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Obtain Nico Okarr Any Time In Gamescon


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Somebody should ask them about this at cantina tour, unless they respond here.

I know several people who have subs ending now, and they hoped they will still get Nico.


Also, do sub times gained through Referral link count?


We will try to get a direct answer tomorrow if it hasn't been answered by then.

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I find it amusing that you get nico carr AND HIS GUNS AND HIS COAT!!!


like he was gonna be naked?


All companions come with gear lol. But this is an EXTRA thing im getting right? lol


nice marketing ;)


You get his "iconic" gear, he could come in some different gear, or a gear that is bound to his character.

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So, everyone who was sub by the july 31 is just slapped in the face ? Remember when getting sub rewards meant something . Hey there was a sub reward early this year for crystals can you extend that for me? I missed it because I didn't have the money for a sub . would be really nice, since you extended this one :p its only fair to the rest of us who missed that one ;)


Get over it. If you don't have $15 start looking for a better job.

Edited by cjhab
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My first thought when I read they extended the date into August to get Nico ...

They didn't really see any subscriber increases. I would even go so far as to say the numbers fell flat.


So what do they do? Blame the poor subscription numbers on bad advertising and extend it.


But to be brutally honest ... anybody who was going to subscribe was going to do so prior to the new expansion notification. [...]


There are expected to be 350,000 visitors at gamescom - not including poeple watching the streams or reading news about the content... potential customers.

So for me a good reason to extend the rewards program.


I myself did observe an increasing number of subs. Although the 12x XP reward was poison for the number of persons willing to list for flashpoints (GF).

Edited by Margorn
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I find it amusing that you get nico carr AND HIS GUNS AND HIS COAT!!!


like he was gonna be naked?


All companions come with gear lol. But this is an EXTRA thing im getting right?


1: Usually, the gear companions come with is green-quality, level-matching gear. It gets quickly replaced.

2: This is "iconic" gear, which few of the other companions actually have. I'd say none, but it seems very likely that we'll have Theron Shan and Lana Beniko as companions very soon. Note that their "iconic" gear is already available via the CM. That's a worthwhile note, since it that means it shares an important characteristic with the promotional gear:

3: Unlike virtually all the gear your companions are given, this is gear that you can wear also.

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There are expected to be 350,000 visitors at gamescom - not including poeple watching the streams or reading news about the content... potential customers.

So for me a good reason to extend the rewards program.


I myself did observe an increasing number of subs. Although the 12x XP reward was poison for the number of persons willing to list for flashpoints (GF).


I agree with you about Gamescon. Not to include it in the beginning was very poor marketing to begin with. But adding it at the last moment seems like an act of desperation on their part and not a simple oversight.


But as for the other, was it an increase? What I saw on PoT5 was an increase in the minority faction (Repub) while the Imps seem to suffer. New players or potential returning players didn't subscribe. Instead you had current players leveling alts on the Repub faction simply because it was a good time to do it.


I can't speak of other servers as I only play on the one. And maybe other servers did see an increase. But the population on PoT5 continues to appear to decline and some of those new subscribers you think you are seeing could be nothing more than people fleeing the light population east coast servers and moving to green pastures.


I can honestly say I have seen more than one major guild on PoT5 leave that server just to get a fresh start on a server with a more rebust population.

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i wouldnt be surprised if they extended it to kinda force the folks who hit referral links on 7/31 to sub by the 10th or lose out. tbh, i can kind of understand doing that. you have a "reward" for being subbed, but they are "subbed" for free at the time. not only would they still get the reward, but they dont have to sub at all. granted, that method will be shocked for the pistols, duster, and early access, but if you were just looking for the comp then you would be ok.


I wonder, though, if nico isnt considered content for the new expansion; meaning you would need to be subbed in order to use him. either way, i dont really care what other people do with their time or what rewards they receive.


live long and pr...er, oops.

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I wish I'd known they were going to extend it. I re-subbed on the 30th just to be eligible. If I'd known I could have waited until the 9th subbed for 3 months at a discount and had enough time to do the story a couple of times before my sub ran out.


Seems weird that they extend it because of Gamescon you'd figure they knew about Gamescon when they set the original deadline. So either they're amateurs or a lot of people clicked a referral link which would have counted towards getting Nico.


No problem extending it just wish they could have got it right in the first place or done it earlier so I'd known about it.

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They have a history of restricting pre-order bonus before, so yes.

As long as it is not essential to the story, they can get away with it.


That is true, but nothing on the order of a companion featured in one of the original three trailers. I don't see this restriction sticking around permanently. There will be too much booboo-lip around here if there is a non-story specific companion that is unobtainable.

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Get over it. If you don't have $15 start looking for a better job.

What a stupid reply.

Money don't grow on trees and neither do jobs. Just because where you either are rich or have a job, doesn't mean that where he lives there are a lot of job opportunities.

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What a stupid reply.

Money don't grow on trees and neither do jobs. Just because where you either are rich or have a job, doesn't mean that where he lives there are a lot of job opportunities.


If he doesn't have $15 he isn't able to survive in the real world. 15 bucks is nothing. And there are plenty of jobs, people are just too lazy to find one. Just cable and the Internet is more than a hundred bucks a month. If he can afford that, he can afford $15.

Edited by cjhab
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Does anyone *really* think that they are going to time-restrict a companion character?


Absolutely. You may be able to get Nico later by CC or credit unlock, but you won't get him for free after the deadline.


Seems pretty cut and dry to me and makes perfect sense.

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If he doesn't have $15 he isn't able to survive in the real world. 15 bucks is nothing. And there are plenty of jobs, people are just too lazy to find one.


Yeah, sure. Keep believing it. The world doesn't work like that. Nor those "rules" apply in the same way everywhere. Where do you live? I'm curious. Cause if finding a good paying job where you live it's so easy, I'm moving there tomorrow.

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If he doesn't have $15 he isn't able to survive in the real world. 15 bucks is nothing. And there are plenty of jobs, people are just too lazy to find one. Just cable and the Internet is more than a hundred bucks a month. If he can afford that, he can afford $15.


Maybe in US, where you cable and internet market is dominated by one giant corporation.

In Europe, internet prices are something like 20 bucks per month, and not everybody has cable (we have "free" TV stations, some paid by commercials and some by monthly payment from everybody owning a TV, which is some 10 buck)


However, I agree, 15 buck is pretty much two lunches in fast food, so not that big of a deal...

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Ok so it is extended to 10 august, good to know for everyone that missed the last date.


However, it is potentially bad for people whose sub ends between 1st and 9th of August, unless BW will count people who were subbed on 31st as well for both bonuses (Nico and Early Access)

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However, it is potentially bad for people whose sub ends between 1st and 9th of August, unless BW will count people who were subbed on 31st as well for both bonuses (Nico and Early Access)


It wouldn't change early access as you have to sub the whole time for that to work, and I'm in the camp of thinking they'll still count people who were subbed on the 31st. Would be nice if we could get some clarification from them though.

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It wouldn't change early access as you have to sub the whole time for that to work, and I'm in the camp of thinking they'll still count people who were subbed on the 31st. Would be nice if we could get some clarification from them though.


I have a guildie who was subbed on 31st, but is leaving his sub lapse for August (because finals), resubbing in time to get the guns. So he would have met all the old criteria, but not the new ones


You only need to sub in those specific time to get Early Access

Edited by Aries_cz
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I have a guildie who was subbed on 31st, but is leaving his sub lapse for August (because finals), resubbing in time to get the guns. So he would have met all the old criteria, but not the new ones


You only need to sub in those specific time to get Early Access


You might want to tell your guildie he won't be getting into early access unless he stays subbed after the 10th.


From the FAQ:

"If you have an active subscription from August 10 through October 19, 2015, you will receive your Pre-Launch Reward items via in-game mail at the start of Early Access on October 20, 2015. "


From the promotional page:


"Early Access

AUG 10 - OCT 19

Choose to be a Subscriber from August 10 to October 19 to receive the Early Access Bonus Reward!"

Edited by Frybert
Clarified my opening statement.
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You might want to tell your guildie he won't be getting into early access.


From the FAQ:

"If you have an active subscription from August 10 through October 19, 2015, you will receive your Pre-Launch Reward items via in-game mail at the start of Early Access on October 20, 2015. "


From the promotional page:


"Early Access

AUG 10 - OCT 19

Choose to be a Subscriber from August 10 to October 19 to receive the Early Access Bonus Reward!"


From terms and conditions on the same page


To qualify for the Early Access Bonus, you must have qualified for each of the four rewards by being a subscriber on each of the 4 listed reward dates. Once you qualify you may enter and play Knights of the Fallen Empire on October 20, 2015, seven (7) days prior to live launch on October 27, 2015.

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