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10 Good
  1. Why not make Melt/Rend a passive that is applied on the last attack of Ravage? Slightly lower the dmg on Rend to account for the saved GCD and/or raise CD on Ravage. Would remove an annoying ability and would cure the abomination that is clipping Ravage for max dps.
  2. Agree whole hearedly with this thread. I think the boost is a good idea to let everyone level alts and so on but please make it optional.
  3. In the EULA it's pretty clearly stated that exploits can and will be punished with sentences ranging all the way up to permanent bans. Why is this not being enforced? We have all seen the naked bolster monkeys, clearly this is not intended so they are abusing a bugged mechanic, IE exploiting. Why are they not being punished? Scampering through force fields. Anyone think this is intended? if not they are exploiting, why not punish it? Bioware please use your own rules and put a stop to this if you are unwilling or unable to patch it out.
  4. They are excellent although more involved than the other tank classes. You have to cycle your cooldowns a lot more but on the upside you have very good mitigation and probably the best threat generation. A bad assassin tank is the worst tank you can have but a good one is at worst equal to the rest.
  5. There is one argument that's not been answered here I believe. If all AoE abilities hit instantly for 7k+ (with pure power/surge gear since that is all you need to Smash) on a 12s CD and an easy setup would that be overpowered? If not then make it so and leave the Smashers alone. But if it would be overpowered for other classes then maybe it is overpowered for warriors and knights as well?
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