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RP Community Wish List


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All I really want is for Bioware to do something about the horrible names on Rubat Server, I've seen names that refer to sexual positions with humans and animals...and children. I've seen names that refer to sexual parts and even some that ..mix the two. When reported the name does not get changed, and RPers are stuck looking at Bukkaecream Pie or Idoitdoggy Style. Is this really what the Legacy name is for?


I know people that can't be creative..try for shocking, but really. I chose to play on a RP server to escape these types of names and now they are everywhere on Rubat Crystal and ..heaven forbid if you say anything to these people, then half of General is there to defend them! How do you defend names like...like those above?


I want a real RP server, one with a naming guideline that is enforced. But I guess that is too much to ask.

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Don't count on any naming guidelines, they have so many servers about, getting a dedicated GM team to moderate them is looking pretty slim. Just ignore those small annoyances, it's not easy at first, but as RP'er in a MMO you have to get used to such stuff.


What we really need is more options to facilitate actual RP, instead of punishing non-RP'ers (which, as I said, we can do just by ignoring any provocations). Dice rolls are pretty high on my list, any more organised event with heavier RP elements is doomed to failure without such a system. Not to mention the system itself is fairly simple to implement, especially since they obviously have an algorithm to generate their random numbers (as evidenced by loot rolls for one); I'm bemused how it's not in, to be honest.


Sitting on chairs, apparently this system is in as well - you can sit in your ship's cockpit chairs. Again, I'm completely at a loss as to why this can be integrated in one area of the game, but not in all of them. They could just have made all chairs interactable, no need to even code a proper emote in!


Social clothes, I can't see the "get to level 50 and you have plenty of options" justifiable. They already have plenty of models in the game (how many variations of Imperial Trooper Amour have we seen on NPC's?) they just need to make them accessible, no stats or anything; just the ability to wear them. The thing with the CE vendor is, to say the least, incredibly unwise. It's obvious only a RP'er would be interested in such armour, a CE owner can be rewarded with something else (say, an Imperial Commando armour or something).


All in all, it's obvious from a mile that this game was definitely NOT designed for RP in mind. Not only that, it does its best to hinder RP with all of the hurdles it puts in place. Literally anything designed to help us would be welcome at this point.

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Im NOT a RP hard case


I mostly do a very light hearted RP at best of times


But man, when it comes time to cancel account im Telling BW point blank they losing my account in large part to their refusal to have a enforced naming policy on RP servers.


I put well over 20 people on ignore today because of their names because Bioware will not give us a REAL RP server. All we have is a PVE server with the words Role Play put ahead of it.


And the communities have fallen because of it IMO


Tonight I got to listen to some guy type out in great detail about having oral *** with his sister (before I put him on ignore very quickly) and sure enough at least 6 people whose names DONT pass the smell test responded with vulgarity, crude unoriginal curse ladden responces.


I firmly beleive if Bioware just enforeced names, all of these players would have rolled on a PVE server where quite frankly you dont bat a eye at that type of behavior!


I actually reported some names on day 1 (I just assumed they would enforce names like EVERY OTHER AAA MMORPG BEFORE THEM) and got responces back


These names are deemed unoffensive and ticket has been closed




I dont want to walk down Droman Kaas and See

Darth Bunny'rabbit

Darth Campbellsoup (thats actually a real character name on a RP server)

Darth Force_Joke

Captain Captain Captain

Lord Lord Lord



None of these are acceptable names for a RP Server and DO BREAK IMMERSION which is what RP servers are suppose to be about


And what happened to not allowing Cannon names?>


Ive seen Vadar (so its misspelled, its no fooling anyone)

Ive seen Reven

Ive seen Obi-one

Ive seen Lukeskywalker

List goes on and on on RP Servers


AGAIN, PVE server, PVP server and I dont even bat a eye, its to be expected and is in the expected rules and design of those servers


NONE of the above fit on a RP server.


And while we at it, WTH is with letting people put Darth, Lord, Master, Padawan, Apprentice in their names! I have seen Lord Darth'Revan in game.


Im so disappointed in Bioware and Lucas and EA for not monitoring and establishing even a minimal amount of COMMON SENSE towards naming.


Whats worse is they have Mythic working with them and Mythic had a EXCELLENT naming policy for their DAoC RP Servers.


They didnt spend man hours hunting down bad names, they let the players enforce the names and report them


Once reported they looked at name, If it wasnt in standards of what players expect on a RP server, they emailed the person to submit 5 alternate names


If those names acceptable and available it was changed to one of them

If they were not acceptable (always some idiot thinks they make outragious choices and they will get to keep the original bad one) Mythic would simply assign a new random name (that was acceptable) to character and move on



And btw Bioware, your delussional ifyou dont think this is causing issues and problems in game. I saw othe rnoght some people attacking some player whose names was Ravenstorm, stormraven, something like that for not being original and fitting for Star Wars.


OK, its a pretty common fantasy elf name and there was obviously no thought put into it, still I didnt see what was so bad about it.


So after she/he/it was attacked over name. She/he/it tried to deflect the negative attention by attacking other players not even in their conversation for their names (which were more creative then hers/his/its).


So yes, you lack of presence on this front is causeing issues and ruining the enviroment out there.


Today, for the first time ever in 21 years of MMORPG playing, I turned off General chat because it was so ultimately insulting, vulgar, unfunny, crude, rude, childish for 2 hours.


Which sucks because im a very social gamer who likes to answer questions and have mature discussions over general chat


I can say, beyond any doubt, I have NEVER seen that junk so prolonged on a RP server before today


And it all comes back to you all NOT DOING YOUR JOB as should be expected and required in a MMORPG.


Very very very disappointed in this topic

Love TOR the game but I dont see myself staying long term once Im finished playing out the stories if this is the type of community you encourage on RP servers Bioware.

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Kalfear, whine less and report the people that cuss and harrass other players in General chat. Unlike the Ravenstorm name, they ARE breaking the EULA they agreed upon when installing the game.


That is also a good way to let it go by. Live and let live and accept and adapt. Don't be RP police, be community police.

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I have a story to tell.


Yesterday, I started slagging on a guy called Pwnzor in general chat - slightly bad of me, but his name is obviously against the naming rules:


You may not use names that contain an inappropriate phrase, sentence or any fragment of a sentence or Leet speak, e.g. uberhaxer, xxspeederxx, lolface, rofl, Noobwhacker, TimmyF**k, kock, fuk.


So, then, to my surprise, he tells me it's not the first time he's reported - and that actually, he's been waiting eagerly for the GMs to come along and finally change his name.


This makes me very sad. I'm trying to be proactive and report names that I know are blatantly against the naming rules, but hearing that someone with that kind of name can go unreprimanded for god knows how long really puts me off. Why should I bother reporting all these names when the developers aren't going to do jack **** about them?!

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There is a Sith Warrior on Rubat Crystal named BukkaeCream Pie, now he misspelled it, but we all know what he was referring to... I have reported this name twice now, my entire guild reported this name when they saw it...and today I get a droid response telling me that name was deemed unoffensive ..as was Idoitdoggy Style. Why bother with RP servers if you allowing this...behaviour?
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put mechanics into the game to help promote player created content. Such as, bounty boards, crafting jobs, transport jobs, basically help players create their own quests for people to complete. This would be great for guildies too.
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I like the idea of RP flag, maybe make an item sold on Social vendors like the Imperial Marker for 1k Creds that can be purchasable, and when you want the RP flag you click it and it flags you for RP.


Chat bubbles definitely I've rped a couple of occasions and its not hard but its annoying spending time reading your chat box more so then actually watching for actions in game.

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I'd like to see the implementation of inter-player chats. As in, select another player, or auto-include every player in a party, and move to the quest dialogue view while typing to each other. Change camera focus/direction based on the most recent speaker, with random occasional shifts from head-shots to a long-shot. Depending on how Bioware are handling the lip movements (quest specific or dialogue reactive) you could even get approximate 'flap matching', although that's not a necessity. Wouldn't add a great deal of code to the game, and would give RPers another immersion tool. Edited by DrWill
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Regarding no Cross Faction Chat ... I think this needs to be relaxed ... sure ... keep the limitation in place for General, Trade etc ... but for custom chat channels which groups of people use, we need to allow cross faction chat in them.


Examples for why:

1. When I'm playing with my Imperial, I still want to talk to my friends who are on their Republic characters. The current limitation makes this very anti-social and dis-encourages me from playing my imperial because I can't talk to my friends.

2. Communicating with role-played enemies of the opposing faction to organise cross-faction role-play.


I'd also like to see the ability to send cross faction tells where both people have the other as their friend.


MMORPGs are supposed to be social games ... lets allow some social interaction!

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I'd like to add "Neutral relics" to this list.


Before I realized that there were no neutral relics, I used to RP my Chiss bounty hunter true to her values, i.e. execute her contrats efficiently and profitably, in a manner that benefits 1) her, 2) her companions or the Chiss and finally 3) the Empire. Sometimes the Light answer fit her personality, sometimes the Dark one. She sometimes refused contracts that were offensive to her (there was one to kill a maximum amount of padawans: she turned that down, as to her there is no honor or value in killing the weak).


But since there are no neutral relics, I have had to turn on the alignment-tracking feature for the answers (the one that shows whether answers give you Light or Dark points), and now I pick Light answers, regardless of what she feels about the options. Having to track points to avoid ending up with a gimped character, stats-wise, is breaking the RP immersion, as I can't simply choose answers according to what my character would really decide.

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The usual stuff in the wishlist which is a shame, because if people want want this stuff from a variety of games, time and time again, it should really have been here from the start.


That said, I would like a costume overlay that lets a character appear as


a.) a hologram




b.) dead, one with the force, obi wan style, etc


I think these would offer a lot of RP options.

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One thing i would ask at first place is more clothing to ssocial vendors.. Altho when EA logo is involved it tends to get "no money, no stuff" kind of thing like Sims 3..


I mean only female formals on Republic and on imperial Male formals... And guess what.. My rep char is male and Imp is female -_-


There should also be more option on orange items.. Like in mission rewards there are 2 differently named jackets as a reward.. Both look the same but have diff name and mods. Why not have diff models for em?


Other than that a tighter moderation of RP servers naming policy would be greatly apreciated.

I care not to see some Jedi name Ltkeeskywalkee running n jumping and so on...


Your other ideas are quite good as well.

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I applaud your initiative. It is good to see members of the community step up and give it their best for improving the quality of the forums and community as a whole.


In the short period that I’ve been here, I’ve noticed that people have a tendency to not look through what the forums already offer in content and instead blindly add more topic. Your topic will hopefully reduce this clutter.


If well managed, your thread gives a good summary of what the community wants. It’s important to centralize what a society wants around a single point; whether this is in ruling nations, business models or something as simple as a roleplaying community. Not only for the members of development, but also for community members to see what points have already been raised and which have not been.


One of the most beneficial aspects of this thread, though, is that it shows that the roleplaying community is at least slightly more mature than other parts of the community. If an employee reads through the forums and gets all our strong wishes on a silver platter, it will reflect good on us and might provide us more help in the future. It befits the roleplaying community that it wouldn’t spam entire forums and instead give it’s wishes in a condensed readable package.


However, more threads increase visibility of the issues we are facing. Already, in another thread , people are discussing the merits of quote-unquote ‘whiny’. A singular title buried under a pile of constructive or non-constructive threads might not stand out as much. It would therefore be reasonable to presume that the more titles of the same nature appear, the more urgent the problem will seem.


Perhaps more importantly, by making each thread an individual discussion, you have a clear, singular topic of discussion. I think that coherent discussion within this thread of summary will be largely impossible and/or unmanageable. Everyone wants to make their points to the best of their ability, but discussing the individual points will only lead to a cluttered thread, rather than a cluttered board.


With both sides of this mental exercise in mind, my conclusion is the third option; take both. Not that anyone suggested otherwise, but I think it would be good to make a few changes in this thread to reflect the above contemplations. Unlike with other community forums, where in fear links are abolished, the Bioware forums always allow linking. Because of this, it would be highly recommendable to give links from one thread to the other to show that certain discussions are in (already) in progress. It still gives us a central point and summary of the community’s wishes, while still allowing discussion on singular topics.


To keep this list fairly unbiased, you should add that certain points are consensus and others are still under discussion. For example, I hugely disagree with putting up a naming policy and the suggestions on cross faction communication. Not to mention that you can present your own wishes as wishes of the community.


Were you to put these suggestions into your thread, I am convinced it will dramatically change it’s efficiency for the better.


Hail to the Emperor!

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There is a Sith Warrior on Rubat Crystal named BukkaeCream Pie, now he misspelled it, but we all know what he was referring to... I have reported this name twice now, my entire guild reported this name when they saw it...and today I get a droid response telling me that name was deemed unoffensive ..as was Idoitdoggy Style. Why bother with RP servers if you allowing this...behaviour?


Appeal it again. If they do the same thing ask to speak to a CSR leader or team lead.


I had to do this in LotRO. The problem with CSRs are they are a bunch of associate degree programers, usually with a certain social disorder that have a tendancy to behave unprofessionally.


There is really no way for BioWare to screen these people to perfection. So what you'll end up with is a CSR who is all butthurt about having his WoW toons name changed and then decides to reject all naming violations in another game he works.


In LotRO there was a guy named himself Sixsixsix which was an utter violation of the naming policy. When it didn't get changed I reopened ticket and asked to speak to the CSR lead. It got changed shortly thereafter.


I told my story in the LotRO forums and it turns out this particular CSR was bad about not changing names and that on another server a different csr had changed a name called Sikxsikxsikx. It's obvious the Sixsixsix should have been changed the first time but I probably got ahold of some Black Metal fanatic CSR that didn't want to change it.


If an obvious naming violation doesn't get changed don't think that is the end. You gotta think of CSRs like cart pushers at your local wal-mart. They are hardly the authority and they are hardly the most reliable members of the team.

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Chat issues are a top priority, in my opinion. The general chat channel is not localized enough to be of any use. Even without RP, it is next to impossible to talk to the person right in front of me.


Just about given up on the general chat channel and its turning me into an isolationist.


Create another tab and with just /say in it.

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More "Alien" Skin Tones: The variety of species available in the Star Wars universe can be represented by a simple skin tone change, specifically humanoids. However, even such species as Zabrak still follow a more neutral tones and lack some of the more alien colours.


Great idea.



More Playable Species: This I think will come in time, but walking around the Galaxy seeing how many species exist in game only seems to be a reminder of how few playable species there actually are, especially the more "alien" species.


Agreed. I am mildly annoyed I can't be a Wookie Bounty Hunter.



More Social Clothing: It's very limited the type of items out there that can be worn as social clothing, having attended a "Cantina Night" it was pretty clear how many people had been forced into the same clothing.



Meh. I can sort of see this but there are options LOADS of them.



Naming Policy: A more pro-active approach to reducing the non-RP names on RP servers would be very much appreciated by the RP community. Obviously there is a manpower issue here at this stage, but hopefully this is something that will be addressed in future (which in my opinion would mean they should have it in place now even if it is not enforced).


Yes and NO. Many legit RP names will get lumped in by players who think RP is synonomous with scandanavian/anglo saxon medieval times and are incapable of thinking outside that box. The only names that should break immersion fall into the category of "gamerish" as in "darthlol" and "jedicutie" etc.


If someone wants to be called "Blade" or "Gwennae" it's the same thing to me.





Chat Bubbles: Any place where there are a number of RPers talking at once eg. a social area like a cantina, or an RP event, the text box scrolls at a ridiculous rate. Having experienced this first hand our group was forced to go into an Operations group so we could talk (meaning we weren't being social with people around us).






Sitting on Chairs: A big deal for most. especially those who frequent cantinas, but even for those wanting to RP in other buildings or generally not have to constantly be stood up. Having tables in a cantina is pointless if you have to stand next to the chair; it feels ridiculous.



Amen brother



Remove/Lower the Instance Switch Cooldown: For anyone who has organized masses of players before in an event, either a server event or trying to organize stuff between various guilds, the cooldown is going to be a real problem and hinder RP events. I have no idea why this restriction/cooldown is even in place.



This has implications on PVP servers that it doesn't on PVE/Normal RP. It warrants more thought although the point you make is valid.



Having an "RP" Flag: Not everyone is in character 100% of the time, and sometimes we do like to just play the game. So it would be useful to have an RP flag up so that others know "Hey, I can approach this person and RP with them."


% Code for Emotes: In WoW/SWG it was possible to use the %t in an emote and it would put in the name of whoever you were targeting. A really nice little feature that made RP more accessible.



yes and yes



/slash Dice Rolls: A lot of old school RPers come from a tabletop RP background, where dice are frequently used to show the randomness of different encounters/choices/results when it comes to RP. A simple /roll100 or /roll20 would be a great feature that the RP community can use.



Bit cold on this one. I'm not against it, but I don't like it either.



Biography Tab: RP is a social medium and players like to make it obvious to the players they are RPing with if there is anything they may know/should be able to identify about the person they are RPing with. A publicly viewable 'Biography' tab when click someone would be an excellent addition.



Great idea, I'm sure I mentioned this exact same thing in that whining wheel thread.



Cross Faction Communication: I'd propose keeping the no-CFC settings as they are by default, so as to keep with BioWares approach that this will reduce harassment (the main reason it exists). However, I would like to see:

  • Cross Faction Emoting
  • A "White List" (see below)



Logically, everyone should be able to understand each other. My character can understand everyword an Ugnaught says or any other alien.


On the other hand it's good to keep the factions seperate, we don't want them sorting out peace or some other abominable cease fire now do we?

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One thing i would ask at first place is more clothing to ssocial vendors.. Altho when EA logo is involved it tends to get "no money, no stuff" kind of thing like Sims 3..


I mean only female formals on Republic and on imperial Male formals... And guess what.. My rep char is male and Imp is female -_-


There should also be more option on orange items.. Like in mission rewards there are 2 differently named jackets as a reward.. Both look the same but have diff name and mods. Why not have diff models for em?


Other than that a tighter moderation of RP servers naming policy would be greatly apreciated.

I care not to see some Jedi name Ltkeeskywalkee running n jumping and so on...


Your other ideas are quite good as well.


Gonna have to TRIPLE agree with the naming policy. I think it's absurd anytime a company releases a game without RP servers and it's almost as bad when they have no strict naming policy for the RP servers.


However BioWares general naming policy for the entire server set is pretty friggin good if it just got enforced. I appealed a couple of names like Justjesusandme/etc only to have the ticket closed and see these people running around trying to stir up attention at the Republic Fleet.


That name is a clear violation of pretty much every naming policy ever implemented in an MMO, especially by BioWares RoC, so hth is it that it's still running around?


I think the problem is less about the actual naming policy that BioWare has and more about CSRs that for some reason refuse to do their job.

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One thing i would ask at first place is more clothing to ssocial vendors.. Altho when EA logo is involved it tends to get "no money, no stuff" kind of thing like Sims 3..


I mean only female formals on Republic and on imperial Male formals... And guess what.. My rep char is male and Imp is female -_-


There should also be more option on orange items.. Like in mission rewards there are 2 differently named jackets as a reward.. Both look the same but have diff name and mods. Why not have diff models for em?


Other than that a tighter moderation of RP servers naming policy would be greatly apreciated.

I care not to see some Jedi name Ltkeeskywalkee running n jumping and so on...


Your other ideas are quite good as well.



I was a bit disappointed at the lack of clothing styles on orange items as well. I've been trying to put together a really nice looking orange outfit for my Inquisitor but was really disappointed to find the higher level styles I'm seeing are the same ones that were used on non-orange items on a planet I just left. Even the style for a purple item I have is the same as the style for a green. I'm not just interested in the stats for an item, but style and stats is something I am interested in.

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