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2 year + Fanboy of Swtor sadly cancels his account.


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Sorry you didn't like it man. I have enjoyed the game since I got into the 11.11.11 beta and play it with 3 of my friends on a regular basis, which might be the problem for you if you don't have anyone else to enjoy it with. While the game is not perfect, far from it actually, it holds my attention and I look forward to logging in each day. I too play on buying GW2 when it comes out, and depending on how swtor develops, I may cancel or play both together. Good Luck!
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It's really odd to me that people unsub or dislike the game so much, yet I see them all over the forum, all hours of the day, posting about how and why they unsubbed.


A lot of you post about how much you dislike the game more than I play the game.


It's cool if you don't like it, I understand. But we all already know what the issues with the game are, and we've decided that we're content with seeing how it turns out.



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I think it's hilarious. Seriously...... Can't wait for a game to launch, spend years following it, ya ya ya..... and tada it's not what you expected.


Like while playing Rift........ You hear "SWTOR is going to crush anything and everything out there."


Game Launches and the people that had the highest expectations are let down. It's called "marketing", or Hype, or whatever. Believe it or not, there are whole industry's created just to get into your brain just how glorious your life will be if only you owned "X".....


they never learn.

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It's really odd to me that people unsub or dislike the game so much, yet I see them all over the forum, all hours of the day, posting about how and why they unsubbed.


A lot of you post about how much you dislike the game more than I play the game.


It's cool if you don't like it, I understand. But we all already know what the issues with the game are, and we've decided that we're content with seeing how it turns out.




You responded about how people spend to much time responding.

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I am going to call troll here.


It may very well be true that someone cancelled. Not really logical though since we are all on a 30 day trial period. The OP also thinks they should advertise for two other games here.


You may have a long standing account but doesn't make you a fan. It sounds to me like you are a fan of things other than MMOs.


People may leave but should just do it quietly. If the game is not for you don't try to ruin it for others or get players to go play with you on other games. You were not here long enough to make any good friends in the game and you are not making any here with posts like this.



Remember this is brand new and you are critiquing a game that is only half launched. There is no community foundation yet. We are all busy running around trying to level our first characters so no one has set up a basis for what MMOs actually are. This take time and Bioware can't control it. This is something we the players have to bring to the game.

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I say this with no criticism.


You guys need to learn to not get so Hyped about games, games with such a long development cycle will build unrealistic expectations. Getting hyped for so long will almost always bring disappointment in the end, no matter what they do.


As for myself, i just listened to what the devs were saying through all these years, actually listen and in the end what they gave us, was exactly what was promised, no more, no less.


Understand two things:


1.) BioWare dev's don't want ANYONE to tell people "can I have your stuff when you go back to WoW?" That's their worst nightmare. They should strive to do what WoW 2012 does, and THEN some.. not some lackluster, mediocre 2004 WoW.. because they're competing with 2012 WoW, not 2004 WoW.


2.) The expectations could have easily been met if not for some idiotic design choices. The choice to not include a recount, a customizable UI, AWFUL combat system, no world PVP, no LFD system, the list goes on and on and on.. read these forums or go read reviews.


How could they spend ALL this money and all these years.. yet not have simple, rudimentary 2012 MMO design choices? If they waited 5 years to fix the combat system, you think they're going to "patch it" in the next few months? You guys serious with that? This game is so flawed.. so many issues, it will fail.

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I am glad to see that some people understand where I come from. Others who troll the forums just to dismiss should again look at my join date and what I say. If you have dedicated players who quit over reasons many fan sites support 6.1/10 user ratings , there is reason for concern. So play in denial if you wish. it makes my opinion no less valid then yours. Good luck!


I understand your opinion and respect...I personally love the game even though I feel there is some tweaking needed fo sho..


What I dont understand is why the big long post about it? I dont get it...When I'm at the clothing store and see a shirt I loved on-line but hate when I seen it upclose, I dont write the store a 3 page letter about it...I just shrug and keep it moving...I just feel these massive long posts about why you are leaving is just a waste of time and un-necessary...It sucks you dont like it even though you wanted to..but just bow out and find something else you like...Take care

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Understand two things:


1.) BioWare dev's don't want ANYONE to tell people "can I have your stuff when you go back to WoW?" That's their worst nightmare. They should strive to do what WoW 2012 does, and THEN some.. not some lackluster, mediocre 2004 WoW.. because they're competing with 2012 WoW, not 2004 WoW.


2.) The expectations could have easily been met if not for some idiotic design choices. The choice to not include a recount, a customizable UI, AWFUL combat system, no world PVP, no LFD system, the list goes on and on and on.. read these forums or go read reviews.


How could they spend ALL this money and all these years.. yet not have simple, rudimentary 2012 MMO design choices? If they waited 5 years to fix the combat system, you think they're going to "patch it" in the next few months? You guys serious with that? This game is so flawed.. so many issues, it will fail.


Opinions are like *****holes...YOU might not like something, but thats YOU...I personally like the combat system, could care less about a dmg meter, dont really want a LFG tool (especially not cross-server if they do implement one), Dont want to customize my UI, and the list goes on...


I am not saying this to be at odds with you...I am genuinely speaking...I am not completely absolutely in love with EVERYTHING, but about 92%...


Just stop talking as if you speak for everyone...You might agree with most/all the naysayers, but you dont speak for EVERYONE...Its your opinion and thats it...

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My biggest issues were the world is very static and dead. I feel like I am walking, and walking, and walking and walking and walking through a cut and paste game where nothing lives, paths, moves or changes. Its all just stuck in place. You move from area to area of this cut and paste environment with fairly boring combat mechanics that get old fast. You run into some good story but then way to many cut and long cut scenes for minor quests. I love this aspect for the main story parts but to do it for everything was massive overkill.


I realized the other night that, while i was in the most beautiful and lush forest you can imagine, there wasn't a single cricket or insect sound, nor a bird call. It was, as you say, truly dead. What a waste of the rest of the artwork to not go the extra mile on ambiance. I guess they didn't want anything to detract from that movie-musical score though...

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Opinions are like *****holes...YOU might not like something, but thats YOU...I personally like the combat system, could care less about a dmg meter, dont really want a LFG tool (especially not cross-server if they do implement one), Dont want to customize my UI, and the list goes on...


I am not saying this to be at odds with you...I am genuinely speaking...I am not completely absolutely in love with EVERYTHING, but about 92%...


Just stop talking as if you speak for everyone...You might agree with most/all the naysayers, but you dont speak for EVERYONE...Its your opinion and thats it...


My opinions, much to my chagrin, are the general consensus of the forums and the community. Even those who are younger or don't care to post on the forums notice how poorly done the combat system if they're coming from WoW. This, unfortunately is not open for debate my friend. No one can "like" the combat system as it is now.. it's just those who have the know-how / care enough to post about it on the forums.. know what I mean? The 15 year old who got SW:TOR under his tree because his parents know he plays WoW.. he doesn't like the combat system, and will eventually go back to WoW because of it. The combat system in an MMO is either a game-breaker or a game-maker. This is elementary.

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I will be playing this game until Bioware takes the servers offline, which will happen in 10 years, there is nothing anybody can say that will stop me from playing this game, all of you Nostradamus wannabe's with your predictions of how this game will fail within a month are nothing but idiots.


Will the world still feel as dead as it does now in 10 years? If so, might want to cut that number in half, or in into thirds.. just saying.

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Will the world still feel as dead as it does now in 10 years? If so, might want to cut that number in half, or in into thirds.. just saying.


Almost 1 million players say they will give Bioware some time to smooth this out. If you dont like it then leave why sit and post about how unhappy you are? Do you really think they will toss 5 years of development out the window just to keep a few unhappy people. Even if there were 10,000 posts about this issue thats only 1% of the base.

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Almost 1 million players say they will give Bioware some time to smooth this out. If you dont like it then leave why sit and post about how unhappy you are? Do you really think they will toss 5 years of development out the window just to keep a few unhappy people. Even if there were 10,000 posts about this issue thats only 1% of the base.


I'm not trying to be argumentative, and I will play this game in conjunction with WoW for a long, long time regardless of how poor the combat system is. However, is one million subscribers enough to sustain the $300,000,000 dollar budget.. or future content budget, more importantly? Neither of us know, but I know they projected under 4mil and just broke 1mil. And, good sir, I don't think "a few unhappy people" is a way to describe the consensus with the major flaws in this game.

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I'm not sure if some of you expect a euphoric experience from a game or what? Seriosuly its a game, if you are bored, go do something else! As far as an mmorpg experience goes its great. There is no such thing as a perfect game. Also I am quite sure we will see the same people complaining in d2 and gw2. Go to church or something guys, your not looking for a game, but a change in life. Edited by LordoftheWaste
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I'm not sure if some of you expect a euphoric experience from a agme or what? Seriosuly its a game, if you are bored, go do something else! As far as an mmorpg experience goes its great. There is no such thing as a perfect game. Also I am quit sure we will see the same people complaining in d2 and gw2. Go to church or something guys, your not looking for a game, but a change in life.


No, we're looking for the game that was released (a very decent to mediocre game) with all 2012 MMO standards (LFD, fluid combat system, UI customization, mods, world PVP). Not looking for a change in my life nor Church, just looking for those normal 2012 MMO standards released with this 300 million dollar budget / 5 years-in-the-making 2012 MMO.


My bad.

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fear not, OP


GW2 will be MUCH better


lol guild wars 2 will be better right to you yes. I hate guild wars 2 :p and its not even out yet i don't like it i never liked part one ether. Tor has freedom of story and choice making i like that about this game. Guild wars 2 no you don't make impacts on your story. Crafting system in this game is way better then guild wars 2 crafting and much more fun. They are both different games none will be better then the other just they just both different from each other to much..... When guild wars 2 comes out that dont mean tor will die there are alot of star wars fans out there...... So yes tor will still be around star wars has been around way longer then guild wars 2.

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lol guild wars 2 will be better right to you yes. I hate guild wars 2 :p and its not even out yet i don't like it i never liked part one ether. Tor has freedom of story and choice making i like that about this game. Guild wars 2 no you don't make impacts on your story. Crafting system in this game is way better then guild wars 2 crafting and much more fun. They are both different games none will be better then the other just they just both different from each other to much..... When guild wars 2 comes out that dont mean tor will die there are alot of star wars fans out there...... So yes tor will still be around star wars has been around way longer then guild wars 2.


When Guild Wars 2 comes out their forums will be filled with whiny kids just like this one, and they're all gonna be saying the same crap about how the game is gonna fail and all that, you just gotta ignore it, because lets face it these kids don't really know anything, if they did they wouldn't be saying a game is going to fail because it's missing something that HE wants, biggest self centered statement i have heard in my whole life, they think the world revolves around them, if a game is missing something that a very small percentage of people NEED just to enjoy a game it's going to fail, love the logic.



Another thing about Guild Wars 2, imagine how terrible that community is going to be since it's F2P, yeah it has a one time fee, but people can get a hold of CD keys for it so easily, the fact that there is no subscription will attract all kinds of lowlife scum to the game, not trying to be rude, just can't think of any nicer terms to use, same thing happened to TF2, before it was free the Community was pretty solid, then it went F2P and now we have a game filled with Hispanics yelling JAJAJAJAJAJAJA. Again i say no offense to anyone, that is not my mission with this post, just speaking the truth.

Edited by PeacefulViolence
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