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Could the Voss be able to repel the Eternal Empire like they did with the Sith?


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As we know they are the most advance force users in the galaxy could they be capable of defeating the Eternal Empire? What do you all think?


How are they the most advanced force users? Also I don't know how they repelled the Sith in the first place, was that ever elaborated?

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How are they the most advanced force users? Also I don't know how they repelled the Sith in the first place, was that ever elaborated?


Really have you seen them they can see the future quite clearly I might add they can heal as bosses and pretty much do things with the force that other force organizations we know of did not. It was like a force nuke on their fleet pretty much made their fleet explode, really explode.

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First off, I highly doubt they're the most advanced. Several Force users have historically been gifted with foresight. That being said, the Eternal Empire mopped the Empire and Republic up pretty easily simultaneously. If if the Voss knew they were coming, I don't think they'd be able to defend against it.
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First off, I highly doubt they're the most advanced. Several Force users have historically been gifted with foresight. That being said, the Eternal Empire mopped the Empire and Republic up pretty easily simultaneously. If if the Voss knew they were coming, I don't think they'd be able to defend against it.


They destroy their fleets in orbit like they did with the empire. Also that advanced no I did not saw any force user besides Kreya who can be that good.

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How are they the most advanced force users? Also I don't know how they repelled the Sith in the first place, was that ever elaborated?

Their mystics saw each move the Empire would make before they made it and easily counteracted all of them. Basically swatted them away like flies.

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How are they the most advanced force users? Also I don't know how they repelled the Sith in the first place, was that ever elaborated?


They're capable of reliable (stated to be infallible) broad precognition. They saw the Sith Empire coming and so took them by complete surprise and fragged the invasion fleet.


They are cryptic and don't always have the details but you cannot get strategic surprise on them. A side effect of this is that their troops have religious fanatic morale. There's one mission where a commando team calmly sacrifices themselves because that's what was always going to happen.

Edited by Canareth
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They still would likely fall to the Eternal Empire because of its sheer power


Doubtful sheer power lets be honest they still had the sith empire and the Republic to fight with and if the trailer is a proof its that they suffered heavy casualties.

Edited by adormitul
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How are they the most advanced force users? Also I don't know how they repelled the Sith in the first place, was that ever elaborated?


There's a codex on Voss that elaborates on it, although it doesn't really explain anything. Apparently it was pretty mysterious. Here's the text of the codex:


"When the Empire first learned of Voss–a primitive world with powerful Force-sensitive Mystics–it was quickly marked for conquest. “Ambassadors” sent to the capital reported that Voss-Ka appeared wholly undefended. Soon after, the Imperial General Khypes arrived with a battle cruiser and several army divisions to demand that the Voss surrender. Before any official communication could be sent to the Voss government, Khypes’s battle cruiser exploded. Its escorts were destroyed moments later, whether caught in the cruiser’s blast or eliminated through other means. The invasion was over before it had begun. In the hours that followed, both Imperial and Republic forces scrambled to determine what had happened. No trace of an energy discharge was found, suggesting planetary defenses were not involved. The Empire suspected Republic sabotage or secret Voss weapons. The Republic theorized that the destruction was the result of Sith infighting. The Voss called it destiny. Regardless, the Empire realized it had underestimated the Voss and hastily recalled its forces, claiming General Khypes was a rogue acting without orders. Soon, the Empire began to attempt more diplomatic overtures to the Voss people."

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There's a codex on Voss that elaborates on it, although it doesn't really explain anything. Apparently it was pretty mysterious. Here's the text of the codex:


"When the Empire first learned of Voss–a primitive world with powerful Force-sensitive Mystics–it was quickly marked for conquest. “Ambassadors” sent to the capital reported that Voss-Ka appeared wholly undefended. Soon after, the Imperial General Khypes arrived with a battle cruiser and several army divisions to demand that the Voss surrender. Before any official communication could be sent to the Voss government, Khypes’s battle cruiser exploded. Its escorts were destroyed moments later, whether caught in the cruiser’s blast or eliminated through other means. The invasion was over before it had begun. In the hours that followed, both Imperial and Republic forces scrambled to determine what had happened. No trace of an energy discharge was found, suggesting planetary defenses were not involved. The Empire suspected Republic sabotage or secret Voss weapons. The Republic theorized that the destruction was the result of Sith infighting. The Voss called it destiny. Regardless, the Empire realized it had underestimated the Voss and hastily recalled its forces, claiming General Khypes was a rogue acting without orders. Soon, the Empire began to attempt more diplomatic overtures to the Voss people."















It all makes sense now...

Edited by ChazDoit
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The attack was just a diversion for the Emperor to get his hands on a Voss


Yeah but they still lost a small fleet why would they destroy it themselves and then try so much to get them as allies with the emperor remaining imprisoned on Voss.

Edited by adormitul
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Yeah but they still lost a small fleet why would they destroy it themselves and then try so much to get them as allies with the emperor remaining imprisoned on Voss.


The Emperor simply wanted a Voss to be a voice and to experiment and didn't care for the Voss invasion, later the Emperor went into seclusion but the Empire needed Voss as an important planet

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It's hard to say. There's some evidence in the game that implies that the Voss Mystics' visions are somewhat fraudulent, in that they aren't really things that they predict happen, so much as they foresee something (allegedly) and then the Voss populace forces the vision to come true, rather than wait for it to occur on its own. Supposedly they made the Imperial fleet disappear, but as a previous poster pointed out, the circumstances behind it are incredibly vague.


The Eternal Empire may also simply have no interest in the Voss, since they're an incredibly small population that mostly wants to keep to itself.

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Just to clarify, the Imperial vessels invading Voss exploded on their own, the Voss didn't "repel" anything. And their military is not very impressive to begin with for that matter. Edited by ChazDoit
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Just to clarify, the Imperial vessels invading Voss exploded on their own, the Voss didn't "repel" anything. And their military is not very impressive to begin with for that matter.


Yeah because that is not strange at all and right when they wanted to attack almost at the same time. How could that happen I wonder the force has nothing to do with it right?

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IMO, it is heavily implied the Star Cabal was behind the failed Imperial invasion. The unexpected destruction of the battle cruiser is highly reminiscent of the events surrounding Operation Starbender for example.



Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Yeah but they still lost a small fleet why would they destroy it themselves and then try so much to get them as allies with the emperor remaining imprisoned on Voss.


Firstly, why would the Emperor care about even a huge fleet being lost? He's not just the Emperor, he's a mad emperor who doesn't give a single damn about the Empire. The entire 'invasion' of Voss, as said above, was a diversionary attack in order to get his hands on a Voss in order to implant himself into it.


Secondly, again as said above, The Star Cabal was instrumental in the failure. Because of them, they infiltrated the Voss Mystics, and managed to completely divert their attention by giving them a fake prophecy no not make a decision about the Republic or Empire for.. however many months/years it was. Good job on their part. Made us completely waste our resources, time and effort for nothing.


Thirdly, the Voss are hardly the most 'advanced' force users. They're not even good. They have 1 single power- the ability to 'see the future' or prophecy, which is at best partly useful, and at worst completely diversionary and easily misunderstood. And only a minuscule % of Voss have this power. The only reason the Sith are interested in them is to basically imprison some and get them to read the future, not that it'd do us any good because anyone who has ever read a fantasy novel that involves prophecy knows just how useless prophecy is. (looking at you, Terry Goodkind fellow fans)

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Firstly, why would the Emperor care about even a huge fleet being lost? He's not just the Emperor, he's a mad emperor who doesn't give a single damn about the Empire. The entire 'invasion' of Voss, as said above, was a diversionary attack in order to get his hands on a Voss in order to implant himself into it.


To quote Vitiate himself:

These petty conflicts mean nothing. The concerns of this galaxy are MEANINGLESS.

^^ Such a nice guy he is. :D

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I don't want them to go away. Mystics see the future, their visions are hard to interpret though. I just know that the voss really are the most powerful force users in the swtor universe, being able to see the future 100% accurately and being "gray."
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To quote Vitiate himself:


^^ Such a nice guy he is. :D


Haha, indeed. Although to put myself in his boots I can understand it :rak_04:

He's extremely nearly a god, and once he is we will be bugs under his boot.

I also love how he described it, how when he has that power, when he becomes a god, he will explore the Universe, visit and ignore galaxies and lifeforms and he sees fit. Nothing matters to him except what he wants to matter. Must be liberating

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I don't want them to go away. Mystics see the future, their visions are hard to interpret though. I just know that the voss really are the most powerful force users in the swtor universe, being able to see the future 100% accurately and being "gray."


Couldn't disagree more lol.. they have one singular power, and that alone is not 100% accurate, easy to misinterpret and manipulate, and if they can see the future.. why couldn't they see that the Star Cabal was infiltrating their ranks to subvert their entire power? Sorry, the Mystics see what ever they want to see. I could do without their pretty useless powers

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I don't want them to go away. Mystics see the future, their visions are hard to interpret though. I just know that the voss really are the most powerful force users in the swtor universe, being able to see the future 100% accurately and being "gray."


lol, what? head canon doesn't count here.


if they are so strong, the SI wouldn't have been able to just casually eat one of their ghosts, or fry one of them without even a fight.


Their healing powers require the sacrifice of life to function, their prophesies are murky at best... and that's about it. They don't even display feats of telekinesis, which even the most inexperienced padawan can manage.

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