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Easy fix to the awful move that is Force Melt/Rend


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Just throwing this out there as food for thought. I'm sure the majority of the sent/mara is at near consensus that this move is a downright bore and really takes away from the fun of the rotation. SO, what if we requested it be treated like the T-K/Lighting DoT and just have it reapplied upon use of a certain ability?


Think about it, we just have to use that stupid move once and we can forget about it entirely. That gives us a free GCD every 2-3 Merciless/Anni windows, meaning we can just reapply Rup/Caut right after Merciless/Anni, ALSO meaning we have two free filler abilities in a row as it was before, taking us nearly back to a 2.10ish model. Welcome back Ravage/Master Strike :D


DoTspreading and general focus/rage management just got easier too. Instead of having to weasel in an energy builder between the core rotation and procced D/TSTs, now we have two turns to set things right before the next big Merciless/Anni window or Sweep/Smash.


So, would it be too much of a stretch to make this a thing? Of course damage values would need some adjustment to account for the huge DPS boost upon having an extra GCD every 4 moves, but I feel this would be a good thing all around for Annihilation and Watchman. That said I feel that as a pure melee dps class we should have the greatest dps potential in the game amidst all the additional craptastic mechanics we get to deal with, amIright? High risk, high reward has always been our MO and right now we're not seeing much reward for playing this class in any arena of the game. That could very much change with something like this though!

Edited by Trogusaurus
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Just throwing this out there as food for thought. I'm sure the majority of the sent/mara is at near consensus that this move is a downright bore and really takes away from the fun of the rotation. SO, what if we requested it be treated like the T-K/Lighting DoT and just have it reapplied upon use of a certain ability?


Think about it, we just have to use that stupid move once and we can forget about it entirely. That gives us a free GCD every 2-3 Merciless/Anni windows, meaning we can just reapply Rup/Caut right after Merciless/Anni, ALSO meaning we have two free filler abilities in a row as it was before, taking us nearly back to a 2.10ish model. Welcome back Ravage/Master Strike :D


DoTspreading and general focus/rage management just got easier too. Instead of having to weasel in an energy builder between the core rotation and procced D/TSTs, now we have two turns to set things right before the next big Merciless/Anni window or Sweep/Smash.


So, would it be too much of a stretch to make this a thing? Of course damage values would need some adjustment to account for the huge DPS boost upon having an extra GCD every 4 moves, but I feel this would be a good thing all around for Annihilation and Watchman. That said I feel that as a pure melee dps class we should have the greatest dps potential in the game amidst all the additional craptastic mechanics we get to deal with, amIright? High risk, high reward has always been our MO and right now we're not seeing much reward for playing this class in any arena of the game. That could very much change with something like this though!


Just for the record, I am a Carnage user. I have however leveled a Marauder into end game with Annihilation but eventually gave it up as I found it simply slow as a box of elephants and lacking in grace. Just a question of taste. I recognize that most Marauders seem to chose Annihilation.


Bleeds represent a potent aspect of Anni's DPS. I've seen posts regarding bleed application being tied to DST (TST). Personally, I think it's a bit OP. It would effectively make it so the Anni Mara had a virtual constant range attack and would not ever need to be within melee range to apply and reapply bleeds. That's not "high risk/high reward". All bleeds tied to a range attack that effectively over comes the "melee unfriendly" mechanics maras face seems a little unfair to the other 2 specs IMO. I recognize Anni needs some love, but it doesn't need love in the form of more DPS. It already has the highest single target DPS in the longer fights.


Your idea, while not the same as the aforementioned has the same end result however. The thing that makes a bleed not over baring is the fact that it needs to be reapplied, the more seamlessly the bleed is reapplied the better its effects to DPS. A one time initial bleed attack that doesn't need to be reapplied after it's first application that continues to function seemlessly is OP in my opinion. If TK/Lightning DoT works in this fashion, I think that is OP as well.


The animations for rapture and force rend clearly show them being melee attacks. Ranged bleed attacks should be for ranged DPS. Melee DPS should have to be "on top" of their opponents for their most vital attacks. If you remove the need for that, the whole argument that Maras should be doing more DPS than ranged because of the necessity to be up in the enemies face and the melee unfriendly mechanics often present goes out the window.


I cannot argue the logic behind the suggestions. They would be a great boon to annihilation users. Who wouldn't want those ideas put into practice? It'd be awesome. Simply stated, it would be vastly unfair to the other specs, making them even more sub-par as choices. No group would ever want to take anything other than an Anni Marauder because of their ranged potence improvement/ one time application and than constant DoT.


With things as they stand now, any bump in DPS for Marauders (which they absolutely should have and deserve) should equally applied to ALL 3 specs or none at all, and said bump should be identical in it's DPS % raise. . It would be down right wrong if only one or 2 specs got a DPS bump but not the other(s).


In closing and this is just a general comment, I don't think that Marauders should have their ranged abilities improved unless it is a reversion to an earlier form that used to be in play (pre-3.0). Improvements/additions should only be introduced in the realm of melee. Marauders are Melee DPS. Our ranged attacks should be weaker than our melee attacks and sub par to rDPS. - Lastly, I could not agree with you more, mDPS should have the highest DPS potential in the game. Marauders in particular should have the highest DPS potential of all the melee classes as it is the only pure-DPS [melee DPS class.]. After all, if you're shooting lightning out of your finger tips half the time and dropping death fields at range, not exactly what one thinks of when they think of a melee combatant.


Here's to all the specs getting their just due in 4.0. Marauder or bust!

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Bring back the skill point system that was around when level 50 was cap. Have the skill points the same amount as it was when 50 was cap (reguardless of what the new level cap will be when the expansion/ and future expansions will be).


Return marauders to their former glory (but before hutt cartel). In this era, all 3 marauder specs were viable, were fun, and played in a unique fashion from the others!


After doing so, buff other classes- (without touching marauders) and go from there.


Marauders currently just dont flow as well as they once did. Sure theres the arguement that good players make this class exceptional... But the average populace of marauder players straight up bang their heads against a brick wall trying to make this class even remotelly playable- and I doubt this is a fun experience for them.


As a canage player, i have to rely heavilly on gore ravage windows... I miss the days where everything revolved around massacre (which was my specs ultimate abilty). Honestly ravage.... All sith warriors have access to that ability... Why is that key to my spec?


But I know... What I am asking for is a pipe dream, because when it comes to bioware, all our cries fall upon deaf ears...

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The thing that makes a bleed not over baring is the fact that it needs to be reapplied, the more seamlessly the bleed is reapplied the better its effects to DPS. A one time initial bleed attack that doesn't need to be reapplied after it's first application that continues to function seemlessly is OP in my opinion. If TK/Lightning DoT works in this fashion, I think that is OP as well.


The animations for rapture and force rend clearly show them being melee attacks. Ranged bleed attacks should be for ranged DPS. Melee DPS should have to be "on top" of their opponents for their most vital attacks. If you remove the need for that, the whole argument that Maras should be doing more DPS than ranged because of the necessity to be up in the enemies face and the melee unfriendly mechanics often present goes out the window.


Tactics Vanugard's Gut Bleed gets reapplied by High Impact Bolt which is a 30m attack. On a melee class.


Meaning: Though one could follow your line of reasoning, Devs obviously don't do on other ACs. Thus I wouldn't rule out the idea of having Melt/Rend reapplied, as it indeed would help a lot and bring Anni in line with other DPS specs.

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Tactics Vanugard's Gut Bleed gets reapplied by High Impact Bolt which is a 30m attack. On a melee class.


Meaning: Though one could follow your line of reasoning, Devs obviously don't do on other ACs. Thus I wouldn't rule out the idea of having Melt/Rend reapplied, as it indeed would help a lot and bring Anni in line with other DPS specs.


Just to clear a bit, we are talking about 2 burst specs here. Both Weaken Mind and Gut are more of a utility tools then actual damage sources for them. WM makes Turbulance autocrit. Gut passively increases damage and makes energy regeneration a bit less of a pain. That's why autorefresh on them.


I'm really unfamiliar with Anni mara. But i'm pretty sure that Devs believe Melt/Rend to be major damage sources. That's why they probably won't do that.

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Just to clear a bit, we are talking about 2 burst specs here. Both Weaken Mind and Gut are more of a utility tools then actual damage sources for them. WM makes Turbulance autocrit. Gut passively increases damage and makes energy regeneration a bit less of a pain. That's why autorefresh on them.


I'm really unfamiliar with Anni mara. But i'm pretty sure that Devs believe Melt/Rend to be major damage sources. That's why they probably won't do that.


I'm aware of the underlying burst spec vs. sustained spec issue and that dot refresh is currently a burst spec element only.


And Melt/Rend is admittedly one of the top damage contributors, but in current Anni/WM the three bleeds and Merciless/Annihlate are very close in dps (one reason why it plays so clunky <- no obvious priorities).


BUT: Either way I'm pretty sure all Anni/WM would be perfectly fine with taking a significant amount of damage away from Melt/Rend, if that's the price for cleaning up the mess of the rotation the spec is left with atm by having it refreshed automatically!

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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The animations for rapture and force rend clearly show them being melee attacks.


Do you even know what the animation for Force Rend looks like?


Regardless, I still say they remove dot spread and give us our self heals back.


Also - we need to go back to short duration bleeds that tick every second.

Edited by Vember
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If they are so hard set on DoT-S then the attack that does it should be Cyclone Slash/Saber sweep. We should not be limited by a CD to spread out DoT's.


What i don't like is how both Anni/Furry suffer from ability bloat, all 4 spec based skills they get are needed for rotation use along with others. There should be a replacement ability in there some place.

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I even opened my own thread about removing Force Melt/Rend, also other changes to the spec:

So I got bored and wrote this stuff. Would be nice if a dev actually read the thread and responded :)


Classwide change (through sentinel/marauder passive Jar'Kai mastery - dual wield mastery is already taken:) ): Increase Master Strike/Ravage CD to 30/36s and buff dmg by 66/100%. This would bring back the old attack that's worthy of channeling instead of clipping, also allow Combat/Carnage to have actual burst (though it's not enough to fix the whole spec)


Watchman/Annihilation changes:

Cauterize/Rupture have 12s CD and deals its DoT dmg over a 6s duration

Burning Slash/Haemorrhaging Slash: Cyclone Slash/Sweeping Slash spread a 50% weaker version of Cauterize/Rupture's dot damage (since the new Cauterize/Rupture would be harder hitting; also with this change we only have 2 dotspreading ability instead of 3)

Juyo Mastery increases the critical chance of your burn/bleed effects by 3% per stack of Juyo form (up from 2%)

Merciless Zeal/Hungering: your burn/bleed effects with critical hits heal you for 1% of your maximum health

Mind sear/Pulverize makes your Merciless Slash/Annihilate and your Slash/Melting Saber/Vicious Slash/Rending Saber finish the CD of Cauterize/Rupture with 66% and 33% chance, respectively, with an internal CD of 6s

New level 57 ability: Melting Saber/Rending Saber (use Rupture animation for Melting Saber and Cauterize animation for Rending Saber)

Deals weapon damage and elemental/internal damage (like Dirty Blast/Lethal Shot for slinger/sniper). Will act as a replacement for Slash/Vicious Slash ofc.

New level 59 passive: Force Melt/Force Rend

Each use of Melting Saber/Rending Saber builds a stack of Force Melt/Force Rend, increasing the damage dealt by Melting Saber/Rending Saber by 2%. Last 12s, stacks up to 3 times. Also Merciless/Annihilator and Juyo Mastery builds 2 stacks at a time


I'm not good at theorycrafting, so I cant attach damage values, also percentages in the descriptions are open for debate, I rather offer a gameplay change. I focused on Watchman/Annihilation since it's my main spec, I welcome any ideas for the other 2 specs from who see the flaws of those systems better.

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Do you even know what the animation for Force Rend looks like?


Regardless, I still say they remove dot spread and give us our self heals back.


Also - we need to go back to short duration bleeds that tick every second.



Your quite right, I stand corrected regarding Force Rend. I misspoke. Force Rend is indeed not a melee attack, rather a Force Attack that can be used at 10m range. Rapture is a direct melee attack within a melee range.


That said, my perspective regarding all the bleeds being able to be used outside of melee range as was suggested by the OP and my response to the suggestion remains the same (save for, obviously my mistake regarding Force Rend's description as a melee attack).

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Given as how we fight on a 2-resource system (the main one being incredibly starved even just while burning through the most basic iteration of the rotation) with an already dynamic rotation, atop of being melee, I would argue the skill ceiling is more than enough to keep even the best sentinels/marauders on their toes in order to maximize dps even on a static target. IMO only commandos have it harder, and they generally have far less stupids to stand in during an actual raid. Granted, both classes need some help in pvp so I won't comment there.


Let's face it, Melt and Rend are awful. Sure, it's a 10m attack, but so is Blade Storm. I'd rather use that first if I had the choice. I think we can also all agree Watchman/Anni at large is incredibly resource starved at times, and not being able to use our signature Ravage/MS is just icing on the cake. Removing this stupid DoT from the rotation eases the first point and outright solves the 2nd, while also forcing the player to still build up enough energy to be able to upkeep the primary rotation.

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I rather see Force Melt as replacement to Rupture, simply add the dot damage from rupture and force melt. or replacement for force scream with version of the scream that has the bleed on it,


I also absolutely despise dots that dont CD, I liked Rupture much more when it had cd too, but i guess it can be argued that have dots with no cd is usefull

Edited by Kyuuu
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I rather see Force Melt as replacement to Rupture, simply add the dot damage from rupture and force melt. or replacement for force scream with version of the scream that has the bleed on it,


I also absolutely despise dots that dont CD, I liked Rupture much more when it had cd too, but i guess it can be argued that have dots with no cd is usefull


That would be OP. In effect you'd be getting the damage of 2 attacks in one single attack, whether it be from putting both DoTs on a single "attack' (one ability), or by adding a DoT to force scream and thereby getting the present damage from force scream in addition to that from the DoT on it. It would also make keeping DoTs up seemlessly all that much easier because you'd only have to worry about reapplying the "one" DoT, for the damage of 2 DoTs because they wouldn't have to reapply the DoTs at different time intervals from each other


It would be like adding the damage from DST (TST) and vicious throw in one lightsaber throw attack.


It's too much to easy. Every other class that has multiple DoTs would be screaming for the same thing, and understandably so. You'd be turning "a" DoT into a burst because it would be 2 dots for the price of one. In the case of adding the DoT to force scream, it would make the force scream everyone else used(other specs and juggs) inferior. Force scream is a class (Sith Warrior) attack just like Ravage.


Any damage increases must be across the board for all Maras. They might define that additional damage differently between the specs ( A bleed bump for Anni, damage for on use of Gore (like it used to be), or raging blast for Fury. But the actual damage increase must be the same for all the specs. It would be unfair otherwise and be a real source of resentment.


That's how I feel about it at any rate.

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That would be OP. In effect you'd be getting the damage of 2 attacks in one single attack, whether it be from putting both DoTs on a single "attack' (one ability), or by adding a DoT to force scream and thereby getting the present damage from force scream in addition to that from the DoT on it. It would also make keeping DoTs up seemlessly all that much easier because you'd only have to worry about reapplying the "one" DoT, for the damage of 2 DoTs because they wouldn't have to reapply the DoTs at different time intervals from each other


It would be like adding the damage from DST (TST) and vicious throw in one lightsaber throw attack.


It's too much to easy. Every other class that has multiple DoTs would be screaming for the same thing, and understandably so. You'd be turning "a" DoT into a burst because it would be 2 dots for the price of one. In the case of adding the DoT to force scream, it would make the force scream everyone else used(other specs and juggs) inferior. Force scream is a class (Sith Warrior) attack just like Ravage.


Any damage increases must be across the board for all Maras. They might define that additional damage differently between the specs ( A bleed bump for Anni, damage for on use of Gore (like it used to be), or raging blast for Fury. But the actual damage increase must be the same for all the specs. It would be unfair otherwise and be a real source of resentment.


That's how I feel about it at any rate.


Um, have you ever played annihilation before 3.0? Dot tracking didnt exist, but it still was one of the hardest specs to master. And way more fun. And viable. And had better self-heals. And basically was better in every possible aspect (except that *********** aoe dmg from dotspread).

No, it wouldnt be op, that's how it always worked.

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That would be OP. In effect you'd be getting the damage of 2 attacks in one single attack, whether it be from putting both DoTs on a single "attack' (one ability), or by adding a DoT to force scream and thereby getting the present damage from force scream in addition to that from the DoT on it. It would also make keeping DoTs up seemlessly all that much easier because you'd only have to worry about reapplying the "one" DoT, for the damage of 2 DoTs because they wouldn't have to reapply the DoTs at different time intervals from each other


It would be like adding the damage from DST (TST) and vicious throw in one lightsaber throw attack.


It's too much to easy. Every other class that has multiple DoTs would be screaming for the same thing, and understandably so. You'd be turning "a" DoT into a burst because it would be 2 dots for the price of one. In the case of adding the DoT to force scream, it would make the force scream everyone else used(other specs and juggs) inferior. Force scream is a class (Sith Warrior) attack just like Ravage.


Any damage increases must be across the board for all Maras. They might define that additional damage differently between the specs ( A bleed bump for Anni, damage for on use of Gore (like it used to be), or raging blast for Fury. But the actual damage increase must be the same for all the specs. It would be unfair otherwise and be a real source of resentment.


That's how I feel about it at any rate.


how so? force melt has no up front damage it pure dot, and most the time marauder is gona have rupture and force melt on you. producing the same damage as the 2 separately, merging rupture/force melt dot damage will result in same dps out. and spamin rupture is dps lose. Vengance for juggs have bleed on there scream they have 3 dots 2 that actual skills on there own and 1 that part of scream this concept is different then what i proposing for annilation.


Deadly saber= 12cd 1127 dot over 6sec stack 3x but only after 3 attack separate attack are done

Rupture= no cd 1368- 1581 damage and 3911 dot over 6sec

Force melt = no cd 5703 dot over 15 sec


There for make merge Force melt into Force scream call it " screaming melt" or what ever it should be named would do 3322-3449 put the 5703 bleed over make 12cd like Force scream



Veng Jugg

Impale=9 sec cd 1374 bleed over 6 seconds

Shatter= 12 cd 2961-3095 damage and 4723 dot over 12 seconds

Force scream=9sec cd 4574 -4709 908 dot over 6sec


Either way Force melt should of been replacement skill not added skill every marauder class had skill replaced at high level but not annihilation. Force melt dont belong nor is what i proposing OP cause would imply vengeance is op and both parse the same it just vengeance is way easier to do it with


it also alot easier to get higher numbers on carnage then annihilation atm having no cd on skills it trap, that alot people fall in to

Edited by Kyuuu
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Bring back the skill point system that was around when level 50 was cap. Have the skill points the same amount as it was when 50 was cap (reguardless of what the new level cap will be when the expansion/ and future expansions will be).


Return marauders to their former glory (but before hutt cartel). In this era, all 3 marauder specs were viable, were fun, and played in a unique fashion from the others!


After doing so, buff other classes- (without touching marauders) and go from there.


Marauders currently just dont flow as well as they once did. Sure theres the arguement that good players make this class exceptional... But the average populace of marauder players straight up bang their heads against a brick wall trying to make this class even remotelly playable- and I doubt this is a fun experience for them.


As a canage player, i have to rely heavilly on gore ravage windows... I miss the days where everything revolved around massacre (which was my specs ultimate abilty). Honestly ravage.... All sith warriors have access to that ability... Why is that key to my spec?


But I know... What I am asking for is a pipe dream, because when it comes to bioware, all our cries fall upon deaf ears...


Not sure what type of game play you are referring to, but marauders were basically the dominant dps in the game for a very long time. That has changed, but I don't think it needs to go back there. They may need a few more tweaks, but marauders are a lot better than most people give them credit for.


As far as carnage goes...it does rely heavily on massacre. The gore + ravage days are over IMO. Ravage doesn't do enough damage anymore to make it worth wasting gore on. Its all about gore + devastating blast + vicious throw now. That and a lot of massacre spam. Of course you throw in ravage at certain times when the situation calls for it, but I'd say ravage is a lot less important now.


In regs, I really do not understand why people have such a hard time with this class. It is perfectly fine.

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I like the concept and vibe of the ability from lore pov + the animation. Maybe make it more powerful in some way, but don't remove it. For example more direct damage, a shorter dot + some debuff. Just don't remove it. Edited by Kaedusz
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Why not make Melt/Rend a passive that is applied on the last attack of Ravage? Slightly lower the dmg on Rend to account for the saved GCD and/or raise CD on Ravage. Would remove an annoying ability and would cure the abomination that is clipping Ravage for max dps.
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Love these threads.


The more the better and maybe the Devs will see sense and remove this terrible ability.

We do not underestimate it we just plain hate it.

Attach the dot onto another move like others have said ....I quite like the DST/TST idea



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My stance on any changes to watchman really rely on a single question that the Devs need to answerer.

What the hell is this build suppose to be?


Pre 3.0 we were more or less a hybrid build similar to the Vigilance Guardians. Our dots provided sustained damage/some lower burst, while we melee people down.


It seems to me that we were intended to be switched to a full dot build rather then a hybrid build in 3.0. However they failed miserably at the conversion from one set up to the next, and I have never seen a Dev. post saying this is what they intended soooooo, we are left with what the hell.


I really don't see this move going anywhere, so first I say CHANGE THE DAMN ANIMATION. Its ridiculously plain and boring.


Secondly either we need more mechanics to buff/fix our dots making us a true dot build or we need more melee burst to finish off our targets better.


Third if we go with more burst we need to revert our healing to % of health, if we go true dot increase our healing to a higher % of damage.


For example on my Dirty fighting Gunslinger its not my dots that kill you its my burst cycles. However if you look at the Serenity Shadow dot heal for 10% of damage dealt, they have a melee attack that is gained at level 41 that gives them 50/100% of damage dealt as healing, and a aoe that heals them for 10/20% of damage dealt to all targets.


Also both of these builds have a proc that allows them to use their executes at any % health, and both I believe (have not been on my gunslinger in awhile) have increased dot damage vs people below 30%


So in closing even if they fix Force Melt/Rend and make the rotation work somehow we will still be subpar in PVE, and PVP as we have no mechanics like our fellow Dot builds and they pretty much took everything that made us unique.

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Do you even know what the animation for Force Rend looks like?


Regardless, I still say they remove dot spread and give us our self heals back.


Also - we need to go back to short duration bleeds that tick every second.


So much this.

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Love these threads.


The more the better and maybe the Devs will see sense and remove this terrible ability.

We do not underestimate it we just plain hate it.

Attach the dot onto another move like others have said ....I quite like the DST/TST idea




I do like the idea of moving the DoT to TST/DST. Just keep the current damage and make the duration of the DoT equal to or less than the cooldown of TST/DST.

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I do like the idea of moving the DoT to TST/DST. Just keep the current damage and make the duration of the DoT equal to or less than the cooldown of TST/DST.


I do not think a DoT should be put on a ranged attack for a melee DPS. I get why you would want it. Obviously it would be most advantageous. But IMO (and that's all it is, my opinion) it works against the need for what Mara's have been calling for to help the class due to the melee unfriendly mechanics, and the suggestion that to help off set this deficiency, our DPS should be increased to help with the downtime that is often forced on mdps due to such mechanics. As ive mentioned in the past regarding this, giving one spec a ranged attack that helps offset this "downtime", and be able to reapply the DOT at range more or less indefinitely (resources/CDs allowing) would make the other 2 specs much less wanted.


Whatever was in the past, whatever other classes can do, as things are now, I feel it would hurt the other specs. I have no issue with the DoT itself, but the reapplication at a distance (ranged), something very un-melee about it. Ranged should have distance DoTs, that's their advantage. Somehow the idea of lobbing a lightsaber that makes people bleed (when lightsaber wounds cauterize) should involve a measure of great marksmanship (Althought the argument could be made that it is internal bleeding). To be fair defining things can be simple artistic licence, after all it's all make believe anyways!). The core of the damage done by mDPS should be done while within melee range. I'm not against throwing lightsaber's to cause damage, but to be able to effectively cause damage at range continuously without ever needing to be within melee range (even at the cost of the damage lost by other melee attacks, which obviously wouldn't be ideal), I don't think should be within the per view of a melee dps class (any melee dps class).


But again, I can certainly see the desirability of it. I get that it's not great as is for Anni, and I want anni to be more in line with earlier incarnations of it as has been clearly expressed by so many anni users since 3.0 dropped, I just don't think solving it by an "at range" element is a proper way of going about it.


Siting what other classes can do shouldn't be a full proof measure of "fair" or "OP". There have been numerous occasions where classes have had abilities that were considered "OP" by large swaths of the player base (whether in PVP or PVE) hence FoTM classes. We can see the great disparity of certain classes effectiveness in PVP compared to others. Classes with numerous stuns/CC breakers vs classes who simply can't keep up given the number of CC breakers they have at their disposal against classes who have more stuns that certain classes could keep up with with the amount of CC breakers they have.


Unless your playing an Assassin, you pretty much hate them in PVP, especially as a Mara. It's ridiculous. You get stunned, you use your one cc breaker which is than followed up by another stun you can do nothing about, they use that time to perhaps heal to full, while you are a one hit wonder with your "medpac", all while still in combat, than they maul the sh*t out of you while your still stunned. (I'm generalizing, of course). Many feel that the classes aren't balanced. I mention that only as a point to just because something is, doesn't mean it's justified, appropriate, or balanced.


Just my opinion. I'm hoping Anni get's it's due, it's deserved. Carnage and Fury too. I'm keeping my finger's crossed for all Marauders come 4.0.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just throwing this out there as food for thought. I'm sure the majority of the sent/mara is at near consensus that this move is a downright bore and really takes away from the fun of the rotation. SO, what if we requested it be treated like the T-K/Lighting DoT and just have it reapplied upon use of a certain ability?


Think about it, we just have to use that stupid move once and we can forget about it entirely. That gives us a free GCD every 2-3 Merciless/Anni windows, meaning we can just reapply Rup/Caut right after Merciless/Anni, ALSO meaning we have two free filler abilities in a row as it was before, taking us nearly back to a 2.10ish model. Welcome back Ravage/Master Strike :D


DoTspreading and general focus/rage management just got easier too. Instead of having to weasel in an energy builder between the core rotation and procced D/TSTs, now we have two turns to set things right before the next big Merciless/Anni window or Sweep/Smash.


So, would it be too much of a stretch to make this a thing? Of course damage values would need some adjustment to account for the huge DPS boost upon having an extra GCD every 4 moves, but I feel this would be a good thing all around for Annihilation and Watchman. That said I feel that as a pure melee dps class we should have the greatest dps potential in the game amidst all the additional craptastic mechanics we get to deal with, amIright? High risk, high reward has always been our MO and right now we're not seeing much reward for playing this class in any arena of the game. That could very much change with something like this though!


I'd rather they just delete the ability and bring back 2.10 build of the spec.

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