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Wth is with vette losing affection for dark side choices?


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Seriously, i went dark side, i want to be a sith, im evil, i kill , slaughter and plunder.


Why the hell is my companion disagreeing with most of my dark choices and losing affection for nearly every dark side conversation option??


I know shes a slave and she disaproves of evil, so why give us a companion like that?


I almost feel like i have to choose the light side options in conversation so she doesnt lose affection .


Im only making this thread as 5 minutes ago, in conversation, i picked the dark side option and she lost 160 affection for me...Lol..Its taken forever to build it up slowly, then bam, -160 in one foul move...


Without physically giving her gifts, her affection isnt really going up much at all......

Edited by darthjerro
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its a plot device?


Often your companions will have differing opinions on the same issue so you have to make choices on which one you want to make happy.


i only have 2 companions atm. 1 dps ( vette ) and 1 healer/dps (malavai)


I always use vette as im a firm believer of more dps means less time the enemy is alive to hurt me so i require healing.


Malavai only comes out when i solo a named or boss or 2+heroic.


so vettes is the one i want to keep happy and shes making it damn hard for me...

Edited by darthjerro
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It is fully possible to be evil with her and not loose to many points, yes most things she dislikes but I have come over several situasions that she likes when I slaughter people.

But I do think its the point that she is more on the good side. and as with everything else, its all about the choices you make. you can always send her away when you know you are going to loose points with her,(use the exit button to end the conversation and start over)

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Here are her likes/dislikes:


Likes: Anti-authority behavior, protecting the weak, treasure and getting paid

Dislikes: Bullying, killing innocents, kissing up


You can choose dark side options as long as they fall in line with anti-authority and getting paid. Personally, I like that they give you companions that might not fall in line with the decisions you make in the game.

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i only have 2 companions atm. 1 dps ( vette ) and 1 healer/dps (malavai)


I always use vette as im a firm believer of more dps means less time the enemy is alive to hurt me so i require healing.


Malavai only comes out when i solo a named or boss or 2+heroic.


so vettes is the one i want to keep happy and shes making it damn hard for me...


The next companion the Sith Warrior gets is a melee DPS and she will be more darkside loving than Vette.

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Vette is very difficult to read.....


In general she does not like dark side choices, but she approves when you execute weasels and weaklings (informants, spies and other sleazy characters).


I pretty much ignore her reactions to what I'm doing, and I make up for it by giving her praise whenever I get the opportunity (dialogue choice).

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she's your slave!


Did you expect her to love you for being evil and hurting others?


That's not the OP's point... We were given a companion that limits you on how you choose your options. As others have stated there is a work around for it, but why would you give a person a companion who clearly doesn't like most dark side choices when you have the potential to be REALLY evil?


Unlike (what I'm guessing) a real slave/master relationship would be, you have to depend on the NPC companions quite a bit. Maybe there's no penalty for low affection, but I can't take that chance when I have to use this companion to do things for me...


From another perspective, how much more interesting would it be if we had a character who wanted to be pure evil all the time?

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by level 32 when you get the 3rd non droid companion as sw, i had vette up to liek 1500 affection going all darkside and pickign choices that were based entirely on how i want to roleplay my toon, rather wether she would like them or not.


spent 20k on gifts for her and she's now up to 3500k or so affection.

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The companions' personalities can't really be split down LS/DS lines. You have to learn about how they feel about different things.


My only companion so far, Qyzen Fess, is basically a Klingon. He values combat and glory above all else. Sometimes that means light side, and sometimes that means dark side. Sometimes he doesn't really care one way or the other.


Give money to poor kids and he disapproves. Steal data from a corrupt politician and he approves -- even though it's a dark side choice.

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That's not the OP's point... We were given a companion that limits you on how you choose your options. As others have stated there is a work around for it, but why would you give a person a companion who clearly doesn't like most dark side choices when you have the potential to be REALLY evil?


That's exactly the point, because other people like to play empire characters that act like they are starting to embrace the light side and can become potential side changers, so these companions could represent those important people that changes the heart of someone, like you have feelings for them and thus you start taking the choices to apeal them but start to see they are changing you. In my opinion is refreshing, I play a dark side Jedi Sage and thus I'm having a hard time to keep my companions happy with my choices, but one of them hates the empire so much that doesn't mind when I'm totally cruel with them.

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Because there are people who will make Light decisions on Sith side... :rolleyes:


Regardless, it doesn't matter. You can go get some gifts and make up all the Affection points you "lost". In fact, to even think about maxing your affection, you're going to HAVE to buy gifts.

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Check your logs. There is a People of Interest in there and every companion you will get has at the bottom of there back story (you might need to scroll a bit) there likes and dislikes. This gives you a really good idea what choices they will agree and disagree with regardless of light/dark sided.
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