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EA/BW Explain to me why tanks are stacking accuracy?


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Really? Well when crafting:

The lvl 49 earpiece for shadow/sin tanks accuracy/defense.

The lvl 48 shield is accuracy/defense


it called min/maxing somthing we always had to do just like tank gear has always had accuracy in it. again it called min maxing they want you to grind for the correct gear.


There is nothing new about this

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Read it more closely. "Player targets deal 30% less damage when attacking anyone other than you for 6 seconds."




Actually it says that very clearly. "In addition, so long as you remain within 15 meters of the guarded player, 50% of all incoming damage from enemy players is transferred back to you."


Goes to show I don't actually read tooltips :p (or spend enough time on my tanks either)

Edited by Faardor
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Really? Well when crafting:

The lvl 49 earpiece for shadow/sin tanks accuracy/defense.

The lvl 48 shield is accuracy/defense


When people talk about gear, they generally mean the max level gear.


In crafting there are enhancements with accuracy because they simply didn't take them away. There are good alternatives though, particularly from the commendation vendors.


Also the items you refer to have alternatives that are good. It all depends on how you did your reverse engineering. Crafting correct items is no problem at all as long as you do it right. It's always been part of crafting that because of the re system you can get some odd combo's but that doesn't mean the good ones aren't there...they are.

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Lol. This has been a nice read. So... I can't really add anymore from an accuracy perspective. 0 accuracy required. End game gear has no accuracy. You are not forced to buy it. If you can't figure out how to stack def, Absorb, and Shield without accuracy... that is all on you, boss.


Now as to why other classes that have dual spec keep their taunts? That might be something worth debating. I've seen those taunts used in a good way and, of course, in a bad way. But, I certainly don't begrudge them being there as I too on occasion change specs.

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Really? Well when crafting:

The lvl 49 earpiece for shadow/sin tanks accuracy/defense.

The lvl 48 shield is accuracy/defense

While that may be true, and 186/192/198 comm gear might very well also be poorly optimized, but the state of level 48 and 49 gear is irrelevant. No one min-maxes or optimizes pre-end game gear.

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Really? Well when crafting:

The lvl 49 earpiece for shadow/sin tanks accuracy/defense.

The lvl 48 shield is accuracy/defense


You talk about outdated gear that came with other game versions and they are are below 50 lvl as far as I know. Just ignore those pieces. You don't need to worry about min/max stats while leveling up.

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DPS have taunts for PvP. That's why all AOE taunts for DPS specs in DPS stance act as a threat drop in PVE but as a taunt in PVP.


If a DPS needs a taunt to pull off a healer, they seriously need to brush up on their rotation and stop spamming auto attack thinking it's going to pull a mob.


Had a conversation about this the other night. Someone was saying how tanks don't need to worry about their dps. Before I could say it someone else asked... "ummm do you want to hold threat."


It is actually one of the things I miss about EQ2 tbh, when I last played at least (2010). There if you were a tank and did NOT maximize dps you were screwed on holding threat... period. Yeah you had taunts that added aggro points and abilities that straight up raised your position on the aggro table BUT those were to be used when mobs spawned or when your dps got crazy and ganked a mob. Heck there was a time as a berserker tank when I was "stance dancing" and/or swapping items. Not a heavy damage part of the fight or I have a defensive cool down ready? Drop into dps or balanced stance for a second, maybe even drop off the shield and DW for a few moments to get that aggro up because dps=aggro.

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Had a conversation about this the other night. Someone was saying how tanks don't need to worry about their dps. Before I could say it someone else asked... "ummm do you want to hold threat."


It is actually one of the things I miss about EQ2 tbh, when I last played at least (2010). There if you were a tank and did NOT maximize dps you were screwed on holding threat... period. Yeah you had taunts that added aggro points and abilities that straight up raised your position on the aggro table BUT those were to be used when mobs spawned or when your dps got crazy and ganked a mob. Heck there was a time as a berserker tank when I was "stance dancing" and/or swapping items. Not a heavy damage part of the fight or I have a defensive cool down ready? Drop into dps or balanced stance for a second, maybe even drop off the shield and DW for a few moments to get that aggro up because dps=aggro.


I've come to accept that those days are gone and they aren't likely to come back. People don't want to practice rotations anymore.

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Simple. In a group PvE environment....Good DPS always have the backs of the healer(s). When a healer get's ganked.. it's up to the DPS to peel it until a tank can pull it back. Between the healers detaunts and a good DPS players taunts... it's effective most of the time and needs to be there for when the &^%$ hits the fan. Otherwise.. healer takes a dirt nap.. followed by everyone else.


Any DPS that does not feel it is their secondary role to have the healers back.. is a bad DPS IMO. Any DPS that won't take one for the team in an emergency is a bad DPS IMO.


You, sir, have my /respect.

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Yes, don't we all wish this game was all about tactical button pushing? If the bad old days of EQ appeal, I think it's still around.


The thing is, Flashpoints, Operations and PvP in this game ARE about tactical button pushing because that is how it is designed. The only part that isn't is the story line.


It's all cool you don't want to practice rotations, but don't expect to be effective in areas of the game that require it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've come to accept that those days are gone and they aren't likely to come back. People don't want to practice rotations anymore.


Don't forget that when a derpy DiPS decide to Leroy Jenkins into a mob or refuses to drop threat it definately messes up our rotations. I hate having to taunt as my second choice because RakghoulRecker decides to forceleap ahead of me.

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