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2 year + Fanboy of Swtor sadly cancels his account.


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By, please take all the people who want to turn this game into wow with you.


So, are you trying to tell me that locations in SWTOR are good and not children of copy and paste? Honestly, I was hoping SWTOR will be good enough to "kill" WoW, but unfortunately Bioware failed.

Edited by Tabachok
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It's too bad you didn't like the game. It's not for everyone. No need to try to speak for others though. Plenty of people like the game and should not be told that their opinion is wrong or only bad players or people with poor taste will like the game.
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Feeling the same - been following the game since late 2006 :/ and it's not that I had crazy expectations either, I just really don't enjoy a lot of the design decisions made. A lot of them.


From big things to many many small things.


Maybe I'll see you in GW2. I feel your pain mate.


It's a decent MMORPG, possibly the most polished version of old ideas (+VO/cutscenes) but it sadly isn't doing it for me as a game I want to pay for monthly.


You could not have been following it since late 2006 seeing as Bioware did not even announce it until 2009. What were you following in those 3 years, Bioware, EA, and LucasArts making subtle hints?


As for the OP and anyone who agrees with him, this is the most polished MMO launch in the history of MMOs. If you do not like a game at launch, you should simply not buy it and play it ASAP. Wait until the game has had some time to be on the market. The game is not going to miss you when you are gone.


Also, I too have been following this game since it was announced, but I absolutely am LOVING it. Every single thing that Bioware told us about in the years since it was announced has come true and been put into the game. Great job Bioware and keep this game as amazing as it is for many years to come.

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Feeling the same - been following the game since late 2006 :/ and it's not that I had crazy expectations either, I just really don't enjoy a lot of the design decisions made. A lot of them.


From big things to many many small things.


Maybe I'll see you in GW2. I feel your pain mate.


It's a decent MMORPG, possibly the most polished version of old ideas (+VO/cutscenes) but it sadly isn't doing it for me as a game I want to pay for monthly.


I think y'all are the minority at this point. It's just sad that the people who are really liking the game cannot make huge walls of text in response. I guess it's because they are too busy actually enjoying the game to care. Tell Gila I said his guild won't last if the trolls keep leavin'

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You could not have been following it since late 2006 seeing as Bioware did not even announce it until 2009. What were you following in those 3 years, Bioware, EA, and LucasArts making subtle hints?


As for the OP and anyone who agrees with him, this is the most polished MMO launch in the history of MMOs. If you do not like a game at launch, you should simply not buy it and play it ASAP. Wait until the game has had some time to be on the market. The game is not going to miss you when you are gone.


Also, I too have been following this game since it was announced, but I absolutely am LOVING it. Every single thing that Bioware told us about in the years since it was announced has come true and been put into the game. Great job Bioware and keep this game as amazing as it is for many years to come.


2008 actually. October of 2008, but your point stands.

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What game are you playing, because you're NOT playing SWTOR if you find these quests 'boring'. They're 100% relative. Even the fetch quests contribute to storyline.


You are true, they are relative, BUT! today I was playing the game for like 5 hours trying to make myself like it, but what I got is the feeling that I was running through one corridor for these 5 hours. I admit, class questline is interesting but it will not get you to level 50.

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You know, I really wonder if I am playing a different game sometimes. My opinion is basically a polar opposite of the OP (and I'm not saying yours is wrong at all).


Cutscenes, game mechanics, environments... all seem rather nifty to me. The most important thing to me is that the group mechanics are fun, and they seem to be.

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First I was a very big supporter of this game since 2009. I was active on these forums up to launch daily. I really wanted this game to be amazing. I pre-ordered CE and DE's on day 1 of pre orders in july. So while you may not agree with my opinion it should concern you that a hard core fanboy has this opinion of the game. Here we go.

I have equally been a very big supporter of this game since 2009. I was also active on the forums daily. I equally wanted this game to be amazing. I pre-ordered the CE day 1, in July, as well. Apparently it should be just as concerning that an equally hard core fanboy has almost a complete 180 degree opinion of this game.


Since Launch I have already canceled my account. I played to 25, tried all the pve quests up to that level and took my time listening to all the story. I tired space combat and pvp. Again, I really wanted to love this game. I am a huge star wars fan and was a BIG fanboy of the game to be good. I did not expect amazing, I just wanted a pretty decent mmo with fun combat mechanics and action.

Since launch I have upgraded from a monthly to a 6-month subscription. I have also convinced over a dozen people to buy and subscribe to this game. I'm still playing at 32, have completed every single quest on every single planet, listening to the story content of all, up through Tat, have completed each space combat mission that was initially given, have competed in every single PvP instance, and have done the first 3 flashpoints. Aside from 1 codex entry on Balmorra, and a handful on Tat...including the world boss....I've done every single bit of content on those first 4 planets. I wanted to love this game, and absolutely have been roped in. I am a huge Star Wars fan as well, and while I didn't expect perfection, I did expect decency and fun in the game and it's mechanics. And while perfection hasn't been achieved, I have been rewarded above and beyond my expectations of this game.


My biggest issues were the world is very static and dead. I feel like I am walking, and walking, and walking and walking and walking through a cut and paste game where nothing lives, paths, moves or changes. Its all just stuck in place. You move from area to area of this cut and paste environment with fairly boring combat mechanics that get old fast. You run into some good story but then way to many cut and long cut scenes for minor quests. I love this aspect for the main story parts but to do it for everything was massive overkill.

Oddly, I have no sense of this. I find as I traverse the worlds, I am rewarded with something new and interesting each time I traverse to a new quest area. And each time I have a cinematic pop up, I enjoy the interaction I get, and how it advances a new section of the story. From minor plot points to major story arc moments, each is interesting and fun. As for the mechanics themselves, I find they're a good adaptation of the mechanics that are tried and true for the genre, as well as adding a couple new innovations that mix it up and make it that much better.


The pvp is honestly some of the most bland and boring pvp I have ever played. From all accounts you put bad combat mechanics into a massive open area and it will be just as bland as the limited 5 objective areas illum will have.

Oddly, I had the opposite reaction. I've found the PvP to be both fun and engaging. From the amusement of mobile CTF that is Huttball, to the enjoyment of the domination type that is Alderaan, I've found that all the instanced PvP is solid, while adding a distinctly "Star Wars" feel to them. And given my brief encounters in Tattooine's "Lawless" zone, I feel open world PvP zones will be equally fun and engaging. Especially as they become more populated and further developed.


For me the game just wasn't worth putting the effort into as it wasn't that fun. it was decent but the average fan rating of 6.1/10 you are seeing on some metric sites is accurate for me. Its just a slightly above bad game which people who love single player story will play through then quit. Most mmo players like myself who played EQ and WoW and other games for years probably wont make this home for long.

Not so oddly at this point, I've got to disagree again. I find it absolutely worth the effort, as it's great fun. Considering it had everything those other MMO's launched with, and quite a bit of extra content on the side, with the addition of story, I simply fail to understand how you can claim that a normal MMO player can't make this a home. And personally, I find it more than worth the 8-9/10 rating that I've found for it. People who love Bioware's single player games, such as Mass Effect or Dragon Age, will find the massive amount of replayability engaging and well worth the investment. And most other MMO players like myself, who have also played EQ and WoW, and LoTRO, AION, WAR, CO, DCOU, or various other MMO's as well, for years have found a perfect home in this game.


While you may disagree with what I have to stay, Please understand I was a big fan and supporter for years of this game. I took 2 weeks off work just for its launch.

While I quite obviously disagree with you at this point, please understand that I also took time off work, have been a big fan and supporter of this game, and have come away with a drastically different experience. I guess that means your opinion here is just that. An opinion. And that no matter what, your opinion is just as subjective as anyone else's.


Now I have canceled my account. Ill be reading good books on my time of, playing skyirm, and hope gw2 is much better. It breaks my heart to not love or even like this game. I wish those of you who do the best. I post not to hate, I just wanted this game to be good enough to play from month to month for a limited amount of hours a week, I never expected much more then a wow clone but when swtor delivered so much less it was a large disappointment. The pure power of bioware and the star wars universe will have this game around for years to come, I am glad for that for those who love it. I just felt after 2 years of forum dedication and such a desire to just like the game I should post.


Maybe you should have spent less time self-hyping and making the game in to something it could never hope to achieve. Also, remember that your experience was completely subjective, and the fact that you don't like the game, or thought it would be something other than exactly what we've been told all along it would be, doesn't change the fact that numerous others are loving every minute of this game.

Edited by Jxspyder
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You are true, they are relative, BUT! today I was playing the game for like 5 hours trying to make myself like it, but what I got is the feeling that I was running through one corridor for these 5 hours. I admit, class questline is interesting but it will not get you to level 50.


Of course class questing isn't going to get you to 50, it would be a boring game if it did.

That's why the fetch quests exist. They give you XP, cash, and hey, they keep you occupied. The difference between this game, and, say WoW, quest wise? As I said before, they're all relative. They all fit within your story, which is good.

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I don't see how anybody can claim the planets feel dead, there are all kinds of things happening all over the place. When I'm running around I feel as though I'm on Nar Shadda, not just another leveling area like in WOW. Every planet is so different from each other and stuffed with content I'm amazed that they were able to pull it off. Sometimes I just stop what I'm doing and watch as NPCs run by me, opening and closing their stores, watch the wildlife as it goes to water to drink. The only other game that can even come close to this is Skyrim, and that pales in comparison to TOR.
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wow. apparently we are playing two different games.


this is the most lively feeling game i have ever played.


I know, I don't see a lot of the problems other have faced. Maybe I just have lower standards, but this game is a lot of fun for me.

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While you may disagree with what I have to stay, Please understand I was a big fan and supporter for years of this game. I took 2 weeks off work just for its launch.


This is where you lost me, bud. Taking 2 weeks off for a game? First off I'm not trying to be insulting but an honest recommendation. Maybe you should try and travel the world instead or something. See some real life history. Even if traveling is not feasible for you, maybe look into new culture closer to home like a renaissance fair. It doesn't have to be that exactly but something you're interested in. Perhaps your disappointment and dissatisfaction is not from the game itself but your life's priorities.

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To the attention whores with ADD among us, name me one MMO that used to be perfect and flawless at launch ?


If you can't accept the game that this game is story driven, and that it will improve with time, please **** and let us enjoy it.

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What exactly is it that you are gaining by telling us you are cancelling your account?


Not trying to be too argumentative, but hey, not every game is for everyone. Some people have expectations that any given game just isn't going to meet. Why is this a newsflash?

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I find it amusing that people claim they are cancelling their accounts so soon. You had to subscribe literally less than a week ago. So you subscribed to a service and literally days later realized it wasn't worth it?


And lol at metacritic user reviews. People there post their reviews about how they cancelled their accounts too, yet the dates of the reviews say 12/18 or 12/19. You didn't even need to sub, but did and literally a couple days later are all THIS IS SO BAD??




Sensibility is a beautiful thing.



It's as if they subbed so that they could troll the forums for a month. So, 60 bucks for a month of attention mongering on a game forum.


Personally not worth it for myself but I guess if I was desperate enough for outside validation of my opinions maybe it would be a reasonable fee.

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To the attention whores with ADD among us, name me one MMO that used to be perfect and flawless at launch ?


If you can't accept the game that this game is story driven, and that it will improve with time, please **** and let us enjoy it.


this is an invalid argument the trolls will tell you that this is 2011 baby. Games need to launch with 3 to 4 expansions worth of content.


which financially would probably bring a company to its knees at some point before the game even launched.

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That's why the 1st content patch is all story driven? oh wait...


Depends on the flashpoint. If it's more BT/Esseles, then it's absolutely story driven. If it's more HS/Athiss, then it's story-light, but still story driven. So how did you just disprove him again? Oh, wait.....

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this is an invalid argument the trolls will tell you that this is 2011 baby. Games need to launch with 3 to 4 expansions worth of content.


which financially would probably bring a company to its knees at some point before the game even launched.


I will tell them that unless they hold an MBA from a Tier 1 University with 7 years in the gaming industry and at least 3 years at a huge consulting firm, they have no right to assume or even predict that a game will fail or is "terrible" on a year-based stand point.


I will say it again, if you're not happy with SWTOR, feel free to play another game, nobody is asking you to lay down garbage 6th grader arguments about how a gaming company should make their games.

Edited by Seallie
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You spelled ILUM wrong, you said "illum", therefore you can't be that big of a fan.


I believe Ilum is short for Iluminati, maybe why you put two L's in it.


The game is a bit cut and paste, but what game isn't? Please tell me which MMO has a city that isn't cut and paste and I will tell you you're dead wrong.


25?, give level 50 a chance, I say you are a fanboi of playing videogames perhaps, but you need to dedicate more time and at least get to level 50 before you make such a harsh judgement, if you have expendable income and a lot of other new games I can see why you might quit, but I reckon you will be back, mark my words, you will be back when your friends tell you how amazing level 50 is, or when this game is beyond 'in'.

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You spelled ILUM wrong, you said "illum", therefore you can't be that big of a fan.


I believe Ilum is short for Iluminati, maybe why you put two L's in it.


The game is a bit cut and paste, but what game isn't? Please tell me which MMO has a city that isn't cut and paste and I will tell you you're dead wrong.


25?, give level 50 a chance, I say you are a fanboi of playing videogames perhaps, but you need to dedicate more time and at least get to level 50 before you make such a harsh judgement, if you have expendable income and a lot of other new games I can see why you might quit, but I reckon you will be back, mark my words, you will be back when your friends tell you how amazing level 50 is, or when this game is beyond 'in'.


or when the droves realize that GW2 will just be an average F2P game exactly like the first one with pretty graphic. Christ its made by arenanet under NCsoft. NCsoft has done what again? Remind me.. Aion? lulz


the game play i've seen on youtube is not making my eyes pop out of my head.


looks a lot like WOW combat what with all the AOE firing out of everybody like lightning bugs.

Edited by chrisftw
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