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Taking the plunge.


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So I'm getting kinda burnt out of PVP every day and want to do some serious PVE before I "retire" from SWTOR. I want to be able to go into a warzone and enjoy it, and sadly that means balancing my gaming experience :p It's also getting to the point where I'm king of becoming a d-bag in warzones and that's not the kind of person I am.


I'm looking for a serious raid team (current HM/future HM in 4.0) to augment a NiM farming team I'm currently on (aka The Team Mikey is Carrying). Or at least a group of players who like to do pve content and care about their mastery of their class. I need people to shoot the breeze with about parses, 4-manning easy raids, and other fun things.



- NiM DF/DP multiple times, 4/10 Rav/ToS HM, 4-man Rav and 5-man ToS clear (4-man Walkers SM clear)

- Highest DPS screenshots for both sorc and merc in PVP since the bolster nerf (not really relevant or notable but it at least shows that I can push buttons)

- ~4700-4800 DPS dummy parse as IO in 192 gear (with a 198 relic and earpiece). 4300ish as Arsenal.

- Multiple 4k dps combat parses in current content (Bulo 5-man, Walkers 4-man, etc.)

- Experienced Sorc DPS in PVP who can make the jump to PVE for that toon.

- Solid overall awareness (often able to hit cleanses before healers, ************ for tanks to taunt, etc.)

- Usually not an ******e (like 90 percent of the time)

- Borderline obsessed with being the best Mercenary DPS in SWTOR



- Sometimes takes things too seriously

- I occasionally say obnoxious, innocent things in genchat.

- I'm weird and random

- Gets carried with mechanics by people like Mikey, mostly due to lack of experience. I did run the bombs when Don't Slap My Jawa cleared Walkers HM though :)

- Too nice to people on occasion

- Relative inexperience with new HM ops (just 4/10)

- I don't really like to heal and have never tanked PVE.



- Just ask Mikey, Xavuy, Xaney, Vax, Donna, Galen, Jalgo, etc. I'm not a liability in PVE and would love to not have to pug everything I want to do :)



- In no way, shape or form will I be leaving <Death Smile>, so please take that into account for prog etc if you're looking for someone. All my toons will remain in DS.


Current gear:

Mostly 192's with a couple Revanite 198's.


Typical parse:



Recent parses:

Coming soon (accidentally deleted a bunch of them)

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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O geez hoppin lol in the meantime something fun for you to try is soloing dreadtooth 1 stack on section x. Swtor in general is stuck in a slow point as are a lot of games tbh least i think so. Try not to put to much passion into it at least for now go do all the story stuff side missions etc.


Also hoppin is very very good












also bonkbonk

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O geez hoppin lol in the meantime something fun for you to try is soloing dreadtooth 1 stack on section x. Swtor in general is stuck in a slow point as are a lot of games tbh least i think so. Try not to put to much passion into it at least for now go do all the story stuff side missions etc.


Also hoppin is very very good












also bonkbonk



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You'll be back. We always come back...LoL


I did my pve ops runs last summer. Then back to pvp. Now deployed yet find an hour or 2 for some pvp.

I don't have time for ops but may jump into some kp and ev just for the NiM titles. Though I'm sporting min/maxed 180s still. LoL

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