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Wild Space Explorer Pack Preview


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That synthetic bio suit is pretty interesting (minus the hat). I was hoping the shoto sabers would be in this pack. Hopefully it comes out soon.


The new armor set from the expansion will be direct buy from cm. The new mount will also be a direct buy. Same for all those sabers.


But overall this pack is pretty nice, almost half of it is new and not a reskin of something else which is rare nowadays.

Edited by JeKoCZ
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Overall, this looks like a nice pack to me. Several things I would like to get.


Also, with the Ravager's set, isn't this the first time we've gotten that sith breather mask on a collections item? Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Either way, it'll be nice to be able to use that mask on characters that couldn't before, like Republic ones.

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I like the Ravager's set and also this pack probaly one of the greatest in shipment seven except Deep Core/Core Worlds Explorer pack in my opinnion, sadly we won't get any new color crystals :/






My referal link:http://www.swtor.com/r/Gy295r enjoy your free huge reward!

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Wow...actually multiple armor sets I want (lol at Serpentor though), a few of the mounts, and most of the decor. Good timing for me having extra income, cuz with the rarity of some of those I'm sure I'll have to buy quite a few packs in order to find them, or to flip inventory on the GTN till I can buy someone else's.


Woohoo economy! Woohoo Dulfy! Woohoo waiting for game assets to load!

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I'll just come out and say this.


The Orbalisk Armor should not be in this pack, or any pack, or on the CM at all.


Orbalisks are living creatures, native to Dxun, that feed on the Dark Side of the Force. This armor should have been part of a quest chain (would have been perfect excuse to put Dxun into the game), should be restricted to the force using classes (Knight, Warrior, Consular, Inquisitor) and require Dark IV or higher to equip.

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Thanks for the previews! Looks like a pretty solid pack. I will be very happy to get the Armored Interrogator set if it dyes better than the previous version, and the Lucien armor set, while not quite what I'd have expected, still looks rather nice.


The pets are quite cute too, I love the varactyl! It looks adorably awkward.

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Secondly we've been waiting for a proper Sith themed meditation chamber ever since the Jedi version. Instead you make a platform that would have been absoloutely perfect to serve as a Sith Meditation platform and attach several unnecessary terminals, calling it an Imperial Command Center? What do we need that for Bioware? We have plenty of consoles already...


I don't know why the jedi "meditation chamber" gets called that anyway. It's not a chamber and it doesn't look fit for meditating. I always thought it was just a really extravagant light seeing it at the Tython temple.

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Yeah...the jetpack and the Havoc Squad armor are must gets for me...well...must PRAY to get I should say. ;)


edit: WOW!!! Now THIS ITEM is the one decoration item I absolutely must own. From beta, it has been my single favorite item in the game...something about it is just ultra "star warsy" to me.

Need...console..for my ...Nar Shaddaa...hacker pad.... NOW :eek::eek:


Homer Simpson drool

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Yeah...the jetpack and the Havoc Squad armor are must gets for me...well...must PRAY to get I should say. ;)


edit: WOW!!! Now THIS ITEM is the one decoration item I absolutely must own. From beta, it has been my single favorite item in the game...something about it is just ultra "star warsy" to me.


I want the Havoc set to the Most. But i'm betting that that is the Rarest set of them all.


Dulphy, i have said some things about ur site, that some May have taken' the wrong, or different Opinioned way. But I wanted to thank you for ur work on this stuff.;)

Edited by MandFlurry
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Yeah...the jetpack and the Havoc Squad armor are must gets for me...well...must PRAY to get I should say. ;)


edit: WOW!!! Now THIS ITEM is the one decoration item I absolutely must own. From beta, it has been my single favorite item in the game...something about it is just ultra "star warsy" to me.


Basically the tractor beam console from the Death Star that Obi-Wan deactivates under the nose of two Imps. Reminds me of it at any rate.

Edited by BenduKundalini
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