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Just made a Commando and LOVE IT.


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Glad you like your Commando.


Prepare for some real pain when you hit 60. PvP will become quite tricky.

My commandos like their assault cannons, and I just want to stop finding ACs with Cunning on. On the other hand, my smugglers like having weapons with Cunnng on, and want to stop finding weapons they aren't allowed to use that have cunning on, like Assault Cannons...

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I have a merc at 60...the gameplay style is fun, but it hurts my eyes to see lasers shooting out of my blaster barrels at a 90 degree angle when I'm facing the wrong direction. For that reason I mostly play force users. Edited by Hebruixe
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For ages I have wanted to know why the pub side always defeats the imp side on the harbinger. I made a commando and oh my..I have been missing out, how exactly does one build a commando?


Here's a recent thread in the pvp forum, with link on pg 1 to another good thread. There's some more info. in the AC forum but might need to peruse through the pages.


People will tunnel like they hate you so git gud at kiting, healing to full, and making them pay. :rak_03:

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Love commando. It is my main. But it has no place in 4 v 4 PVP. It also has limited roles it can excel in with 8 v 8.


In 8 v 8, your job isn't to solo guard a node. It also isn't to solo attempt to take one. Your job is to kill crap. Plain and simple.


But don't let that heavy armor fool you. If you charge into the middle of the fray you will be dead before you can even get your e-net off. You literally are a glass cannon, and you will be on the receiving end of more roots and stuns than you care to think about. Other players will blow their entire untility load just so they can take you out of the fight very quickly. And if you aren't in full DR and max level augments, you will die very quickly. If there is any advice I can give you with PVP is that you need to do a crap load of it between 55 - 59 so you have the comms you need to get your DR set without stressing in 60 bracket and being on the receiving end of a world of hurt.


As for PVE ... it is a cake walk. I take out trash with my AOEs alone. Silver and golds take a little more to take down, but not by much. You can practically run through dailies once you are in Ziost 190 augmented gear. No class I play seems to have such an easy time in PVE content.

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The class was clearly made for PvE after all :(


I don't necessarily disagree with you on that. But if this class can't thrive in ranked, then why even give them a column on the leadership board?


PVP should be viable regardless of any class you play. But Merc / Mando have been the redheaded step child of PVP for a very long time now with no reprieve in sight.

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Trooper is the only class I can play on the Republic side. The rest seems flat and boring to me. Commando ftw.

I'm very fond of Gunnery Commando. I'm getting back into Serenity Shadow (my first character ever in this game was a Shadow) at the moment, and I'm having immense fun with Whirling blow on the foes in the first zone you go to on Coruscant. Stealth, run to the middle of a group of ordinary foes, repeat whirling blow until you've harvested them all, gather loot, repeat. Less effective on silvers, obviously.

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Commando is my main and I love the class. The story is amazingly good and has a really nice flow to it. Though I would prefer to use a Rifle (makes more sense to me and they could have skipped the AC weapon class altogether for the game) it is fun to cast Full Auto or Boltstorm with the Corellian Bunker Buster.


I found Assault to be the better spec since it has a more rigid rotation and DoTs have always been a favorite way of playstyle for me. I did Gunnery till about level 30 or so before switching to Assault and although you won't have the AOE of Gunnery, you can spread around DoTs easily and then focus fire down targets on at a time. I generally only need one Incendiary Round on each target, then a High Impact Bolt + one Charged Bolt will do the trick. Sometimes by the last in a group of three or four a proced HIB or just a Hammer Shot is all you need.

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I run a Assault Specialist Commando and they have the best damage imo. Really good burst and some good aoe dmg as well. You can get 10-11k hits and the procs for High Impact Bolt/Mag Bolt really make this class have good burst. I have a ton of fun running my lvl 56 Assault Specialist Commando. Usually I am in the top 5 of damage in matches, with either having the first or second highest damage. If you run them right they can get insane damage. Glad you are liking the class OP! I love my Commando also, despite with people saying they aren't all that great. Those people are the ones usually staring down the end of my Corellian Bunker Buster assault cannon and getting solo'd. :) Edited by Trevor_the_Bruce
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For ages I have wanted to know why the pub side always defeats the imp side on the harbinger. I made a commando and oh my..I have been missing out, how exactly does one build a commando?

Wait...you made a commando specifically to PvP with? Is that what I'm reading?


Please...STOP! Go Vanguard instead or roll Merc...you'll be a free kill in PvP to any competent player.

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For ages I have wanted to know why the pub side always defeats the imp side on the harbinger. I made a commando and oh my..I have been missing out, how exactly does one build a commando?




Good luck with that if you're really not trolling :p

Edited by Transcendent
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Wait...you made a commando specifically to PvP with? Is that what I'm reading?


Please...STOP! Go Vanguard instead or roll Merc...you'll be a free kill in PvP to any competent player.


Not sure what to believe anymore, I have half people telling me in game that commandos are amazing, then the other half saying vangaurd is the way to go. I hate my life righ tnow. I dont know which to believe.

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Not sure what to believe anymore, I have half people telling me in game that commandos are amazing, then the other half saying vangaurd is the way to go. I hate my life righ tnow. I dont know which to believe.


LOL.. welcome to the PvP community. They rarely collectively agree on anything... other then the company is bad and evil toward PvPers. :p Been true since the day I first stated playing MMOs.. and continues through the present.

Edited by Andryah
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