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Starkiller outfits and lightsaber form


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Suggestions: offer starkiller outfits as adaptive armor for Jedi/Sith and also include the option for the starkiller lightsaber form. This would be a dream come true. (Also adding the new fallen empire twin outfits would be great too.)
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I feel like it's Bioware's fault for us wanting the lightsaber grip from Force Unleashed. If anyone can remember the old timeline videos, Revan is holding his lightsaber in the exact same way. It's kind of them hinting at something that would never come to fruition.


On this change being an intensive effort, I am curious if they were to essentially cut the double-bladed sabers in half and use the same animations - would this be that difficult? Even if you just gave it to Sages/Sorcerers, there would be very minimal effort and would even kind of fit the lore (Revan and Starkiller were both strong in combat and The Force, but The Force was kind of their 'thing.' It's The Force Unleashed, not 'Reverse Saber Unleashed.'). If it were even just these classes to receive it, they hold the sabers in the same way as their AC counterparts with double-blades - and furthermore, the thrash/saber strike animations already exist for a double-bladed saber (and this would just be erasing half).


Please do this, my solution is perfect.

Edited by TitusOfTides
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  • 3 weeks later...

Now I don't remember the form I saw this on but it really made me mad to hear this trash from a star killer fan boy .

"Starkiller is the best lightsaber combatant in the history of ever, and by all the gods above and below even with virtually no training, he's stronger in the Force than a hundred Yodas working in concert. " *** are you serious he got blasted by sideous ? Plus he never mastered one form of light saber combat , just using a little bit of each and mostly form 5 . But to say he's the best light saber user of All TIME shut the hell up that is stupid . I think yoda would be able to match star killer for ever force move and light saber combat . And if he fought someone like even general grievous he would have no defense in light saber combat to defend against the constant attacks. If he was not using his force ability of course .

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They wont add his outfit because SWTOR is 3000 years before him. And if they do add his outfit then that means we can get darth vaders outfit, princess leia slave outfit, han solo outfit, and every other outfit from the movies and everything else fro, the expanded universe Edited by Isaacone
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Now I don't remember the form I saw this on but it really made me mad to hear this trash from a star killer fan boy .

"Starkiller is the best lightsaber combatant in the history of ever, and by all the gods above and below even with virtually no training, he's stronger in the Force than a hundred Yodas working in concert. " *** are you serious he got blasted by sideous ? Plus he never mastered one form of light saber combat , just using a little bit of each and mostly form 5 . But to say he's the best light saber user of All TIME shut the hell up that is stupid . I think yoda would be able to match star killer for ever force move and light saber combat . And if he fought someone like even general grievous he would have no defense in light saber combat to defend against the constant attacks. If he was not using his force ability of course .

Dude you really should read posts more carefully. Both that guy and I have replied to you that quite the opposite was the case and he was just being facetious

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Though I'd love to see Galen Marek's outfit in game, it won't ever happen because LucasArts made the Force Unleashed games. Now, they could make a similarly styled outfit and 'reference' Starkiller, but we wouldn't ever get an identical look. As for his lightsaber form, it'd likely require too much time and resources to make all the additional animations for it; and like someone else previously posted, it'd open the flood gates for people to request addition form animations.


They wont add his outfit because SWTOR is 3000 years before him. And if they do add his outfit then that means we can get darth vaders outfit, princess leia slave outfit, han solo outfit, and every other outfit from the movies and everything else fro, the expanded universe


Now, I've got to disagree with you on this point, as the time span makes almost no difference for something as silly as a costume being added to the game. If you want to get down to it, Malgus' armor is very similar to Darth Vader's, and the Republic Slave Girl outfit is almost identical to Princess Leia's slave outfit. We've got similar outfits to movie characters abundant, but nothing identical due to copyright issues. Hell, the Republic Test Pilot Legacy gear looks very similar to the Rebel Alliance pilot's armor.

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