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Best and Worst Class for new to PVP


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I have been playing for a while now on PVE servers and everyone keeps saying that PVP servers are far more fun.

So I think its about time to try out the world of the PVP server.

My question is pretty simple being a total noob to the world of PVP is there a best or worst class to play to learn the PVP world.

I want to give it a fair go, but don't want to start with something so bad I end up quitting in frustration.

I appreciate any assistance.

Thanks for your time


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I have been playing for a while now on PVE servers and everyone keeps saying that PVP servers are far more fun.

So I think its about time to try out the world of the PVP server.

My question is pretty simple being a total noob to the world of PVP is there a best or worst class to play to learn the PVP world.

I want to give it a fair go, but don't want to start with something so bad I end up quitting in frustration.

I appreciate any assistance.

Thanks for your time



Depends on what type of pvp you want to do. If you want to fight people in the open world....good luck finding anyone to fight that is the same lvl, has pvp gear, and doesn't run to their base. If you want open world pvp, then choose a stealth class (operative or assassin).


If you want to do regular warzones, then pvp or pve server doesn't matter. For reg warzones ALL classes are perfectly viable. Some are more powerful than others, but in regs it is largely down to personal preference. For ranked sorcs, pts, and sins have dominated for a while....at least in solos. Though you can still make other classes work....cept maybe merc unless you are really good & lucky.

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Juggs are pretty simple and forgiving for new players, as are ranged classes since you can attack from afar (obviously) and not worry too much about being stocked if you have melee


Juggs are quite forgiving, but can be frustrating sometimes as far as mobility goes. Sorcs are the most forgiving ranged class to play, but if you don't know how to kite you will have issues even with sorcs. AP Pts are also a very simple class to play, but they have pretty weak defenses.

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I think it's hard to define best and worst classes... Only because of skill level required for each class... People seem to look only at the easiest classes to use and the over preventatiive, as being the best for pvp...

Obviously the easier the class, the more use it... Then it gets a rep of being FOTM and being overpowered, while others get perceived as under powered... This causes lots of debate on balancing, calls for for nerfs and buffs...

Sorcs are by far the most over representative and also the absolute easiest to use, even if the nerf changes since 3.0 make the rotation seem a bit clunky... This gives them top place for FOTM... I don't believe they are OP at all, just easier to use...

On the other end of the spectrum we have the marauder which has a poor reputation in pvp and is so under represented, that people are always calling for buffs... What people don't take into account is the difficulty level of the class... A marauder in the hands of a skilled player is awesome... They can decimate any class and are much harder to kill than people think... Unfortunately there arent many players skilled enough to really show what this class can do, especially in ranked... While others are scared to try or don't bother due to the undeserved poor reputation it has...

While my comments will seem controversial to some... It's easy to research how hard each class is to play and what skill lvl is required... Of course most of this is based on pve... But it is a good way to see how they actually rate against each other for what most pvp people consider the easiest part of the game (pve)... This info can pretty much be ported directly into pvp with probably some small changes...

Bio intentionally make classes that start on the easy end and gradually make the rest of the classes more difficult to play until you get to the highest skill requirement class... This is to allow people at all skill lvls to play while keeping people interested... Of course people will have favourites that have nothing to do with skill lvl, but more to do with story etc...

What people should be asking is why the perceived highest skilled pvpers in the game all roll the FOTM classes and probably the easiest to play in the game...

Another controversial "idea" would be to give the harder, higher skill required classes a a type of handicap score in the ranked leader board system... This would be based on a scaling system from the hardest to easiest classes to play... I think this would show who the really skilled players are and we would see a bigger representation of all classes in ranked... Of course this has its own challenges as no one wants to lose matches while waiting for others to advance their skill lvls to be competitive... But this is what regs are for... I've seen some amazing Maras in regs that destroy whole teams nearly single handed... Surely these players would probably play more ranked if people didn't rage at them when they queued... Plus the current tactic is to tunnel the Maras first because of the perceived weakness... But pretty much any class will have trouble if you have 4 players tunnel them hard... It all comes down to player skill lvl and class role... Not many tunnel a tank first because they are hard to kill... Some prefer to tunnel a healer or the highest outputting dps class or the perceived easiest kill... This is harder to balance... But when you only have a constant mix of FOTM and easy to play classes, it is easy to see that people's skill lvls either aren't as good as they think or they are just lazy...

Another idea maybe to split ranked queues in half with the easiest skill classes in one and the harder skill classes in another...

Anyway sorry for the long essay... These are just my own private thoughts... At the end of the day play the class you are most comfortable playing and you find the most fun

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Sniper is the best PVP class

Operative is worst one.


Why give terribad troll-advice when someone is seeking help with PVP? Do you NOT want more people doing PVP?


Operatives are perfectly fine and are probably amongst the best when it comes to single target damage. They are also excellent node guard and very good in Huttball.

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Sorcs atm is da best solo-play class in the game. Sins are close thereto, but sins will be pretty hard to newbie. So for melee i'd say vengeance juggernaut, range - madness sorc. But jugs is pretty bad choice for yolo que even vengeance. Edited by helpmewin
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I'd say any stealth class, preferable one that has some off heals. The problem with OWPVP is that you are rarely ever fighting people who are the same level as you. So, stealth is a good place to start since you can avoid some un-winnable fights.
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Best class is Sorc / Sage worst class is Juggarnaut / Guardian for pvp atm...


um no. not even close.


Sorc is only strong in experenced hands. Jugg is easy mode, PT is easy mode, and assassins are stronger than sorcs so.


For NEW to pvp you should roll a jugg. or a PT.


for the hardest you want a sent/mara or commando/merc if you like dying alot.


I seem to wreck alot of sorcs on my jugg so...if it makes you feel better you can say they were bad sorcs...


and the guy above me, his advice is good too. Stealth is good choice too.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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If you are looking to get into open world, go with stealth. Controlling who and when you engage is invaluable there. You can mitigate stealth bit in war zones when you know they are coming, but in open world with most of the time, NOTHING happening, it is easy to get jumped and raped before you know what hit you.


Both stealth classes are viable in all forms of war zones as well, with Sins/shadows being one of the top 3 (although I see them slipping a bit lately). Sorcs is the maybe the most FOTM with a lot of heals and damage at the same time. PT?Vanguard is good with a simple rotation but at least requires some modicum of skill to survive in one DPS tree and tanking is in a good spot.


EDIT: I guess the best answer is stay away from Merc and Sniper without having a group to support you. Maybe Jugg and marauder as well, but it seems Marauder has been on the rise lately, but probably still more dependent on support than the other classes.

Edited by Technohic
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For world pvp you want an assassin or operative. Either one is very effective and very hard to gank even if controlled by a non-idiot newbie. And if used properly both classes are very good at ranked and wzs. But world pvp is dieing - for a newb you can't go wrong as a sorc in wzs and arenas.
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new to pvp, I would try a ranged job like merc. If your trying to learn, shooting someone from far away and running like hell so they don't hit you from melee attacks works well for me. im always above 4:1 kill/death on a ranged job. On melee jobs you really need to be good at your rotation and learn how to cc right to survive. I would do melee pvp after your more experienced.

Its been my experience that assassin is the sickest in pvp. (cause thats what usually kills me) But when I leveled merc arsenal and pvped with that I never looked back. I don't even play the story anymore, I just pvp on merc every night.

Edited by Ghenghis-Khan
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Best class is Sorc / Sage worst class is Juggarnaut / Guardian for pvp atm...


B.S. I pay a Sage in 174 PVP gear, and I get stomped a lot., especially in the 4 person arenas where Sages/Sorcs are targeted for first deletion. Sage class has a pathetic tank that withers if focus fired upon and with the usual stun locks, self healing becomes impossible. Juggs/Guardians met out impressive DPS and I have a real hard time one on one with them. Then there are the Maras who spam choke holds left and right. I have had Operatives destroy 60% of my health in 6 seconds before I could even get a shot off after the damned stuns finally wore off and don't get me started on that Op roll. Then there are the Powertechs who seem unstoppable. Massive bursty DPS, they have the ability to run circles around you while firing their arsenal and laughing while they completely stomp you.

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Humm ...


Nobody's recommending merc or mando? I can't begin to imagine why.


Hell, who am I kidding. I couldn't in good conscious recommend the class either. :D At least not for PVP.


But all kidding aside, if the OP wants that answer, you need look no further than the leadership board. Select the class with the most representation in the top 100. There's your answer.


Hint: Sorc / Sages make up 40% of the top 100 players this season.

Edited by ForceWelder
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Thank you for all of the feedback and suggestions. It was appreciated.

I think based on the info provided it pays to play a stealth class at first to get the idea of what goes on in pop servers.

Hopefully it isn't going to be a tank fest like wow became.

I will roll an operative I think. Really liked the agent story and it seems to fit what is being said here.

Thanks again

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Thank you for all of the feedback and suggestions. It was appreciated.

I think based on the info provided it pays to play a stealth class at first to get the idea of what goes on in pop servers.

Hopefully it isn't going to be a tank fest like wow became.

I will roll an operative I think. Really liked the agent story and it seems to fit what is being said here.

Thanks again


Can't go wrong with an operative. Even when they were near the bottom they were still fun.

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