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Double XP week or month?


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But ONLY if it stacks on top of the 12XP for story quests. I want to start at level one and insta-level to 14 after turning in one quest.


Wouldn't even need to do that..just check all your mail with all they titles that give you xp. Was half way to 2 just by answering mail.

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Quick way from 55 to 60.


Invite someone to group, convert to ops group, then go farm trash in KP, especially the champions. Just clear all the trash to the first boss, leave and reset the instance. Once they slow down in XP gain, kick it up to HM and repeat, and do it again for NiM. EC would probably work too since there's a bunch of trash before the first boss but it'll be slightly harder since the groups are bigger than KP.

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So I timed my latest run through SoR. I finished Makeb at level 55, started Forged Alliances. I had xp consumable, and legacy exploration and flashpoints xp boosts.


Start SOR

/played - 4 days, 16 hours, 54 minutes

Level 55.2


Finish Tython / Korriban

/played - 4 days, 17 hours, 37 minutes

Level 56.2


Finish Manaan / Rakata Prime

/played - 4 days, 18 hours 30 minutes

Level 57.3


Rishii First Island + Blood Hunt

/played - 4 days, 20 hours 9 minutes

Level 59.1


Rishii Second Island + Battle of Rishii

/played - 4 days, 21 hours 20 minutes

Level 60


Total time: 4 hours, 26 minutes


Really doesn't seem that long to me.

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A double XP event might be a benefit to non-subscribers who don't get the 12X but it might cause a conflict with the 12X already implemented.


I doubt we will see one till some time after the expansion when folks have gotten to 65 with a bunch of characters already and the newness has worn off.

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So I timed my latest run through SoR. I finished Makeb at level 55, started Forged Alliances. I had xp consumable, and legacy exploration and flashpoints xp boosts.


Start SOR

/played - 4 days, 16 hours, 54 minutes

Level 55.2


Finish Tython / Korriban

/played - 4 days, 17 hours, 37 minutes

Level 56.2


Finish Manaan / Rakata Prime

/played - 4 days, 18 hours 30 minutes

Level 57.3


Rishii First Island + Blood Hunt

/played - 4 days, 20 hours 9 minutes

Level 59.1


Rishii Second Island + Battle of Rishii

/played - 4 days, 21 hours 20 minutes

Level 60


Total time: 4 hours, 26 minutes


Really doesn't seem that long to me.


as soon as rishi and yavin launched people complained how short and little content it was....just as it goes free people complain its too long -.-

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as soon as rishi and yavin launched people complained how short and little content it was....just as it goes free people complain its too long -.-


Goldilocks Syndrome at it's very best. :p


SebastiaanZ, your request exemplifies what happens when an MMO company gives us XP events. Once they do, some players get spoiled and lazy and cannot seem to cope with normal XP rates. Why not just cut to the chase and ask for an insta-60 buff???? Really though... It's 4-5 hours of game play to go from 55-60. If that is too much effort.... :rolleyes:

Edited by Andryah
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Goldilocks Syndrome at it's very best. :p


SebastiaanZ, your request exemplifies what happens when an MMO company gives us XP events. Once they do, some players get spoiled and lazy and cannot seem to cope with normal XP rates. Why not just cut to the chase and ask for an insta-60 buff???? Really though... It's 4-5 hours of game play to go from 55-60. If that is too much effort.... :rolleyes:


the months after 4.0 drops and a few weeks before the next expansion (depending on how the story model goes) the free 60 wont be good enough...


I want instant 65's now.


or the "let us choose our own level" if I want to skip starter planet let me and just go to capital world. or if want to skip chapter 1 entirely let me. blah blah blah.

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Now I'm usually that dude that's all for XP boosts, but even I can get from lvl 55 to 60 in a weekend. I never spacebar thru conversations, I tend to explore environments during FP's and on the new planets, and I'm usually playing with 4yr old twins sitting in my lap. ;)


You get a ton of XP boost playing thru the vanilla stories...save em until you hit 55, and the 55-60 goes by fairly quickly.

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as soon as rishi and yavin launched people complained how short and little content it was....just as it goes free people complain its too long -.-

Exactly. I also think it's telling that SebastiaanZ quickly abandoned this thread early on after being asked to simply defend his request



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It does not take long to reach level 60 from level 55, I have done it with 16 characters without feeling it took too long.


I'd disagree that it doesn't *feel* too long, but that's because Makeb has only two stories and SoR one, so it makes it *feel* like you're running the same story forever. The reality is that (if you skip all the bonus missions and dailies since you should top out on reputation without them running that many characters), it's well under 10 hours. I can usually break up FA into 2x < 1 hr blocks (korriban/tython and Manaan/Rakata Prime), Rishi into 3 < 1hr blocks (with non-story missions), Yavin into 2x 1 hrs-ish blocks, and Ziost into 3 <1 hr blocks). Again, skipping the bonus quests (after doing the Ziost ones at least once for achievements if you care) reduces that.


And to be clear, that's completing the story to date (in order to be ready for KoFTE) -- depending on guild and XP bonus, I hit 60 anywhere between mid-Rishi to mid-Yavin. For SnG, I used a no-guild pub with no xp bonuses and finished Yavin at 59 so ran the first part of Oricon (it's level 55, so still gives good XP).


I also break it up -- I do 1-2 blocks and then move onto another char (or game or life). As much as it's boring because it's the same story, it actually breaks into manageable chunks pretty well.


EDIT: I'd also add that if you consider the original game (without XP boosts or 2X XP), once you got into mid/late game (definitely by level 35 or so), getting 5 levels in just 10 hours would have been a big accomplishment, at least for me, especially since it it was harder to over-gear quests that still gave decent XP.

Edited by eartharioch
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SoR takes longer then 2 to 3 hours.


Regardless ... a Double XP week or month would come really in handy.


I got from 55-60 in about 2-3 hours. And I'm still not done with SoR. It's definitely not a huge challenge. If you are struggling, have you tried bouncing back to Makeb? My grind from 50-55 was pretty quick there because of that strange satellite boost they had.

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The only folks who would significantly benefit from a double XP event at this point would be F2P and Preferred players who don't get the 12X buff.


That said, I seriously doubt we will see one until sometime next year, well after KOTFE has been in play.


Though depending on the cost of purchasing a level 60 character, it might never be needed again.

Edited by Taramayne
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