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No news from the Cantina yet?


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1. no change to fleet but a new important location

2. stock up crafting mats, there is a big change coming to crew skills

3. BW can not say for now, what companions can be killed.


No walker and no open flight , that is just a bad google translation.

Edited by Neglience
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1. no change to fleet but a new important location

2. stock up crafting mats, there is a big change coming to crew skills

3. BW can not say for now, what companions can be killed.


No walker and no open flight , that is just a bad google translation.


Ha, spoke too soon! Keep the info coming!

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1. no change to fleet but a new important location

2. stock up crafting mats, there is a big change coming to crew skills

3. BW can not say for now, what companions can be killed.


No walker and no open flight , that is just a bad google translation.

1. So the same old tired fleets being the "face" of the game for most players. Bad move

2. Why would we stock up unless they're making it even more annoying to obtain mats...?

3. So they abandoned PVE free space and have no plans to bring it back.


To sum up: so far the cantina is nothing but disappointing/bad looking news

Edited by Pietrastor
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1. no change to fleet but a new important location

2. stock up crafting mats, there is a big change coming to crew skills

3. BW can not say for now, what companions can be killed.


No walker and no open flight , that is just a bad google translation.


Hmm. Important location, Rishi Maze hub?

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1. So the same old tired fleets being the "face" of the game for most players. Bad move

2. Why would we stock up unless they're making it even more annoying to obtain mats...?

3. So they abandoned PVE free space and have no plans to bring it back.


To sum up: so far the cantina is nothing but disappointing/bad looking news

In your opinion, of course, don't forget that part. Just because you think it's disappointing or "bad" doesn't make it so.
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In your opinion, of course, don't forget that part. Just because you think it's disappointing or "bad" doesn't make it so.

Does he really need to spell out that it's his opinion when he authored the post you quoted? Who else's did you think it might be?

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1. So the same old tired fleets being the "face" of the game for most players. Bad move

2. Why would we stock up unless they're making it even more annoying to obtain mats...?

3. So they abandoned PVE free space and have no plans to bring it back.


To sum up: so far the cantina is nothing but disappointing/bad looking news


Maybe the now worthless crafting mats will be of use.

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Does he really need to spell out that it's his opinion when he authored the post you quoted? Who else's did you think it might be?


I (meaning the person who is writing this comment) have (as in experiencing) big (not literally big, but as excessive) issue with you (As in TUXs), your comment (what you wrote above) was a slap in the face (not a literal one, but a metaphorical one).

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I (meaning the person who is writing this comment) have (as in experiencing) big (not literally big, but as excessive) issue with you (As in TUXs), your comment (what you wrote above) was a slap in the face (not a literal one, but a metaphorical one).

Well done sir! I offer my humblest apologies for slapping you in the face...well...not really slapping you, metaphorically slapping you, cuz if I really did slap you, I'd probably be facing assault charges...:eek:

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We got the "gameplay" trailer ... without ......... the gameplay ... eh ... but ... we got, wat was promised ... minus ... the gameplay ... so what else are you waiting for? There is nothig to see, move along, move along!


Bioware is good at delivering...they always deliver nothing...lots of it.

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I (meaning the person who is writing this comment) have (as in experiencing) big (not literally big, but as excessive) issue with you (As in TUXs), your comment (what you wrote above) was a slap in the face (not a literal one, but a metaphorical one).


I'm so offended by this post.

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Starting to sound like this Cantina trip was a bust.


Anybody even get something good in the free in game container this time around? Or was it new colors for the same old crap?


sorry the free digital stuff offends you, feel free to not open it, or just delete it outright, or not even activate the code to begin with.

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Starting to sound like this Cantina trip was a bust.


Anybody even get something good in the free in game container this time around? Or was it new colors for the same old crap?

Good thing it's a bust for you, I don't have an issue with what has or hasn't been said.
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There wasn't a lot of information but Valcorion's voice actor is extremely talented and entertaining!

His performance on stage was awesome and he is such a nice person!


It was real fun but if you're looking for information on the expansion you'll be disappointed.


Nice detail from the trailer: Valcorion smiles when attacked by Arcann (which is barely visible due to the beard) and in the first scene he looks at Arcann (after they were born).


If I understood that correctly.

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