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Can I solo the Dread Masters storyline at 60?


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So I know absolutely nothing about the Dread Master storyline as I only played the game around release and only recently resubbed...In my path to 60 I did my class story, then Makeb, then Forged Alliances, then SoR, then Ziost. So I'm a level 60 operative with 190 ziost gear and my companion has the high level set from Yavin 4 weeklies.


Anyway, I was looking at https://i.imgur.com/vEA2Z4A.png which is a graph of the storylines of the game.


Can I do the Dread Master storyline solo? My understanding is it is the following:


1) Karaaga's palace

2) Explosive Conflict

3) Terror from Beyond

4) Section X

5) Seeker droid quest

6) Scum and Villainy

7) Oricon

8) Dread fortress

9) Dread palace


Now obviously I can solo the zones, but most of these are Operations. But the way MMOs often work is that when you outlevel stuff, the guys can't even hurt you. So I was wondering if I could solo this whole storyline with my character? (I realize I might need to invite a friend simply so I can form an OPs group)

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Short answer : no.


The level 50 npcs (almost) can't hurt you, but you usually need multiple players at some point or other. The level 55 parts can definitely kill you.


Also, you need an ops group to even get into an operation phase, and you can't bring companions withyou no matter what.

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No you can't. The lower level 50 OPS boss probably won't be able to hurt you, but the mechanics require multiple people and the mechanics can kill you. The same is said with the 55 ops, except the bosses actually will be high level enough they can fairly easily damage and kill you.


For the lower level 50 ops, I've heard some of them being possible with 2 people, but you can't get around some of them.

Edited by Nickious
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So I know absolutely nothing about the Dread Master storyline as I only played the game around release and only recently resubbed...In my path to 60 I did my class story, then Makeb, then Forged Alliances, then SoR, then Ziost. So I'm a level 60 operative with 190 ziost gear and my companion has the high level set from Yavin 4 weeklies.


Anyway, I was looking at https://i.imgur.com/vEA2Z4A.png which is a graph of the storylines of the game.


Can I do the Dread Master storyline solo? My understanding is it is the following:


1) Karaaga's palace

2) Explosive Conflict

3) Terror from Beyond

4) Section X

5) Seeker droid quest

6) Scum and Villainy

7) Oricon

8) Dread fortress

9) Dread palace


Now obviously I can solo the zones, but most of these are Operations. But the way MMOs often work is that when you outlevel stuff, the guys can't even hurt you. So I was wondering if I could solo this whole storyline with my character? (I realize I might need to invite a friend simply so I can form an OPs group)


no flashpoints is one thing, soloing an operation meant for 8 people is entirely different story. there are mechanics that require groups regardless of level. All operations have some sort of "puzzle" boss that require a group to complete (usually 2nd or 3rd boss)


EV is the pylon puzzle

KP is the droid and "towers of hanoi"

EC is the mine field

TFB is Operator ix

snv is the shady dealer

DF is the gate commander

DP is calphayous as well as dread masters themselves


all are impossible to complete solo or even with a partner usually 4 or 5 minimum to complete (some require all 8)

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No you can't. The lower level 50 OPS boss probably won't be able to hurt you, but the mechanics require multiple people and the mechanics can kill you. The same is said with the 55 ops, except the bosses actually will be high level enough they can fairly easily damage and kill you.


For the lower level 50 ops, I've heard some of them being possible with 2 people, but you can't get around some of them.


All the lvl 50 ops are two manable. The only one you can have problems with is Soa and his mindtraps.

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Does Karagga's Palace have anything to do with the Dread Masters? I don't remember that, but then again I tend not to pay much attention in Ops cutscenes as everyone is always chatting away about this and that.



Also, the story begins in the Belsavis Imperial planetary quest, don't forget that bit.

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I don't think it is part of the story but you need four people or it cannot be completed.


It can be done with three. Much to my surprise I was part of a team that did it the other day. Don't ask me what the chap did though, as I was manning the left-hand clicky spot and couldn't see him.


It isn't central to the story, but it is kind of a connected part of it.

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1) Grab all the one time quests for Ops (this is where most of the cutscenes are)

2) Do KP by spamming during prime time LF 7 others (any role). Since you are leader they can't complain if you watch the cutscenes. Turn in one time. Repeat for EC.

4)Do Oricon Questline up to DF (make sure to click on bridge

3) Do TFB, SnV, and DF via GF.

4) Turn in.

5) Go to Oricon go to panel outside DP and click.

6) Do DP via GF.

7) Turn in

8) ?????

9) Profit

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Does Karagga's Palace have anything to do with the Dread Masters? I don't remember that, but then again I tend not to pay much attention in Ops cutscenes as everyone is always chatting away about this and that.



Also, the story begins in the Belsavis Imperial planetary quest, don't forget that bit.


no KP is more SnV and Makeb story arch.


KP is about Karagga, in Makeb they reference loss of Karagga as main Hutt.

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I don't think it is part of the story but you need four people or it cannot be completed.


Actually my guild and I 3 man the Aurora Canon all the time but you have to have at least 3 to complete. We generally 2 man it till the final puzzle thing then call out for a 3rd or 4th for the easy complete.

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No you can't. The lower level 50 OPS boss probably won't be able to hurt you, but the mechanics require multiple people and the mechanics can kill you. The same is said with the 55 ops, except the bosses actually will be high level enough they can fairly easily damage and kill you.


For the lower level 50 ops, I've heard some of them being possible with 2 people, but you can't get around some of them.


I have two manned every lvl 50 op on 8 man. its very possible and its possible with at least one of you in 186 gear with no augments (which is what my friend was using)


you will have some occasional issues with enrage timers/resets and you absolutely need to know the mechanics of individual fights. explosive conflict in particular is going to be pretty rough (and at least one of you will preferably be ranged). but its definitely possible.


lvl 55 ops however? not really.


All the lvl 50 ops are two manable. The only one you can have problems with is Soa and his mindtraps.

amusingly enough, friend and I two shot Soa and the only reason we died the first time is becasue I screwed up the placement of those falling steps, we fell too far and died.


puzzle boss on the other hand? we had to redo like 5 times before we got it, becasue it actualy has a limited time you can complete it before it resets.

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the dread masters are behind everything that happens in KP, SnV, and Makeb


i don't remember them ever being specifically called out or referenced. I don't remember them ever being referenced until the end of EC with Kephass.

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i don't remember them ever being specifically called out or referenced. I don't remember them ever being referenced until the end of EC with Kephass.


They were mentioned in KP I think, as the reason for the Hutt attack that result in strike team being dispatched to deal with Karragga.

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They were mentioned in KP I think, as the reason for the Hutt attack that result in strike team being dispatched to deal with Karragga.



Due to the increase in power by the Dread Masters, the Hutt Cartel felt threatened and chose to move aggressively to enter the Galactic War. The Republic and Sith Empire both chose to respond to this threat, sending a strike team to Karagga's Palace on Nal Hutta to confront the Supreme Mogul regarding his actions.

Information recovered during the raid revealed the role of the Dread Masters in prompting the Hutt Cartel's newfound aggression, placing the Republic and Sith Empire on guard against the new threat.


so the hutts werent controlled by the dread masters, only acting because of them.

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Fappa if by chance you're playing on the shadowlands or harbinger (imp side), I'd be more than happy to group with you for the OP. I've never done one, and that particular story is one I'd like to finish. I've got lvl 60's on shadowlands, and my BH on harbinger is currently lvl 52 (wearing a full compliment of the old lvl 50 Makeb purple mods).
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A lot of people vastly underestimate how easy it is to do the 50 ops. You don't need to learn mechanics, except how to do the 3 puzzles, and SOA. Other than that, there's just a couple of don'ts, like don't stand in the fire, and don't hit more than 1 in the EV council fight. As a concealment operative, I'm constantly "tanking". Being 10 levels over the mobs gives you something like a 95% resist chance. Then, even when they hit, in rage, it's not that hard. Remember, they were designed with tanks having only like 15k HP. The real tricks come from learning how to do them better, and doing hard and nightmare mode. One quick example is the tanks in EC. Instead of burning them evenly, focus on the right one. Don't bother with adds either. The enrage mechanic and adds are completely trivial, but double destruction can actually sting. ( Or on hard/NiM will 1 shot you. )


The 2 of us could probably do them naked, lol.


Fappa if by chance you're playing on the shadowlands or harbinger (imp side), I'd be more than happy to group with you for the OP. I've never done one, and that particular story is one I'd like to finish. I've got lvl 60's on shadowlands, and my BH on harbinger is currently lvl 52 (wearing a full compliment of the old lvl 50 Makeb purple mods).


You can add Syzygies to your friend list on Shadowlands. Me and a guildie 2 man the 50 ops all the time. ( Same goes for OP if they are on SL of course. )


EDIT: Almost forgot. There's virtually no story in the ops OP. You get a bit from the quest leading into it, which you can do solo. And usually a tiny tidbit at the end. For the most part though, it's "Hey something came up. Can you go kill these guys?" Then you kill the guys in the ops. Then it's "Thanks for killing those guys. You can go back to what you were doing before." Don't stress missing out on those.

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