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New player loving SWTOR


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Hi Guys

Don't know if this is the correct place to post this thread, but I had to tell someone.

Just had to say that I've only been playing for just over a week and I'm loving it. Got my self 4 toons, smuggler lol 15, bounty hunter lvl 2, trooper lvl 6 and my main toon a Sith warrior lvl 27.

I'm pretty new to PC gaming and mmorpg games, so I'm always learning something new. I'm doing ok, just getting to grips with the crafting side of things. I've read a lot of info on what trades suit which profession and which elements to collect. Even sold items on the GTN. Got a stronghold up and running.

Never got the chance to play swtor when it first came out due to heavy work loads, but now that I'm retired its awesome, but there's times when something just doesn't click. Then I have to hit Google or wiki but most time I just fumble my way through. Anyway I just had to tell you all how much the game has gripped me. Hope you've enjoyed this post,

BTW I'm only 45 so I'm not that old really. I retired because of an accident I had, broke my back and damaged my neck a few years back, But it's all good now. That's why I'm getting into swtor now.


Cheers K

Edited by karljedijones
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Hello there! Welcome to SWTOR! I'm glad you are having fun. That's great to hear you already have a stronghold! Sorry about your back and neck :eek:


It's nice to see new faces around here! I for one am glad you are here :) You will enjoy many a nights in this game. There is so much to do and so much to see. Welcome to the game! Enjoy yourself! :)

Edited by Sarfux
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These posts are always refreshing.


Welcome to the Community my man and thanks for sharing your story... I'm glad you've been enjoying yourself thus far. The Old Republic is TRULY a remarkable interactive experience where anyone has the opportunity to indulge their ultimate Star Wars fantasy.


As a slightly older gamer myself at 36 (who's also seen his share of health complications), I definitely enjoy finding the time to evade the daily drudgery and delve into SWTOR whenever the opportunity arises. Something about the world Bioware has created just calms me to the core - and you'll NEVER run outta' stuff to dabble with.


Seriously, the endless amount of content within this title is baffling. Anyhow, God Bless ya in all your future endeavors and I hope the health stays solid. Needless to say, I keep finding myself comin' back for more, since SWTOR only gets better with time invested.

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Welcome Aboard!


Can you tell us all what server you are on? I don't know if any of your toons are in a guild yet, but if they are not you need to find some that can work with you. Plus being in a guild does have some perks - especially if they already have the basics of a guild ship.


As for your stronghold, I am assuming to picked one of the cheap faction based units on the faction's capital world? These are quite small but can get your feet wet.


I will forewarn you though, if you are into crafting you may want to focus on one character at a time. Trying to level multiple characters at once plus level their crafting is going to get crazy expensive. I want to say the last crafting skill I learned, armstech, cost me somewhere around 1 million credits just to learn all the schematics from the crafting vendor. That doesn't even count the ones that are only found as loot drops or companion missions and you may have to buy on the GTN (galactic trade network terminals if you didn't know it). Also to jump from 400 - 450 in the crafting tree is 10k credits. And to jump from 450 - 500 is another 50k credits. This is not an easy task for a starting player especially if they are trying to level multiple toons with multiple crafting lines.


But this is also where a good guild can come into play. If they know you are a new player, they will likely give you the hand up (and not a hand out) to help bring you online to be an asset to their guild. This also opens the door to Conquests (if your guild is taking part in that).

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Hey. Glad you like it. Yeah I think the appeal of the game to new players is still rock solid. I wasn't much of a SW fan when I came across the game last November. I had just got tired of my old leisure time waster game and was looking for another, searched for free MMOs with lower system requirements and this one came up first. It immediately grabbed me with the story and lore. Once I got passed the transition from a point and click strategy game to my first non-console RPG and MMO, I subbed and haven't regretted it since.


My one piece of advice for you, being new, is to take the time to do the side quests. There are some with relevant lore to the overall game story out there you'll miss out on if you just do the 12x class missions.

Edited by Bobs_YourUncle
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BTW I'm only 45 so I'm not that old really. I retired because of an accident I had, broke my back and damaged my neck a few years back, But it's all good now. That's why I'm getting into swtor now.


I feel for you have had those injuries as well, i have come over from another MMo world of warships....lovin' it so far and it is more fun than WoW, I started gaming at around your age and find it relaxing...and a great way to get over aches and pains...the only learning curve set backs I've had are the GTN and mining the datacrons, the crafting part is a little difficult to master for now, but I'll get the hang of it, err, I hope, LoL.

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Hi Guys,

Thanks for all the advice for SWTOR.

The answer to some questions are, I'm on The Red Eclipse server. I'm not in a guild yet but I want to get the basics under my belt before I make myself look really stupid in front of a whole guild. I'm only working on one toon really, my Sith Warrior called Torkzin level 29, my crafting skill Artifice are all around the 250 mark,

There is so much to take in, it's just fantastic. I've been doing every mission I've come across and side missions. The Devs have gone to so much time and trouble to put them there it would seem wrong not to explore them. I'm enjoying trying to get Datacron's and the history that it explains is really good. I've done a few space missions and got ny star fighter with most grade 3 upgrades. But I'm not going to try the Warzone of Flashpoint missions until I understand what I'm doing.

BTW, I'm having a bugger of a job doing a couple of the Heroic 4 missions, they just waste me in seconds. It's the Balmorra missions that I'm getting stuck on. I've left the Heroic side till I get a higher level then I'll come back for some pay back.

So again thanks. Hope to see some of you guys out and about .

Cheers k:)

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Hi Guys

Don't know if this is the correct place to post this thread, but I had to tell someone.

Just had to say that I've only been playing for just over a week and I'm loving it. Got my self 4 toons, smuggler lol 15, bounty hunter lvl 2, trooper lvl 6 and my main toon a Sith warrior lvl 27.

I'm pretty new to PC gaming and mmorpg games, so I'm always learning something new. I'm doing ok, just getting to grips with the crafting side of things. I've read a lot of info on what trades suit which profession and which elements to collect. Even sold items on the GTN. Got a stronghold up and running.

Never got the chance to play swtor when it first came out due to heavy work loads, but now that I'm retired its awesome, but there's times when something just doesn't click. Then I have to hit Google or wiki but most time I just fumble my way through. Anyway I just had to tell you all how much the game has gripped me. Hope you've enjoyed this post,

BTW I'm only 45 so I'm not that old really. I retired because of an accident I had, broke my back and damaged my neck a few years back, But it's all good now. That's why I'm getting into swtor now.


Cheers K


Welcome to the community, you've joined us at a right time, the game has improved a lot since launch, I was around for the changes but I hope you keep on enjoying this brilliant game! SWTOR is a game I prefer over most other MMORPGs because I'm a star wars fan to the heart, I hope you feel the same about the game!

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Hi Guys,

Thanks for all the advice for SWTOR.

The answer to some questions are, I'm on The Red Eclipse server. I'm not in a guild yet but I want to get the basics under my belt before I make myself look really stupid in front of a whole guild. I'm only working on one toon really, my Sith Warrior called Torkzin level 29, my crafting skill Artifice are all around the 250 mark,

There is so much to take in, it's just fantastic. I've been doing every mission I've come across and side missions. The Devs have gone to so much time and trouble to put them there it would seem wrong not to explore them. I'm enjoying trying to get Datacron's and the history that it explains is really good. I've done a few space missions and got ny star fighter with most grade 3 upgrades. But I'm not going to try the Warzone of Flashpoint missions until I understand what I'm doing.

BTW, I'm having a bugger of a job doing a couple of the Heroic 4 missions, they just waste me in seconds. It's the Balmorra missions that I'm getting stuck on. I've left the Heroic side till I get a higher level then I'll come back for some pay back.

So again thanks. Hope to see some of you guys out and about .

Cheers k:)


Well, heroic missions are group content, you need more people to do it, like heroic 4 means you need 3 more people (including yourself) and heroic 2+ basically says you can do it in a group of two or more.

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Hi Guys,

Omg I'm on Tatooine, it's amazing. The games just gets better and better. I've got quite a few upgrades at the moment so I'm holding my own. Even got some purple gear, yeh.

Again Thanks for the advice on the Heroic missions, thought I was doing something wrong.

Anyway I'm on my way to the Dune Sea, I've even packed a picnic, so I can make the day off it.

Cheers k


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Hi Guys,

Omg I'm on Tatooine, it's amazing. The games just gets better and better. I've got quite a few upgrades at the moment so I'm holding my own. Even got some purple gear, yeh.

Again Thanks for the advice on the Heroic missions, thought I was doing something wrong.

Anyway I'm on my way to the Dune Sea, I've even packed a picnic, so I can make the day off it.

Cheers k



There are a lot of awesome looking planets and each one has a good storyline!

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BTW I'm only 45 so I'm not that old really. I retired because of an accident I had, broke my back and damaged my neck a few years back, But it's all good now. That's why I'm getting into swtor now.


Since you are younger than me I can say welcome little Padawan and enjoy the game as much as I do (OMG since 3,5 years now Oo).


You will see a lot of amazing places and I can assure you the story is amazing!!!!

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Since you are younger than me I can say welcome little Padawan and enjoy the game as much as I do (OMG since 3,5 years now Oo).


You will see a lot of amazing places and I can assure you the story is amazing!!!!


Wow, 3.5 years? Wait do you have the founders title or were you not around for the event?

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Hi Guys,

Since you mentioned titles, I've got a few but how on earth do you equip them. I can only find them on the legacy window / sheet thing. Just that when I click them nothing happens. Story off my life. Nothing ever happens, but back to the titles, could someone explain to me how to equip them please.

BTW, had a lovely day on the Dune Sea, there was so much to do, killing Jedi's, aliens life forms and the local wildlife.

I've got my Sith warrior upto level 32 so far, but I've been on it most of the day, that mission where you go to the old mines to find that alien life force took me ages, but well worth doing.

Still learning something new everyday.

Cheers k


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Hi Guys,

Since you mentioned titles, I've got a few but how on earth do you equip them. I can only find them on the legacy window / sheet thing. Just that when I click them nothing happens. Story off my life. Nothing ever happens, but back to the titles, could someone explain to me how to equip them please


Greetings. I don't have the game open in front of me at the moment, but from memory...open up your Character screen (default "C"), and somewhere off on the top Left area near your name, you should see some sort of button that will enable you to access your naming choices. You will see some sort of drop-down for all the titles you've unlocked, as well as a checkbox to display your Legacy surname or not.


Happy Sithing. :hope_02:

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