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Please Read This Bioware**


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Hello I don't post much because a lot of the time I'm posting on other sites or scouring lore or researching but I love the game and take the time like all the players to play and enjoy this wonderful one of thee best if not thee very best video game/movie even for the cut scenes or even book on the old republic, A wonderful game and it was great but I pray guys I beg you guys to not repeat forged alliances, I know as announced in the star wars face book page




And the photo its announced in



That we will have a choice on joining Valkorian( Im geusing vitiate but no confirmation on that yet so I don't know or atleast I have to say I don't know on the fourms because nothing is publically released so we don't know if its him or not)


But Hey guys I need you to do me a solid as a 15 year star wars fan who has studied the actual in depth lore of the entire universe and most likely knows around 94 percent of all the lore released EVER even the edited stuff, deleted or changed stuff or unreleased stuff in well like future movies and things, PLEASE Shadow of revan was good, Forged alliances for what it was was good, Ziost was AMAZING good work on that one! Short but amazing!


But just like we have the jedi knight character in the trailer it helps prove my point that this game desperately needs to become less good-sided and more bad sided, MORE SO I would personally adore you guys if you had two seperate stories in one basic story of KOTFE basically you could choose your side either the eternal empire(valkorian) or the other side which i think will fight against the eternal empire hence the outlander in the trailer, PLEASE PLEASE Give us the option to fully join the eternal empire! PLEASE! Hell id bribe ya for it if it was allowed I don't know if it is but yeah guys please we get star wars has heroes and as james ohlen put it, A hero fighting a great evil, but as anakin and obiwan put it. GOOD AND EVIL are perspective and to me vitiate(tenebrae) is good and valkorian is good and the eternal empire is AWESOME looking great job designing devs! But can we please end the jedi knight trailer to an entire multi class expansion as it for one seems very one sided, And for two we need the option to truly be "EVIL" Like i hope its there as the picture says but if valkorian betrays us or somehow we still end up fighting against him. Note that alot of us are going to be very sad we couldn't handshake an immortal emperor and his awesome dark side son, And it also goes to say that even if this was vitiate even if this guy killed off the eternal empire, killed me, killed the galaxy I would still serve the EMPEROR or valkorian If they did kill all of us i would still kneel, not out of fear, but respect. Which is why bioware I really hope you give us the real chance to actually fully join the Emperor!


GLORY TO THE EMPEROR! (valk or vitiate)



-Thomas @ Harbinger


PS. Eric if you read this, Even though ive studied lore for this long I am still not of damn age to come and greet you in a cantina and this is the guy on fleet who had that huge Whisper chat with you before kotfe was even released and it was just the screen shot with the throne room which i actually managed to geuss was called the eternal throne room no joke it just looked godly or celestialy, And i could go on and on and on but I would love to meet ya all one day in real life and I do plan on it but time can move abit slow

(Untill i learn force wormhole (Yes real power) )


But yeah good job designing the throne room too with the little standout lights/obilisks that are angled on each side of the platform yeah we saw similar designs i think to other pictures on the fourms :cool:


Extra PS. If you are reading this devs yeah toltaly age the stamp thing where to be served a alcoholic beverage you would need persay a green stamp and if you have a red stamp than you don't get any letting even those maybe just a year under come in and say hello!


Extra Extra PS. I could go on for even more and more but yeah if you guys are reading this I would love a respond note or something

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Darkside choices have been tentative and boring lately...I agree that we should be able to play as a true villain, with appallingly evil dialogue options (like we enjoyed in the vanilla game).


As you pointed out, Star Wars is about good versus evil. Not morally gray ethical mysteries. Star Wars needs strong leadership on both light side and dark side.


Heroes are only as great as the evil they oppose. They really need strong villains. Darth Vader is what made Luke, Han and Leia such a cheerworthy heroes.


I hope BW realizes this.

Edited by Hebruixe
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I'm not Bioware but I read it.


TL:dr OP wants the option to join the Eternal empire because the game is already too good sided. OP studied star wars lore for 15 years, had a long whisper chat with Eric Musco ingame and wants to attend a Cantina badly. Notice me senpai pls.


Edited by Falensawino
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I'm posting this because whenever I do a dev comes along and proves me a liar. So here I go...


I really hope a dev answers you but calling out devs to read something is a sure fired way to get the thread ignored. It's a can of worms they tend to not want to open.


With that said, I'm with you. As soon as I heard that line about bowing, my character and I looked at each other and nodded our heads. I would love to see a third faction added.

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While it might be a nice thing to do it puts my real name there and I avoid that in all cases when it comes to games.


I wish you good luck though that use it.

I know plenty of people who make up stage names and use them for facebook as if it were their real name. Only reason I don't have a stage name is because I can never settle on a good one.


Have you ever heard of the world famous actor, Ramon Estevez?

How about Carlos Estevez?



Ramon Estevez goes by the stage name Martin Sheen, aka The Illusive Man in Mass Effect. paychecks and taxes go to Ramon Estevez

Whenever I would call for an appointment, whether it was a job or an apartment, and I would give my name, there was always that hesitation and when I'd get there, it was always gone. So I thought, I got enough problems trying to get an acting job, so I invented Martin Sheen. It's still Estevez officially. I never changed it officially. I never will. It's on my driver's license and passport and everything. I started using Sheen, I thought I'd give it a try, and before I knew it, I started making a living with it and then it was too late. In fact, one of my great regrets is that I didn't keep my name as it was given to me. I knew it bothered my dad



Carlos Estevez is his son, Charlie Sheen. Yes the "WINNING" guy formerly of Two and A Half Men

Emelio Estevez from the Mighty Ducks Disney films and The Breakfast Club is the only one who used his real name in Hollywood


Edited by Falensawino
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I am curious in wondering if there are other influences regarding the new story and that perhaps, and a big "IF" they are going to try and bridge the entire KOTOR story into Canon? Reason I say this is prior to episode one, all we knew is that the republic had stood for a thousand years? Maybe timelines prior to that we will see a mesh of lore that we participate in that develops into those events? After all we are part of an evolution of story within the game...


Might be a lot of speculation and wishful thinking, but I would consider that if this is what they are trying to do, the Emersion into the plot over the next and quite a few up and coming expansions would be quite intense... :D

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Glad i wasn't the only one who remembered this......so we get to kneel to anger Marr/Beniko and that's it then?







I would guess it's more along the lines to make the Emperor think you're working with him, while you wait for the opportune moment to make a move.


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I would guess it's more along the lines to make the Emperor think you're working with him, while you wait for the opportune moment to make a move.


You're in the throne room! what are you waiting for him to turn his back? lol


I get your point but I feel this just drums up false hope




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You're in the throne room! what are you waiting for him to turn his back? lol


I get your point but I feel this just drums up false hope






Maybe not so much for him to turn his back, but until you've gathered enough support for your cause to be able to exploit his death, rather than having some other random step up and fill the spot of the new big bad.


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Maybe not so much for him to turn his back, but until you've gathered enough support for your cause to be able to exploit his death, rather than having some other random step up and fill the spot of the new big bad.




Well, if you're a Sith........




Edited by typenine
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Well, if you're a Sith........






You still have to be able to take care of their army once you take him down before you can take over. You can't just assume that they'll all fall to their knees and follow you just because you killed their emperor. You have to be able to exploit the situation.


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You still have to be able to take care of their army once you take him down before you can take over. You can't just assume that they'll all fall to their knees and follow you just because you killed their emperor. You have to be able to exploit the situation.


Besides, Arcann was the one who initiated the whole war, I don't think killing Valkorion would really fix anything. Probably make things far worse since Arcann could rightfully claim the title of emperor and he's a lot more aggressive than Valkorion is.

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Theres 2 months until release its by far too late to ask for new faction or change pretty much anything about this expansion. I'm sorry but at this point no developer will say "hey look at this guy he's giving awesome ideas lets use some of them(actualy I'm not sure if any developer ever says that)" anyways my point is it's by far too late to change kofte Edited by Valantines
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Thanks for all the posts yeah but in truth, Even the Emperor is not a villain as he is just good from a different point of view which is what they talk about a lot in star wars, This guy being the awesomeness that he is i would love to join him even if he eats everything ya know? He can be a hero too, There really is no good or bad side or hero and villain in star wars just one perspective versus another and personally id side with the emperor (valk or vitiate) and i hope ya guys do too! I hope i don't force this option on people and people can have a choice, and it wouldn't be a third playable faction but just like if you

kept Jadus alive in the story and it changes it to where you serve him and not the other douches so


Yeah I hope to see a option to really join the Emperor and work for him and stuff as its just better that way I don't want to be allied with darth marr who is all jedi pro and lana who according to the facebook represents the friendly sith lord!

THAT IS ANTI STAR WARS, as friendly sith lord is a jedi or a weak sith that needs to die! just like ashara but um yeah i hope they give us the real choice to join them, I expect through geusing that they might and than they take it away and make us fight him anyways most likely in which case im done and its the biggest tease/lie on their part ever so i really hope i can fully join him, reguardless of the companion effects hell id kill all my companions to join him! but yeah please give us the chance to join him not as a third faction because im geusing the republic and sith might merge into one and become the outlanders that fight the eternal empire, And im also geusing that this would toltaly not be a third but a second faction as they already said no playable third faction somewhere in a cantina tour so i really hope they make this a second faction we can play as not like get new classes but it just changes the one big story and shows a new aspect of it i hope like fighting against the other guys as I would love to lead a army of zakuul knights since they look so great!

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PS. I do hope they realize that star wars isn't the good guys always win because in truth in my opinion had star wars 4 5 6 not been in the era it was made in where good always has to triumph over evil, I do believe the empire would have one including

The original script which actually had luke put on vaders helmet at the end of six but they took that part out!


but yeah i hope they do give us some actual real choices, as choices that just affect companions and yourself isn't a choice, a choice that affects how the entire story goes is a choice in my opinion and i do believe that the only way they can make a choice that meaningful is choosing sides! dark or light, light being marr and lana and the outlanders, Dark being the emperor!


Glory to the Emperor!

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Should I tell him?


I'm gonna tell him.






MAYBE HOPEFULLY What he meant by this is that theres no new mirror classes or you cant make a new character that is already allied with them, or the third faction or second faction isn't going to be like a actual faction when you join as there won't be like separate guards like imperial and republic or something along the lines of like not a toltal new faction to actually exclude you from the imperial or republic whatever you come from as that might unballence things but hopefully they give us the real choice to join without just turning a companion pissy, As to me thats bad writing, and storytelling and just false hopes to experience the real choices we could have and should have! but yeah if thats the case im toltaly done as that just ruins star wars in my opinion not to be a sourpuss but the good stuff gets old instantly and we need real choice to this matter as it literally can change the galaxy from each of our own story perspective! all in my opinion

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