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No marriage?


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As far as I know, she is the only one who turns down a marriage proposal. As a player you can refuse to get married if you like (as a female you can reject a marriage proposal and as a guy you can refuse to ask), but Ashara is the only companion who turns YOU down.


Interestingly enough, you can still continue the romance with the other companions even if you don't want to marry them.

Edited by Yermog
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As far as I know, she is the only one who turns down a marriage proposal. As a player you can refuse to get married if you like (as a female you can reject a marriage proposal and as a guy you can refuse to ask), but Ashara is the only companion who turns YOU down.


Interestingly enough, you can still continue the romance with the other companions even if you don't want to marry them.


And they'll act like you want to be with them when you turn them down :/

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And they'll act like you want to be with them when you turn them down :/


Yeah... Makes me wonder if in the new expansion unmarried romances still refer to you as their husband/wife. I cannot wait to see all the videos that will come out of that. Maybe I should make a thread requesting everyone record their spouse fighting with Lana/Theron over them, since I was loyal to all my spouses.

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Yeah... Makes me wonder if in the new expansion unmarried romances still refer to you as their husband/wife. I cannot wait to see all the videos that will come out of that. Maybe I should make a thread requesting everyone record their spouse fighting with Lana/Theron over them, since I was loyal to all my spouses.


I was extremely disappointed with my spouse on that subject, actually. My main's a DPS so my healer husband (Doc) tags along - been with me the whole time, I never send him on crew skill missions (Treek's my sixth). Doc never batted an eye while my character made out with Lana three times. I was hoping for some reaction - jealousy, excitement, whatever. Got nothing. Hasn't even spoken about the relationship since he sent a letter talking about setting up a modular bedroom for us to get away from Rusk's nocturnal gun-cleaning habits or something.


It is, as I said, disappointing. It's like the relationship's been finalised, and there will never be any more interaction on the subject ever again, for better or worse. I'd really like to see BioWare step up their game and keep the relationships 'alive', so to speak.


My healer, on the other hand, hasn't romanced any of her companions, and is currently pursuing both Theran and Lana. I'll see how that goes : )

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It is, as I said, disappointing. It's like the relationship's been finalised, and there will never be any more interaction on the subject ever again, for better or worse. I'd really like to see BioWare step up their game and keep the relationships 'alive', so to speak.


Oh man, if they at least repeated what they did in DA:I where you could walk up to your LI at any time and even if there were no conversation options with them you could still ask to steal them away for a bit and kiss them. That'd be great.

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And they'll act like you want to be with them when you turn them down :/


ughghghg... Don't remind me about Lieutenant Felix "codependent" Iresso.


Yeah... Makes me wonder if in the new expansion unmarried romances still refer to you as their husband/wife. I cannot wait to see all the videos that will come out of that. Maybe I should make a thread requesting everyone record their spouse fighting with Lana/Theron over them, since I was loyal to all my spouses.


Most romances don't actually go any further than being engaged, though. Only a couple are really married:


  • Female BH/Torian are married under Mandalorian law, but who knows if that's legal anywhere else?
  • Male BH/Mako are married legally (Mako slices the Imperial/Republic marriage registries and adds your names), but they haven't had a ceremony.
  • Male Warrior/Vette are married socially (they have a little private ceremony on the Fury) but not legally. Incidentally, I also forgot that Vette is the one to propose - and that's she's surprisingly kinky.
  • Male Smuggler/Risha is arguable. They could be technically married under Dubrillion law
    since Risha is the Queen-in-exile
    but they're not married under Republic law.
  • Male Smuggler/Akaavi are, like Female BH/Torian, married under Mandalorian law.


But that's it, IIRC.


Illo dicto, I'm pretty sure they're still allowed to throw a royal fit in KOTFE when they find out you've been knocking boots on Makeb/Yavin IIII.

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Male Warrior and Dark Jaesa also marry.


Most of them can be argued that they DO it just happens in a fade to black after the proposal.


She calls him husband, but they don't actually marry. That's the same for a lot of the romances.


Fade to black isn't marriage, though. That's "OMG YOU PROPOSED, I'M PUTTING OUT RIGHT NOW!"

Edited by Diviciacus
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ughghghg... Don't remind me about Lieutenant Felix "codependent" Iresso.




Most romances don't actually go any further than being engaged, though. Only a couple are really married:


  • Female BH/Torian are married under Mandalorian law, but who knows if that's legal anywhere else?
  • Male BH/Mako are married legally (Mako slices the Imperial/Republic marriage registries and adds your names), but they haven't had a ceremony.
  • Male Warrior/Vette are married socially (they have a little private ceremony on the Fury) but not legally. Incidentally, I also forgot that Vette is the one to propose - and that's she's surprisingly kinky.
  • Male Smuggler/Risha is arguable. They could be technically married under Dubrillion law
    since Risha is the Queen-in-exile
    but they're not married under Republic law.
  • Male Smuggler/Akaavi are, like Female BH/Torian, married under Mandalorian law.


But that's it, IIRC.


Illo dicto, I'm pretty sure they're still allowed to throw a royal fit in KOTFE when they find out you've been knocking boots on Makeb/Yavin IIII.


I've never seen anything stating a Mandalorian marriage wouldn't be legal in the Republic/Empire, so it probably is.


Actually, male Warrior and Vette are married legally--they go arrange it according to Twi'lek customs. I don't know if that would hold water in an Imperial court (because he's Sith and what he says goes) or not (because of Imperial racism), but I'm inclined to say yes (because he's Sith).


Male Consular and Nadia also get married according to Sarkhai law, and it's not a secret on the ship at least--Tharan's implied to know about it, and Qyzen flat-out says he does.


Both the Troopers fill out the necessary requisition forms so they can marry Aric/Elara, iirc, but I'm not sure if that's actually them getting a "field marriage" or just an engagement.


You're right on the money with everyone else, though.

Edited by Abvora
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Yeah... Makes me wonder if in the new expansion unmarried romances still refer to you as their husband/wife. I cannot wait to see all the videos that will come out of that. Maybe I should make a thread requesting everyone record their spouse fighting with Lana/Theron over them, since I was loyal to all my spouses.


I...will have a lot of footage to contribute to that thread >_<


Hey if my spouses didn't want me having affairs with Theron they should have said something, they were standing right there!

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I would presume the Empire/Republic would recognize a marriage under Mandalorian law under normal circumstances. I'm pretty sure as long as a marriage is legally valid somewhere on Earth that it's legally valid everywhere. That would be the best analogue.


Being married through a Twi'lek ceremony isn't legally binding, though. I don't know what the law is where you live, but in Canada, even a christian wedding isn't legal unless a marriage certificate is signed (which is what I meant by being socially married). But it's hard to say for the legality of it; we see so little of the Imperial legal system beyond "might makes right" and the punishment for virtually everything is death.


I did not know about male Consular, though. I'm not going to lie, male Consular voice is so bad I couldn't even watch the youtube vid of the Nadia romance.


I don't know about the Aric romance since I didn't sit through all 30 minutes of the youtube vid; just watched the last five for the marriage bit and it's an engagement (although Aric does talk about wanting to have the ceremony on Ithor). I remember the form you're talking about, though. It's an application to have their relationship acknowledged and assented to by command - but that's long before Elara proposes to the Male Trooper (or the other way around, depending on what conversation option you take). I'm not sure, but I think it's even before they start sleeping together.

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Odd I don't remember a ceremony on the ship with Vette.


I am just trying to figure out Kaliyo or Ranna, but if they both marry I think I will go with temple.


As for the other stuff, yes I wish there was more, romance, kiss, romance shag, romance propose, romance marriage, get married, get a few gifts, the end, ever talk to each other again.


I too wish there was something like DAO where you could still sort of talk to them, or like skyrim can't remember if it was a mod, but I remember being able to get married, and adopt a kid, give it toys, play games with it.


The current marriage system is kind of a warped view of what it is like in real life.

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Odd I don't remember a ceremony on the ship with Vette.


I am just trying to figure out Kaliyo or Ranna, but if they both marry I think I will go with temple.


As for the other stuff, yes I wish there was more, romance, kiss, romance shag, romance propose, romance marriage, get married, get a few gifts, the end, ever talk to each other again.


I too wish there was something like DAO where you could still sort of talk to them, or like skyrim can't remember if it was a mod, but I remember being able to get married, and adopt a kid, give it toys, play games with it.


The current marriage system is kind of a warped view of what it is like in real life.

Well people marry in Vegas also so there is that.

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Most romances don't actually go any further than being engaged, though. Only a couple are really married:


  • Female BH/Torian are married under Mandalorian law, but who knows if that's legal anywhere else?
  • Male BH/Mako are married legally (Mako slices the Imperial/Republic marriage registries and adds your names), but they haven't had a ceremony.
  • Male Warrior/Vette are married socially (they have a little private ceremony on the Fury) but not legally. Incidentally, I also forgot that Vette is the one to propose - and that's she's surprisingly kinky.
  • Male Smuggler/Risha is arguable. They could be technically married under Dubrillion law
    since Risha is the Queen-in-exile
    but they're not married under Republic law.
  • Male Smuggler/Akaavi are, like Female BH/Torian, married under Mandalorian law.


But that's it, IIRC.


Illo dicto, I'm pretty sure they're still allowed to throw a royal fit in KOTFE when they find out you've been knocking boots on Makeb/Yavin IIII.


You missed one- when Doc proposes to a female JK and she accepts, he brings out a ceremony droid that marries them on the spot. You could argue that you see Torian and the femBH get married as well, since all that a Mandalorian marriage consists of is basically the two people exchanging vows with each other.


But a lot of the messages you get after the whole proposal scene seems to imply that you are, in fact, married. Like Malavai Quinn's message about how now that he and the SW are married they get stuff from the Empire. I always assumed that for purposes of the game, the couple in question just got off at the next port, found an official/droid to marry them, and went on with things as usual. I've been working under the assumption that my toons are actually married.

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Are the JK and Kira Carsen married I did not saw a ceremony or something like that they did talked about marriage with each other then went and fulfilled their lust again and again and again. My question is what is their relationship?
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Male Consular and Nadia also get married according to Sarkhai law, and it's not a secret on the ship at least--Tharan's implied to know about it, and Qyzen flat-out says he does and the marriage between Nadia and Male Consular is legal according to Sarkhai law thought the jedi council might not be happy about that.
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