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What is Thanaton's problem?


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It seems like he doesn't like me because I'm a slave. Didn't he used to be a slave?


And something to do with Zash being corrupt, because she doesn't follow sith tradition? What tradition? The part about killing your master and taking his place? Sounds like Zash is right on top of it. And I don't get why Skotia and Thanny had such a problem with her wanting to do the body switching thing anyway.


I suppose he was just trying to protect his place in the empire, but there were certainly other people he could've take nmassive issue with as well.

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He actually doesn't care about the whole "slave" thing, and says as much if you ask him. I think his real problem is that the Inquisitor and Zash are irreverent and mouthy, and are too overt about killing their masters/superiors.


Problem is, Thanaton's pretty much the only one who cares about that and other old traditions like Kaggath. Even the other Dark Councilors mock him about it.

Edited by Abvora
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He actually doesn't care about the whole "slave" thing, and says as much if you ask him. I think his real problem is that the Inquisitor and Zash are irreverent and mouthy, and are too overt about killing their masters/superiors.


Problem is, Thanaton's pretty much the only one who cares about that and other old traditions like Kaggath. Even the other Dark Councilors mock him about it.


After he lost it he beg for the Council to help him. Meh.


I think he's simply a hypocrite, he wanted to kill Nox only because he felt Nox was a threat to him but he needed a good excuse, so...

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He actually doesn't care about the whole "slave" thing, and says as much if you ask him. I think his real problem is that the Inquisitor and Zash are irreverent and mouthy, and are too overt about killing their masters/superiors.


Problem is, Thanaton's pretty much the only one who cares about that and other old traditions like Kaggath. Even the other Dark Councilors mock him about it.


He didn't seem to care to kill any of Zash's other apprentices. Just the Inquisitor. His use of tradition was also just his way of getting what he wanted, seeing as how he was more than willing to throw it all away when he was losing.


I believe one of the options was to even tell him, Zash attacked you and she was now in Khem. Thanaton just wants the SI out of the way for one reason or another. Maybe there is a backstory to it...a prophecy he knows of concerning himself.

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He didn't seem to care to kill any of Zash's other apprentices. Just the Inquisitor. His use of tradition was also just his way of getting what he wanted, seeing as how he was more than willing to throw it all away when he was losing.


I believe one of the options was to even tell him, Zash attacked you and she was now in Khem. Thanaton just wants the SI out of the way for one reason or another. Maybe there is a backstory to it...a prophecy he knows of concerning himself.


I think he was planning to kill the other apprentices after killing the player character as he believed the player character to be the easier kill, but when the player character started surviving the attempts of murder, it hurt Thanaton's pride and the Inquisitor moved to the top of his list.

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I think he just hated/was afraid of Zash. And wanted to kill the SI as a loose end when he failed he started to hate/was afraid of the SI. One of those things that just escalated out of control as sith some times do.
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Yeah, this whole Thanaton's hate for Inquisitor is really far-fetched. A weak moment in the story.


He doesn't hate you. He is a traditionalist and believes that if a Sith dies his/her whole powerbase should too.


Zash dies so you, as her apprentice, should be dead as well. That is why he wants to kill you - it's not very personal :)


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He doesn't hate you. He is a traditionalist and believes that if a Sith dies his/her whole powerbase should too.


Zash dies so you, as her apprentice, should be dead as well. That is why he wants to kill you - it's not very personal :)


That's not how it goes though. If an apprentice kills their master (which is what happens) then they take their place. That's the tradition. He even acknowledges that you killed Zash.

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Thanaton believed that Zash was corrupt and was a poor excuse for being a Sith. She didn't care much about the code and she didn't care much about the rules (such as leaving no evidence behind if you murder another Sith.). Even your trials was unorthodox and she never did a good job explaining to you (the inquisitor) what it means to be a Sith. He felt that you're in the wrong place at the wrong time so to speak and believed that Zash is everything that is wrong with "Modern" Sith.


So he decided he was going to kill Zash and her entire power base. This included her other apprentices (who do state Thanaton will be coming for them) and everything else she touched. The problem is the irony at the end and he realizes this. At the end he was talking about the Kaggath and the other council members mock it. Even the very council doesn't care about the old traditions because it's the old traditions that constantly led the Sith to their downfall (which is why Pyron sides with you for that very reason.) This is why he states "After I deal with this upstart you will all answer to me."


In short.. Thanaton is crazy. If you didn't put him down the Dark Council would have. He went off the deep end.

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Thanaton is just an insufferable **** punch. Always has been.


Go back and look at the old comics where he features (set during the Great War when he was in his 20's.) He's basically exactly the same as Anakin Skywalker, if you replace angsty whining with spectacular douchebaggery.


Slapping his *** down as the Inquisitor is probably the best thing that's happened to the Empire since the Warrior stabbed Baras in the face.


He's also coated in irony like someone dumped a can of it on his head at high school prom, Carrie-style:

His very Darth name is the Greek word for "dead [thing]" - so you know right off the bat (if you're familiar with Classical Greek) that at some point you're going to leave him dying on the floor. He claims to be all about that Sith "tradition," and on the surface of it it seems like he is. He doesn't like Zash's bold powerplays, and invokes the Kaggath. BUT! He has no honor (he violates the Kaggath rules), constantly plots/schemes, and cares more about himself than the good of the Empire.


Zash may have been almost obscenely bold, but at least she was honest about it. Thanaton spends twenty levels plotting against you, all in the name of "being traditional instead of a shadow-clad schemer"... except that's all he does.

Edited by Diviciacus
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I believe it has to do with his own past.


Like you he was a slave, like you he became apprentice to a Sith master and like your master, his master overplayed his hand while seeking power. Thanaton's master was imprisoned and his shame and taint was on him, with nothing he could do about it, until he discovered a secret that would force the Dark Council to grand him a title and leave him to himself. He sought to get rid of the taint by becoming his former master's opposite, an advocate of Sith tradition.


But it was never enough, subconsciously his unresolved issues kept haunting him. Until you come along, former slave, apprentice to a Sith with questionable reputation, corrupt like his own master was, and by killing you he (subconsciously) believes he can kill his past and cleanse the taint of his former master.

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That's not how it goes though. If an apprentice kills their master (which is what happens) then they take their place. That's the tradition. He even acknowledges that you killed Zash.


and yet he goes on to say that you and the other apprentices must die even after acknowledging it and in the end he complains that your SI shouldn't be a master that the SI is an upstart.


Also someone can lie and say you did the right thing but think to themselves that they did wrong and immediately think of ways of getting rid of you so to me Thanaton doesn't agree at all even though he said so plus his complaining to the dark council made it even more so that he doesn't agree, even though he said he does


Thanaton is what you would call the typical sith who is all happy to follow the rules and all but when they feel like the rules don't work for him/them then he'll do whatever it takes to fix things

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