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Which Republic class has the best story?


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Consular - This is the one that I recommend, it starts off rather slow for chapter 1, but it pays off well with the remaining chapters filled with intrigue about the threat your facing and you defiantly get that satisfactory feeling of accomplishment when playing it smart as a diplomat and uniting armies. It should also be said that a lot of the Consulars class stories tie into the planetary quests. The companions are all well made and I enjoy them (I don't know about you, but I take a lizard man over a wookie any day!)


You know, I generally liked Qyzen more than the wookies until I did his companion storylines. Then I wondered why he was even on my Consular's crew at that point.

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1. LS Knight

2. DS Trooper -fits much better than a LS option. You need to win this war, and do what it takes to achieve it.

3. Consular -I liked being the diplomat, the war/piece architect and force sage

4. Smuggler -still, good. Light hearted, funny, a bit of a breather to those epic JK, SW, Consular etc stories

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I find all Republic stories a bit lackluster and generic. The JK is focuses too much on all sorts of doomsday devices and the destruction of the whole galaxy. It's too 'mainstream' for me and unrealistic (yeah, sounds odd with regards to a sci-fi story).


The JC starts slow and frankly isn't that interesting in chapter 1. Chapter 2 is better, you're doing what jedi's are supposed to do. Chapter 3 is ok aswell, except the Correlia part. Didn't really like the

Children of the Emperor



The Trooper is very generic aswell, it kinda misses a certain flair. However, it does have a nice 'make your own squad' fibe. Only played the Trooper once so far, it just doesn't spark my interest I'm afraid. The lackluster animations are to blame aswell (for the fact that I only did the story once).


That leaves us with the Smuggler. The dialogue is good, it's fun. More fun than the stoic jk and jc, I believe. The Trooper does have some good lines too, though. Anyway, I think I like the Smuggler story the best, when it comes to the Republic stories. It's fun, lovely companions and enough adventure that isn't "oh the world will end" stuff. I find chapter 3 a bit lacking though.


In the end, I'm more of an Imperial kinda guy ;)

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Jedi Knight - best companions and companion interactions (a great mix of archetypes), and the most 'Star Wars' feel of the class stories - a straightforward heroic epic.


Agreed, to me this has been the most "Star Wars" feel character.

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I'd say Knight, like many before me. It's classic Star Wars but companions (Except one Chagrian stowaway) are great. Bit cheesy at times but I loved it overall.

Then I'd go for Smuggler, because it's just very funny even in it's darkest moments. The companions are pretty cool too.

After that, I'd put Trooper, because the crew isn't all that great (Especially the last two and the first one at times) and those annoying Coruscant briefings. And the LS ending which is the ultimate proof that

Saresh is the worst candidate possible to be Supreme Chancellor.


Finally Consular. It's slow to start but really get good towards the end. I dislike most of the companions however and the romances are weak.


Please use spoiler tags where appropriate or I will report.




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Funny you asked for the best but now have all 4 ranked in all 4 possible positions by the replies...


Guess that means there is no "best" when it comes for random internet people to guess your general likes/dislikes?


Well judging from the replies, I am mainly seeing the JK as #1 followed by the Smuggler at #2 with the Trooper and JC fighting it out for the #3 spot.

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Funny you asked for the best but now have all 4 ranked in all 4 possible positions by the replies...


Guess that means there is no "best" when it comes for random internet people to guess your general likes/dislikes?


"Best" is subjective, people like different things, as we all know ;) So yeah, we won't be getting a clear answer. It's hard to define "best" though. Best story? Does that mean storytelling? Most original? Least plotholes? Most fun? Most epic? Most character driven? In terms of quality, I find the JK to be a very poor story, very uninspired and unoriginal. However, many will vote it the best story, because it's the most 'epic' one. Ah well, subjective... Opinions.. ^^,

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If you want to feel like a Jedi there's no better than the Consular


If you want to feel like an action hero/superman it's the Jedi Knight (I disagree about Kotor 3, imo Knight is not that good with 'meh' companions

except the last one

but everyone seems to like it, (i'm guessing it's just because how it ends, but you already know that) full darkside JK though is alright, maybe if we could defect.

Even so I recommend you play JK if you haven't.


Smuggler, fun witty remarks, good enough for humor.


Trooper story you're a soldier, don't go in expecting anything else, I enjoyed it, lots of neutral decisions

Edited by Azareya
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My favorite story Pub side is Knight. As previously stated it has the most epic feel to it.


Second would be smuggler. I felt it fit the class very well. Skirting the law but keeping with your own set of morals and ways to support the Republic. Pretty funny, too.


Third is a toss up. Trooper and Consular are both good.


Trooper is "generic". You're a soldier. You have some tough choices to make. Fits the class for me but nothing that made me go, "that was a great story!"


Consular is by far the slowest building story. I felt pretty powerful by the end but it's not that that HELLS YEAH! I'm a ****** like the Knight.


So to me none are bad. I liked them all for different reasons. I felt all fit their designated classes well.

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I would analyze them like this, it all depends on what aspects you like:


Jedi Knight: This storyline is pretty much the quintessential Star Wars story with a very cut and dry good vs evil, action, adventure, romance, tragedy, etc...


Smuggler: Hilarious and your crew felt really tight-knit to me like a family. There are also some very cool moments and some surprises along the way.


Trooper: The story itself wasn't that interesting to me, but I liked the kinds of choices you had to make and I really like both voice actors for this class. It does a good job of making you feel like this cool and elite squad of heroes.


Consular: By far my LEAST favorite of any of the game stories. The story itself I thought was good but the companions were forgettable to me and both voice actors for the consular were bland, boring, unexpressive, and generally bad imo (which is pretty mind blowing because the male version is Nolan North who I generally find really good). The dialogue options for consular are also bland. It felt like BioWare really wanted the consular to be an older, sagely, calm character and I felt most of the dialogue options matched that. No humor, almost no flirts, and the mean or darkside options didn't seem evil or ruthless but more...crotchety? Did not like the character at all.

Edited by Nefla
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My favorite Republic side class story is the Smuggler. I've made and played all the way through three separate Smugglers, one female and two male characters. To me, the story is purely fun and engaging, and I love it. I played a second guy Smuggler just to record the story dialogue, mind you.
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One caveat I will say and, of course, it's purely opinion: the Jedi Knight story is really tight if you go the 12XP route and just do primarily your class quests
I think this holds for ALL the stories. I've done the last three 12XP and they flowed so much better than first three.


Ok, I'll risk the firestorm, but I'll mention the (to me) elephant in the room:

I'm here for the stories, and I'll play them all. BUT ... none of these hold a candle to KOTOR, or to Dragon Age:O, Mass Effect, or most any of the Bioware solo RPG's I've played. Part of it is the nature of MMO's, and I would have said a lot had to do with the many, many distracting diversions (see 12XP above). They just aren't as tight, plenty of lack of followthrough, and obligatory twists that either you see a mile away, or seem like they came out of left field.


FWIW, my order for the Pubs (played them all):

JK ("epic")

Smuggler (his one-liners)

Trooper (plays like it should, too bad I read a spoiler beforehand)

JC (yes, slow start, last chapter was better, but that one I saw from 2 miles away)


But it isn't a 10 vs. a 1. more like a 7 vs. a 4 top to bottom.

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It's funny, Knight, Warrior and Agent are the class stories most often held up as being "the best" and yet Those are the ones I had the hardest time replaying. I have multiple Consulars, Inquisitors, and Smugglers and a pair of each Trooper and Bounty Hunter... But I really can't even hype myself up enough to roll a second Warrior, my second Knight and Agents are basically dead in the water in their early 30s. :(:o



More on topic, I'd rate the Republic side stories at Smuggler >Consular>Trooper>Knight. The first half of Consular Ch2 is really dull, or I'd rate it the highest.

Edited by OathboundCoH
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