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World of Warcraft Subs Down To 5.6 Million


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I'm still leveling my 'main' here in TOR, but I'm loving the story (the main reason I wanted to play a BioWare game)! The ability to level with just story missions has been a godsend! I'd be much further along already if I hadn't lost my keychain token in my recent house move, and could have logged into my old pre-order founder account, where my Shadow was already past Taris.


I would suggest calling customer service and trying to get that keyfob removed. that is if you are truly interested in getting your original account back. I'm very sure that you are not the only person to have lost a keyfob.

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I would suggest calling customer service and trying to get that keyfob removed. that is if you are truly interested in getting your original account back. I'm very sure that you are not the only person to have lost a keyfob.


As long as you remember the answers to your secret questions, they'll do it. When I came back, my account had the mobile authenticator attached but I was about 3 phones beyond the one the app was installed on. One call to customer service on my way home from work and I was able to access my account when I got home.

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I find it very hard to believe the numbers are that much both in the ups and downs. Not to mention that a good portion of it is gold farmers and bot programs.


This is all worsen by the fact that each server has lower capacity and if there wasn't X-realm almost every realm would be a ghost town. + All old and true Warcraft fans already left. All that is left is a mass of Tom, Dick and Harries similar to the population of facebook and League of Legends. A gray mass.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Perspective is a fascinating thing in this regard.


If on Nov. 22, 2004, the day before WoW launched, someone had told Blizzard "hey, in ten-and-a-half years, your MMO is going to have 5.6 Million people still playing it, it's going to hold a bigger portion of the marketshare than every other MMO on the market (by a significant margin), and it's going to have made over $800,000,000 in revenue over the previous year" ... well, they'd probably have thought those projections were so optimistic that they were flat-out ludicrous.


^ This post for the win... :)


Yep, that's it... It is sort of like arguing over Trump's net worth... is it $4 billion, $6 billion, or $10 billion?


Really, seriously, does it matter? :)

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I find it very hard to believe the numbers are that much both in the ups and downs. Not to mention that a good portion of it is gold farmers and bot programs.


This is all worsen by the fact that each server has lower capacity and if there wasn't X-realm almost every realm would be a ghost town. + All old and true Warcraft fans already left. All that is left is a mass of Tom, Dick and Harries similar to the population of facebook and League of Legends. A gray mass.

Not on Role Playing servers (where I am on the game). It's mostly just PvP realms that are dead.

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Hmm so what are the offering in the Legions expansion? I don't keep up with wow, but every now and again I check there forums. Sometimes I try to DL so I can play for free but their big blue Play button gets too intimidating. :p


I don't know anything about WoW, but this new Legions expansion is offering a new hero class (is that what it's called?). Demon Hunter I think it was, like the Death Knight in whatever expansion that released it. That's all I know.

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Hmm so what are the offering in the Legions expansion? I don't keep up with wow, but every now and again I check there forums. Sometimes I try to DL so I can play for free but their big blue Play button gets too intimidating. :p


you get anther character boost (which it seems how they are justifying higher cost of expansions nowadays), now continent.. or is it islands? demon hunters - could only be elves (though at least that makes sense in lore) and my personal "favorite" artifact weapons. becasue apparently not enough people were going for their legendary grinds even when they basically made them damn near required to do anything above spectator mode raids. there will be no new weapons in expansion. only artifact weapons. which you will be upgrading, likely through grindy activities - all through expansion. and they don't plan on catch up mechanic for alts either. becasue apparently "we don't want you to feel like you have to play alts" really means "we don't want you to play alts - at all"

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WoD is a bad expansion that cost more money and had less content than any prior expansion in history


Truly, this isn't quite right. Though ive never played WoW (downloading the game now to try it out) or their new expansion (Obviously), but im fairly certain SoR takes the cake for "Most money consuming, yet least content in history." phrase. I was quite frankly, shocked at how little content SoR contained. Actually, SoR's content was about on par with a small-medium update in LotR.


(bear in mind, I don't dislike SWTOR or I wouldn't be here; but I feel as if SoR didn't quite cut it as an expansion.)

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Truly, this isn't quite right. Though ive never played WoW (downloading the game now to try it out) or their new expansion (Obviously), but im fairly certain SoR takes the cake for "Most money consuming, yet least content in history." phrase. I was quite frankly, shocked at how little content SoR contained. Actually, SoR's content was about on par with a small-medium update in LotR.


(bear in mind, I don't dislike SWTOR or I wouldn't be here; but I feel as if SoR didn't quite cut it as an expansion.)


SoR was $20 and subscription is optional. WoD was $50, subscription mandatory. SoR had comparable amount of content to an average single player game DLC ( bear in mind also those 8 separate class mini quest chains). so did WoD... at 2.5 times the price.


either way, I'm pretty sure the person you quoted was referring to WoW expansions, not video game expansions in general


now. I'm not defending SoR - it WAS pretty sparse, all things considered. I'm just saying that WoD isn't even remotely defensible, even less defensible than SoR, given Blizzards higher budget AND higher prices.

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wow died to me after they nuked the world with cataclysm and that stupid dragon idea and ruined a lot of the beautiful places that were untouched for years.


I will never forgive them for ruining that game. Serves it right for subs dropping. Yes they have a lot, but the times of it being "king" are coming to an end.


Just like Arthas' dad. "No king rules forever my son..."

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you get anther character boost (which it seems how they are justifying higher cost of expansions nowadays), now continent.. or is it islands? demon hunters - could only be elves (though at least that makes sense in lore) and my personal "favorite" artifact weapons. becasue apparently not enough people were going for their legendary grinds even when they basically made them damn near required to do anything above spectator mode raids. there will be no new weapons in expansion. only artifact weapons. which you will be upgrading, likely through grindy activities - all through expansion. and they don't plan on catch up mechanic for alts either. becasue apparently "we don't want you to feel like you have to play alts" really means "we don't want you to play alts - at all"


Gah!! :eek: flashbacks of LOTRO weapons system... All of that sounds horrid!! Well guess the bigger they are the harder the Fail? ;)

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SoR was $20 and subscription is optional. WoD was $50, subscription mandatory. SoR had comparable amount of content to an average single player game DLC ( bear in mind also those 8 separate class mini quest chains). so did WoD... at 2.5 times the price.


either way, I'm pretty sure the person you quoted was referring to WoW expansions, not video game expansions in general


now. I'm not defending SoR - it WAS pretty sparse, all things considered. I'm just saying that WoD isn't even remotely defensible, even less defensible than SoR, given Blizzards higher budget AND higher prices.


Well put, I didn't consider budget differences.

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Gah!! :eek: flashbacks of LOTRO weapons system... All of that sounds horrid!! Well guess the bigger they are the harder the Fail? ;)


Good old LOTRO. A small part of me misses that game, but it just wasn't for me at the time since I was already into another MMO. I actually enjoyed the game on its day 1 release, still the best MMO launch I've ever seen (top 3 at least).

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Good old LOTRO. A small part of me misses that game, but it just wasn't for me at the time since I was already into another MMO. I actually enjoyed the game on its day 1 release, still the best MMO launch I've ever seen (top 3 at least).


Yeah it was a lot of fun.. Till legendary weapons happened, I sat in the shire off and on for two years farming the crit strawberry's to make Red Dye that sold for around 250-400Silver each. Was so relaxing, :)

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Oh yeah, LOTRO was also the first game I played where you could literally farm and make money. Don't know how it is now, but I remember in the beginning there was something you could craft for whatever craft skill that actually sold for a greater amount than the materials bought off a vendor to make it. So lots of people around farms going through the animation of planting seeds I think and running back and forth between the vendor. Laughed my *** off.


It was also the game in which I saw perhaps the most creative name I have ever seen... Legomyegolas.

Edited by Fireswraith
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Oh yeah, LOTRO was also the first game I played where you could literally farm and make money. Don't know how it is now, but I remember in the beginning there was something you could craft for whatever craft skill that actually sold for a greater amount than the materials bought off a vendor to make it. So lots of people around farms going through the animation of planting seeds I think and running back and forth between the vendor. Laughed my *** off.


It was also the game in which I saw perhaps the most creative name I have ever seen... Legomyegolas.


It was way easy to just go from, farm to vender to auction house just from there travel spells too once you got them from the store... I still have my accounts as well 2x lifetime and one is a founders... Also I am not sure they ever nerf'd the farming either... I have been tempted to go back and play but wholly it gets overwhelming pretty fast with how much of stuff they have, but it is all in what you are wanting to do, if just sitting around and crafting is your thing it's great.. But what I was told a few months back was they give EXP for farming now too, can go from level 1-100 and never leave the shire... :)

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wow died to me after they nuked the world with cataclysm and that stupid dragon idea and ruined a lot of the beautiful places that were untouched for years.


I will never forgive them for ruining that game. Serves it right for subs dropping. Yes they have a lot, but the times of it being "king" are coming to an end.


Just like Arthas' dad. "No king rules forever my son..."


Absolutely spot on. Whenever I got bored with end game I loved starting a new character, but all that died when they ruined all the most immersive zones in the game. I don't know why they did it. Levelling through those zones is what gave them so many subs in the first place.

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wow died to me after they nuked the world with cataclysm and that stupid dragon idea and ruined a lot of the beautiful places that were untouched for years.


I will never forgive them for ruining that game. Serves it right for subs dropping. Yes they have a lot, but the times of it being "king" are coming to an end.


Just like Arthas' dad. "No king rules forever my son..."


Absolutely spot on. Whenever I got bored with end game I loved starting a new character, but all that died when they ruined all the most immersive zones in the game. I don't know why they did it. Levelling through those zones is what gave them so many subs in the first place.




In other words the game died when it stopped being a MMO version of Warcraft 1/2/3. When it became it's own game with it's own story is started being horrible and streamlined. Cata,started it, the pandas absolutely ruined it. the lolololparaleluniverselololol WoD Horse **** was the final nail in the coffin. Reviving old dead characters just for the the sake of if ,cus after all the panda bears absolutely ruined WoW's ''soul'', just smells of desperation. These characters were supposed to stay dead and not ruin the image we had of them from books and the retro Warcraft games.


And now this resurrection of Illidan and a new hero class, just stinks of bad taste,platitudes and milking good old content, a mile away.


SWTOR have some faults, but in it's epicentre it still is a mmo version of KOTOR 1/2 which is why it's core is solid and not watered down.

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WoD is a travesty and Blizzard should be ashamed for it.


They STILL haven't returned Flying Mounts and the restrictions they put behind it are extremely lame and since they're getting away with it they'll make even tougher requirements and not release Flying for the next Expansion until its over and a new one is coming.


LIke WoD.


Garrisons are trash as well.


The lies and being lead on also contributed to my leaving and unless they make big changes, and give me Alliance High Elves, I will never sub for WoW nor buy a future expansion for them ever again.


This isn't early 2000s. I have options and Blizzard needs to accept the fact that the competition isn't as weak as it was and that players will leave for greener pastures if they keep acting as they have been.

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Well theres like 200 people left that play FFXI. Im supprised the servers are still up. That was a really good game till they came out with abyssia. Then the game sucked really bad after that. I tried to play ffiv but that was just horrible. Big let down for someone that preordered it two years in advance.

This game is a breath of fresh air. Seems like swtor learned how to incorporate some of the best elements in mmorps.

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Well theres like 200 people left that play FFXI. Im supprised the servers are still up. That was a really good game till they came out with abyssia. Then the game sucked really bad after that. I tried to play ffiv but that was just horrible. Big let down for someone that preordered it two years in advance.

This game is a breath of fresh air. Seems like swtor learned how to incorporate some of the best elements in mmorps.


FFXIV a let down? I find it to be a rather fun. Sure, not playing it right now, but that was more to do with terrible guild. :p

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Well I just downloaded Guild Wars 1 and in the process of installing Guild Wars 2, just getting bored a bit... Once you've done everything it seems the fun of daily grinding is Meh, why I am hoping the Scaling of FP really turns the replay ability around.. On a lighter note regarding GW 1 I really wish I knew how to do all the Halls of Monuments unlocks.. That would keep me busy for a long while :)
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Well I just downloaded Guild Wars 1 and in the process of installing Guild Wars 2, just getting bored a bit... Once you've done everything it seems the fun of daily grinding is Meh, why I am hoping the Scaling of FP really turns the replay ability around.. On a lighter note regarding GW 1 I really wish I knew how to do all the Halls of Monuments unlocks.. That would keep me busy for a long while :)
Well, in terms of content, the 3.0 cycle has been by far the weakest. There's only been 1 actual content patch - Ziost. And that's all between SOR and KOTFE. Obviously, considering how big KOTFE appears to be it's understandable they're extremly busy with it, but I have to wonder whether they shouldn't splice up resources at least a bit more to add another content patch in between. When you think of the 2.0 cycle with GSF, Strongholds, multiple brand new Operations, dailies/planets, events, companion, PVP arenas, Conquests etc, the was just a lot more to do.


Moot speculation at this stage anyway, KOTFE comes out in 7 weeks so nothing will change now. Hopefully it's big enough to make up for lack of content in previous months

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