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Windows 10 -- SWTOR testimonals.


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You get the option to opt-out of those, you can turn off the privacy stuff, it stops your PC from sending the information to MS, so technically you're a bit wrong.


Did you read the links? There are instructions on a couple of those articles on how to do just that.



Wait a sec - I'll go grab you a tin-foil hat and a straight-jacket.


Yes, yes, making informed decisions is paranoid, we know.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Apparently I'm one of the few that had issues. Game played fine mostly. However, even after updating all the drivers, the game would freeze for anywhere from 2-3 seconds to 45-60 seconds or more. Went back to Windows 7 and have had no issues since. Guess Ill be one of the ones waiting it out a bit longer.
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Wait a sec - I'll go grab you a tin-foil hat and a straight-jacket.


He actually linked some decent articles. None of the articles are anti-upgrade or misinformation. They simply provide lists of considerations a user should be aware of before they upgrade so they can make the decision with more grounded expectations.

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Yes, yes, making informed decisions is paranoid, we know.


The problem is the alarmist tone of many of those articles, along with the block-o-dangerlinks that you posted them in.


The privacy concerns with Win10 are minimal. Most of the people crying about it are being hyper-paranoid, or following stereotypical advice ("The first version always has bugs!") without actually justifying the conclusion.


The various "X Reasons to Not Upgrade" read as lists of rare use cases and vague worries, but have headlines that suggest that everyone should find them interesting. I'm sure there are some people out there with really old printers. Most people do not. A more realistic title would be: "X Rare Circumstances That Might Make You Wait Before Upgrading". Of course... that's not nearly click-baity enough.


But the best is your link about Win10 not being free: "It's not free! You'll still have to pay for it.... if you buy a new PC.... just like every PC sold with windows.... which isn't at all what people are asking about ... but I wanted to be alarmist because scared people are more likely to click and generate ad revenue, so.... IT'S NOT FREE!"


There's nothing any more worrisome about Win10 than Win8. WiFi Sense is a weird technology that probably should have been a little better thought out, but I doubt that practical exploits of it are ever going to be common.


Overall, there's very little to be worried about with Win10, especially since its not much more than an iteration on Win8.1 that is trying so desperately to distances itself from the Win8 name that it skipped Win9 altogether. Internally, they are very similar... similar enough that the worries over bugginess are much reduced. I suspect the bulk of bugs will be UI related... since that is where the bulk of the changes actually are.

Edited by Malastare
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Apparently I'm one of the few that had issues. Game played fine mostly. However, even after updating all the drivers, the game would freeze for anywhere from 2-3 seconds to 45-60 seconds or more. Went back to Windows 7 and have had no issues since. Guess Ill be one of the ones waiting it out a bit longer.


Did you update all your chipset drivers?

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SWTOR running better on Windows 10, particularly on my laptop, which is almost playing it better than my desktop (even though there is about a 2k point difference on the two cards benchmarks - interesting to say the least). Both are clean Win 10 installs on mid-range SSDs, with Win 10 compatible drivers.
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I think you should just do it. The vast vast majority of people who have installed it have no problems, including myself. Also, there is an option to revert to your previous windows if things aren't working. When 10s of millions of people install a piece of software there's always going to be outliers that have problems who go on the internet to tell everyone about their problem while the people that had no problems remain silent, cause there's nothing to say. This makes it seem like there's more problems than there actually are.


Or the Fact that they most likely don't know much about Computers.:rolleyes:

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I would like to thank everyone for their replies, & I will likely be upgrading in the near future. On a side note, I'm thinking about updating my GF's Laptop as well, however, it's an older machine. Do you think Win10 would bog it down? It's been my experience in the past that new operating systems on older machines don't work well.
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Or the Fact that they most likely don't know much about Computers.:rolleyes:


i can agree with this somewhat. but just because millions of people have taken the free ride, does not mean the ride is all that comfortable.


some of us just don't see the reason. my comp runs swtor just fine. never had any problems (knock on wood). the performance upgrades are minimal for me. i am not a cloud based individual. i have never put anything there intentionally. i do not want to search the store or the internet when i am looking for things on my computer, i just do not care what some other person thinks i may want. if i wanted to look at the store to buy something, i would have set it up in the first place. if i needed the internett to look up what a program, or whatever it is i am looking up, does, i would have opened my browser. i have zero use for live tiles. there is nothing i need or want that can be displayed there that i don't have in my favorites.


beyond that, i want to see exactly how the "apps" are running. if they act like they do on the tablets/phones, i want nothing to do with it. there are several that i have changed, and every time that i have to turn off my phone i have to go back and reset those settings. not only that, they ignore much of what i say. i turn them off, they ignore me. i tell them not to collect data, they ignore me.i do not want that on my computer as well and want to see if that is the kind of behavior i can expect from the new setup.


anyway, there are legitimate reasons to wait and see what is going to happen, beyong the normal "what will the hackers be able to do in the first 6 months of release" that you have to worry about with any new os.

Edited by kingshaneo
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i can agree with this somewhat. but just because millions of people have taken the free ride, does not mean the ride is all that comfortable.


some of us just don't see the resaon. my comp runs swtor just fine. never had any problms (knock on wood). the performance upgrades are minimal for me. i am not a cloud based individual. i have never put anything there intentionally. i do not want to search the store or the internet when i am looking for things on my computer, i just do not care what some other person thinks i may want. if i wanted to look at the store to buy something, i would have set it up in the first place. if i needed the internett to look up what a program, or whatever it is i am looking up, does, i would have opened my browser. i have zero use for live tiles. there is nothing i need or want that can be displayed there that i don't have in my favorites.


beyond that, i want to see exactly how the "apps" are running. if they act like they do on the tablets/phones, i want nothing to do with it. there are several that i have changed, and everytime that i have to turn off my phone i have to go back and reset those settings. not only that, they ignore much of what i say. i turn them off, they ignore me. i tell them not to collect data, they ignore me.i do not want that on my computer as well and want to see if that is the kind of behavior i can expect from the new setup.


anyway, there are legitimate reasons to wait and see whst is going to happen, beyong the normal "what will the hackers be able to do in the first 6 months of release" that you have to worry about with any new os.


Well said.

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I have been using Windows 10 for a while now. There are issues - mostly with Firefox and Netflix. I haven't tried Chrome, I got the app instead. If I watch Netflix while browsing the internet my RAM usage will shoot to 99% and stay that way after I close Firefox running a high usage on my system.exe application. I have 8 gigs of 1866mhz (dual-channel). When this happens, I get major frame skipping in SWTOR until I restart my computer.


Also, the CPU usage of running SWTOR is increased for some reason. I turn up my system fans and heatsink fan as high as possible and it isn't an issue.


I run the game at highest settings on i5-4590 and 970 GTX.


It will not give you a performance increase and runs on higher usage - at least on ultra.

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If I were you I would wait a month before upgrading. A friend from Skyforge upgrade his system to Windows 10 and it broke his computer. He reinstalled windows 8.1. Window 10 is very buggy, I would wait till most of the bugs are found before installing it on my main machine.


Absolutely false information. Do you work for Apple? Windows 10 is miles and days better than Windows 7, not to mention the garbage 8 and 8.1. Not all third party apps are supported yet, this is a 3rd party app issue and not a Windows 10 issue. SWTOR runs fine on Windows 10.

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