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EA/BW Explain to me why tanks are stacking accuracy?


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Let's ignore the dumb-*** mechanic of allowing DPS to off-tank, oh but we don't want their taunts (why do DPS get taunts?) to always hit but we want tank taunts to always hit so a tank stance is 100% accurate.


Bottom like, tank taunts hit do *** do I need to stack accuracy on my mods if I want defense rating rather than something useful like shield rating or absorbsion?

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Let's ignore the dumb-*** mechanic of allowing DPS to off-tank, oh but we don't want their taunts (why do DPS get taunts?) to always hit but we want tank taunts to always hit so a tank stance is 100% accurate.


Bottom like, tank taunts hit do *** do I need to stack accuracy on my mods if I want defense rating rather than something useful like shield rating or absorbsion?


This post is confusing. The title sounds like you have seen tanks stacking accuracy, which is completely unnecessary since you now get +10% to it from your defensive stance. Then you sound like you are the one stacking accuracy. See the first sentence. You have NO reason whatsoever to stack accuracy.

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You understand that bw wont even bother with that and ea dont even read this crap, right? So what's the deal with topic name?

why do DPS get taunts?)

Because devs game'em it, obviously. And its kinda very useful. Especially in pvp.


do I need to stack accuracy on my mods if I want defense rating rather than something useful like shield rating or absorbsion?

Ghh.. what I've just read?

Edited by Rouakh
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If you're stacking accuracy as a tank, stop. You're doing it wrong.


The only reason I could see it, and it would be the stupidest reason in the world, is if taunts hit harder over accuracy cap. But I'm pretty sure taunts have a set value that can't be changed by going over accuracy cap.. And again, even if it did, it would be the stupidest reason in the world. See I just can't say that enough... Stupidest reason in the world...

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Let's ignore the dumb-*** mechanic of allowing DPS to off-tank, oh but we don't want their taunts (why do DPS get taunts?) to always hit but we want tank taunts to always hit so a tank stance is 100% accurate.


Bottom like, tank taunts hit do *** do I need to stack accuracy on my mods if I want defense rating rather than something useful like shield rating or absorbsion?


What is this? I don't even.....

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This post is confusing. The title sounds like you have seen tanks stacking accuracy, which is completely unnecessary since you now get +10% to it from your defensive stance. Then you sound like you are the one stacking accuracy. See the first sentence. You have NO reason whatsoever to stack accuracy.


Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

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The only reason I could see it, and it would be the stupidest reason in the world, is if taunts hit harder over accuracy cap. But I'm pretty sure taunts have a set value that can't be changed by going over accuracy cap.. And again, even if it did, it would be the stupidest reason in the world. See I just can't say that enough... Stupidest reason in the world...


Taunts provide exactly 1 threat. The only time taunts actually generate threat is when threat has already been generated on the thing you're attacking (either by you, your DPS or your healer) its a percentage based thing


Taunts within 4m of the enemy give you 110% threat of the person who currently has the highest threat (even if that's you), and taunts beyond 4m give you 130%. This places you at the top of the threat table while the secondary effect of taunt forces the enemy to attack you for 6 seconds.


Within 4m of an enemy you need to have 10% more threat than the enemies' current target before the enemy will switch to target you, outside of 4m you need 30%.


This means that if someone builds 110%/130% of your threat during the 6 seconds that taunt forces the enemy to attack you, the enemy will then immediately switch to target that person when the taunt duration ends.


I didn't write the above, and I wasn't sure how threat was generated besides the 110% threat generated by a taunt.

The info comes from a pre 3.0 post (some 2.~~ thread) but I don't believe anything changed aside that taunts can miss.


@ OP tanks dont need accuracy, your tank stance gives 10% accuracy needed to never miss your taunts (since they can miss now I believe?) and with your companion buff you'll actually end up with 101 / 111% accuracy. Tanks arent stacking accuracy, its just that it looks that way due to their stance. As a side note. Pre 3.0 Tank gear from comm vendors often had accuracy in them, if thats what you're seeing tell the guy to fix it.


as a side note (yeah ive edited this post many times) threat is absolutely pointless mechanic in PVP, all taunts do in PvP is reduce damage.

Edited by Faardor
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(why do DPS get taunts?)


Simple. In a group PvE environment....Good DPS always have the backs of the healer(s). When a healer get's ganked.. it's up to the DPS to peel it until a tank can pull it back. Between the healers detaunts and a good DPS players taunts... it's effective most of the time and needs to be there for when the &^%$ hits the fan. Otherwise.. healer takes a dirt nap.. followed by everyone else.


Any DPS that does not feel it is their secondary role to have the healers back.. is a bad DPS IMO. Any DPS that won't take one for the team in an emergency is a bad DPS IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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Simple. In a group PvE environment....Good DPS always have the backs of the healer(s). When a healer get's ganked.. it's up to the DPS to peel it until a tank can pull it back. Between the healers detaunts and a good DPS players taunts... it's effective most of the time and needs to be there for when the &^%$ hits the fan. Otherwise.. healer takes a dirt nap.. followed by everyone else.


Any DPS that does not feel it is their secondary role to have the healers back.. is a bad DPS IMO. Any DPS that won't take one for the team in an emergency is a bad DPS IMO.


DPS have taunts for PvP. That's why all AOE taunts for DPS specs in DPS stance act as a threat drop in PVE but as a taunt in PVP.


If a DPS needs a taunt to pull off a healer, they seriously need to brush up on their rotation and stop spamming auto attack thinking it's going to pull a mob.

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I don't WANT to stack accuracy but it seems like we tanks get two choices in mods/enhancements: shield/absorb and defense/accuracy. We're being forced to stack accuracy by the gear EA/BW is programming.


Not sure what enhancements you are looking at but tank enhancements have 2 varieties you want to use.


Shield / Absorb

Shield / Defense


Mods only have Shield or Absorb.



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I don't WANT to stack accuracy but it seems like we tanks get two choices in mods/enhancements: shield/absorb and defense/accuracy. We're being forced to stack accuracy by the gear EA/BW is programming.




Tank Stande gives you 10% Accuracy so 100 or 101 depending if you have legacy buff.


You don't need anymore accuracy

Edited by FerkWork
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I don't WANT to stack accuracy but it seems like we tanks get two choices in mods/enhancements: shield/absorb and defense/accuracy. We're being forced to stack accuracy by the gear EA/BW is programming.


Welcome to 3.0 where all tank gear comes with 0 accuracy. What's the complaint exactly?

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DPS have taunts for PvP. That's why all AOE taunts for DPS specs in DPS stance act as a threat drop in PVE but as a taunt in PVP.


If a DPS needs a taunt to pull off a healer, they seriously need to brush up on their rotation and stop spamming auto attack thinking it's going to pull a mob.


There are a lot of bad DPS players in this game, unfortunately. And it is not limited to this MMO either.. it's pandemic in the market these days.


Good DPS will always have the healers back. Bad DPS... well.. the list of bad behaviors is endless.

Edited by Andryah
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They shouldn't be but BW did state taunts would miss in 3.0. Honestly even with 101% accuracy there have been times where Lurker for example has ignored a taunt and jumped to another person. And no the tank didnt taunt during the leap. He taunted before.


If you taunt monolith during terrible shout he ignores it doesn't miss, however on lurker, lurker CLEARLY has the taunt buff/debuff on him while he attacks someone else, and stays on that person too. Lurker is then supposed to give 30% less damage yet sometimes it feels like leaping to someone is a one shot from 95% to 20 in one leap.

Edited by royhenderson
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They shouldn't be but BW did state taunts would miss in 3.0. Honestly even with 101% accuracy there have been times where Lurker for example has ignored a taunt and jumped to another person. And no the tank didnt taunt during the leap. He taunted before.


If you taunt monolith during terrible shout he ignores it doesn't miss, however on lurker, lurker CLEARLY has the taunt buff/debuff on him while he attacks someone else, and stays on that person too. Lurker is then supposed to give 30% less damage yet sometimes it feels like leaping to someone is a one shot from 95% to 20 in one leap.


taunts don't reduce damage on PVE mobs.

Its possible that the latency between Bioware and the Tank in question isn't that great and that the taunt info was sent late, causing for the lurker aggro loss

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taunts don't reduce damage on PVE mobs.

Its possible that the latency between Bioware and the Tank in question isn't that great and that the taunt info was sent late, causing for the lurker aggro loss

The tooltip says that if the thing that was taunted doesnt attack you it will do 30% less damage.
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Really? Well when crafting:

The lvl 49 earpiece for shadow/sin tanks accuracy/defense.

The lvl 48 shield is accuracy/defense


lvl 48/49 tank gear =/= 3.0 tank gear. All level 60 comm vendor gear and token gear comes without accuracy.


The tooltip says that if the thing that was taunted doesnt attack you it will do 30% less damage.

its a PVP only thing.


Guards on players for example also dont actually absorb 50% of the damage taken to that player in PVE, Just a flat 5%. Tooltips often dont describe the full situation behind an ability.

Edited by Faardor
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I don't WANT to stack accuracy but it seems like we tanks get two choices in mods/enhancements: shield/absorb and defense/accuracy. We're being forced to stack accuracy by the gear EA/BW is programming.


I'm in a mixture of 192/198 with 6 piece bonus. Not even fully optimized yet, and I don't have a single point of accuracy...so we must not be looking at the same mods and enhancements.

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The tooltip says that if the thing that was taunted doesnt attack you it will do 30% less damage.


Read it more closely. "Player targets deal 30% less damage when attacking anyone other than you for 6 seconds."


its a PVP only thing.


Guards on players for example also dont actually absorb 50% of the damage taken to that player in PVE, Just a flat 5%. Tooltips often dont describe the full situation behind an ability.


Actually it says that very clearly. "In addition, so long as you remain within 15 meters of the guarded player, 50% of all incoming damage from enemy players is transferred back to you."

Edited by MillionsKNives
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