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Where does Outlander leave other 7 guys?


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So, until now we had 2 tipes of story content. Class missions were unique, while shared stories were created with possiblity of teamwork in mind. You were alway able to believe that your entire legacy participated, at least partially, in all of the content.


Now we have THE ONE hero. What happens to others?

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In all likelihood they die to make things simple. I don't mind that so much, but I am kind of sad that they're going to automatically make all Republic toons lightsided and all Imp toons darksided; it kind of ruins my whole legacy story I had going on.
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In all likelihood they die to make things simple. I don't mind that so much, but I am kind of sad that they're going to automatically make all Republic toons lightsided and all Imp toons darksided; it kind of ruins my whole legacy story I had going on.


Only the new starting at 60 ones. So, don't make an auto 60. :p


To the OP, they could or could not be around, but in the scheme of things, they're not THE HERO. So, whoever you're playing at that moment, is the HERO.

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I like to think that, with the exception of the Hunter and Smuggler, they're all fighting the Eternal Empire in their own way. It's just not on-screen and not as "big" as what the Outlander's doing.


Agent: Undercover infiltration, sabotage, seduction, and assassination. The usual.


Warrior + Trooper + Knight: Fighting on the front lines somewhere.


Consular + Inquisitor: Rallying the surviving Jedi/Sith as one of the few surviving Council members, or off digging up artifacts.


Hunter and Smuggler are off doing their own money-centered thing.



That said, Bioware's probably going to have them be dead in-game for convenience's sake, which makes me sad.

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I like to think that, with the exception of the Hunter and Smuggler, they're all fighting the Eternal Empire in their own way. It's just not on-screen and not as "big" as what the Outlander's doing.


Agent: Undercover infiltration, sabotage, seduction, and assassination. The usual.


Warrior + Trooper + Knight: Fighting on the front lines somewhere.


Consular + Inquisitor: Rallying the surviving Jedi/Sith as one of the few surviving Council members, or off digging up artifacts.


Hunter and Smuggler are off doing their own money-centered thing.



That said, Bioware's probably going to have them be dead in-game for convenience's sake, which makes me sad.


Depending on how you see the Hunter and the Smuggler in terms of morality.

My own Hunter, if not the Outlander, would accept to fight the Eternal Empire, most likely by targeting important individuals, if she is offered a sufficent pay (And she is LS so... She would be in even without a big pay. She'll want to preserve her main client, the Empire, from destruction.)

As for the Smuggler, he/she can easily be an extremely patriotic privateer, meaning he'd most likely fight the Eternal Empire in his own way. They are bad for business and he may still have what remains of Rogun's gang and the pirate fleet taken from the Voidwolf.

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In my head canon they'll all be captured at the same time and imprisoned. The Eternal Empire will launch attack on all of them, knowing that they're holding the factions together. My Warrior or Inquisitor will probably be the Outlander. The other characters are spread out during the rescue mission and remain captured. I'm going to find a way to explain Kira being around with Lana during the beginning of the rescue, but leaves as soon as they start freeing a Sith Lord. She chases after the knight and frees him. They work together against the Eternal Empire in different ways from the Outlander and also try to secure the galaxy because it will have been a Sith Lord who saves them (I'm going to find a way to explain Kira's possible appearance in the expansion). Over time they free the other Republic heroes and Cipher 9 (him and the Jedi attempted an escape early on). They all begin working together. That isn't a great explanation, but it's something off the top of my head.
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I came back from a long break and I am confused about this, I have a main then other alt characters at different levels. If my main character becomes the Outlander what about the other characters will we be able to play the other characters and level them and if so will we be able to take the other characters thru this new expansion as an Outlander as well or no we won't be able to do that. Me I would like to take all of my characters through the new expansion and have them as the outlander as well
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I came back from a long break and I am confused about this, I have a main then other alt characters at different levels. If my main character becomes the Outlander what about the other characters will we be able to play the other characters and level them and if so will we be able to take the other characters thru this new expansion as an Outlander as well or no we won't be able to do that. Me I would like to take all of my characters through the new expansion and have them as the outlander as well


Yes, you will be able to play through the Outlander story with the other characters as well.

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Yes, you will be able to play through the Outlander story with the other characters as well.


thanks for that, I was wondering if I was going to be screwed on my other characters but that clarifies things now thank you

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I don't know why there's the whole darkside choices for imp lightside for republic, considering the choices half the time are more idiotic choices vs intelligent choices with occasionally legitimate dark vs light choices.


As for the others, they're either dead as some have said or it'll continue on as they're there as well like in everything up to this expansion. Outlander may just be a title given to outsiders of the Infinite Empire and the Jedi from the trailer is just trying to make the title his own.

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head canon:


my female smuggler would likely sell out the empire and republic if it meant big rewards, then stab the eternal throne in the back afterwards in the chaos by assassinating arcann and the emperor.


but before that she would be in command of a massive pirate fleet raiding eternal empire, republic and empire supply lines in all the chaos of war, suddenly all those pirate ships start exploding and the smuggler leaves the main ship to its fate as she jumps out, the command ship is locked in auto pilot with hundreds of crewmen on board, none of them know the ship is just one giant bomb. the bomb takes out 3/4 of the eternal fleet in the process and the rest are virtually crippled. she is captured on her way to a smuggler haven at port nowhere when that station was obliterated, along with its massive fleet of ships by the eternal empire.


anything that advances her, she will take regardless of other considerations. shes as beautiful as she is dangerous, she is cunning, very smart, creul and most importantly a profit monger and proud of it. a true pirate if ever there was one.


wonder how someone like that will save the galaxy? :p



My inquisitor is entirely empire focused, very serious in his role as a dark council member, allied with Darth Marr.

Still very much ambitious but not to the point of maiming other sith any more although with the trapped ghosts within, the other council members do not have much of a chance against that type of power, with his massive fleet and his cause, hes been a busy boy all over the galaxy as his position has become one that is usually filled by Darth Marr, a leader. totally unphased by the extra demand placed on him to lead.


While out touring a facility, the inquistior is captured and flung into a shuttle bound for the eternal empire. but it was one hell of a fight, a hopeless fight despite the appaling losses the eternal empire took trying to get the dark council member, almost a mound of dead bodies, hundreds of dead soldiers.


my inquisitor would never willingly help the republic, even if its on its knees begging to be saved.


lets see what this outlander story does for those types of character types.

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