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I love Companions and Corso in particular


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I love the aspect that companions bring to the game, but I just adore Corso in particular. He is great. Kudos to whoever wrote his character. <3 I really hope we get to see much more of our companions' personalities and character as the new releases roll out. Even better if we get to see how they react to each other more. I also really hope that we get expanded dialogue options when talking with them.


In general, though, there are times in the story now when the thing I really want to say and seems pretty obvious to say often missed the three option cutoff. *cough*Telling people you're crazy more as a Jedi and

reminding Garza and everyone else that I promised Kardan to try to bring Havoc Squad members back alive

throughout the trooper storyline.*cough*

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Come on! It's my Sith who wanted to tell more people how nuts they all were! I swear, my Sith felt surrounded by crazy people at every turn. She started wondering if SHE was the crazy one, just because she felt so abnormal around all of the nutso Sithy-types.


And, yes, Corso is pretty awesome. He's my Smuggler's bestest buddy.

Edited by Phyreblade
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Could not stand Corso on my lady smuggler. The dude would not take the hint that she was gay, ever. Every. Single. Conversation. Had a flirt prompt. Despite not taking a single one, ever. Still maxed out his affection because he wasn't actively offensive like Skadge, but I won't think twice about kicking him out in the expansion if we do indeed get some choice in companions.


He really reminded me of Nice Guys, and made me think he spent the entire time on my smuggler's ship (all the time after I recruited Bowdaar) posting manifestos on space reddit about how it's so unfair that the most perfect woman in the galaxy keeps ignoring the perfect guy for her and what does that creepy jock Lana have anyway.

Edited by Cythereal
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Corso is one of my faves too, between his sweetness and his optimism and his jealousy around other men. The only thing I don't like is where they placed the "mandatory" flirt. I didn't take it on my last playthrough and unknowingly locked myself out of the romance. :( At least my character could still flirt with him occasionally and he still loved it. Especially in the last affection conversation.
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I'm not very fond of Corso, not only as a romance option but as a companion as well.


First off - he is possesive. Heck, guy names his blasters and treats them like women ("oh, I'm not going to let any man touch you ever again Flashy!" :eek: ), not healthy. That kind of thing leads to stalking, doubly so if he would get dumped. Creepy.


Second - he is simple. Ok, I get that he is kind, brave, loyal - it's great. But he is also simple. I could not become friends with someone I have nothing to talk about, nothing in common to pass the time. How many times can we talk about separatists, dead families, fighting the good fight...if he doesn't read anything, isn't interested in what is going on in the whole wide world around him we have nothing to talk about. All he can do is shoot bad guys and ride rontos, not the kind of fella I would want to be around - even being a smuggler :)


I understand why someone would like him but he just happens not to appeal to my personal tastes ;)

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Ooh, I didn't realize there was one mandatory one. For the most part, I actually didn't take the flirt options but the sweet, positive response options. I almost missed out! :eek:


While I see the points about the possessive behavior and such I trust in Corso's case he's not dangerously off balance, just quirky. I can't talk, the conversation between me and Corso would go something like, "You can't talk about how I treat the droids... Do the names Flashy and Torchy ring a bell. You don't get to talk." :D


However, I don't think he refuses to learn; he just has a bad habit of not being himself on too many counts. He strikes me as the kind of person who will constantly try to change everything about himself to make you happy which I think is not such a great idea. :/ He seems to wait for you to tell him what he can and can't do before he's willing to do it in front of you.

Edited by Xo-Lara
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IMO, Vector >>> Corso, at least as far as the romances are concerned. Corso seems to have this idealized image of the female PC in his head -- he's in love with who he thinks she is. Vector loves and accepts the PC for who she actually is -- including all the baggage that comes with being an intelligence agent.


I can't imagine Corso reacting well to the agent plot device on Voss; Vector just makes a mild joke about it.


My male smuggie is still a baby, so I haven't yet seen firsthand how Corso reacts to the male PC. My friends who play male smugglers, however, have no problem with him, as he seems to be the consummate wingman.

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Could not stand Corso on my lady smuggler. The dude would not take the hint that she was gay, ever. Every. Single. Conversation. Had a flirt prompt. Despite not taking a single one, ever. Still maxed out his affection because he wasn't actively offensive like Skadge, but I won't think twice about kicking him out in the expansion if we do indeed get some choice in companions.


He really reminded me of Nice Guys, and made me think he spent the entire time on my smuggler's ship (all the time after I recruited Bowdaar) posting manifestos on space reddit about how it's so unfair that the most perfect woman in the galaxy keeps ignoring the perfect guy for her and what does that creepy jock Lana have anyway.


That is not Corso not taking a hint. That's you not taking the hint that it's an option for you to flirt with him :p

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His sexism got on my nerves from time to time but I did like the dynamics between him and my smuggler so I let her marry him. The weapon thing might be creepy but my gal treats her ship like her own child so it's okay.


I never saw it as creepy, only just a bit weird, but when you put it that way about treating the ship like one's own child it all seems less weird! :p

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Corso seems to have this idealized image of the female PC in his head -- he's in love with who he thinks she is. Vector loves and accepts the PC for who she actually is -- including all the baggage that comes with being an intelligence agent.


I suspect that that is a function of limited storytelling time in Corso's case. While I don't think he would quickly believe the smuggler is a bad person and that he would make excuses for a long time, I do think he is the type to have a line in the sand that can be crossed. In my character's case, she is basically the person Corso thinks she is so it works out, but there are times when he is clearly focusing more on the ideal than the reality.


For instance,

the whole doctor hope and rona thing.

I think that is probably the only time my captain said anything even remotely harsh to Corso. Also there are those times when I wish I could say, " Don't give me that look. We're smuggler's Corso... we ship weapons,

spice that one time (who's fault was that by the way... >.>)

and who knows what else before all of this is through. Let's not go imagining halos on ourselves, don't believe all the hype.

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Corso brings back fond memories of rodeo riders I dated in college. Mmm hmmm. He's one of my favorites. And I like to let him show off his 'guns' in the Canderous Ordo armor :D


I put him in Rugged Infantry. Somebody has to be Captain Tightpants. ;)

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That is not Corso not taking a hint. That's you not taking the hint that it's an option for you to flirt with him :p


My character was well aware that it was an option. She's gay, and a high school dropout internet nice guy from Nowheresville was never going to change that.


If I'd had the opportunity I would have taken a side trip to Dantooine or someplace as boring as he is and left him there for good.

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My character was well aware that it was an option. She's gay, and a high school dropout internet nice guy from Nowheresville was never going to change that.


If I'd had the opportunity I would have taken a side trip to Dantooine or someplace as boring as he is and left him there for good.


:p What I mean to say, is that's the game giving you the chance to have your character now start to flirt. They're giving you, three options.


That wasn't Corso flirting, that was the devs going "We're giving you three chat options, one of which is to flirt." the devs themselves have no way of knowing you decided to make your character gay and then either give you one less option to choose or make it a different a option.


Either way, that is still not Corso flirting with your captain. Though, even if he was flirting, just because your smuggler is gay, does not mean he can't flirt. It's not like straight people have flirted with gays before or gays haven't flirted with straights before. Some people are just flirts.

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Ooh, I didn't realize there was one mandatory one. For the most part, I actually didn't take the flirt options but the sweet, positive response options. I almost missed out! :eek:


I took every flirt option except that one. I figured, "Okay, he's obviously drunk, hitting on him now seems a little wrong." Whoops! So much for scruples :rolleyes: Then he had the nerve later on to accuse my character of calling it off - in spite of her still being able to flirt with him and get +affection for courting gifts. That gal ended up very confused. :D Guess I'll just hook her up with Theron.

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I like Corso. My Smuggler's female and I had her romance him. Some people think he's sexist, but I think he's just an old-fashioned dork.


He is not sexist - I mean sure, he would like his woman to be locked up in his dream house, rising his dream children but that comes out of his care for her - if she wanted to live a life of andventure he would not force her to do anything - just go with her and protect her ;)


But he is far too old-fashioned for my tastes - to the point it's creepy :p

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I think it's kinda cute he managed to hold on to his values despite being in a bunch of circumstances that either challenge them or make him face people with decidedly different views. :) sometimes it seems like Corso can get a little wishy washy but it's actually not that. He's just waay more acquiescent with the captain than he is in most other circumstances. He loves her so he tries to keep up as best he can.
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