no place in their galaxy, their worlds.


<pours Warwick Davis a drink> To Ewoks everywhere! :rak_03:

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I can totally see it :

Ewok companion traveling with Sith Hero. Looks at a mission giver nearby and Ewok companion says ; " Hey sith go get the mission for me, i want some xp", SIth hero : "Yes companion, right away".

Completes the mission and selecting reward. Ewok companion : "man this gear looks awesome, i am taking it", SIth hero : "Of course companion, as you wish."

Sith trying to get things done with jaessa and Ewok companion comes : "Dude you are *********** here? Get your *** up we need to go kill the false emperor!!", Sith hero says in return "of course companion, just give me 2 minutes!!".

Yep i can totally see it.

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I've always wanted to play as a Jawa!


The 'must speak Basic' rule has always puzzled me, though. Why, exactly?


The standard explanation seems to be that they need to be able to use the existing voice acting, and even if that wasn't the case listening to something growling and bleeping and having to read the subtitles would be annoying.


Why exactly would you be unable to understand yourself, and need subtitles?


I can guarantee that no-one from a Galaxy far, far away speaks English, or French, or German, that's just a convenience for the audience. So if 'Basic' is some weird alien language that for convenience we understand as English (or French or German), why can that not apply to Jawa, Ewok, Wookiee, Rodian etc?


The character we're talking to might hear 'Utto nye usabia atoonyoba?', but we understand ourself perfectly as 'Want to buy a used droid?', and so can use the existing voice acting with no breaking of canon or immersion.

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I can totally see it :

Ewok companion traveling with Sith Hero. Looks at a mission giver nearby and Ewok companion says ; " Hey sith go get the mission for me, i want some xp", SIth hero : "Yes companion, right away".

Completes the mission and selecting reward. Ewok companion : "man this gear looks awesome, i am taking it", SIth hero : "Of course companion, as you wish."

Sith trying to get things done with jaessa and Ewok companion comes : "Dude you are *********** here? Get your *** up we need to go kill the false emperor!!", Sith hero says in return "of course companion, just give me 2 minutes!!".

Yep i can totally see it.


Ewok: Sith, go farm some dailies and buy me a Rancor mount!

Sith: As you wish, my master.:hope_08: May I buy you some CM packs and sell it for quick credits too?

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