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2 year + Fanboy of Swtor sadly cancels his account.


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IWhat do other themepark MMOS that are currently being played (WOW, Rift, AOC, WAR, AION etc) have at end game that SWTOR does not.


A year + in public access. None of THESE games had any of what the OP is complaining about at endgame either when they first launched. Expecting endgame material at launch is just ridiculous.

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A year + in public access. None of THESE games had any of what the OP is complaining about at endgame either when they first launched. Expecting endgame material at launch is just ridiculous.


When lord of the rings online launched it had no raids period. You had no skills above level 30 even tho the cap was 50 (and like this game some reached it in a week). It was almost a year before I finally got my lvl 50 skills. People expect too much these days.

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Fansites are filled with opinions. That's all. For instance, the only thing I don't like about combat is the delay. But that will be fixed. I love PvP. I'm having more fun with it than I ever did PvP in WoW. Don't care about static mobs, just care about questing and learning more about my story. Single player game done poorly?




Have you even been paying attention to your story? Bioware put eight different main storylines in this game. Poor single player... Come on. Overkill on cutscenes? Have you ever played a Bioware game before? Their games are for better or worse... Cinematic. Deal with it.


I'm not ignoring anything, I accept that you have your OPINION and websites have people with their own OPINION but I have my own opinion and ideas about what this game should be and you shouldn't treat your opinion or anyone else's as a fact.


Uhhh - opinions of players are kind of what companies should care about. They need feedback. Maybe this one post won't impact anything but if they start seeing hundreds of coherent posts like this one that list similar reasons for leaving then there is a problem. Lern2think critically and not just roll over on what you're unhappy with.

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Uhhh - opinions of players are kind of what companies should care about. They need feedback. Maybe this one post won't impact anything but if they start seeing hundreds of coherent posts like this one that list similar reasons for leaving then there is a problem. Lern2think critically and not just roll over on what you're unhappy with.


You realize even if there were 10,000 posts of this same thing that would still only equal 1% of the subscriber base right? Obviously there is nothing even remotely close to that amount of quit posts on here. So while they do value feedback they also realize this game is not going to be for everyone. Also a lot of people who threaten to quit actually keep paying.

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You realize even if there were 10,000 posts of this same thing that would still only equal 1% of the subscriber base right? Obviously there is nothing even remotely close to that amount of quit posts on here. So while they do value feedback they also realize this game is not going to be for everyone. Also a lot of people who threaten to quit actually keep paying.


You realize there are only 24,000 posts on the entire forum so if they have 10,000 posts on something being an issue, though it's a small amount of the entire population, it is representative of a very large problem. I'm not saying, again, that one post amounts to anything. However, I'm saying to discredit customer opinion, as you did in your previous post, is ignorant.


I'm really enjoying the game and hope that the population continues to grow (though I'm also very excited about GW2).

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I cancelled mine a few days ago. Hopefully they'll make the combat more fun and exciting so I can return.


It is a huge shame for me also as I have been following the game for years.


Why are you still on this games forum after you stop playing doesnt make sense. I swear people are getting paid to come here and post bad things about swtor. Its' been a weeks guys. No patience in this generation.

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Feeling the same - been following the game since late 2006 :/ and it's not that I had crazy expectations either, I just really don't enjoy a lot of the design decisions made. A lot of them.


From big things to many many small things.


Maybe I'll see you in GW2. I feel your pain mate.


It's a decent MMORPG, possibly the most polished version of old ideas (+VO/cutscenes) but it sadly isn't doing it for me as a game I want to pay for monthly.


Just to note... forums were not running or made until Oct 2008 -


(unless by following you mean hoping)....


I think a lot of the people wanted the WoW ease of use or the SWG NGE... (I hope not)... but in the end it was and is a Theme based MMO ... so more or less it is what it is.


There will ALWAYS with any product be a small percentage that buys it that does not like it.


That is business and stats... it happens. It is it's own game... I think people trying to compare things to it is bad enough.

Edited by Iskareot
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For 300 MILLION DOLLARS to make, develop and test.. damn right I expected better then this garbage we're playing now.


This is a SINGLE PLAYER GAME with a subscription fee. Its NUTS. OP is exactly right in every one of his statements. Thanks to "sharding" (the single DUMBEST idea I have ever heard) Ive seen a total of NINE other players since launch.. NINE people.. thats not an mmo, thats a complete and utter joke.


OP is far from right on his statements, as are you. Sharding at launch allows you to actually complete quests, rather than sit around with 30-40 other people camping a single mob so you can complete a quest. If you'd prefer the latter, more power to you. But thankfully for the rest of us, Bioware thinks it's absurd.


And yeah, I'm gonna have to call complete and utter bs on the 9 people since launch. Unless you're playing the single 24/7 low pop server at 3 in the morning.



Before I continued I wanted to address this quote here so sorry if I skipped a lot of replies. You fail at the fact 90% of the accounts created as of today did not get a long time to play till 25 and had only weekend beta. It was all about enjoying the game rather then trying to get to 25. As for me, it was taking my time and enjoying the cut scenes and seeing what the game offered. Upon Early Game Access, I felt the game was going to get boring. Then the launch came and I started disliking the game. The combat does feel a bit blah and the questing is so confusing. Too many side quests that waist your time with meaningless story lines.


Hopefully this will change in the future. I will spend one year paying and playing because the developers spend a lot of time and money to get this game out. I will give it my 100% support. After that if the game hasn't changed, I'm leaving for the best.


World of Warcraft may be a boring game now but at least the combat keeps you on your toes clicking and clicking and clicking and clicking. With my bounty hunter it's click, click, click and wait for CD's and heat to drop.




The only difference between the combat in this game, and the combat in WoW, is that in TOR I can't walk away from the computer mid-combat and have the mob die because of auto-attack. As for questing, one game gives me optional VO for each quest, the other gives me an optional page of text for each quest. After that, there's not much difference. In any MMO I've played to date.


The fact that you tried to claim that WoW combat keeps you on your toes, as opposed to TOR combat....is laughable. Auto-attack doesn't keep you on your toes.


This is the worst reason to cancel, and I really don't believe ure a huge star wars fan boy. Color me unimpressed.


The dead world can be fixed by removing instanced worlds. Im sure they're going to that since its such a terrible backlash.


Or they're going to do it because they've always said they were going to do it after the holiday rush, so that people could actually play the game instead of camping quest mobs for hours on end because there are too many people.

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OP brings up a great point, but the game is only a week old. Give it some time. 3 months or so, and we will be downloading a huge patch that will make half the people happy and pisss off the other half, but you shouldn't bail so soon.


As I have said before, this game has infinite possibilities. Hopefully BW realizes this and does the right thing. As far as I'm concerned, for the first shot, this game is awesome and WILL only get better in the future.

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I agree with OP


the worlds seems dead


unless you are in a cutscene..



no NPC's move and walk around except for the rare droids



most npc's are untargetable and just stay in 1 position frozen



it feels strange at times like the world is dead, but I am enjoying the game for what it is, I am playing it as a single player game and enjoying the story and cutscenes.


the cutscenes are great but when you do it once you wont want to do it again.



so ill enjoy a playthrough to 50 or whenever i finish all the quests. then I hope by then they will have added more livelihood to the game.


and added some new features and some non single player stuff.


right now it's all single player experience and no real reason to have it as an online game.


this game really feels like KotoR 3 single player game.


I was saddened by the ship, and space battle, I was hoping for space pvp :p


space pvp and actually having a real ship


but you never get a real ship, the "ship" in game is just glorified taxi to zone to other worlds


you cant fly it.



but for what the game is, it is fun, for now. and I'll keep playing and enjoying the main story, but I hope they keep expanding things before we all finish the main story and sit around with nothing to do.

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You realize there are only 24,000 posts on the entire forum so if they have 10,000 posts on something being an issue, though it's a small amount of the entire population, it is representative of a very large problem. I'm not saying, again, that one post amounts to anything. However, I'm saying to discredit customer opinion, as you did in your previous post, is ignorant.


I'm really enjoying the game and hope that the population continues to grow (though I'm also very excited about GW2).


No, it's representative of a vocal minority. If 10,000 people post on having an issue, that still leaves 990,000 who are perfectly content with the game as it is.


Discrediting customer opinion outright, is no more or less ignorant than overcrediting a vocal minority.

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so ill enjoy a playthrough to 50 or whenever i finish all the quests. then I hope by then they will have added more livelihood to the game.


and added some new features and some non single player stuff.


right now it's all single player experience and no real reason to have it as an online game.


this game really feels like KotoR 3 single player game.


A Kotor 3 single player game, with open world group quests, instances, heroic versions of those instances for end-game, raids, world PvP zones, and instanced PvP?


I don't remember all of those options being available in a single-player game. I do remember them being fairly popular in the MMO genre. There's plenty of non-single player stuff. It's not Bioware's fault that you're not using it.

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The OP is possibly the most heart-wrenching story I have ever heard... Hachiko take a back seat for true life stories of human and animal relationships, grave of the fireflies I don't give a damn if you kids die anymore, shindler don't you give up on those Jewish workers because i've stopped caring, and the Pianist can go live in a loft with Anne Frank and be set fire to for all I care now.... This is the new heart-breaker people.
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surely you must have gotten into atleast 1 beta weekend or something which would of shown you all this before purchase i smell flamebait and stealth trolling but whatever even if your not not sure why you bother posting a purely opinion based thing.
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