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Heal wins


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You can win with no healers BUT healers are a massive advantage. Sorcs are in particular so. Imagine a team of 8 good dps vs a team of 6 good dps + 2 good healers. Who is going to win? It stands to reason that a team with a more diverse team should have an advantage but its a massive win on the side that has healers. If you throw in 1 tank or 2 the DPS team can just /afk. Edited by Xanas
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My take on heals in PVP ...


If one team has a healer and the other doesn't, the team with the healer is probably going to win.


A team with two healers when the other team has only one will likely win unless the team with two healers has six DPS that have no clue on how to focus on healers. If that happens, the team with two healers is probably going to lose because they don't have enough DPS to take nodes.


In a 4 v 4, a team with three healers is practically unstoppable. Especially if they face 4 DPS. It is hard to shut down three healers at once.


Honestly, PVP comes down to how good the DPS is at focusing on the opposing team healers and peeling for their own. All it takes is one DPS to shut down a healer. Two DPS will take a healer out. At least one DPS player needs to be on healer defense duty unless the other team is completely oblivious to your healer(s). And if they are completely oblivious, you already won anyway.

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Oh look, it's all full of healers in this thread, telling us that heal is fine and the reason why none ever dies is that the rest of the world is bad.


Never healed in my life, only had trouble killing one when the rest of the team couldnt break 250k damage in a full wz



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Sorry. All I do is DPS in every facet of this game and I don't agree with you. Get better.


Agreed. It really comes down to focus, which most DPS in this game just don't seem to understand. x.x Something as simple as tossing another DPS as a focus target and acquiring his targets when he switches makes a world of difference in most matches.

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Sorry. All I do is DPS in every facet of this game and I don't agree with you. Get better.


The fact that you don't agree with me doesn't automatically make you good and me bad so that you're entitled to tell me to get better. Go tell your sister to get better. At whatever it is that she does.

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Not all about heals. Was in a Voidstar match, each side had 2 heals, 2 tanks, and 4 DPS each (yes both sides had 2 premades). We won what was actually a good game. The stats were fairly even, what the difference maker was, was isolating people away from the door for plants and us not chasing the other team.


We basically frustrated them till they did something stupid and we isolated the group and 1 person capped.

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Not all about heals. Was in a Voidstar match, each side had 2 heals, 2 tanks, and 4 DPS each (yes both sides had 2 premades). We won what was actually a good game. The stats were fairly even, what the difference maker was, was isolating people away from the door for plants and us not chasing the other team.


We basically frustrated them till they did something stupid and we isolated the group and 1 person capped.


So basically you won because the other team did something incredible stupid?



Just had 2 healer wars in a row, horrible experience. Its not like we did not focus, we did, its not like we did not have good dps, we did... Its just close to impossible to kill 3 healers + tank faster then they can get back into the fight so we can cap something. It was a slow loss because they capped snow a fraction of a second faster then we did.

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Won two warzones last night because the other team had too many healers and not enough dps to stop us.


This is a problem that I'm actually seeing a lot more of. Yeah, I got a 60 healer (not my main), and if I get teamed up with one other healer, we can do pretty well for ourselves. Three healers in objective wz gets iffy. Four, we usually just can't dish out damage to clear the opposition and take the objective. They're probably not killing our side, but we're not exactly hitting them like the fist of an angry god, either.

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So basically you won because the other team did something incredible stupid?



Just had 2 healer wars in a row, horrible experience. Its not like we did not focus, we did, its not like we did not have good dps, we did... Its just close to impossible to kill 3 healers + tank faster then they can get back into the fight so we can cap something. It was a slow loss because they capped snow a fraction of a second faster then we did.


For as much as I hate objective PvP like this, yes, we won because we managed to trick them into doing something stupid. And it proves a point that it is not all about heals.


Look patience is just as important when dealing with objectives. If no one is killing anyone, someone is bound to get frustrated and do something stupid. If you can't kill fast enough, you need to find a way to move the stalemate, or take the turtle advantage away from them. Also if 3 healers and a tank are sitting at one place on an objective, then you should be able to take another objective if your DPS really is that good.


Look I don't like the healer wars, and healing HAS gotten way out of hand on 1 class specifically. But there are ways to counter it besides brute force.

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For as much as I hate objective PvP like this, yes, we won because we managed to trick them into doing something stupid. And it proves a point that it is not all about heals.


Look patience is just as important when dealing with objectives. If no one is killing anyone, someone is bound to get frustrated and do something stupid. If you can't kill fast enough, you need to find a way to move the stalemate, or take the turtle advantage away from them. Also if 3 healers and a tank are sitting at one place on an objective, then you should be able to take another objective if your DPS really is that good.


Look I don't like the healer wars, and healing HAS gotten way out of hand on 1 class specifically. But there are ways to counter it besides brute force.


You think we did not try to grab snow as they where in mid? We did, shadow guarding and it was not possible to cap before help got there, it did. Again, the only way you win is by hopping the others are going to do something stupid. If they are around as smart as you are its not going to work. Anybody fighting AWAY from doors for any reason is doing a huge mistake.

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The fact that you don't agree with me doesn't automatically make you good and me bad so that you're entitled to tell me to get better. Go tell your sister to get better. At whatever it is that she does.


My sister doesn't have trouble killing healers either.


GITGUD cretinus

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Agreed. It really comes down to focus, which most DPS in this game just don't seem to understand. x.x Something as simple as tossing another DPS as a focus target and acquiring his targets when he switches makes a world of difference in most matches.


To come here and tell people that the solution to heals&guard is to focus; or to interrupt; or to separate them, is like Marie Antoinette telling the starving to eat cake in case that they run out of bread.

Every single *stupid-friggin-idiot* knows that the answer to heals&guard should actually be to focus+interrupt+separate.

The problem is that it doesn' work. It won't work!

So PLEASE stop telling people to go for the obvious solution. Because what people are actually complaining about is that the obvious solution doesn't work.

Edited by Cretinus
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Nowdays easier to CC healers and kill DPS, than focus healer with their bubbles/lolrolls, LOS tools, cross-healing. Thats why every wz is 1mln+ DMG takes melee, healer 300K.

P.S. Poor mercs healers - they focused always. :D

P.S.S. All is DPS fault btw.

Edited by helpmewin
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My main on imp side is an operative healer and I took him all the way from start to 60 being heal specced. It was slow whilst questing but it allowed me to learn how to be better as an operative healer whilst doing PvP, be it warzones or arenas. I died countless times when focused by 2 ppl altough getting roll made it a bit easier, and even if I had another player on my team healing our group it meant death when facing a competent group of PvPers.

Sorc/sage healers are ridiculous right now. My main on rep side is a balance sage and just for giggles, and to get some personal insight I respecced him into healing and did a few matches. It is beyond easy to heal and dish out numbers as a sage/sorc healer compared to operatives.

I have no insight on merc healing as my last was probably deleted some year ago to make room for another toon, while I was preffered but sage/sorcs, especially more than 1 in group can deal with even a good group of damage dealers....

For those who go on about getting better at whatever you are playing I went with the post scriptum section but considering the thread itself...it really depends on the warzone if healers make a large impact or not, arenas are defo in favor of those who bring a healer or 2, most of the time they take the win home.


The ppl who go on about GITGUD and L2P are devoid of adding anything constructive to any issue or subject, so you might aswell just ignore them....if you have nothing to say, say nothing.

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