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New image from the gameplay trailer coming tomorrow ( POTENTIAL SPOILERS )


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You seem NOT to be aware of what spam posting entails.


Quite the contrary: you posted the same thing twice, under identical names. According to the forum rules, intentional duplicate posting like that is considered "spam."


And, you love to be condescending to me every time you quote a post I've made. I'd like to think that for the most part I post either useful, interesting, or amusing things. There's no need to be rude.

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Quite the contrary: you posted the same thing twice, under identical names. According to the forum rules, intentional duplicate posting like that is considered "spam."


Report the thread and allow the mods to decide then, I guess. It should be noted however that no one, other than you, took issue with it. Throughout more than a couple of pages.


I do wonder why.


And, you love to be condescending to me every time you quote a post I've made. I'd like to think that for the most part I post either useful, interesting, or amusing things. There's no need to be rude.


It's all in your head. I pointed out you were wrong on a couple of occasions, and now it seems you took it personally, as if I was attacking you.


Kindly grow up, please. You can't be right all the time.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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No Marr no!! Wait it's just taken out of context right!? Valkorion is just inviting Marr to tea at noon tomorrow, right? It has to be!


Oh I see, our characters will jump in and save Marr here? That has to be it. Marr can't die. He just can't! *begins crying* DON'T KILL MARR! I have a feeling that I'm going to be upset tomorrow.


*sigh* I know what's coming. R.I.P. Marr. You'll always be my favorite.


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No Marr no!! Wait it's just taken out of context right!? Valkorion is just inviting Marr to tea at noon tomorrow, right? It has to be!


Oh I see, our characters will jump in and save Marr here? That has to be it. Marr can't die. He just can't! *begins crying* DON'T KILL MARR! I have a feeling that I'm going to be upset tomorrow.


*sigh* I know what's coming. R.I.P. Marr. You'll always be my favorite.


Remember this blog entry? :D


Heavy foreshadowing. The chopping block is calling.

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Remember this blog entry? :D


Heavy foreshadowing. The chopping block is calling.


Excuse me while I hit the liquor store, curl up in a corner and weep. He will be my fav forever.


While I am seriously bummed, I trust that it will be done "right" and, besides, we all know that revenge and anger and powerful motivators. xD They won't know what hit 'em when I am unleashed upon their sorry rear-ends!


Also, I appreciate the screen shot and the info! I am so hungry for news and info about the new expansion. Even the stuff that I may not like, because the fact that I feel a connection to these characters is just an example of the good writing BW is capable of.

Edited by Sillon
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While the evidence is pretty strong, it does seem like Valkorion is saying Marr or whoever speaks to him is mistaken in calling him "The Sith Emperor", I also notice that when he defies him, Marr calls him Valkorion. Why? Did he learn that the Vitiate name a fake identity and is such calling him by his real name? Is Valkorion more than just Vitiate in a new body?

I'm curious.


EDIT: Why does Marr says Valkorion fears death if he is Vitiate? Vity is immortal now, isn't he? Is simply saying that everything he did, pretending to build a better civilization has only been to make sure he will never be forgotten (Even if he cannot die, there could come a time when people don't fear or remember him for whatever reason, to Vitiate it would be equivalent to dying (Especially if he has lost his influence over the galaxy at this point). Is Marr talking about that or are we too quick to assume that Valkorion simply is Vitiate? Or is Marr mistaken and Valkorion is Vitiate and doesn't actually fear death?


Edited by Leklor
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EDIT: Why does Marr says Valkorion fears death if he is Vitiate? Vity is immortal now, isn't he?

Precisely because of that I guess. fear is an irrational thing.


"He who is all-powerful should fear everything."

- Pierre Corneille: Cinna


ps. And yes, duplicate posts fall within the usual definition of spam posting and are forbidden in most forums.

Edited by Karkais
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Why does Marr says Valkorion fears death if he is Vitiate? Vity is immortal now, isn't he?


It's the same thing as with Ra's al Ghul in the Batman universe. Even if he has somehow cheated death, the fear of death is present.


An approriate quote from Bruce Wayne from the Batman Beyond episode "Out of the Past":


I take it back. You don't cheat death. You whimper in fear of it.
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I don't think they are the same(valk = vitiate) but anything is possible.



I do wonder who the Mother is. Remember Vitiate would often go into seclusion from the Empire which Marr mentions in the video and Valkorion/Vitiate says Zakuul was his focus


Edited by typenine
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It's the same thing as with Ra's al Ghul in the Batman universe. Even if he has somehow cheated death, the fear of death is present.


An approriate quote from Bruce Wayne from the Batman Beyond episode "Out of the Past":


Haven't seen that episode. I'll take your word for it and I'll thus consider that Marr is saying something along these lines.

However, until I hear someone openly says to Valkorion "You are Vitiate" and him answer without any word-twisting "Yup, dude, that's me.", I'll reserve my judgement.

Trailers are allowed to lie somewhat.

And there's something that makes me curious. The video claims that these sounds are datamined from the first Chapter of KOTFE but previews said we first encountered Arcann and Thexan at the end of Chapter 2, got carbo-frozen and then woken up after Thexan had bitten the dust? Did the people writting the previews assumed far too much? Anyway, I'm curious and excited about KOTFE more than ever.

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I must say that confirmation that Valkorian is Vitiate massively increased my desire to play this expansion. When I saw the KOTFE trailer first time I got seriously scared becouse having a new SUPERPOWERED EMEROR!!! GRRR!!!, was stupid beyond reason and a sign of bad and unimaginative writing, and if that were the case I would seriously leave all the hope of having even decent storytelling in this game and quite possibly quit playing.


Now when my fears are dispersed (phew...) I must admit that this made me really interested in Vitiate as character for the first time, becouse untill this he always seamed like Nihilus copy, lame ripoff of Obsidian's character, who only wants to devour the galaxy, with only difference that he isn't controlled by hunger like Nihilus is (which actually made Nihilus interesting - hyper powerful , but cursed and in agony).


Now, as Vitiate said on Ziost, he isn't interested in consuming everything anymore, but has a different vision right now, which with emergence of his Zakuul Empire assures my thought that he has some kind of god complex and is probaly decided to shape galexy in to his vision of "perfect" state, which got me hooked to find out what that vision really is and what his current plans really are. :)


That shows that they have, quite possibly, finally made an interesting villain out of him, amd I will be very grateful if that is really the case. So, in this light, I am an optimist concerning the expansion . ;)

Edited by Pavijan
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I must say that confirmation that Valkorian is Vitiate massively increased my desire to play this expansion. When I saw the KOTFE trailer first time I got seriously scared becouse having a new SUPERPOWERED EMEROR!!! GRRR!!!, was stupid beyond reason and a sign of bad and unimaginative writing, and if that were the case I would seriously leave all the hope of having even decent storytelling in this game and quite possibly quit playing.


Now when my fears are dispersed (phew...) I must admit that this made me really interested in Vitiate as character for the first time, becouse untill this he always seamed like Nihilus copy, lame ripoff of Obsidian's character, who only wants to devour the galaxy, with only difference that he isn't controlled by hunger like Nihilus is (which actually made Nihilus interesting - hyper powerful , but cursed and in agony).


Now, as Vitiate said on Ziost, he isn't interested in consuming everything anymore, but has a different vision right now, which with emergence of his Zakuul Empire assures my thought that he has some kind of god complex and is probaly decided to shape galexy in to his vision of "perfect" state, which got me hooked to find out what that vision really is and what his current plans really are. :)


That shows that they have, quite possibly, finally made an interesting villain out of him, amd I will be very grateful if that is really the case. So, in this light, I am an optimist concerning the expansion . ;)


Agreed, it makes him an interesting character, finally.

I just hope they'll explain why he was dicking around on Ziost. Maybe he needed his strength back to return to Zakuul or whatever.

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